Is America still a nation?

No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
The topic of whether America is still a nation? Man, that's a deep one... I hate to give such a wordy answer but I really think it's important to get my point across so here it is.... YES
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
There is no need to read anything Pat Buchanan writes, we already know the side he will take on anything, the wrong one.
Bringing in the trolls I see!
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
The topic of whether America is still a nation? Man, that's a deep one... I hate to give such a wordy answer but I really think it's important to get my point across so here it is.... YES
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
There is no need to read anything Pat Buchanan writes, we already know the side he will take on anything, the wrong one.

Feel the same way about Rachel Maddow.
Is America Still a Nation?

As usual another brilliant and well documented article by Pat Buchanan.

I believe we are. We just need a good cleaning.
You are correct. So why don't all you 'Conservatives' move to Russia where things suit you better than here.
They would if they could but they know they will not be part of the elite protected class in Russia, no choice but to bring Russian style fascism here.
Bringing in the trolls I see!
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
The topic of whether America is still a nation? Man, that's a deep one... I hate to give such a wordy answer but I really think it's important to get my point across so here it is.... YES
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
There is no need to read anything Pat Buchanan writes, we already know the side he will take on anything, the wrong one.
I used to read George Will and Pat Buchanan a lot. When I found myself totally disagreeing with Will, I went back and examined my logic. When I found myself in any way agreeing with Buchanan, I went back and examined my logic.
Is America Still a Nation?

As usual another brilliant and well documented article by Pat Buchanan.

I believe we are. We just need a good cleaning.
You are correct. So why don't all you 'Conservatives' move to Russia where things suit you better than here.
They would if they could but they know they will not be part of the elite protected class in Russia, no choice but to bring Russian style fascism here.
Russian style fascism will never replace our good ole American style fascist system.
Bringing in the trolls I see!
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
The topic of whether America is still a nation? Man, that's a deep one... I hate to give such a wordy answer but I really think it's important to get my point across so here it is.... YES
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
You do realize he was quoting DIRECTLY from the founders of the USA right dumb ass? It wouldn't kill you to look up the things he quoted because we won't do it for you. Ignorance is a choice.
I know who he was quoting, doesn't change what I said
Is America Still a Nation?

As usual another brilliant and well documented article by Pat Buchanan.

I believe we are. We just need a good cleaning.
You are correct. So why don't all you 'Conservatives' move to Russia where things suit you better than here.
They would if they could but they know they will not be part of the elite protected class in Russia, no choice but to bring Russian style fascism here.
Russian style fascism will never replace our good ole American style fascist system.
That's the tough thing about calling things fascist, people can call any authoritarian aspect of any nation fascist. It's kind of a slippery thing but the distinguishing aspect that makes one a truly fascist nation is the level of control they exert over information. Were America actually fascist we would not be having this conversation without one or both of us fearing imprisonment.
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
No, you fuck off, you little Nazi cocksuck. The United States of America is still very much a nation. That worthless lazy cocksucks like you would like it to be otherwise in no way affects what this nation actually is.

Oh my we triggered a snowflake!
Who in the fuck would want to do that!?

No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
The topic of whether America is still a nation? Man, that's a deep one... I hate to give such a wordy answer but I really think it's important to get my point across so here it is.... YES
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
You do realize he was quoting DIRECTLY from the founders of the USA right dumb ass? It wouldn't kill you to look up the things he quoted because we won't do it for you. Ignorance is a choice.
I know who he was quoting, doesn't change what I said
So the Founders of the country you live in were wrong.....just leave then! If you hate THEIR vision then leave because its going to come true no matter what.
Bringing in the trolls I see!
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
The topic of whether America is still a nation? Man, that's a deep one... I hate to give such a wordy answer but I really think it's important to get my point across so here it is.... YES
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
There is no need to read anything Pat Buchanan writes, we already know the side he will take on anything, the wrong one.
You do realize Patrick Buchanan was DIRECTLY quoting the Constitution,The Founders words AND the Federalist papers right? That makes THEM 100% correct and you 100% wrong.
We are a nation only nominally and only temporarily. We hate one another way too much to survive as one nation much longer. And even if the divisions among the national democrats and republicans were eliminated, we have imported dozens of factions that also hate one another and are willing to war among themselves for the spoils of what this country did, once, offer.
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
The topic of whether America is still a nation? Man, that's a deep one... I hate to give such a wordy answer but I really think it's important to get my point across so here it is.... YES
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
There is no need to read anything Pat Buchanan writes, we already know the side he will take on anything, the wrong one.
You do realize Patrick Buchanan was DIRECTLY quoting the Constitution,The Founders words AND the Federalist papers right? That makes THEM 100% correct and you 100% wrong.
Pat Buchanan is a knee-jerk social conservative that can always be counted on to take the most conservative side of any argument. He has never once presented a nuanced argument, instead he deals exclusively in ideological absolutes, a tactic useful for getting non thinking dumbasses to support you.
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
No, you fuck off, you little Nazi cocksuck. The United States of America is still very much a nation. That worthless lazy cocksucks like you would like it to be otherwise in no way affects what this nation actually is.

Oh my we triggered a snowflake!
Who in the fuck would want to do that!?

The topic of whether America is still a nation? Man, that's a deep one... I hate to give such a wordy answer but I really think it's important to get my point across so here it is.... YES
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
You do realize he was quoting DIRECTLY from the founders of the USA right dumb ass? It wouldn't kill you to look up the things he quoted because we won't do it for you. Ignorance is a choice.
I know who he was quoting, doesn't change what I said
So the Founders of the country you live in were wrong.....just leave then! If you hate THEIR vision then leave because its going to come true no matter what.
The founders vision! The founders vision was that this country would FAIL. They knew it would fail even if they did not know when. They knew the people would DEMAND a despotic government. Ben Franklin knew the end of the country when he gave a speech for the adoption of the constitution.

Benjamin Franklin's Speech for Adoption of the Constitution

there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other

The democrats have reached that end game. They are utterly corrupt and are incapable of anything but despotism.
The topic of whether America is still a nation? Man, that's a deep one... I hate to give such a wordy answer but I really think it's important to get my point across so here it is.... YES
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
There is no need to read anything Pat Buchanan writes, we already know the side he will take on anything, the wrong one.
You do realize Patrick Buchanan was DIRECTLY quoting the Constitution,The Founders words AND the Federalist papers right? That makes THEM 100% correct and you 100% wrong.
Pat Buchanan is a knee-jerk social conservative that can always be counted on to take the most conservative side of any argument. He has never once presented a nuanced argument, instead he deals exclusively in ideological absolutes, a tactic useful for getting non thinking dumbasses to support you.

Continues to blame the messenger while he quotes from the FOUNDING DOCUMENTS of the country.
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
No, you fuck off, you little Nazi cocksuck. The United States of America is still very much a nation. That worthless lazy cocksucks like you would like it to be otherwise in no way affects what this nation actually is.

Oh my we triggered a snowflake!
Who in the fuck would want to do that!?

The topic of whether America is still a nation? Man, that's a deep one... I hate to give such a wordy answer but I really think it's important to get my point across so here it is.... YES
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
You do realize he was quoting DIRECTLY from the founders of the USA right dumb ass? It wouldn't kill you to look up the things he quoted because we won't do it for you. Ignorance is a choice.
I know who he was quoting, doesn't change what I said
So the Founders of the country you live in were wrong.....just leave then! If you hate THEIR vision then leave because its going to come true no matter what.
Their words are being used to reenforce a distorted perception of the American spirit. I shouldnt have to explain the difference between 1776 and today. Dig deep and try to find a few more IQ points for this one
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
No, you fuck off, you little Nazi cocksuck. The United States of America is still very much a nation. That worthless lazy cocksucks like you would like it to be otherwise in no way affects what this nation actually is.

Oh my we triggered a snowflake!
Who in the fuck would want to do that!?

You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
You do realize he was quoting DIRECTLY from the founders of the USA right dumb ass? It wouldn't kill you to look up the things he quoted because we won't do it for you. Ignorance is a choice.
I know who he was quoting, doesn't change what I said
So the Founders of the country you live in were wrong.....just leave then! If you hate THEIR vision then leave because its going to come true no matter what.
Their words are being used to reenforce a distorted perception of the American spirit. I shouldnt have to explain the difference between 1776 and today. Dig deep and try to find a few more IQ points for this one
Wrong. The words were used to explain the country then and their vision for the future of THEIR country. The founders vision has been bastardized by cultural marxist traitors both democrat and republican and TRUE patriots will take it back one day if there is anything to take back. At this rate I don't expect the country to last much longer.Its taxing and spending its self into an oblivion of chaos.

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