Is America Going to Hell?

Gloom and doom 24/7 will make you think so. Tyvm, mega rich greedy idiot Pubs, for ANOTHER depression. Thank God the Dems were there FAST this time. Only cost 4-5 trillion to avert the worst, despite Pub mindless obstruction, fear mongering, and LIES.

Could someone please translate this from idiot to English for me? Thank you for any help.
Gloom and doom 24/7 will make you think so. Tyvm, mega rich greedy idiot Pubs, for ANOTHER depression. Thank God the Dems were there FAST this time. Only cost 4-5 trillion to avert the worst, despite Pub mindless obstruction, fear mongering, and LIES.

Could someone please translate this from idiot to English for me? Thank you for any help.

Sure- you're a brainwashed 50% chance racist ugly American fool of greedy lying a-holes who wrecked the world. Change the channel. Luvya, Nite!.

A culture in decay; a divided, hyphenated-America; a school system that places a higher priority on kids' "self esteem" than on preparing them for the intense competition of the real world; and Americans lining up to literally sign away their rights.

The apologists can defend this all they want. They're either lying (meaning it's what they actually want) or in deep denial.

[ame=]Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Repeal the BILL OF RIGHTS to Support the President - YouTube[/ame]
We're all getting screwed, people!

More and more peeps are on food stamps. Getting a job is really getting hard. Everyone's getting fat. Commercials are more annoying than ever. Public schools suck. Our border is so incredibly insecure its laughable. Leakers get punished for telling big truths. Its ok to hit people who disagree with ya. The biggest news channels in America are taken over by political groups. Politicians dont give a crap about us and use us like pawns. The media convicts people before all the evidence is laid out. Our economy is being destroyed. Groups think they can riot just because a court ruling or trial doesnt go their way. People demonize the power of solar energy. There's no real equality in America. We're drowning in debt. Parties care more about voter numbers than principles. Terrorism is called workplace violence. Sexual deviancy is going crazy. Needy morons with bad ears drive around at night and shake houses with their stupid loud boomboxes. We need to pull out of all wars. Politicians keep making promises and weaving lies.

It's spiraling out of control. Yanno, its like its hopeless because all around you these injustices keep happening. So much preening, bluster, and tough talk but no resolution!

Clinton screwed the respect of the Presidency and anything with legs but Obama has screwed the nation for years to come. Let's hope the United States doesn't have to endure yet another Democrat presidency, the trend...well, it sucks.

I'm sorry but there isn't going to be another president. This is it. I doubt he will finish his second term before the Russians hit us. It's at the door now I believe.

- Jeremiah
Geez you guys are a whiny bunch! Our nation survived alot tougher times than these. Glad you guys were not around during WWII. Hell, the 60s makes today look like candyland. Whats different is all you whiners can congregate in one place and reinforce your paranoid fantasies.

We like to think of it as realistic as opposed to Democrats bend over and cough...

No, i think alot of you guys want it to happen. And 50 years from now there will be a whole new generation of whackaloons predicting the downfall of the USA just like people have been doing every decade since our country was founded.

I don't want it to happen but it isn't up to me so there's not alot I can do about it. I believe you are mistaken. Never in the history of America has there been so many who have said, this is the end - we can see it. The fact that you deny seeing it tells me 1) Your not being honest 2) You are not facing reality.

Why is there so much chatter in Mexico about the coming invasion of America? Why is there so much chatter in Cuba about the coming invasion of America? ( including Castros prediction a couple of years ago that America would be hit with nuke strike ) Why did the Iranian nutcase Achminijad - spout off about the nuclear destruction of America in the near future?

Why were there two Russians even on this very board mocking us over the demise of America as if they were salivating for it to happen? Because they know it's coming. That's why. The word is out.

The communists have ALWAYS had big mouths and overplayed their hands. ( part of that deadly pride thing they've got going on - they can't help themselves ) It never fails - they've done it again - the Russians and Chinese are planning an invasion of USA with the help of Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico as footsoldiers crossing our borders. That is coming so whatever you have to do to prepare yourself for that day I'd advise you do it now. Getting right with the Lord should be the FIRST thing. - J.

Note* Middle Easterners know about the Russians plan as well. Years ago an online friend of mine from from ME boards told me her ex husbands family who lived in Lebanon were begging her to take the children and move to Lebanon. They said they were told about a planned attack & invasion of America and that if she and the kids didn't get out before it happened they would never get out.
Geez you guys are a whiny bunch! Our nation survived alot tougher times than these. Glad you guys were not around during WWII. Hell, the 60s makes today look like candyland. Whats different is all you whiners can congregate in one place and reinforce your paranoid fantasies.

We like to think of it as realistic as opposed to Democrats bend over and cough...

No, i think alot of you guys want it to happen. And 50 years from now there will be a whole new generation of whackaloons predicting the downfall of the USA just like people have been doing every decade since our country was founded.

Yeah, pretty much. 50 years ago there were folks saying the same and 50 years before that. No matter what, there will always be people who think this way. If they want to live in perpetual anticipation of disastor, let them.

"But you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction. "
P. F. Sloan 1965
We like to think of it as realistic as opposed to Democrats bend over and cough...

No, i think alot of you guys want it to happen. And 50 years from now there will be a whole new generation of whackaloons predicting the downfall of the USA just like people have been doing every decade since our country was founded.

I don't want it to happen but it isn't up to me so there's not alot I can do about it. I believe you are mistaken. Never in the history of America has there been so many who have said, this is the end - we can see it. The fact that you deny seeing it tells me 1) Your not being honest 2) You are not facing reality.

Why is there so much chatter in Mexico about the coming invasion of America? Why is there so much chatter in Cuba about the coming invasion of America? ( including Castros prediction a couple of years ago that America would be hit with nuke strike ) Why did the Iranian nutcase Achminijad - spout off about the nuclear destruction of America in the near future?

Why were there two Russians even on this very board mocking us over the demise of America as if they were salivating for it to happen? Because they know it's coming. That's why. The word is out.

The communists have ALWAYS had big mouths and overplayed their hands. ( part of that deadly pride thing they've got going on - they can't help themselves ) It never fails - they've done it again - the Russians and Chinese are planning an invasion of USA with the help of Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico as footsoldiers crossing our borders. That is coming so whatever you have to do to prepare yourself for that day I'd advise you do it now. Getting right with the Lord should be the FIRST thing. - J.

Note* Middle Easterners know about the Russians plan as well. Years ago an online friend of mine from from ME boards told me her ex husbands family who lived in Lebanon were begging her to take the children and move to Lebanon. They said they were told about a planned attack & invasion of America and that if she and the kids didn't get out before it happened they would never get out.

You must have Red Dawn playing on an endless loop at your house. Wolverines!!!!
Mark my words. The Russians are going to do a nuclear strike on USA. It is not a matter of IF but WHEN.

I'm not responsible to convince you of a thing. You'll find out youself here before long. Problem is by then it will be too late.

Will the nuclear attack wipeout the american population? No, I think they will do a limited nuclear strike - kill millions but most of us will still be here for the invasion - which will be the moment when ( if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior ) you'll wish you had perished in the initial strike.

The world will be as stunned as you when it happens so you won't be short on company.
In Red Dawn, there was no nuclear attack - neither were there Chinese, Cuba, Mexican and Nicaraguan troops invading by land and sea - as there will be for the real attack Russia has planned against the United States Of America. know they have medication for ya'lls severe depression.

I'm not depressed over it. It is what it is. But if I were you I'd be depressed over it because your state ( California ) is one of the states the Russians plan on striking. The other 3 are Florida, New York and Nevada. Good luck. Sounds like you'll need it.

Mark my words. The Russians are going to do a nuclear strike on USA. It is not a matter of IF but WHEN.

I'm not responsible to convince you of a thing. You'll find out youself here before long. Problem is by then it will be too late.

Will the nuclear attack wipeout the american population? No, I think they will do a limited nuclear strike - kill millions but most of us will still be here for the invasion - which will be the moment when ( if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior ) you'll wish you had perished in the initial strike.

The world will be as stunned as you when it happens so you won't be short on company.

Do you have a fallout shelter? If I bring the anti-depressants, can I get in? know they have medication for ya'lls severe depression.

I'm not depressed over it. It is what it is. But if I were you I'd be depressed over it because your state ( California ) is one of the states the Russians plan on striking. The other 3 are Florida, New York and Nevada. Good luck. Sounds like you'll need it.



I thought it was a surprise. How do you know what States they plan to attack?
I've got everything you'll ever need except the anti depressants! lol... if there is an attack you re welcome to come on over if you can make it out here. - J. p.s. don't ever take SSRI's - they are synthetic drugs and won't ever leave your body. VERY dangerous stuff that accumulates in the brain and liver. The liver cancer is going through the roof due to SSRI's that do irreversible damage to the liver. What it does to your brain is even worse. What do you think all the mass shooters were on when they went on their shooting sprees? Zoloft, prozac, SSRI!

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