Is ANYONE else sick of all this political shit with the sexual claims?

To me, it is pedophilia. I'm not going to make distinctions based on the age of said CHILD. Teenagers are children in a later stage of development is all. Besides that, just because you started your period doesn't mean you are magically no longer a child any longer. Nothing changes except that you now bleed from your vagina!
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

Absolutely Not! I love seeing all these dirt bag politicians an hollywooders getting dragged thru the mud. I could watch it everyday for the rest of my life. Christmas came early when I saw that Al Franken got his name tossed into the smelly heap.
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

This is not just going on in government it's CEO"s it's everywhere. But I like this one man's statement regarding this. It's putting the shoe on the other foot.

"To Guys Who Think It's "Hard To Be A Man" Right Now, I’ve Got Some News For You

As sexual harassment allegations continue to be made public against powerful men, there's been a theme appearing among male commentators: discomfort. The argument being made — online and IRL — is that it's "hard to be a man right now," that men are being forced to reconsider every interaction they've had with co-workers, friends, ex-partners, and every other woman they know to see if how they acted could be construed as harassment, or inappropriate.

I myself have had several conversations like this with men over the past two weeks, both men who identify as feminist allies, and ones who don't. And there's one aspect that seems to be pretty absent from their consideration: that if you're feeling vigilant and wary of the opposite sex, and are constantly monitoring your relationships with them in the workplace, on public transport, on the street — you're getting an insight into what women feel like. All the time. Every day. Yes, the stakes are wildly different — because as worried about their reputations as they may be, men don't have to worry about their physical safety around women, as women so often do with men — but it's a badly needed dose of reality."

To Guys Who Think It's "Hard To Be A Man" Right Now, I’ve Got Some News For You
I find it funny. I'm waiting for Elvii to Twitt from the grave and say he was molested while at boot camp......or Jim Morrison(not Marion). Jim man. Wake up......
Hendrix man. That doesn't count if the dude said cough. Its a hernia thang man.
To me, it is pedophilia. I'm not going to make distinctions based on the age of said CHILD. Teenagers are children in a later stage of development is all. Besides that, just because you started your period doesn't mean you are magically no longer a child any longer. Nothing changes except that you now bleed from your vagina!
there is a difference, psychologically and even in the names the doctors/medical field have chosen for the various warped and demented -philia .... the older teen child, is more mature than the prepubescent child and has more ability to fend off the attacks, like most of these teen girls managed to do....not a chance with a 5 or 7 yr old.... but I can see how from a mother's perspective, your child is your child, PERIOD, and someone trying to harm them or harming them is equally painful whether they are 7 or 17!!!
To me, it is pedophilia. I'm not going to make distinctions based on the age of said CHILD. Teenagers are children in a later stage of development is all. Besides that, just because you started your period doesn't mean you are magically no longer a child any longer. Nothing changes except that you now bleed from your vagina!
there is a difference, psychologically and even in the names the doctors have chosen for the various warped and demented -philia .... the older teen child, is more mature than the prepubescent child and has more ability to fend off the attacks, like most of these teen girls managed to do....not a chance with a 5 or 7 yr old.... but I can see how from a mother's perspective, your child is your child, PERIOD, and someone trying to harm them or harming them is equally painful whether they are 7 or 17!!!

That all depends on the situation and the circumstances and the child in question.
I don't know why there is all this distinction being made based on puberty. Some girls start their periods at 9, some don't start until they are 16. That doesn't have shit to do with it.
I don't know why there is all this distinction being made based on puberty. Some girls start their periods at 9, some don't start until they are 16. That doesn't have shit to do with it.
why does Alabama and several states have 16 as the age of consent? they are still children?
Actually I will be sick of it "after" Al Franken goes down.
Could never stand the SOB and enjoyed seeing the stone throwing hypocritical ass get 15 minutes of negative coverage on the local news today.
First laugh Franken has ever given me in his comedy...political career.

Frankin had enough integrity to immediately take responsibility for his actions, and apologize. The woman accepted his apology. Did Moore or Poppy Bush do that?

You think he apologized? You don't know what an apology is. After Leeann Tweeen accused Franken of kissing her forcibly and sticking his tongue in her mouth during a rehearsal, here is what the creep said:

“I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” Franken said in a statement provided to the Guardian. “As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn’t. I shouldn’t have done it.”

Al Franken apologizes after accusation he kissed and groped TV news anchor

He never apologized for the sexual battery; in fact, he denied it There are many ways of denying something, for example:

I didn't do that.
I have no idea what she's talking about.
That's not the way I remember it (that was Franken's approach).

Here's an apology: What she said was true and I regret having put her through it.

Franken did apologize for the crude picture but he had no choice in the matter because the photograph gave him no room to lie. However, he did not apologize for the sexual battery; instead, he called Leeann a liar. She appeared to accept his “apology”; however , in the overall scheme of things he is still a creep and his apology was as phony as a three-dollar bill.
Since MOST victims of rape are young teenage girls, then I would say that no, they are not any more capable of defending themselves against a rapist.
I don't know why there is all this distinction being made based on puberty. Some girls start their periods at 9, some don't start until they are 16. That doesn't have shit to do with it.
why does Alabama and many states have 16 as the age of consent? they are still children?

I don't know, but it is WRONG. Yes, 16-year-olds are still children, or at least the vast majority of them are.
I imagine that ages of consent on a national level will rise in the future, based on the fact that they are most often victims and also based on newest scientific data about our brains and how they develop and how they are still developing during our teenage years despite what people from the 1800s thought!
Are 16-year-olds allowed to drink, vote, sign legally binding contracts? No? Why not?
Actually I will be sick of it "after" Al Franken goes down.
Could never stand the SOB and enjoyed seeing the stone throwing hypocritical ass get 15 minutes of negative coverage on the local news today.
First laugh Franken has ever given me in his comedy...political career.

Frankin had enough integrity to immediately take responsibility for his actions, and apologize. The woman accepted his apology. Did Moore or Poppy Bush do that?

You think he apologized? You don't know what an apology is. After Leeann Tweeen accused Franken of kissing her forcibly and sticking his tongue in her mouth during a rehearsal, here is what the creep said:

“I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” Franken said in a statement provided to the Guardian. “As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn’t. I shouldn’t have done it.”

Al Franken apologizes after accusation he kissed and groped TV news anchor

He never apologized for the sexual battery; in fact, he denied it There are many ways of denying something, for example:

I didn't do that.
I have no idea what she's talking about.
That's not the way I remember it (that was Franken's approach).

Here's an apology: What she said was true and I regret having put her through it.

Franken did apologize for the crude picture but he had no choice in the matter because the photograph gave him no room to lie. However, he did not apologize for the sexual battery; instead, he called Leeann a liar. She appeared to accept his “apology”; however , in the overall scheme of things he is still a creep and his apology was as phony as a three-dollar bill.
he released a more in depth apology right after the one you posted....
My fear, is this desensitization that grampa speaks about...

and part of this imo, is because the news equates all of this instances as equal and in the worst way possible....

In your thirties and trying to hang out with and pick up teenage girls is bad, or weird, or creepy, but it is NOT the same as a pedophile who goes after and has sex with, per-pubescent girls and so far, unless I missed something, all we've heard about is Moore's attempts at getting sex and maybe even attempted rape that the one woman said she felt was going to happen but impossible to prove, but they never did happen, maybe first or second base kind of stuff and most definitely him taking advantage of their youth and his age....all of this very creepy and predatory like....but he did not rape them, unless the girls he did manage to 'score' with are too embarrassed to come forward now????

whereas there are men out there who have raped teens.....

so they are not equal...both bad, but one is WORSE....

We just seem to melding sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct, and sexual abuse all with the person who actually has gone through the horrific act of being raped, is put on the level of someone who has simply been sexually harassed diminishes what the raped woman has gone through imo...

And what franken did was wrong, but it was not the same level as a 32 yr old seeking out 14 to 17 year old....

and sadly, I have to admit that I actually chuckled when I first saw the picture of him appearing to be grabbing at her flak jacket where her boobs were and his idiotic, goofy face that he was making and posing for, with the photographer....I thought it was part of a comedy skit, making fun of the way men think....(about boobies) :)

I did not know about the forced "dress rehearsal' french kiss and how horrible the woman felt about it yet...I caught the picture first.... but still, that humiliating action and demeaning actions towards the woman working with him on the USO tour, is NOT the same as preying on teens in my book.....

am I wrong? If so, why?

Care4All I consider this rape..

he picked her up around the corner from her house in Gadsden, drove her about 30 minutes to his home in the woods, told her how pretty she was and kissed her. On a second visit, she says, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear.
Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

So many people just don't understand how damaging this is for kids. And no, they don't just get over it.

Children are taught that older people are good and correct, and that children must learn from them. Therefore, if an adult does something that the child thinks is wrong, then the only conclusion is that it's "my fault". The trauma is directly related to the age difference.

The "my fault" conclusion destroys self confidence in the child producing a seriously wounded child who becomes the easy target for other predators. As these incidents are repeated, the abuse tends to get worse and worse, and the victim begins to believe that they were born to be abused. This literally destroys their lives.

The most horrifying part is the abuser believes he is doing nothing wrong. They believe the child actually enjoys the activity. They are the teacher guiding the child helping the child develop their sexuality. It's enough to make you puke.
I cannot abide by a kid diddler. I don't care who it is or what party he is associated with. Makes not a LICK of difference to me when it comes to kiddie diddlers, one of the most DESPICABLE of all criminals next to murderers, IMO.
I don't know why there is all this distinction being made based on puberty. Some girls start their periods at 9, some don't start until they are 16. That doesn't have shit to do with it.
why does Alabama and several states have 16 as the age of consent? they are still children?

Maybe if you read the law in context you would not spew far left religious dogma that can be debunked.


The age of consent in Alabama is 16.

Shown by articles of the Code of Alabama:

13A-6-70: (c) A person is deemed incapable of consent if he is: (1) Less than 16 years old...

13A-6-67 : (a) A person commits the crime of sexual abuse in the second degree if: ...
(2) He, being 19 years old or older, subjects another person to sexual contact who is less than 16 years old, but more than 12 years old.

13A-6-62 (a) A person commits the crime of rape in the second degree if: ...
(1) Being 16 years old or older, he or she engages in sexual intercourse with a member of the opposite sex less than 16 and more than 12 years old; provided, however, the actor is at least two years older than the member of the opposite sex.

13A-6-64 : (a) A person commits the crime of sodomy in the second degree if: ...
(1) He, being 16 years old or older, engages in deviate sexual intercourse with another person less than 16 and more than 12 years old.

The State Legislature passed Act 2010-497 making it a crime for any school employee to have any sexual relations with a student under the age of 19. A school employee includes a teacher, school administrator, student teacher, safety or resource officer, coach, and other school employee. Age of the student and consent is not a defense. So thus, the age of consent of 16 cannot be used.

13A-6-81 : A person commits the crime of a school employee engaging in a sex act or deviant sexual intercourse with a student under the age of 19 years if:
(a) He or she is a school employee and engages in a sex act or deviant sexual intercourse with a student, regardless of whether the student is male or female. Consent is not a defense to a charge under this section.

(b) As used in this section, sex act means sexual intercourse with any penetration, however slight; emission is not required.

(c) As used in this section, deviant sexual intercourse means any act of sexual gratification between persons not married to each other involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another.

(d) The crime of a school employee engaging in a sex act or deviant sexual intercourse with a student is a Class B felony.

13A-6-82 : A person commits the crime of a school employee having sexual contact with a student under the age of 19 years if:
(a) He or she is a school employee and engaging in sexual contact with a student, regardless of whether the student is male or female. Consent is not a defense to a charge under this section.

(b) As used in this section, sexual contact means any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a student, done for the purpose of gratifying the sexual desire of either party. The term includes soliciting or harassing a student to perform a sex act.

(c) The crime of a school employee having sexual contact with a student is a Class A misdemeanor.

Any individual convicted of these offenses, regardless if they received prison time or not, will have to register as a Sex Offender for the remainder of their life.

There was also a law which prohibited K-12 teachers from having sex with students under age 19, and violators could face prison time and/or get on the sex offender registry. In 2017, Alabama Circuit Judge Glenn Thompson, of Morgan County in the north of the state, ruled that this law was unconstitutional.[32]

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia

But be careful as much as you far left drones praise Canada for things, the age of consent is 16.
I was certainly no adult at the age of 16. I made terrible decisions based on stupid reasons and was pretty dumb. I was still very MUCH a self-centered child.

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