Is ANTIFA a Domestic Terrorist Organization?

Please, show a fascist action from antifa.
etc many examples:
German fascist


Are they terrorists?

Should they be sent off to Guantanamo?

Are they strictly a Black supremacist group?
Or are they a civil rights group?

Your thoughts?
If I was Bannon's Lawyer I would accuse the DOJ of blatant abuse of power by proving assessment/ standards & rules for those who helped Trump are made different then for those of the fascist Dems and thus show a pattern of gunning for political opponents in a way that is used for intimidation that fall under the laws on racketeering.
Using the Dems and DOJ standards of Bannons rights to assemble peaceful protests and comparing that to how they have not brought up trials for Maxine Waters, Antifa, BLM, Resist, and a bunch of other inciters including the leftist media.
If there is no equal treatment of the law then the law itself has become unlawful and abusive in it's power. I would go on the offensive and file formal criminal charges based on the same standard and when they fail to pursue those charges based on their own guidelines in indicting Bannon, then that can be proof of the abuse of power and that they are admitting Bannon is without liability or blame and that the Dems are using their authority to once again manipulate elections.
No, it is the start of fascism. Idiot.
You just admitted the Dems are fascists;
1)because they tried to illegally abuse their power to overthrow an election of Trump in 2016=treasonous act
2)there are high ranking Dems like Pelosi who own stakes in voting technology companies and who have taken over rules and vote counting over sight with proven disastrous & corrupt results.
You just admitted the Dems are fascists;
1)because they tried to illegally abuse their power to overthrow an election of Trump in 2016=treasonous act
2)there are high ranking Dems like Pelosi who own stakes in voting technology companies and who have taken over rules and vote counting over sight with proven disastrous & corrupt results.
I have been saying Democrats are fascists. I am happy you agree.
Actually controlling the elections is the final step in a fascist takeover. That's why the republicans are trying to do it
You showed who had control in 2020. They would be the fascists in power now. Grassroots support is something the Democrats will never have.

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