Is America still a nation?

Is America Still a Nation?

As usual another brilliant and well documented article by Pat Buchanan.

I believe we are. We just need a good cleaning.
You are correct. So why don't all you 'Conservatives' move to Russia where things suit you better than here.
They would if they could but they know they will not be part of the elite protected class in Russia, no choice but to bring Russian style fascism here.
Russian style fascism will never replace our good ole American style fascist system.
That's the tough thing about calling things fascist, people can call any authoritarian aspect of any nation fascist. It's kind of a slippery thing but the distinguishing aspect that makes one a truly fascist nation is the level of control they exert over information. Were America actually fascist we would not be having this conversation without one or both of us fearing imprisonment.
We are not a threat independently. If a movement ever organized that threatened the ruling class, the means now currently exist to destroy the threat posthaste. The events following 9/11 sealed that deal. And they don't have to outright control the media, they keep us in a state of disorganization with propaganda. Sheldon Wolin calls it a state of inverted totalitarianism.
You obviously didn't read the link then.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
There is no need to read anything Pat Buchanan writes, we already know the side he will take on anything, the wrong one.
You do realize Patrick Buchanan was DIRECTLY quoting the Constitution,The Founders words AND the Federalist papers right? That makes THEM 100% correct and you 100% wrong.
Pat Buchanan is a knee-jerk social conservative that can always be counted on to take the most conservative side of any argument. He has never once presented a nuanced argument, instead he deals exclusively in ideological absolutes, a tactic useful for getting non thinking dumbasses to support you.

Continues to blame the messenger while he quotes from the FOUNDING DOCUMENTS of the country.
He would not be the first to interpret our founding documents to say America needs less freedom.
You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
There is no need to read anything Pat Buchanan writes, we already know the side he will take on anything, the wrong one.
You do realize Patrick Buchanan was DIRECTLY quoting the Constitution,The Founders words AND the Federalist papers right? That makes THEM 100% correct and you 100% wrong.
Pat Buchanan is a knee-jerk social conservative that can always be counted on to take the most conservative side of any argument. He has never once presented a nuanced argument, instead he deals exclusively in ideological absolutes, a tactic useful for getting non thinking dumbasses to support you.

Continues to blame the messenger while he quotes from the FOUNDING DOCUMENTS of the country.
He would not be the first to interpret our founding documents to say America needs less freedom.
He said no such thing. What the founders said it exactly what he quoted AND he tells you where to read that.
Bringing in the trolls I see!
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
No, you fuck off, you little Nazi cocksuck. The United States of America is still very much a nation. That worthless lazy cocksucks like you would like it to be otherwise in no way affects what this nation actually is.

Oh my we triggered a snowflake!
Who in the fuck would want to do that!?

You mean the white nationalist interpretation of what America should be? Yeah I read it. And my answer is still the same. Yes we are a nation
You do realize he was quoting DIRECTLY from the founders of the USA right dumb ass? It wouldn't kill you to look up the things he quoted because we won't do it for you. Ignorance is a choice.
I know who he was quoting, doesn't change what I said
So the Founders of the country you live in were wrong.....just leave then! If you hate THEIR vision then leave because its going to come true no matter what.
Their words are being used to reenforce a distorted perception of the American spirit. I shouldnt have to explain the difference between 1776 and today. Dig deep and try to find a few more IQ points for this one
Wrong. The words were used to explain the country then and their vision for the future of THEIR country. The founders vision has been bastardized by cultural marxist traitors both democrat and republican and TRUE patriots will take it back one day if there is anything to take back. At this rate I don't expect the country to last much longer.Its taxing and spending its self into an oblivion of chaos.
Those words were written during a time of war where the USA was fighting to be a unified independent nation. During a time when people owned black people and women had no rights at all. There were many things the founders did wrong when compared to our modern day standards. Our country has evolved from a collection of rebels to the greatest and most powerful nation on Earth. The evolution has been a tremendous success, not a deterioration of founding principles. I shouldn't have to explain this to you. Common sense man.
There is no need to read anything Pat Buchanan writes, we already know the side he will take on anything, the wrong one.
You do realize Patrick Buchanan was DIRECTLY quoting the Constitution,The Founders words AND the Federalist papers right? That makes THEM 100% correct and you 100% wrong.
Pat Buchanan is a knee-jerk social conservative that can always be counted on to take the most conservative side of any argument. He has never once presented a nuanced argument, instead he deals exclusively in ideological absolutes, a tactic useful for getting non thinking dumbasses to support you.

Continues to blame the messenger while he quotes from the FOUNDING DOCUMENTS of the country.
He would not be the first to interpret our founding documents to say America needs less freedom.
He said no such thing. What the founders said it exactly what he quoted AND he tells you where to read that.
One could use the same tactic to cherry pick verses from the Bible to show how God is a racist, sexist homophobe.
I believe we are. We just need a good cleaning.
You are correct. So why don't all you 'Conservatives' move to Russia where things suit you better than here.
They would if they could but they know they will not be part of the elite protected class in Russia, no choice but to bring Russian style fascism here.
Russian style fascism will never replace our good ole American style fascist system.
That's the tough thing about calling things fascist, people can call any authoritarian aspect of any nation fascist. It's kind of a slippery thing but the distinguishing aspect that makes one a truly fascist nation is the level of control they exert over information. Were America actually fascist we would not be having this conversation without one or both of us fearing imprisonment.
We are not a threat independently. If a movement ever organized that threatened the ruling class, the means now currently exist to destroy the threat posthaste. The events following 9/11 sealed that deal. And they don't have to outright control the media, they keep us in a state of disorganization with propaganda. Sheldon Wolin calls it a state of inverted totalitarianism.
The rich do not give two shits about populist movements until they show up at the gates with torches and pitchforks. In the meantime even the most militant activist demands to be entertained. Don't look for conspiracies in something as varied and ubiquitous as the media. They sell us what we want therefore the fault is in ourselves. We can now construct our very own version of reality, how cool is that? We are not being sold a single government sponsored narrative, we have bought the ability to get any narrative we like.
No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.
No, you fuck off, you little Nazi cocksuck. The United States of America is still very much a nation. That worthless lazy cocksucks like you would like it to be otherwise in no way affects what this nation actually is.

Oh my we triggered a snowflake!
Who in the fuck would want to do that!?

You do realize he was quoting DIRECTLY from the founders of the USA right dumb ass? It wouldn't kill you to look up the things he quoted because we won't do it for you. Ignorance is a choice.
I know who he was quoting, doesn't change what I said
So the Founders of the country you live in were wrong.....just leave then! If you hate THEIR vision then leave because its going to come true no matter what.
Their words are being used to reenforce a distorted perception of the American spirit. I shouldnt have to explain the difference between 1776 and today. Dig deep and try to find a few more IQ points for this one
Wrong. The words were used to explain the country then and their vision for the future of THEIR country. The founders vision has been bastardized by cultural marxist traitors both democrat and republican and TRUE patriots will take it back one day if there is anything to take back. At this rate I don't expect the country to last much longer.Its taxing and spending its self into an oblivion of chaos.
Those words were written during a time of war where the USA was fighting to be a unified independent nation. During a time when people owned black people and women had no rights at all. There were many things the founders did wrong when compared to our modern day standards. Our country has evolved from a collection of rebels to the greatest and most powerful nation on Earth. The evolution has been a tremendous success, not a deterioration of founding principles. I shouldn't have to explain this to you. Common sense man.
None of that was covered what WAS covered still stands. They said NOTHING about keeping slaves for the future of America nor about Women voting for the future of America that was OBVIOUSLY left up to the congress etc WHO this country was intended for was NOT left up for discussion and never will be.
None of that was covered what WAS covered still stands. They said NOTHING about keeping slaves for the future of America nor about Women voting for the future of America that was OBVIOUSLY left up to the congress etc WHO this country was intended for was NOT left up for discussion and never will be.

America is an ideal, Nazi snowflake. It was not "intended" for a race or a religion. That ideal was the greatest ideal in the history of mankind. You and your racist ilk want to degrade it.
No, you fuck off, you little Nazi cocksuck. The United States of America is still very much a nation. That worthless lazy cocksucks like you would like it to be otherwise in no way affects what this nation actually is.

Oh my we triggered a snowflake!
Who in the fuck would want to do that!?

I know who he was quoting, doesn't change what I said
So the Founders of the country you live in were wrong.....just leave then! If you hate THEIR vision then leave because its going to come true no matter what.
Their words are being used to reenforce a distorted perception of the American spirit. I shouldnt have to explain the difference between 1776 and today. Dig deep and try to find a few more IQ points for this one
Wrong. The words were used to explain the country then and their vision for the future of THEIR country. The founders vision has been bastardized by cultural marxist traitors both democrat and republican and TRUE patriots will take it back one day if there is anything to take back. At this rate I don't expect the country to last much longer.Its taxing and spending its self into an oblivion of chaos.
Those words were written during a time of war where the USA was fighting to be a unified independent nation. During a time when people owned black people and women had no rights at all. There were many things the founders did wrong when compared to our modern day standards. Our country has evolved from a collection of rebels to the greatest and most powerful nation on Earth. The evolution has been a tremendous success, not a deterioration of founding principles. I shouldn't have to explain this to you. Common sense man.
None of that was covered what WAS covered still stands. They said NOTHING about keeping slaves for the future of America nor about Women voting for the future of America that was OBVIOUSLY left up to the congress etc WHO this country was intended for was NOT left up for discussion and never will be.
The Three-Fifths Compromise is found in Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3 of the United States Constitution, which reads:

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
Is America Still a Nation?

As usual another brilliant and well documented article by Pat Buchanan.

I have read many Pat Buchanan books, I've also been reading his excellent articles on his website for a long time. I also like Ann Coulter and several friends of mine directed me to The Heritage Foundation and also The Cato Institute and I like those Think Tanks also.

I like The Cato Institute's Non-Interventionist philosophy on foreign policy, No More Wars in The Middle East GTFO already. I support annihilating ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front and Al-Qaeda, but I do not support never ending Perpetual Wars and New Wars. The West needs to GTFO of the Middle East and STAY OUT of the Middle East, let ALL nations in the Middle East fight among themselves and PROTECT themselves.

I do have a strong Libertarian Right streak and also a strong Paleoconservative streak

The Heritage Foundation

Cato Institute

FUCK THE NEO-CONSERVATIVES, those wastes of human skin need to be destroyed. Period.
You are correct. So why don't all you 'Conservatives' move to Russia where things suit you better than here.
They would if they could but they know they will not be part of the elite protected class in Russia, no choice but to bring Russian style fascism here.
Russian style fascism will never replace our good ole American style fascist system.
That's the tough thing about calling things fascist, people can call any authoritarian aspect of any nation fascist. It's kind of a slippery thing but the distinguishing aspect that makes one a truly fascist nation is the level of control they exert over information. Were America actually fascist we would not be having this conversation without one or both of us fearing imprisonment.
We are not a threat independently. If a movement ever organized that threatened the ruling class, the means now currently exist to destroy the threat posthaste. The events following 9/11 sealed that deal. And they don't have to outright control the media, they keep us in a state of disorganization with propaganda. Sheldon Wolin calls it a state of inverted totalitarianism.
The rich do not give two shits about populist movements until they show up at the gates with torches and pitchforks. In the meantime even the most militant activist demands to be entertained. Don't look for conspiracies in something as varied and ubiquitous as the media. They sell us what we want therefore the fault is in ourselves. We can now construct our very own version of reality, how cool is that? We are not being sold a single government sponsored narrative, we have bought the ability to get any narrative we like.
We can now construct our very own version of reality, how cool is that?
It's not really cool at all. There is the truth and there is a whole bunch of propaganda masquerading as truth. Some obvious, some not so obvious. And as you say the consumer can pick and choose what to believe. So now we have a population that can agree on nothing. It may not be intentional, we may just be a decaying society that will do anything to gain a dollar, but I always keep in the back of my mind historical events which serve as lessons that tell me not to rule out the clandestine services. And whether you believe it or not, there is truth in those events that apply to today.
They would if they could but they know they will not be part of the elite protected class in Russia, no choice but to bring Russian style fascism here.
Russian style fascism will never replace our good ole American style fascist system.
That's the tough thing about calling things fascist, people can call any authoritarian aspect of any nation fascist. It's kind of a slippery thing but the distinguishing aspect that makes one a truly fascist nation is the level of control they exert over information. Were America actually fascist we would not be having this conversation without one or both of us fearing imprisonment.
We are not a threat independently. If a movement ever organized that threatened the ruling class, the means now currently exist to destroy the threat posthaste. The events following 9/11 sealed that deal. And they don't have to outright control the media, they keep us in a state of disorganization with propaganda. Sheldon Wolin calls it a state of inverted totalitarianism.
The rich do not give two shits about populist movements until they show up at the gates with torches and pitchforks. In the meantime even the most militant activist demands to be entertained. Don't look for conspiracies in something as varied and ubiquitous as the media. They sell us what we want therefore the fault is in ourselves. We can now construct our very own version of reality, how cool is that? We are not being sold a single government sponsored narrative, we have bought the ability to get any narrative we like.
We can now construct our very own version of reality, how cool is that?
It's not really cool at all. There is the truth and there is a whole bunch of propaganda masquerading as truth. Some obvious, some not so obvious. And as you say the consumer can pick and choose what to believe. So now we have a population that can agree on nothing. It may not be intentional, we may just be a decaying society that will do anything to gain a dollar, but I always keep in the back of my mind historical events which serve as lessons that tell me not to rule out the clandestine services. And whether you believe it or not, there is truth in those events that apply to today.
I try avoid boiling everything down to single narrative. Certainly there is such a thing as propaganda but it is ineffective in the presence of alternative or opposing views, we have that in spades. The state of our society is nothing anyone planned. It is almost comforting to believe in some dark cabal of shadowy figures having grand plans for humanity than to consider the even more horrifying reality, even the most powerful people are making it all up as they go along like anyone else.
, even the most powerful people are making it all up as they go along like anyone else.
Of course they are making it up as they go along. Nor do I believe in a secret cabal. But to think that powerful men do not seek to control their wealth and yield the power of the US government in that effort is naive. Allen Dulles was a wall street lawyer and the first civilian director of the CIA. He represented wall street interests during his tenure. I don't think that can be questioned.
Is America Still a Nation?

As usual another brilliant and well documented article by Pat Buchanan.
There are many nations in America.

No they are ONE Nation Under God.

Here is their Pledge of Allegiance, must be disappointing to you Leftist Multiculturalist No Nations, No Borders Crowd.

No you have that quite covered snowflake. Care to address the topic or feel free to fuck off.

A moldy old white guy pining for the days when everyone was second-class citizens but moldy old white guys who thought and believed and worshipped like they did does not mean we are no longer a nation.

Now get a job Odious, you Nazi snowflake.
moldy old white guy's lives matter. :)

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