Conservative Sportscaster DISMANTLES 'Con Artist' Trump For "Selling An America That Does Not Exist"

I don't listen to Colin Cowherd so can't say if he's a conservative, or not. You claimed yesterday that Frank Luntz is a conservative, he isn't, so I'll reserve judgement on Cowherd. What I do know is that Cowherd has made a lot of incorrect predictions over time.
This is 100% true. Cow-turd has been wrong quite often.

He isn’t wrong about what he said though. Nuance is a wonderful thing.
You can click on it and see where you were a fucking hypocrite. PS: Your other three sock accounts agree.
I did, you brain dead clump of stupid. And it makes zero reference to Rogers (note the correct spelling) being a conservative quarterback.

And, as I have informed you, you abject lying rat’s asshole, I don’t have and have never had a sock account. Words have meaning except to vermin like you.

Your final score remains: zero for ever.
I did, you brain dead clump of stupid. And it makes zero reference to Rogers (note the correct spelling) being a conservative quarterback.

And, as I have informed you, you abject lying rat’s asshole, I don’t have and have never had a sock account. Words have meaning except to vermin like you.

Your final score remains: zero for ever.
Final score 34>O



You don’t know shit.
I would ask for some examples of this "left wing" or "commie" broadcasting but we both know you're just making shit up as you go along because you don't agree with what he said.

You're just a lousy person.
I watch his program at times. I for the most part like it. If he shows political ways, he rambles on for a few seconds showing his leanings once in a while. That is why I made those comments. Sports are God. Nations where freedoms are reduced and/or governments are strong and centralized use sports as soma for the masses. I just refuted someone calling Cowherd a conservative.
I watch his program at times. I for the most part like it. If he shows political ways, he rambles on for a few seconds showing his leanings once in a while. That is why I made those comments. Sports are God. Nations where freedoms are reduced and/or governments are strong and centralized use sports as soma for the masses. I just refuted someone calling Cowherd a conservative.
Yeah, you got nothing. Just like I thought. Fuck off light weight
Yeah, you got nothing. Just like I thought. Fuck off light weight
You taught me. Always remember. I trust no Prog in propaganda. And yet I believe in a lot of their views if kept reigned in. And Progs cannot do it.
I don't listen to Colin Cowherd so can't say if he's a conservative, or not. You claimed yesterday that Frank Luntz is a conservative, he isn't, so I'll reserve judgement on Cowherd. What I do know is that Cowherd has made a lot of incorrect predictions over time.
Luntz is indeed a conservartive and Colin Cowherd is a Republican. You are no conservastive, you are a right wing extremist. There is a dfference.
Final score 34>O


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You don’t know shit.
It isn’t the final score. You morons keep overlooking the inevitable reversal.

But I do stand corrected on the spelling of Rodgers. (I used to be a resident of NY State, but was not a Jets fan. I rooted for the only real NY State football team: the Bills.)

I do know shit. I have read your posts. Pure shit.
It isn’t the final score. You morons keep overlooking the inevitable reversal.

But I do stand corrected on the spelling of Rodgers. (I used to be a resident of NY State, but was not a Jets fan. I rooted for the only real NY State football team: the Bills.)

I do know shit. I have read your posts. Pure shit.

You were shown to be an idiot. I figured you’d be used to it by now.
You were shown to be an idiot. I figured you’d be used to it by now.
No. I wasn’t. I was shown to be mistaken on the spelling of a name.

Unlike you, I can admit it when I am wrong.

You remain an ineffectual troll and intellectual light weight.
No. I wasn’t. I was shown to be mistaken on the spelling of a name.

Unlike you, I can admit it when I am wrong.

You remain an ineffectual troll and intellectual light weight.
Ahh, your bitter rage is music to my ears.
A black man becoming president really fucked you over.
Ahh, your bitter rage is music to my ears.
There is, of course, no rage. You just lie.

Nothing new in that.
A black man becoming president really fucked you over.
Nope unlike you libturds, I don’t care about race. You do. Of course, libturds are generally quite racist. So march in goose stepping lockstep, you diseased fascist.

Now, to really throw a moron such as you, I will return to the thread TOPIC:

Please explain how the fact that something was said by a sportscaster adds any weight to his opinions. Go!

Luntz is indeed a conservartive and Colin Cowherd is a Republican. You are no conservastive, you are a right wing extremist. There is a dfference.
Nope, I'm a conservative. Like I said, anyone to the right of Karl Marx is an extremist to today's democrats.
Colin Cowherd is a Republican conservative. But he's saying what sane Americans are saying. Trump is lying about America. He is taking about a nation that doesn't exist.

Omggggggg Romney and the Bushes

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