Is A Top Secret Document Concerning Nuclear Capabilities of a Foreign Country Trump's Personal Property?

Is A Top Secret Document Concerning Nuke Capabilities of Foreign Country Trump's Personal Property?

  • Yes, he can do no wrong

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No. What are you, nuts?

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-b-b-b-b-b-but Biden!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So, it is simply an accusation.
That's exactly what I thought.
Damn, G sure didn't want to say that I think.

Everyone knows it is a simply an accusation.

Just like everything the GOP has claimed about Biden is simply an accusation.

How most people view those accusations seems to be based on their party loyalty
Not everyone knows.
G in particular.

It seems also a lot of Trump supporters do not know since few are saying he did not do the things listed, just that is it not fair to charge him when Hillary and Joe were not charged.
Based on the laughing face - I now believe that GG does not know what an indictment is.
One of the 31 counts under the Espionage Act with which Donald J. Trump is being indicted involves his possession of a document concerning the nuclear capabilities of a foreign country.

The Presidential Records Act, which everyone who has an opinion about this should read, says that a former President may take his personal property home with him, but any documents in his possession are government property and must be turned over the custody of the Archivist upon leaving office.

Once the records are in the custody of the Archivist, the former president may be granted access to some records upon request for purposes of building a presidential library or for help aiding in the writing of a memoir, etc.

This Top Secret document had to be forcibly taken from Donald Trump. He hid it, along with several boxes of government property, including 30 other classified documents, from the government.

I would like to know who believes a Top Secret document which could cause grave harm to our national security bleevs this is Donald Trump's personal property.

The fact is, several people, including Biden, were in possession of classified documents and the DOJ thought it was no big deal one day but the next day all of sudden it's a crime for one person but not the others.
One of the 31 counts under the Espionage Act with which Donald J. Trump is being indicted involves his possession of a document concerning the nuclear capabilities of a foreign country.

The Presidential Records Act, which everyone who has an opinion about this should read, says that a former President may take his personal property home with him, but any documents in his possession are government property and must be turned over the custody of the Archivist upon leaving office.

Once the records are in the custody of the Archivist, the former president may be granted access to some records upon request for purposes of building a presidential library or for help aiding in the writing of a memoir, etc.

This Top Secret document had to be forcibly taken from Donald Trump. He hid it, along with several boxes of government property, including 30 other classified documents, from the government.

I would like to know who believes a Top Secret document which could cause grave harm to our national security bleevs this is Donald Trump's personal property.

Poor MAGA is hanging their hat on classified national security documents being 'personal records' of Trump.

Good fucking luck.
Simple question:

Was the document declassified with classified markings on it?

No. Trump admitted that he hadn't declassified the document when he was showing off and waving the plans for invading Iran at Bidmenister. None of his friends had security clearances either.
The fact is, several people, including Biden, were in possession of classified documents and the DOJ thought it was no big deal one day but the next day all of sudden it's a crime for one person but not the others.
Except that is not a fact, it is pure unadulterated fantasy.

Several people, including Biden, did not show intent in hiding those documents. Several people, including Biden, did not move those documents in an attempt to cover up the fact they had them. Several people, including Biden, did not brag about having those documents and then purposefully show them to people who were not authorized to see those documents while crowing about knowing full well the documents were classified.

The fact is Trump is blatantly guilty here and there is no evidence whatsoever that Biden has done anything remotely similar. Unfortunately Trump supporters rarely, if ever, care about actual facts.
Poor MAGA is hanging their hat on classified national security documents being 'personal records' of Trump.

Good fucking luck.
They are not even doing that anymore. Not really at least.

The evidence is so damn blatant in this case that the only thing left is to simply deny reality altogether. It must be fabricated, falsified and a grand conspiracy.
"Nuclear capabilities of a foreign country"? Who benefits from knowing that information? Is it based on some old CIA junk estimate going back to the 70's? Remember the CIA hasn't been on top of any important issue since WW2. A scarier scenario is a doddering old fool with his thumb on the nuclear button and democrats seem fine with that concept.
Except that is not a fact, it is pure unadulterated fantasy.

Several people, including Biden, did not show intent in hiding those documents. Several people, including Biden, did not move those documents in an attempt to cover up the fact they had them. Several people, including Biden, did not brag about having those documents and then purposefully show them to people who were not authorized to see those documents while crowing about knowing full well the documents were classified.

The fact is Trump is blatantly guilty here and there is no evidence whatsoever that Biden has done anything remotely similar. Unfortunately Trump supporters rarely, if ever, care about actual facts.
Sure they had intent. For God sakes man, the DOJ raided Biden's garage and took classified documents, same as what happened to Trump in Florida, the DOJ raided and took documents. And, Miss Hillary purposely deleted 30,000 emails after receiving a court order to retain them. What would you be saying if Trump had done that? You would have indicted him on 30,000 counts.
The fact is, several people, including Biden, were in possession of classified documents and the DOJ thought it was no big deal one day but the next day all of sudden it's a crime for one person but not the others.
Actually the importance is directly proportional with how long and hard they had to fight to get the documents back under government control.

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