Is an Egyptian Civil War Inevitable???


Apr 22, 2007
The Muslim Brotherhood won Parliament and the Presidency. Yet on the eve of the election for the Presidency, the government wrote decree giving the military basically governing power and stripping most of the President's power! They say it's only "temporary," but when in the middle east (or anywhere) does a military grab power only temporarily and give it back. Especially when giving it to your rival. Don't forget the military has been fighting the Muslim Brotherhood for decades!

The second move after the win was to dissolve the Muslim Brotherhood Parliament!

What do you think the response from radical Islamist will be? I doubt they take it on the chin and walk away. I believe it's a powder-keg ready to be set off. The spark will come and then we will have a Syria situation!

Egypt rivals claim presidency as army tightens grip | Reuters
Egypt's agonized passage from revolution to democracy was in limbo on Monday, as the Muslim Brotherhood claimed victory in a presidential election while the generals who took over from Hosni Mubarak decreed it was they who would keep power for now.

The former general running against the Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsy scorned the Islamist's self-declared triumph as a bid to "hijack" the election. Ahmed Shafik, Mubarak's last prime minister, said his data showed it was he who was ahead.

After a day of counting, and mutual jibes over violations, there was no official word on how the two-day run-off had gone and electoral supervisors warned they may not publish a result until Thursday - prolonging what for many Egyptians has become a wearisome deadlock between a military past and religious future.

Shafik's camp insisted he led by two to four points but even sources in the army, which has fought the Brotherhood through six decades of military rule, indicated they were preparing to accept that Morsy had won Egypt's first free presidential vote.

But whoever emerges as president - and one electoral official privately endorsed Morsy's claim to be leading by 52 percent to 48 with the bulk of votes counted - he will find his powers tightly circumscribed by a decree issued by Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi's military council as polls closed on Sunday.

Having last week dissolved the parliament that was elected in January with a thumping Islamist majority, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) said it would now take the assembly's legislative powers itself and could also step in to break a deadlock in drafting a new constitution.

Liberals and Islamists called it a "military coup".

"Military Transfers Power - to Military," ran the ironic headline in independent newspaper al-Masry al-Youm.

Egypt army to outline president's role, retain powers | Reuters
but legislative powers will for now go back to the army after parliament was dissolved, official sources said on Sunday.
Civil war? I don't think so, I just predict the Egyptians will elect the MB to power and become more of a shit hole than it already is.

They elected a President and before the results were in the Generals stripped the Executive Branch of all it's powers, then they disbanded the Parliament and call for new (most likely rigged elections). The Muslim Brotherhood won both the Executive and Legislative Branch.

The Army has been at war with theMB the last few decades. I doubt the terrorism loving MB will just take it on the chin! No way!
Civil war? I don't think so, I just predict the Egyptians will elect the MB to power and become more of a shit hole than it already is.

They elected a President and before the results were in the Generals stripped the Executive Branch of all it's powers, then they disbanded the Parliament and call for new (most likely rigged elections). The Muslim Brotherhood won both the Executive and Legislative Branch.

The Army has been at war with theMB the last few decades. I doubt the terrorism loving MB will just take it on the chin! No way!

I don't think the Army there has the will to start killing Egyptians in mass like they are doing in Syria, the Egyptians will elect an Islamist to power and live happily ever after in their shit hole.
Civil war? I don't think so, I just predict the Egyptians will elect the MB to power and become more of a shit hole than it already is.

They elected a President and before the results were in the Generals stripped the Executive Branch of all it's powers, then they disbanded the Parliament and call for new (most likely rigged elections). The Muslim Brotherhood won both the Executive and Legislative Branch.

The Army has been at war with theMB the last few decades. I doubt the terrorism loving MB will just take it on the chin! No way!

I don't think the Army there has the will to start killing Egyptians in mass like they are doing in Syria, the Egyptians will elect an Islamist to power and live happily ever after in their shit hole.

Actually the Egyptian Army more than has the Will and Might to do it. Rather it was Murbarak that instructed them to stand down. Murbarak is the reason it Egypt didn't end up like Syria. See the West media and the Obama regime slandered Murbarak. All the call for him being a dictator were erroneous. He kept the Islamist at bay, he kept peace with Israel and the West, he protect the large Christian minority safe, he protected women's rights and he refused to go on a ASSSad killing campaign when he had all the tools at hand to do so!

Murbarak was one of the few brave leaders in the Arab world!
Civil war? I don't think so, I just predict the Egyptians will elect the MB to power and become more of a shit hole than it already is.

They elected a President and before the results were in the Generals stripped the Executive Branch of all it's powers, then they disbanded the Parliament and call for new (most likely rigged elections). The Muslim Brotherhood won both the Executive and Legislative Branch.

The Army has been at war with theMB the last few decades. I doubt the terrorism loving MB will just take it on the chin! No way!
Obama's Arab Spring has so far been a disaster.
Mubarak was nothing but a puppet dictator backed by the U.S. and kept in power by the CIA.

He wasn't popular with the common Egyptian people and needed to go.

For good or bad; Egyptian citizens should be left alone to chart their own destiny for their country.
Mubarak was nothing but a puppet dictator backed by the U.S. and kept in power by the CIA.

He wasn't popular with the common Egyptian people and needed to go.

For good or bad; Egyptian citizens should be left alone to chart their own destiny for their country.
It's destiny might be disastrous.
Mubarak was nothing but a puppet dictator backed by the U.S. and kept in power by the CIA.

He wasn't popular with the common Egyptian people and needed to go.

For good or bad; Egyptian citizens should be left alone to chart their own destiny for their country.

Even if that means the bloody civil war to come? Hey I am all for Muslims killing each others in droves, but Egypt used to be a decent country soon it won't be!
Even if that means the bloody civil war to come? Hey I am all for Muslims killing each others in droves, but Egypt used to be a decent country soon it won't be!
If it means civil war; so be it.

Then once that's settled; they can unite against their real enemy....Israel :cool:
Even if that means the bloody civil war to come? Hey I am all for Muslims killing each others in droves, but Egypt used to be a decent country soon it won't be!
If it means civil war; so be it.

Then once that's settled; they can unite against their real enemy....Israel :cool:
Notice how the Muslim mind operates. It doesn't matter how many Muslims get slaughtered as a result of war, as long as in the end there is a possiblity they'll turn their weapons on the Jews. What sick fucks.
They elected a President and before the results were in the Generals stripped the Executive Branch of all it's powers, then they disbanded the Parliament and call for new (most likely rigged elections). The Muslim Brotherhood won both the Executive and Legislative Branch.

The Army has been at war with theMB the last few decades. I doubt the terrorism loving MB will just take it on the chin! No way!

I don't think the Army there has the will to start killing Egyptians in mass like they are doing in Syria, the Egyptians will elect an Islamist to power and live happily ever after in their shit hole.

Actually the Egyptian Army more than has the Will and Might to do it. Rather it was Murbarak that instructed them to stand down. Murbarak is the reason it Egypt didn't end up like Syria. See the West media and the Obama regime slandered Murbarak. All the call for him being a dictator were erroneous. He kept the Islamist at bay, he kept peace with Israel and the West, he protect the large Christian minority safe, he protected women's rights and he refused to go on a ASSSad killing campaign when he had all the tools at hand to do so!

Murbarak was one of the few brave leaders in the Arab world!

Mubarak is a pussy cat compared to who will be running Egypt in the future, we should give him sanctuary here in the US. I have no problem with him. Let the Egyptians live under Shariah and fuck goats if they want, I could care less.
Mubarak was nothing but a puppet dictator backed by the U.S. and kept in power by the CIA.

He wasn't popular with the common Egyptian people and needed to go.

For good or bad; Egyptian citizens should be left alone to chart their own destiny for their country.

I don't have any problem with Mubarak but you are right, the Egyptians need to decide their destiny for better or worse. If they want to live under 17th century Sharia than let them have it.
Egypt will descend into a civil war. It almost has no choice. It is well on its way to being another Syria.
Egypt will descend into a civil war. It almost has no choice. It is well on its way to being another Syria.
I seriously doubt it; totally different geopolitical situation and internal dynamics. :cool:

I don't see it either, most of the people seem to want a more Islamic government, and I don't see enough divisions on the ground to provoke a civil war. I could be wrong but I don't see it.
Egypt is a totally internal problem and has to be solved by the Egyptians themselves.

Syria is a 90% Sunni population who are subjugated by a 10% Alwite/Shia brutal government and military that is backed up by Iran and it's trading partner Russia.

Syria is the one nation that should be helped by the U.N. and brought back into the Sunni sphere of influence.
Even if that means the bloody civil war to come? Hey I am all for Muslims killing each others in droves, but Egypt used to be a decent country soon it won't be!
If it means civil war; so be it.

Then once that's settled; they can unite against their real enemy....Israel :cool:

Like in Lebanon? They are fractalized into Sunni, Shia and small Christian minority. They fight each other 10 fold more than they fight Israel!

The rah rah Hate the Jews rah rah talk is what different Islamic dictators use to distract from their own suppression of their people. Doesn't work like it used to!
I don't think the Army there has the will to start killing Egyptians in mass like they are doing in Syria, the Egyptians will elect an Islamist to power and live happily ever after in their shit hole.

Actually the Egyptian Army more than has the Will and Might to do it. Rather it was Murbarak that instructed them to stand down. Murbarak is the reason it Egypt didn't end up like Syria. See the West media and the Obama regime slandered Murbarak. All the call for him being a dictator were erroneous. He kept the Islamist at bay, he kept peace with Israel and the West, he protect the large Christian minority safe, he protected women's rights and he refused to go on a ASSSad killing campaign when he had all the tools at hand to do so!

Murbarak was one of the few brave leaders in the Arab world!

Mubarak is a pussy cat compared to who will be running Egypt in the future, we should give him sanctuary here in the US. I have no problem with him. Let the Egyptians live under Shariah and fuck goats if they want, I could care less.

Mubarak was a brave, just and good man. He had to deal with the cards he was dealt. Some ignorant people would say he used harsh tactics, but we also used harsh tactics against the Nazis, or in US history against the KKK during reconstruction (little taught fact was after the US Civil War the White Republicans went on a brutal campaign and WIPED OUT the KKK during that time). He might not have built up a great economy, but name one country in Africa with a better one under Mubarak? Not even South Africa can make that claim. He protected the large Christian minority. Every other Muslim country suppresses and abuses the Christian minority to the brink of extinct, even Lebanon (which had a Christian majority), has dipped into the teens! The man did an amazing job with the hand that he was dealt. Then when the revolts started, he had the military behind him and the weapons to end the revolt ASSSad style. He chose not to and show his humanity. Lastly he knew without using the military ASSSad style he would be but in jail by the Islamist, yet like a BRAVE and HONORABLE man he chose to stay with the country he justly ruled until the end.

Mubarak, :salute: you!!!
Egypt will descend into a civil war. It almost has no choice. It is well on its way to being another Syria.
I seriously doubt it; totally different geopolitical situation and internal dynamics. :cool:

I don't see it either, most of the people seem to want a more Islamic government, and I don't see enough divisions on the ground to provoke a civil war. I could be wrong but I don't see it.

Not true! The media makes it like the MB won in a landslide, but the secular candidate got close to half lost 52-48! That means close to half of the people wanted a secular candidate. Egyptian parliament largest groups is the MB, however, they are not the majority. I believe 6 political groups are represented in Parliament and MB makes up the biggest, I believe at 38-40%.

There are a lot of secular Egyptians!

Granted you believe there was no corruption of voter fraud in the elections, which I highly doubt didn't exist!

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