Is America Going to Hell?

In Red Dawn, there was no nuclear attack - neither were there Chinese, Cuba, Mexican and Nicaraguan troops invading by land and sea - as there will be for the real attack Russia has planned against the United States Of America.

If the Russians don't get us I heard chatter about something else. I had an online friend that told me that an alien invasion is comming. They plan to put huge spaceships over every major city on earth. The only way to stop them is for Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith to plant a computer virus in their computer system. You also need Randy Quad to figure out how to take out the ships.
Geez you guys are a whiny bunch! Our nation survived alot tougher times than these. Glad you guys were not around during WWII. Hell, the 60s makes today look like candyland. Whats different is all you whiners can congregate in one place and reinforce your paranoid fantasies.

We like to think of it as realistic as opposed to Democrats bend over and cough...

No, i think alot of you guys want it to happen. And 50 years from now there will be a whole new generation of whackaloons predicting the downfall of the USA just like people have been doing every decade since our country was founded.

The BIG difference is that no previous President had the evil intention to "fundamentally transform America", because they all knew that making such obviously treasonous declaration to a population whose mind has not been poisoned by unionized teachers from early childhood, would not have stood for it. know they have medication for ya'lls severe depression.

I'm not depressed over it. It is what it is. But if I were you I'd be depressed over it because your state ( California ) is one of the states the Russians plan on striking. The other 3 are Florida, New York and Nevada. Good luck. Sounds like you'll need it.



I thought it was a surprise. How do you know what States they plan to attack?

It's a surprise to you. Not me. I've known for years this was coming. Most Christians I know - also know about it.

The people who are going to perish are those who are not praying to God right now and living for him. If you are living for him now and are in a right relationship with the Lord you don't need to worry about it - go on about your life and keep doing what you're doing.

In the day of disaster - God is going to keep you according to Psalms 91. If you are a christian and have not yet left Fla, NY, California or Nevada - seek the LORD as to whether or not you should do so.

I know that the Lord will deliver many in those states like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo so if it is a matter of not being able to afford to leave God will keep His own people alive no matter where they are. You won't even have the smell of smoke on your clothing if youre His. In this case the smell would be like rotten eggs - that is what nuclear fallout smells like I'm told. Sulpher.

I'm glad I'm able to share this so that the communists who read this will understand later on why America couldn't be taken for communism. It just wasn't ever in Gods plan for America to be a communist nation. He'd rather destroy it, clean it out and start over. You guys have a great day! - Jeremiah
We like to think of it as realistic as opposed to Democrats bend over and cough...

No, i think alot of you guys want it to happen. And 50 years from now there will be a whole new generation of whackaloons predicting the downfall of the USA just like people have been doing every decade since our country was founded.

The BIG difference is that no previous President had the evil intention to "fundamentally transform America", because they all knew that making such obviously treasonous declaration to a population whose mind has not been poisoned by unionized teachers from early childhood, would not have stood for it.

Doesn't matter now. The LORD raised up a nation within a nation that are homeschooled Christian children and will be here to start over after the Russian - Chinese invasion. They were never tainted with Marxist doctrines. That is Americas future after God cleans house here.
I'm not depressed over it. It is what it is. But if I were you I'd be depressed over it because your state ( California ) is one of the states the Russians plan on striking. The other 3 are Florida, New York and Nevada. Good luck. Sounds like you'll need it.



I thought it was a surprise. How do you know what States they plan to attack?

It's a surprise to you. Not me. I've known for years this was coming. Most Christians I know - also know about it.

The people who are going to perish are those who are not praying to God right now and living for him. If you are living for him now and are in a right relationship with the Lord you don't need to worry about it - go on about your life and keep doing what you're doing.

In the day of disaster - God is going to keep you according to Psalms 91. If you are a christian and have not yet left Fla, NY, California or Nevada - seek the LORD as to whether or not you should do so.

I know that the Lord will deliver many in those states like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo so if it is a matter of not being able to afford to leave God will keep His own people alive no matter where they are. You won't even have the smell of smoke on your clothing if youre His. In this case the smell would be like rotten eggs - that is what nuclear fallout smells like I'm told. Sulpher.

I'm glad I'm able to share this so that the communists who read this will understand later on why America couldn't be taken for communism. It just wasn't ever in Gods plan for America to be a communist nation. He'd rather destroy it, clean it out and start over. You guys have a great day! - Jeremiah

You have known about this for years and you are just now telling me. Thank's alot.
In Red Dawn, there was no nuclear attack - neither were there Chinese, Cuba, Mexican and Nicaraguan troops invading by land and sea - as there will be for the real attack Russia has planned against the United States Of America.

If the Russians don't get us I heard chatter about something else. I had an online friend that told me that an alien invasion is comming. They plan to put huge spaceships over every major city on earth. The only way to stop them is for Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith to plant a computer virus in their computer system. You also need Randy Quad to figure out how to take out the ships.

The Russians are ready, Dutch. While we are not ( missile defense system test failed again the other day ) and won't be able to respond when they strike us. So don't worry about Project Bluebeam hologram alien show Kissinger & Co are hoping people buy into - its all a hoax. No such thing as ufos and space aliens.......... adult fairy tales... nothing more.
We're all getting screwed, people!

More and more peeps are on food stamps. Getting a job is really getting hard. Everyone's getting fat. Commercials are more annoying than ever. Public schools suck. Our border is so incredibly insecure its laughable. Leakers get punished for telling big truths. Its ok to hit people who disagree with ya. The biggest news channels in America are taken over by political groups. Politicians dont give a crap about us and use us like pawns. The media convicts people before all the evidence is laid out. Our economy is being destroyed. Groups think they can riot just because a court ruling or trial doesnt go their way. People demonize the power of solar energy. There's no real equality in America. We're drowning in debt. Parties care more about voter numbers than principles. Terrorism is called workplace violence. Sexual deviancy is going crazy. Needy morons with bad ears drive around at night and shake houses with their stupid loud boomboxes. We need to pull out of all wars. Politicians keep making promises and weaving lies.

It's spiraling out of control. Yanno, its like its hopeless because all around you these injustices keep happening. So much preening, bluster, and tough talk but no resolution!

How long before the whole shithouse goes up in flames?


Bonus video....

[ame=]The Doors - Roadhouse Blues (Live) - YouTube[/ame]
We're all getting screwed, people!

More and more peeps are on food stamps. Getting a job is really getting hard. Everyone's getting fat. Commercials are more annoying than ever. Public schools suck. Our border is so incredibly insecure its laughable. Leakers get punished for telling big truths. Its ok to hit people who disagree with ya. The biggest news channels in America are taken over by political groups. Politicians dont give a crap about us and use us like pawns. The media convicts people before all the evidence is laid out. Our economy is being destroyed. Groups think they can riot just because a court ruling or trial doesnt go their way. People demonize the power of solar energy. There's no real equality in America. We're drowning in debt. Parties care more about voter numbers than principles. Terrorism is called workplace violence. Sexual deviancy is going crazy. Needy morons with bad ears drive around at night and shake houses with their stupid loud boomboxes. We need to pull out of all wars. Politicians keep making promises and weaving lies.

It's spiraling out of control. Yanno, its like its hopeless because all around you these injustices keep happening. So much preening, bluster, and tough talk but no resolution!

We dug our way into hell in 2001 and have been digging ever since.
We're all getting screwed, people!

More and more peeps are on food stamps. Getting a job is really getting hard. Everyone's getting fat. Commercials are more annoying than ever. Public schools suck. Our border is so incredibly insecure its laughable. Leakers get punished for telling big truths. Its ok to hit people who disagree with ya. The biggest news channels in America are taken over by political groups. Politicians dont give a crap about us and use us like pawns. The media convicts people before all the evidence is laid out. Our economy is being destroyed. Groups think they can riot just because a court ruling or trial doesnt go their way. People demonize the power of solar energy. There's no real equality in America. We're drowning in debt. Parties care more about voter numbers than principles. Terrorism is called workplace violence. Sexual deviancy is going crazy. Needy morons with bad ears drive around at night and shake houses with their stupid loud boomboxes. We need to pull out of all wars. Politicians keep making promises and weaving lies.

It's spiraling out of control. Yanno, its like its hopeless because all around you these injustices keep happening. So much preening, bluster, and tough talk but no resolution!

Have you thought about getting involved in the "Occupy..." movement? Your general sense of malaise reminds me a bit of this fellow who participated in an "Occupy Baltimore" rally.
[ame=]Demonstrator at Occupy Baltimore 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Geez you guys are a whiny bunch! Our nation survived alot tougher times than these. Glad you guys were not around during WWII. Hell, the 60s makes today look like candyland. Whats different is all you whiners can congregate in one place and reinforce your paranoid fantasies.

We like to think of it as realistic as opposed to Democrats bend over and cough...

No, i think alot of you guys want it to happen. And 50 years from now there will be a whole new generation of whackaloons predicting the downfall of the USA just like people have been doing every decade since our country was founded.

America wasn't a morally decadent depraved society that needed perpetual wars to sustain it. The people of that time were more agrarian and not the fat, entertainment addicted slobs adorned with filthy tattoos and bones in their noses.

Most of all they had this thing called a family back then.

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