Is America ready for President Boehner

I imagine that the Secret Service's code name for Boehner as President would be "Cry Baby" or "There's a Tear in My Beer" or even "Niagara Falls".
Thank God Romney isn't President with his moralistic views about telling the truth.
President Boehner?

God, I hope not.

Fearless Leader may not be an ideal POTUS but at least he's good for a fresh idea or a laugh now and then.

A Boehner presidency would have about as much 'zing' or 'sex-appeal' as the Calvin Cooolidge years...

Kick me, beat me, tax me, jail me, but, fer God's sake, don't bore me... :razz:
After Obama is impeached and Biden resigns in shame ?

Three - THREE - huge scandals involving illegal wiretapping and the AP phone scandal; dereliction of duty and treason in the Benghazi debacle; and the IRS and their illegal scrutiny and harassment of conservative figures and groups seemingly at the direction of the White House.

How much longer will the American people allow this sitting POTUS to bring such shame, dishonor and discredit upon the Office of the President AND the American people ?

We don't need a pussy who'll cry like a little girl in the oval office.
Nancy Pelosi was a better Speaker than Boehner

She would also make a better President
It just proves what an unmitigated disaster the Obama administration has been that President John Boehner could be considered an improvement.

Of course Boehner wouldn't be considered for president by anyone with any sense. Obama was and became president. Twice.
It just proves what an unmitigated disaster the Obama administration has been that President John Boehner could be considered an improvement.

Of course Boehner wouldn't be considered for president by anyone with any sense. Obama was and became president. Twice.
That's what folks in the State of Illinois said about Lieutenant-Governor Pat Quinn, until Blago (Governor Rod Blagoevich) was impeached and kicked out of the Governor's Mansion... :-O
President Obama could perform a partial-birth abortion on live television and there would still be no outrage from the left.

You've gotta be kidding. Liberals are still upset with him over Gitmo and watering down Obamacare in order to keep our corporate slave-masters happy.

The joke's on Republicans, because if Obama were to be impeached, it would be President Biden, and he's been around the block, and he's proven to be able to get results.

You've pegged my humor meter yourself.

Liberals are upset over Gitmo? Those aren't protestors you're hearing, they're crickets.

Biden is a blithering idiot, with skilled handlers. The only reason BHO picked him was to discourage his own untimely removal.

As with GHW Bush and blithering idiot Quayle? You may have a point there.
After Obama is impeached and Biden resigns in shame ?

Three - THREE - huge scandals involving illegal wiretapping and the AP phone scandal; dereliction of duty and treason in the Benghazi debacle; and the IRS and their illegal scrutiny and harassment of conservative figures and groups seemingly at the direction of the White House.

How much longer will the American people allow this sitting POTUS to bring such shame, dishonor and discredit upon the Office of the President AND the American people ?

And how long do we have to put up with your phony fucking outrage?

After Obama is impeached and Biden resigns in shame ?

Three - THREE - huge scandals involving illegal wiretapping and the AP phone scandal; dereliction of duty and treason in the Benghazi debacle; and the IRS and their illegal scrutiny and harassment of conservative figures and groups seemingly at the direction of the White House.

How much longer will the American people allow this sitting POTUS to bring such shame, dishonor and discredit upon the Office of the President AND the American people ?

Hmmm...this sounds bet worthy. Interested?
After Obama is impeached and Biden resigns in shame ?

Three - THREE - huge scandals involving illegal wiretapping and the AP phone scandal; dereliction of duty and treason in the Benghazi debacle; and the IRS and their illegal scrutiny and harassment of conservative figures and groups seemingly at the direction of the White House.

How much longer will the American people allow this sitting POTUS to bring such shame, dishonor and discredit upon the Office of the President AND the American people ?

What a laughable post. Obama, Biden and most liberals have no shame so that will not be a reason for either of them doing the right thing.

The only shame that a liberals know is the shame their parents feel.

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