Is a trade war with China a good idea?


Mar 1, 2018
What made the USA great in the 20th century was the great industrial revolution. We had the Ford Model T, the microprocessor, the internet, the operating system, fast food, etc.

We don't want to be like Africa and just make food and live in villages. That is why we need to innovate like we did in the 20th century and not blame China for our economic short comings.
Your title does not seem to be augmented by your opening post?

Nonetheless, we innovated....they stole.
How can you attempt to deal with a thief on a level playing field?

Is a trade war with China a good thing?

It is definitely a good thing if we still can "innovate". But Americans will soil their panties over the dramatic rise in prices in the short term, being punch drunk on the low cost of Chinese goods. Americans only see the short term, especially the young. Instant gratification is demanded.
That is incompatible with strategies that actually benefit the nation IN THE LONG RUN.

China will eventually be industrially castrated the same was Japan way in the 70's and 80' other Asian or world nations with cheap labor get in on the bandwagon and industrialize. But since China is a Communist Dictatorship, it will take longer.

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