Is ANY direction a good direction?

Perceived liar? Both are liars, there is absolutely no dispute of that, to claim otherwise is deception. We have knowledge of both lying to gain the advantage. As far as direction? If we want more Wall St. favors, more government dishonesty that we endured under Obama, we need to elect Clinton. If you want a wheeler dealer with no subject off the table, you go Trump.

Both are very poor choices but this is what partisan nut jobs want.
I don't know why I'm bothering, but, some examples of the Hillary Clinton lies? For the record, I rather expect the e-mails to be where you go next...

See, to be clear, I understand strong ideological opposition to Clinton. I'm just tired of the character attacks.

Sniper fire, named after Sir Hillary, the lies her State Department issued in regards to Libya that resulted in civilian deaths, her not having two phones. Those are just off the top of my head. The email stuff, the Benghazi stuff, I don't mention. Partisan hacks defend their own, I see it with Trump and I see it with Clinton.

The election is the voting of the lesser of two evils, no difference.
...not having two phones..." WHAT?!?!? Really?!?!? An off-handed comment about her name from 20 years ago?!?! That has your panties so in a twist that the idea of her being near the White House has your panties in a twist?!?!

Ya know what? I'm done with you. You and Donald deserve each other. You're both cracked.

Thanks for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
So, Mitch McConnell was on MtP this morning, and the general message he had , in reference to kinda, sorta, more or less supporting Donald Trump was, "Clinton will just continue the policies of the Obama administration, and we need to go in a new direction, and Trump is definitely a new direction."

Every time he said that, the same question kept going through my head: Even if that new direction is catastrophic?

I mean, look, his comment presumes a couple of things - that the direction we're heading in with Obama is not great, and that Clinton will follow the same direction. I think either of those statements are arguable, but, for the sake of argument, let's allow for the accuracy of both.

Billy is driving the car, and heading us straight into a heavy traffic jam. Bob insists on taking over driving, and finds a route that avoids the traffic jam. Unfortunately that route took the car right off a 100 ft cliff. Under the circumstances, wouldn't the traffic jam have been preferable?

Okay. so, you don't like the direction that the Democrats are taking us. Is "going in a new direction" really worth it, if that direction is the clusterfuck that Trump would lead us to?

Now, allow me to be clear. I understand that there are some conservatives - and I use that term loosely - who wholeheartedly voted for Trump, love Trump, think Trump in the bees knees, and that Trump is going to be the salvation of the nation. This question is not directed to them. They are not voting for Trump because, " least it's a new direction..." They're supporting him because they think he's brilliant, and will be phenomenal as President.

This question is for the rest of the conservatives/Republicans who are swallowing their disgust, and "falling in line".
In your scenario you make the presumption that we know Bob will go over the cliff. Trump is boisterous and opinionated but I wouldn't assume America will crash and burn while he's at the wheel.

The way I see it is America is currently headed for a cliff and we may fall off regardless of who is driving. And realistically, Clinton helped take us down this dead end road. If I had to choose I would choose the one who takes us off this road. And if that road just looped around back towards the cliff, well then we can at least say we tried. For the past 7 years we've been trying but it's not working. Time to switch things up.
C"Crash and burn"? Maybe not. However, Trump has not said one single thing that demonstrates that he will improve the situation in America even one iota, and has made numerous comments, sent countless tweets, and engaged in several undisciplined rants that demonstrate he will very much send us in the wrong direction.

And bear this in mind - considering the insanity that has dribbled out of Trump's own mouth, you really trust someone of his temperament, and attitude with the nuclear launch codes? REALLY?????
Your reference (the left's reference) to suggest Trump's eager fingers on the nuke button is absolutely unfounded and ridiculous. Adults don't throw that shit around like a frisbee. So, I said he wanted peace with Russia. How does that suggest a nuclear war? You people are such a morons.
Sbiker you should see this shit they are talking about. WTF?

How interesting to listen people, which don't remember the Bible :))) "By their fruit you will recognize them"

Who is Trump? Good manager from business, I think, he didn't consider any ideologic moment, he would search a benefit for US. I think, nuclear conflict is generally not in a benefits to US, like other wars with US participation...
Okay. Two problems with this statement. First, good manager?!?! The man has declared bankruptcy more often than he has changed his underwear!!! And has said he would have no problem allowing the country to go bankrupt!!! Good manager my ass.

Who, at least, knows about bankrupcy, better than others, who left country with increasing debts (now it's a $59554 per citizen, U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ) :))

Second, even if your characterization of Trump's business skills were accurate - which they aren't - government is NOT a business. It is a bureaucracy. It was designed that way on purpose. They are two very different animals. You do get that Trump can't just scream, "You're fired!"

Why not? 2.3 millions already fired from US society and just waiting their another try behind the barbed wire :)

Who is Killary? A Secretary of State, head of the Government during Obama's rule... Made a lot of "stupid shit", till Obama performed internal politics, she grew up an ISIS, she made a lot of points of unstability in world. At least, she has a long list of crimes and law violations - who can promise, she don't want to burn it in a nuclear fire?
Wait..wait..wait! You are seriously laying the expansion of ISIS at Hillary's feet?!?! Really?

Killary was Secretary - ISIS had the expansion. Killary retired - and ISIS have a problems. :) Where am I wrong?

Sorry, I don't believe in politicians, who don't know difference between "re-load" and "over-load" :)
In your scenario you make the presumption that we know Bob will go over the cliff. Trump is boisterous and opinionated but I wouldn't assume America will crash and burn while he's at the wheel.

The way I see it is America is currently headed for a cliff and we may fall off regardless of who is driving. And realistically, Clinton helped take us down this dead end road. If I had to choose I would choose the one who takes us off this road. And if that road just looped around back towards the cliff, well then we can at least say we tried. For the past 7 years we've been trying but it's not working. Time to switch things up.
C"Crash and burn"? Maybe not. However, Trump has not said one single thing that demonstrates that he will improve the situation in America even one iota, and has made numerous comments, sent countless tweets, and engaged in several undisciplined rants that demonstrate he will very much send us in the wrong direction.

And bear this in mind - considering the insanity that has dribbled out of Trump's own mouth, you really trust someone of his temperament, and attitude with the nuclear launch codes? REALLY?????
Your reference (the left's reference) to suggest Trump's eager fingers on the nuke button is absolutely unfounded and ridiculous. Adults don't throw that shit around like a frisbee. So, I said he wanted peace with Russia. How does that suggest a nuclear war? You people are such a morons.
Sbiker you should see this shit they are talking about. WTF?

How interesting to listen people, which don't remember the Bible :))) "By their fruit you will recognize them"

Who is Trump? Good manager from business, I think, he didn't consider any ideologic moment, he would search a benefit for US. I think, nuclear conflict is generally not in a benefits to US, like other wars with US participation...
Okay. Two problems with this statement. First, good manager?!?! The man has declared bankruptcy more often than he has changed his underwear!!! And has said he would have no problem allowing the country to go bankrupt!!! Good manager my ass.

Who, at least, knows about bankrupcy, better than others, who left country with increasing debts (now it's a $59554 per citizen, U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ) :))

Second, even if your characterization of Trump's business skills were accurate - which they aren't - government is NOT a business. It is a bureaucracy. It was designed that way on purpose. They are two very different animals. You do get that Trump can't just scream, "You're fired!"

Why not? 2.3 millions already fired from US society and just waiting their another try behind the barbed wire :)

Who is Killary? A Secretary of State, head of the Government during Obama's rule... Made a lot of "stupid shit", till Obama performed internal politics, she grew up an ISIS, she made a lot of points of unstability in world. At least, she has a long list of crimes and law violations - who can promise, she don't want to burn it in a nuclear fire?
Wait..wait..wait! You are seriously laying the expansion of ISIS at Hillary's feet?!?! Really?

Killary was Secretary - ISIS had the expansion. Killary retired - and ISIS have a problems. :) Where am I wrong?
Ya know what? if you need to ask the questions you're asking, then you are already beyond hope; especially since I specifically pointed you in the right direction with the ISIS question.. Thanks for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out. And ya know the hilarious part is that no one has even remotely suggested that Hilary made ISIS the force it is. Obama? Yeah, they've made that stupid claim. But Hilary? Whatever.

You are dismissed.
C"Crash and burn"? Maybe not. However, Trump has not said one single thing that demonstrates that he will improve the situation in America even one iota, and has made numerous comments, sent countless tweets, and engaged in several undisciplined rants that demonstrate he will very much send us in the wrong direction.

And bear this in mind - considering the insanity that has dribbled out of Trump's own mouth, you really trust someone of his temperament, and attitude with the nuclear launch codes? REALLY?????
Your reference (the left's reference) to suggest Trump's eager fingers on the nuke button is absolutely unfounded and ridiculous. Adults don't throw that shit around like a frisbee. So, I said he wanted peace with Russia. How does that suggest a nuclear war? You people are such a morons.
Sbiker you should see this shit they are talking about. WTF?

How interesting to listen people, which don't remember the Bible :))) "By their fruit you will recognize them"

Who is Trump? Good manager from business, I think, he didn't consider any ideologic moment, he would search a benefit for US. I think, nuclear conflict is generally not in a benefits to US, like other wars with US participation...
Okay. Two problems with this statement. First, good manager?!?! The man has declared bankruptcy more often than he has changed his underwear!!! And has said he would have no problem allowing the country to go bankrupt!!! Good manager my ass.

Who, at least, knows about bankrupcy, better than others, who left country with increasing debts (now it's a $59554 per citizen, U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ) :))

Second, even if your characterization of Trump's business skills were accurate - which they aren't - government is NOT a business. It is a bureaucracy. It was designed that way on purpose. They are two very different animals. You do get that Trump can't just scream, "You're fired!"

Why not? 2.3 millions already fired from US society and just waiting their another try behind the barbed wire :)

Who is Killary? A Secretary of State, head of the Government during Obama's rule... Made a lot of "stupid shit", till Obama performed internal politics, she grew up an ISIS, she made a lot of points of unstability in world. At least, she has a long list of crimes and law violations - who can promise, she don't want to burn it in a nuclear fire?
Wait..wait..wait! You are seriously laying the expansion of ISIS at Hillary's feet?!?! Really?

Killary was Secretary - ISIS had the expansion. Killary retired - and ISIS have a problems. :) Where am I wrong?
Ya know what? if you need to ask the questions you're asking, then you are already beyond hope; especially since I specifically pointed you in the right direction with the ISIS question.. Thanks for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out. And ya know the hilarious part is that no one has even remotely suggested that Hilary made ISIS the force it is. Obama? Yeah, they've made that stupid claim. But Hilary? Whatever.

You are dismissed.

Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?
We just left them there?!?! Like, sitting out in the middle of the desert? Or they were given to the clusterfuck of a government that Cowboy Dubya put in charge, after kicking out the guy that was keeping a sense of order over there?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
Oh, I do. I just see no reason. It doesn't matter. Running a business is nothing like running a nation. You morons seem to think that the United States government is a corporation with the President acting as CEO. When you figure out the difference between a corporation and a bureaucracy. Come on back, and you might have a rational thought to provide.
Last edited:
Your reference (the left's reference) to suggest Trump's eager fingers on the nuke button is absolutely unfounded and ridiculous. Adults don't throw that shit around like a frisbee. So, I said he wanted peace with Russia. How does that suggest a nuclear war? You people are such a morons.
Sbiker you should see this shit they are talking about. WTF?

How interesting to listen people, which don't remember the Bible :))) "By their fruit you will recognize them"

Who is Trump? Good manager from business, I think, he didn't consider any ideologic moment, he would search a benefit for US. I think, nuclear conflict is generally not in a benefits to US, like other wars with US participation...
Okay. Two problems with this statement. First, good manager?!?! The man has declared bankruptcy more often than he has changed his underwear!!! And has said he would have no problem allowing the country to go bankrupt!!! Good manager my ass.

Who, at least, knows about bankrupcy, better than others, who left country with increasing debts (now it's a $59554 per citizen, U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ) :))

Second, even if your characterization of Trump's business skills were accurate - which they aren't - government is NOT a business. It is a bureaucracy. It was designed that way on purpose. They are two very different animals. You do get that Trump can't just scream, "You're fired!"

Why not? 2.3 millions already fired from US society and just waiting their another try behind the barbed wire :)

Who is Killary? A Secretary of State, head of the Government during Obama's rule... Made a lot of "stupid shit", till Obama performed internal politics, she grew up an ISIS, she made a lot of points of unstability in world. At least, she has a long list of crimes and law violations - who can promise, she don't want to burn it in a nuclear fire?
Wait..wait..wait! You are seriously laying the expansion of ISIS at Hillary's feet?!?! Really?

Killary was Secretary - ISIS had the expansion. Killary retired - and ISIS have a problems. :) Where am I wrong?
Ya know what? if you need to ask the questions you're asking, then you are already beyond hope; especially since I specifically pointed you in the right direction with the ISIS question.. Thanks for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out. And ya know the hilarious part is that no one has even remotely suggested that Hilary made ISIS the force it is. Obama? Yeah, they've made that stupid claim. But Hilary? Whatever.

You are dismissed.

Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
That dude, Czernobog sounds like he was hanging around in the Chernobyl disaster area for a long time. Brain damage is quite apparent.
How interesting to listen people, which don't remember the Bible :))) "By their fruit you will recognize them"

Who is Trump? Good manager from business, I think, he didn't consider any ideologic moment, he would search a benefit for US. I think, nuclear conflict is generally not in a benefits to US, like other wars with US participation...
Okay. Two problems with this statement. First, good manager?!?! The man has declared bankruptcy more often than he has changed his underwear!!! And has said he would have no problem allowing the country to go bankrupt!!! Good manager my ass.

Who, at least, knows about bankrupcy, better than others, who left country with increasing debts (now it's a $59554 per citizen, U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ) :))

Second, even if your characterization of Trump's business skills were accurate - which they aren't - government is NOT a business. It is a bureaucracy. It was designed that way on purpose. They are two very different animals. You do get that Trump can't just scream, "You're fired!"

Why not? 2.3 millions already fired from US society and just waiting their another try behind the barbed wire :)

Who is Killary? A Secretary of State, head of the Government during Obama's rule... Made a lot of "stupid shit", till Obama performed internal politics, she grew up an ISIS, she made a lot of points of unstability in world. At least, she has a long list of crimes and law violations - who can promise, she don't want to burn it in a nuclear fire?
Wait..wait..wait! You are seriously laying the expansion of ISIS at Hillary's feet?!?! Really?

Killary was Secretary - ISIS had the expansion. Killary retired - and ISIS have a problems. :) Where am I wrong?
Ya know what? if you need to ask the questions you're asking, then you are already beyond hope; especially since I specifically pointed you in the right direction with the ISIS question.. Thanks for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out. And ya know the hilarious part is that no one has even remotely suggested that Hilary made ISIS the force it is. Obama? Yeah, they've made that stupid claim. But Hilary? Whatever.

You are dismissed.

Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
That dude, Czernobog sounds like he was hanging around in the Chernobyl disaster area for a long time. Brain damage is quite apparent.
Yeah...coming from the guy who is gleefully voting for the Carnival Conman, I'll take that as a compliment.
Yeah...coming from the guy who is gleefully voting for the Carnival Conman, I'll take that as a compliment.
You're assuming things again. I've never stated anything in regards of voting for anybody.
Yeah...coming from the guy who is gleefully voting for the Carnival Conman, I'll take that as a compliment.
You're assuming things again. I've never stated anything in regards of voting for anybody.
Well you've sure been blowing his horn here. So what? You just like to argue for the sake of arguing?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh, I do. I just see no reason. It doesn't matter. Running a business is nothing like running a nation. You morons seem to think that the United States government is a corporation with the President acting as CEO. When you figure out the difference between a corporation and a bureaucracy. Come on back, and you might have a rational thought to provide.
A huge corporation has fiscal discipline, therefore one, who is skilled in running a big corporation might introduce the same fiscal discipline to the bureaucracy what you love so much. One who is disciplined in purchasing and spending may cut the bureaucracy down to save money to eliminate the runaway national debt. But you morons don't want that, you want to print more fiat money and tax and spend.
How interesting to listen people, which don't remember the Bible :))) "By their fruit you will recognize them"

Who is Trump? Good manager from business, I think, he didn't consider any ideologic moment, he would search a benefit for US. I think, nuclear conflict is generally not in a benefits to US, like other wars with US participation...
Okay. Two problems with this statement. First, good manager?!?! The man has declared bankruptcy more often than he has changed his underwear!!! And has said he would have no problem allowing the country to go bankrupt!!! Good manager my ass.

Who, at least, knows about bankrupcy, better than others, who left country with increasing debts (now it's a $59554 per citizen, U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ) :))

Second, even if your characterization of Trump's business skills were accurate - which they aren't - government is NOT a business. It is a bureaucracy. It was designed that way on purpose. They are two very different animals. You do get that Trump can't just scream, "You're fired!"

Why not? 2.3 millions already fired from US society and just waiting their another try behind the barbed wire :)

Who is Killary? A Secretary of State, head of the Government during Obama's rule... Made a lot of "stupid shit", till Obama performed internal politics, she grew up an ISIS, she made a lot of points of unstability in world. At least, she has a long list of crimes and law violations - who can promise, she don't want to burn it in a nuclear fire?
Wait..wait..wait! You are seriously laying the expansion of ISIS at Hillary's feet?!?! Really?

Killary was Secretary - ISIS had the expansion. Killary retired - and ISIS have a problems. :) Where am I wrong?
Ya know what? if you need to ask the questions you're asking, then you are already beyond hope; especially since I specifically pointed you in the right direction with the ISIS question.. Thanks for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out. And ya know the hilarious part is that no one has even remotely suggested that Hilary made ISIS the force it is. Obama? Yeah, they've made that stupid claim. But Hilary? Whatever.

You are dismissed.

Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
That dude, Czernobog sounds like he was hanging around in the Chernobyl disaster area for a long time. Brain damage is quite apparent.

No, it means "God of Black" in translation. I don't mind, what does he want to say, it seems like a form of hidden racism... :)
Well you've sure been blowing his horn here. So what? You just like to argue for the sake of arguing?
The problem is the one party system with two branches. The Democrat and the Republican branch. They agree to tax the fuck out of us, they only disagree in how to spend it. Now, there is this guy from the outside of the realm of the political elite and he is generally not the best but maybe he is the best on the field right now. The Clinton Dynasty and Commie Bernie seem to be worse alternatives.
Last edited:
Okay. Two problems with this statement. First, good manager?!?! The man has declared bankruptcy more often than he has changed his underwear!!! And has said he would have no problem allowing the country to go bankrupt!!! Good manager my ass.

Who, at least, knows about bankrupcy, better than others, who left country with increasing debts (now it's a $59554 per citizen, U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ) :))

Second, even if your characterization of Trump's business skills were accurate - which they aren't - government is NOT a business. It is a bureaucracy. It was designed that way on purpose. They are two very different animals. You do get that Trump can't just scream, "You're fired!"

Why not? 2.3 millions already fired from US society and just waiting their another try behind the barbed wire :)

Wait..wait..wait! You are seriously laying the expansion of ISIS at Hillary's feet?!?! Really?

Killary was Secretary - ISIS had the expansion. Killary retired - and ISIS have a problems. :) Where am I wrong?
Ya know what? if you need to ask the questions you're asking, then you are already beyond hope; especially since I specifically pointed you in the right direction with the ISIS question.. Thanks for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out. And ya know the hilarious part is that no one has even remotely suggested that Hilary made ISIS the force it is. Obama? Yeah, they've made that stupid claim. But Hilary? Whatever.

You are dismissed.

Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
That dude, Czernobog sounds like he was hanging around in the Chernobyl disaster area for a long time. Brain damage is quite apparent.
Yeah...coming from the guy who is gleefully voting for the Carnival Conman, I'll take that as a compliment.

For the winners all life must be a Carnival...

Let losers to be buried under a tons of bureaucracy papers :)
Oh, I do. I just see no reason. It doesn't matter. Running a business is nothing like running a nation. You morons seem to think that the United States government is a corporation with the President acting as CEO. When you figure out the difference between a corporation and a bureaucracy. Come on back, and you might have a rational thought to provide.
A huge corporation has fiscal discipline, therefore one, who is skilled in running a big corporation might introduce the same fiscal discipline to the bureaucracy what you love so much. One who is disciplined in purchasing and spending may cut the bureaucracy down to save money to eliminate the runaway national debt. But you morons don't want that, you want to print more fiat money and tax and spend.
Except the President doesn't set the budget. Congress does.
Okay. Two problems with this statement. First, good manager?!?! The man has declared bankruptcy more often than he has changed his underwear!!! And has said he would have no problem allowing the country to go bankrupt!!! Good manager my ass.

Who, at least, knows about bankrupcy, better than others, who left country with increasing debts (now it's a $59554 per citizen, U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ) :))

Second, even if your characterization of Trump's business skills were accurate - which they aren't - government is NOT a business. It is a bureaucracy. It was designed that way on purpose. They are two very different animals. You do get that Trump can't just scream, "You're fired!"

Why not? 2.3 millions already fired from US society and just waiting their another try behind the barbed wire :)

Wait..wait..wait! You are seriously laying the expansion of ISIS at Hillary's feet?!?! Really?

Killary was Secretary - ISIS had the expansion. Killary retired - and ISIS have a problems. :) Where am I wrong?
Ya know what? if you need to ask the questions you're asking, then you are already beyond hope; especially since I specifically pointed you in the right direction with the ISIS question.. Thanks for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out. And ya know the hilarious part is that no one has even remotely suggested that Hilary made ISIS the force it is. Obama? Yeah, they've made that stupid claim. But Hilary? Whatever.

You are dismissed.

Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
That dude, Czernobog sounds like he was hanging around in the Chernobyl disaster area for a long time. Brain damage is quite apparent.

No, it means "God of Black" in translation. I don't mind, what does he want to say, it seems like a form of hidden racism... :)
Actually, Czernobog is the Slavic God of Chaos. Has nothing to do with race. Thanks for playing...
Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?
We just left them there?!?! Like, sitting out in the middle of the desert? Or they were given to the clusterfuck of a government that Cowboy Dubya put in charge, after kicking out the guy that was keeping a sense of order over there?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
Oh, I do. I just see no reason. It doesn't matter. Running a business is nothing like running a nation. You morons seem to think that the United States government is a corporation with the President acting as CEO. When you figure out the difference between a corporation and a bureaucracy. Come on back, and you might have a rational thought to provide.

So, you're saying "forget the economics, we have to be ruled only by stupid ideology, made by our bureaucracy?"

I already heared it in USSR before it fallen :)
Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?
We just left them there?!?! Like, sitting out in the middle of the desert? Or they were given to the clusterfuck of a government that Cowboy Dubya put in charge, after kicking out the guy that was keeping a sense of order over there?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
Oh, I do. I just see no reason. It doesn't matter. Running a business is nothing like running a nation. You morons seem to think that the United States government is a corporation with the President acting as CEO. When you figure out the difference between a corporation and a bureaucracy. Come on back, and you might have a rational thought to provide.

So, you're saying "forget the economics, we have to be ruled only by stupid ideology, made by our bureaucracy?"

I already heared it in USSR before it fallen :)
Yeah, that's not even remnotely what I was saying, but, whatever...
Who, at least, knows about bankrupcy, better than others, who left country with increasing debts (now it's a $59554 per citizen, U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time ) :))

Why not? 2.3 millions already fired from US society and just waiting their another try behind the barbed wire :)

Killary was Secretary - ISIS had the expansion. Killary retired - and ISIS have a problems. :) Where am I wrong?
Ya know what? if you need to ask the questions you're asking, then you are already beyond hope; especially since I specifically pointed you in the right direction with the ISIS question.. Thanks for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out. And ya know the hilarious part is that no one has even remotely suggested that Hilary made ISIS the force it is. Obama? Yeah, they've made that stupid claim. But Hilary? Whatever.

You are dismissed.

Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
That dude, Czernobog sounds like he was hanging around in the Chernobyl disaster area for a long time. Brain damage is quite apparent.

No, it means "God of Black" in translation. I don't mind, what does he want to say, it seems like a form of hidden racism... :)
Actually, Czernobog is the Slavic God of Chaos. Has nothing to do with race. Thanks for playing...

Slavic pantheon don't have any gods of Chaos. Chaos was just a construction matherial for Rod to make Jav' (real world), Prav' (heavens) and Nav' (kingdom of deads).
Chernobog - is concentrated face of evil :)
Did the message ever go through your head 7 1/2 years ago that the "new direction" of the Obama administration might be catastrophic? I guess not.
Ok, ok, I'm dismissed, Hillary is good, Trump is bad... But who did all the 'stupid shit', Obama said? Who left about 2000 Humvee to ISIS?
We just left them there?!?! Like, sitting out in the middle of the desert? Or they were given to the clusterfuck of a government that Cowboy Dubya put in charge, after kicking out the guy that was keeping a sense of order over there?

As I see, you have nothing to say against Trump's management skills in business?
Oh, I do. I just see no reason. It doesn't matter. Running a business is nothing like running a nation. You morons seem to think that the United States government is a corporation with the President acting as CEO. When you figure out the difference between a corporation and a bureaucracy. Come on back, and you might have a rational thought to provide.

So, you're saying "forget the economics, we have to be ruled only by stupid ideology, made by our bureaucracy?"

I already heared it in USSR before it fallen :)
Yeah, that's not even remnotely what I was saying, but, whatever...

So, if seriously - I don't understand nuances of internal US politics. Some of our analitics says, with Hillary it would be a war... I don't have a reasons not to believe them - they usually estimate situations at good level...

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