Is ANTIFA a Domestic Terrorist Organization?

Are they terrorists?

Should they be sent off to Guantanamo?

Are they strictly a Black supremacist group?
Or are they a civil rights group?

Your thoughts?

We witnessed terrorism and tyranny at the capitol riots. Why not worry about those who are proven to hate American democracy?
We witnessed terrorism and tyranny at the capitol riots. Why not worry about those who are proven to hate American democracy?
We saw neither terrorism nor tyranny at the Capitol incident on 1/6. What we saw was a mass protest and a contingent of that group (far fewer in number than those who showed up to protest) engage in some riotous and illegal behavior.

it would be an attempt at terrorism if the objective had been to coerce action from the government contrary to the laws and the will of the people. But the bad actors were (albeit misguided in their behavior and even violent and criminal) attempting to preserve our form of government.

I don’t agree with them or their behavior. But that doesn’t mean that they were conducting an action against the people or the United States government. As off-kilter as they were, they were trying to prevent the very things they are accused of. They were seeking to prevent an overthrow of our Constitutional rule.
What tyranny? You are an absolute idiot.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Tyranny is when people or one person wants to destroy democracy and install authoritarian rule, like trump wanted.
Don't deny that because it's a bit uncomfortable. You supported the idiot, you own the results.
I don’t agree with them or their behavior. But that doesn’t mean that they were conducting an action against the people or the United States government. As off-kilter as they were, they were trying to prevent the very things they are accused of. They were seeking to prevent an overthrow of our Constitutional rule.

We've a long and sorted history of peaceful protests crossing that fine kilter line , with the inclusion of just one brick

Further, it's never been clear just where said brick comes from

So here we have the perfect recipe , the perfect mechanism , to throw our 1st Amd under the domestic terrorist bus


No. You’re wrong again. Put BLM To the side. ANTIFA is a cynical lie of a name. That’s not happenstance. It was a choice. It is deliberate. But in obvious reality, ANTIFA is a fascist group. They are violent and masked and hell bent on denying other people their lawful rights.

The American Thinker did a good analysis which finds that by Antifa’s own definition for “fascist,” Antifa is fascist.

Please.give us an example of their fascism.
What free speech have they opposed? The incidents you mentioned were about equality and fighting against oppression, not speech of any sort.
Wrong and out right lie.

They repeatedly used violence to oppose talks by Coulter Shapiro and others.

You know they did this it is well known and documented and their standard MO
Are they terrorists?

Should they be sent off to Guantanamo?

Are they strictly a Black supremacist group?
Or are they a civil rights group?

Your thoughts?

ANTFA is the terrorist wing of the democrat party - the Brown Shirts. They are shock troops democrats dispatch to riot and vandalize in order to cause societal disorder.

The Ku Klux Klan, AKA BLM is a race hate group. BLM/KKK exists to promote the democrat scapegoat of a hated race - currently Whites.

But ANTIFA is international in nature, part of the global Communism movement, they seek a one world dictatorship, which is why they aligned with the democrats in common cause.

It's not illegal to promote terrorist ideas - Joe Biden does it every day. We used to have freedom of speech (the political prisoners from the Reichstag Fire prove we no longer do). But the democrat Brown Shirts of ANTIFA and the Klan must be held accountable for their actions.

When the democrats had their insurrection in Seattle, they murdered 7 people. Anyone know the outcome of the prosecutions for those murders? Of course not, no one was prosecuted, CHAZ/CHOP was by order and authority of the democrat party. They'll distract you by persecuting Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself instead.
Wrong and out right lie.

They repeatedly used violence to oppose talks by Coulter Shapiro and others.

You know they did this it is well known and documented and their standard MO
That's not opposing free speech, it's opposing hate speech.

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