Is ANYONE else sick of all this political shit with the sexual claims?

It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

These men treating women bad need to kick their asses kicked and maybe they will keep their penis in their pants..:biggrin:

----------------------------------- sure , if the women can PROVE their case . Most of the women i've heard though act like little kids rather than adults and say nothing till years later and who knows if they are lying . There was or should be an inflexible Statue of Limitations and thats all there is EWings .

Women are getting a voice in the world... I was the only female in a job I had during the 80's .. I saw it. I was considered one of the

and yes, some women lie...but to face the world with such an embarrassing situation must be very hard , look at what happens to them..Pismoe

---------------------------------------------- i thought that they were fully formed ADULT women . Also seems to me that they oughta grow up . Then again , looks like they are changing the way things are done in the Laws of this land just because they can't function as adults because its embarrassing and Hard EWings !!

Roy's accuser was 14 years old..

Roy's accuser is 53 years old.
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Nervous? How many on the Right are nervous right now?
Im not nervous. I have led a good life despite my previous fuck ups. Even back then I never took advantage of a woman. I have nothing to be nervous about. If you do, that's on you.

She was talking about politics not you..
My life and happiness is not tied to the morons taking advantage of my tax dollars in DC.
The shit may piss me off on occasion but life goes on.

Some days I get to the point where I shut all news down for a few days,it gets frustrating to see the drama going on with our tax dollars..

It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Moore is an obvious Criminal.
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Nervous? How many on the Right are nervous right now?
Im not nervous. I have led a good life despite my previous fuck ups. Even back then I never took advantage of a woman. I have nothing to be nervous about. If you do, that's on you.

She was talking about politics not you..
My life and happiness is not tied to the morons taking advantage of my tax dollars in DC.
The shit may piss me off on occasion but life goes on.

Some days I get to the point where I shut all news down for a few days,it gets frustrating to see the drama going on with our tax dollars..

I think I've watched all of an hour or so of news in the last week.

Burned out on the hysterics. Left & right have gone full retard with this shit.
----------------------------------- sure , if the women can PROVE their case . Most of the women i've heard though act like little kids rather than adults and say nothing till years later and who knows if they are lying . There was or should be an inflexible Statue of Limitations and thats all there is EWings .

Women are getting a voice in the world... I was the only female in a job I had during the 80's .. I saw it. I was considered one of the

and yes, some women lie...but to face the world with such an embarrassing situation must be very hard , look at what happens to them..Pismoe

---------------------------------------------- i thought that they were fully formed ADULT women . Also seems to me that they oughta grow up . Then again , looks like they are changing the way things are done in the Laws of this land just because they can't function as adults because its embarrassing and Hard EWings !!

Roy's accuser was 14 years old..


Roy's accuser is 39.

Her unsubstantiated claim is of events alleged 25 years ago.

Here's the thing, i have no idea the facts of the Moore case, nor do you. You hate Christians, white men, and Americans; hence you latch on to the narrative to slander and libel Moore. You don't give a FUCK if he did it or not, you hate him as you are conditioned to hate all enemies of your vicious and evil party.

Now with Franken, there is no question, the moron took a selfie of him sexually assaulting a sleeping woman.

Wow, calm down dude.

She was 14 when he had her touch his penis....

I am a christian and the man that you are defending is a slime of a man who uses bible scriptures to slam people just like the Governor of Alabama that had to step down because of his sexual infidelity 6 months ago..same kind of a man.

----------------------------------------------- MERE allegations , i defend no one . Concerning the truth telling 14 year old or the lying 4 year old . To heck with their 40 year old words . I say that MOORE should run , see if he is elected . If he is elected he is better than the 'dem' despite these MERE unproved and unprovable allegations EWings .
These men treating women bad need to kick their asses kicked and maybe they will keep their penis in their pants..:biggrin:

----------------------------------- sure , if the women can PROVE their case . Most of the women i've heard though act like little kids rather than adults and say nothing till years later and who knows if they are lying . There was or should be an inflexible Statue of Limitations and thats all there is EWings .

Women are getting a voice in the world... I was the only female in a job I had during the 80's .. I saw it. I was considered one of the

and yes, some women lie...but to face the world with such an embarrassing situation must be very hard , look at what happens to them..Pismoe

---------------------------------------------- i thought that they were fully formed ADULT women . Also seems to me that they oughta grow up . Then again , looks like they are changing the way things are done in the Laws of this land just because they can't function as adults because its embarrassing and Hard EWings !!

Roy's accuser was 14 years old..

Roy's accuser is 53 years old.

My gosh.. we know that. Do you know how many addicts there are who tried to stuff being raped as a kid ? The rehabs are full of them. The prisons are full of people acting out from being molested as a kid... She was 14 when it happened.
It is very common to gain the strength as an adult while in recovery..I don't know her situation but it happens a lot.

Then dumbfucks like Closedcaption or derderlaugher come in the thread and try to make out like I've suddenly changed sides because Moore has been accused.
Thing is I haven't participated in any of the save Roy cheerleading threads. In fact I've done the exact opposite.

Partisan hacks pretend to know me and make themselves look stupid.
----------------------------------- sure , if the women can PROVE their case . Most of the women i've heard though act like little kids rather than adults and say nothing till years later and who knows if they are lying . There was or should be an inflexible Statue of Limitations and thats all there is EWings .

Women are getting a voice in the world... I was the only female in a job I had during the 80's .. I saw it. I was considered one of the

and yes, some women lie...but to face the world with such an embarrassing situation must be very hard , look at what happens to them..Pismoe

---------------------------------------------- i thought that they were fully formed ADULT women . Also seems to me that they oughta grow up . Then again , looks like they are changing the way things are done in the Laws of this land just because they can't function as adults because its embarrassing and Hard EWings !!

Roy's accuser was 14 years old..

14 year old was 40 years ago , where were her parents or guardians 39 and a half years ago . Besides that i am talking about so called ADULT women that are actually the widdle girls even though they are old ladies Today . Plus i gave the example of the 22 year old on Laura Ingram just an hour ago . She was insulted but she needed the money , what a hero complaining after 10 - 15 years . What else would she do for money and then complain eh EWings ?? are coming forward after years of suffering after being raped by priests after years of being silenced.

You and I hopefully never had to deal with that Pismoe. Some stuff it so deep they become addicts .


and these men are just as mindless as these women EWings .
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Moore is an obvious Criminal.
Perhaps. But that' isn't the point of this thread.

Does that make you an obvious idiot?
Women are getting a voice in the world... I was the only female in a job I had during the 80's .. I saw it. I was considered one of the

and yes, some women lie...but to face the world with such an embarrassing situation must be very hard , look at what happens to them..Pismoe

---------------------------------------------- i thought that they were fully formed ADULT women . Also seems to me that they oughta grow up . Then again , looks like they are changing the way things are done in the Laws of this land just because they can't function as adults because its embarrassing and Hard EWings !!

Roy's accuser was 14 years old..


Roy's accuser is 39.

Her unsubstantiated claim is of events alleged 25 years ago.

Here's the thing, i have no idea the facts of the Moore case, nor do you. You hate Christians, white men, and Americans; hence you latch on to the narrative to slander and libel Moore. You don't give a FUCK if he did it or not, you hate him as you are conditioned to hate all enemies of your vicious and evil party.

Now with Franken, there is no question, the moron took a selfie of him sexually assaulting a sleeping woman.

Wow, calm down dude.

She was 14 when he had her touch his penis....

I am a christian and the man that you are defending is a slime of a man who uses bible scriptures to slam people just like the Governor of Alabama that had to step down because of his sexual infidelity 6 months ago..same kind of a man.

----------------------------------------------- MERE allegations , i defend no one . Concerning the truth telling 14 year old or the lying 4 year old . To heck with their 40 year old words . I say that MOORE should run , see if he is elected . If he is elected he is better than the 'dem' despite these MERE unproved and unprovable allegations EWings .

I am an addiction counselor Pismoe.... When a child is raped they go inside and hide become an addict or some a molester themselves..Many find recovery and some confront the abuser.

But you have to live with the fact that this man might walk free and not take any responsibility if he did it.

What's happening now is social media metooism. Everyone wants to get on the wave. So women and some men are sitting around trying to dredge up some memory that can be sexual attack. If not, then sexual harassment. If not then at least inappropriate behavior. Inappropriate behavior is the most fun because it can be anything. A woman said she was a 20 something sales girl and Roy Moore asked her out. Which might have been she wished the outdoorsy guy with a good job had asked her out. Now, 35 years later, its inappropriate. A man, and as gut wrenching as it is, a man claims that in the early 80s, Kevin Spacey gave him an angry hostile look and he was terrified. Still terrified, presumably.

No. The fact is, no one wants to be left behind. Certainly at some point in everyone's past, someone has found them unattractive and they never got any inappropriate behavior.
----------------------------------- sure , if the women can PROVE their case . Most of the women i've heard though act like little kids rather than adults and say nothing till years later and who knows if they are lying . There was or should be an inflexible Statue of Limitations and thats all there is EWings .

Women are getting a voice in the world... I was the only female in a job I had during the 80's .. I saw it. I was considered one of the

and yes, some women lie...but to face the world with such an embarrassing situation must be very hard , look at what happens to them..Pismoe

---------------------------------------------- i thought that they were fully formed ADULT women . Also seems to me that they oughta grow up . Then again , looks like they are changing the way things are done in the Laws of this land just because they can't function as adults because its embarrassing and Hard EWings !!

Roy's accuser was 14 years old..

Roy's accuser is 53 years old.

My gosh.. we know that. Do you know how many addicts there are who tried to stuff being raped as a kid ? The rehabs are full of them. The prisons are full of people acting out from being molested as a kid... She was 14 when it happened.
It is very common to gain the strength as an adult while in recovery..I don't know her situation but it happens a lot.

She was never raped and never molested. She never made that claim.
Women are getting a voice in the world... I was the only female in a job I had during the 80's .. I saw it. I was considered one of the

and yes, some women lie...but to face the world with such an embarrassing situation must be very hard , look at what happens to them..Pismoe

---------------------------------------------- i thought that they were fully formed ADULT women . Also seems to me that they oughta grow up . Then again , looks like they are changing the way things are done in the Laws of this land just because they can't function as adults because its embarrassing and Hard EWings !!

Roy's accuser was 14 years old..

Roy's accuser is 53 years old.

My gosh.. we know that. Do you know how many addicts there are who tried to stuff being raped as a kid ? The rehabs are full of them. The prisons are full of people acting out from being molested as a kid... She was 14 when it happened.
It is very common to gain the strength as an adult while in recovery..I don't know her situation but it happens a lot.

She was never raped and never molested. She never made that claim.

He made her touch him ( and excuse the explicit) when he had an erection.

Definition of rape
raped; raping

:to seize and take away by force

My fear, is this desensitization that grampa speaks about...

and part of this imo, is because the news equates all of this instances as equal and in the worst way possible....

In your thirties and trying to hang out with and pick up teenage girls is bad, or weird, or creepy, but it is NOT the same as a pedophile who goes after and has sex with, per-pubescent girls and so far, unless I missed something, all we've heard about is Moore's attempts at getting sex and maybe even attempted rape that the one woman said she felt was going to happen but impossible to prove, but they never did happen, maybe first or second base kind of stuff and most definitely him taking advantage of their youth and his age....all of this very creepy and predatory like....but he did not rape them, unless the girls he did manage to 'score' with are too embarrassed to come forward now????

whereas there are men out there who have raped teens.....

so they are not equal...both bad, but one is WORSE....

We just seem to melding sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct, and sexual abuse all with the person who actually has gone through the horrific act of being raped, is put on the level of someone who has simply been sexually harassed diminishes what the raped woman has gone through imo...

And what franken did was wrong, but it was not the same level as a 32 yr old seeking out 14 to 17 year old....

and sadly, I have to admit that I actually chuckled when I first saw the picture of him appearing to be grabbing at her flak jacket where her boobs were and his idiotic, goofy face that he was making and posing for, with the photographer....I thought it was part of a comedy skit, making fun of the way men think....(about boobies) :)

I did not know about the forced "dress rehearsal' french kiss and how horrible the woman felt about it yet...I caught the picture first.... but still, that humiliating action and demeaning actions towards the woman working with him on the USO tour, is NOT the same as preying on teens in my book.....

am I wrong? If so, why?
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Claims of Sexual Misconduct is certainly not limited to politicians. Look at the business community and the entertainment industry. In fact, most every segment of society from religious organization, to schools, to the Fortune 500 companies all have their share.

Most victims of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment keep their mouth shut to avoid having their sex lives open to pubic scrutiny and ridicule. It is so much easier to change jobs and try to forget the incident but it's often not easy to forget and it can create serious mental damage. However, when one person has the guts to step forward to tell their story it encourages others to do the same. Are some of these stories made up and exaggerated? Of course they are but that is no reason to discount all of them. People that perpetrate sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct do so over and over. It is rare to find isolated events. Sexual harassment like rape is not so much about sex as it is about control and subjugation.
------------------------------------------- seems to me that axccusations should be backed up wity PROOF in a court of law . To me , there is nothing brave about bringing forth accusations that are 40 years old Papa .
Of course it takes courage to step forward with these accusations. People that are supportive of the accused are going to attack. That's why so many people that are victims of sexual abuse and misconduct keep their mouth shut. However, that is exactly what they should not do. Confronting the person relieves feelings of guilt and helplessness and helps restore self confidence. Some people can do it immediately but for others it takes years.
Unfortunately many sex crimes have short statutes of limitation so the media is the only alternative the victim has.

My 15 year old granddaughter was molested by and adult. It was two years before we found out. She had stopped dating. She refused to go to school. Her 3.6 GPA became barely passing, and she was depressed most of the time. We wanted to go to the police but she said she would kill her self. Since she already tried once we were afraid to. That was about 10 years ago. Today she is lot better after years of therapy but that event in her life changed her forever. She will never be the person she could have been. I'll bet the the SOB that attacked her doesn't even remember it.

I agree with Ivanka Trump when she said, "There is special place in hell for people that prey on children."
Its almost like a witch hunt, except some of the accused actually did these things. Which is sickening.
It is all part of the plan..

Once people do care about such things anymore, the mere mention of it will make people gloss over.

Just like during the Obama years when the race card was so over played.

Remember those days when you disagreed with Obama it automatically made you a racist?
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Claims of Sexual Misconduct is certainly not limited to politicians. Look at the business community and the entertainment industry. In fact, most every segment of society from religious organization, to schools, to the Fortune 500 companies all have their share.

Most victims of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment keep their mouth shut to avoid having their sex lives open to pubic scrutiny and ridicule. It is so much easier to change jobs and try to forget the incident but it's often not easy to forget and it can create serious mental damage. However, when one person has the guts to step forward to tell their story it encourages others to do the same. Are some of these stories made up and exaggerated? Of course they are but that is no reason to discount all of them. People that perpetrate sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct do so over and over. It is rare to find isolated events. Sexual harassment like rape is not so much about sex as it is about control and subjugation.
------------------------------------------- seems to me that axccusations should be backed up wity PROOF in a court of law . To me , there is nothing brave about bringing forth accusations that are 40 years old Papa .
Of course it takes courage to step forward with these accusations. People that are supportive of the accused are going to attack. That's why so many people that are victims of sexual abuse and misconduct keep their mouth shut. However, that is exactly what they should not do. Confronting the person relieves feelings of guilt and helplessness and helps restore self confidence. Some people can do it immediately but for others it takes years.
Unfortunately many sex crimes have short statutes of limitation so the media is the only alternative the victim has.

My 15 year old granddaughter was molested by and adult. It was two years before we found out. She had stopped dating. She refused to go to school. Her 3.6 GPA became barely passing, and she was depressed most of the time. We wanted to go to the police but she said she would kill her self. Since she already tried once we were afraid to. That was about 10 years ago. Today she is lot better after years of therapy but that event in her life changed her forever. She will never be the person she could have been. I'll bet the the SOB that attacked her doesn't even remember it.

I agree with Ivanka Trump when she said, "There is special place in hell for people that prey on children."

So sorry to hear about your sad. but you all intervened and saved her life..I hope she goes onto a happy life.

My fear, is this desensitization that grampa speaks about...

and part of this imo, is because the news equates all of this instances as equal and in the worst way possible....

In your thirties and trying to hang out with and pick up teenage girls is bad, or weird, or creepy, but it is NOT the same as a pedophile who goes after and has sex with, per-pubescent girls and so far, unless I missed something, all we've heard about is Moore's attempts at getting sex and maybe even attempted rape that the one woman said she felt was going to happen but impossible to prove, but they never did happen, maybe first or second base kind of stuff and most definitely him taking advantage of their youth and his age....all of this very creepy and predatory like....but he did not rape them, unless the girls he did manage to 'score' with are too embarrassed to come forward now????

whereas there are men out there who have raped teens.....

so they are not equal...both bad, but one is WORSE....

We just seem to melding sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct, and sexual abuse all with the person who actually has gone through the horrific act of being raped, is put on the level of someone who has simply been sexually harassed diminishes what the raped woman has gone through imo...

And what franken did was wrong, but it was not the same level as a 32 yr old seeking out 14 to 17 year old....

and sadly, I have to admit that I actually chuckled when I first saw the picture of him appearing to be grabbing at her flak jacket where her boobs were and his idiotic, goofy face that he was making and posing for, with the photographer....I thought it was part of a comedy skit, making fun of the way men think....(about boobies) :)

I did not know about the forced "dress rehearsal' french kiss and how horrible the woman felt about it yet...I caught the picture first.... but still, that humiliating action and demeaning actions towards the woman working with him on the USO tour, is NOT the same as preying on teens in my book.....

am I wrong? If so, why?

Some 14 year old girls have NOT had their periods yet. Yes, it is no better than pedophilia. It is taking advantage of someone's youth and inexperience. If you are 32, then you have absolutely NO business hanging out with teenagers. The person who does these things has some serious issues.
My fear, is this desensitization that grampa speaks about...

and part of this imo, is because the news equates all of this instances as equal and in the worst way possible....

In your thirties and trying to hang out with and pick up teenage girls is bad, or weird, or creepy, but it is NOT the same as a pedophile who goes after and has sex with, per-pubescent girls and so far, unless I missed something, all we've heard about is Moore's attempts at getting sex and maybe even attempted rape that the one woman said she felt was going to happen but impossible to prove, but they never did happen, maybe first or second base kind of stuff and most definitely him taking advantage of their youth and his age....all of this very creepy and predatory like....but he did not rape them, unless the girls he did manage to 'score' with are too embarrassed to come forward now????

whereas there are men out there who have raped teens.....

so they are not equal...both bad, but one is WORSE....

We just seem to melding sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct, and sexual abuse all with the person who actually has gone through the horrific act of being raped, is put on the level of someone who has simply been sexually harassed diminishes what the raped woman has gone through imo...

And what franken did was wrong, but it was not the same level as a 32 yr old seeking out 14 to 17 year old....

and sadly, I have to admit that I actually chuckled when I first saw the picture of him appearing to be grabbing at her flak jacket where her boobs were and his idiotic, goofy face that he was making and posing for, with the photographer....I thought it was part of a comedy skit, making fun of the way men think....(about boobies) :)

I did not know about the forced "dress rehearsal' french kiss and how horrible the woman felt about it yet...I caught the picture first.... but still, that humiliating action and demeaning actions towards the woman working with him on the USO tour, is NOT the same as preying on teens in my book.....

am I wrong? If so, why?

Care4All I consider this rape..

he picked her up around the corner from her house in Gadsden, drove her about 30 minutes to his home in the woods, told her how pretty she was and kissed her. On a second visit, she says, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear.
Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32


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