Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

. I am sickened and outraged that Biden has allowed this invasion to happen and that he is refusing to do anything to help Ukraine resist this brutal invasion.

If the CIA is in THE Ukraine right now and anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons are being smuggled in through Poland will you be outraged at Biden for not braggjng about it from a resort like Mara-Lago?

I saw US confirmation that a Russian troop transport plane has been shot down. Up to 124 possible Russian Troops on board.

Snipers can defeat an occupation army once the conventional battles are over.,

Putin may not be a genius after all Donald. More like a dumbassed sore loser like you Donald who has decided to be a war criminal and Terrorist., If he goes all out - a genocidsl madman.

Trump has yet to condemn Putin - the kind of STRONG leader DJT wants to be.,
I am right. I don't know what they really want, but if what they say corresponds to reality: protection from the Bandera terror, then they are saving Ukrainians, especially Western ones. Because Western Ukrainians are ethnic Poles, and Bandera killed Poles (ethnic Ukrainians)
If the CIA is in THE Ukraine right now and anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons are being smuggled in through Poland will you be outraged at Biden for not braggjng about it from a resort like Mara-Lago?

I saw US confirmation that a Russian troop transport plane has been shot down. Up to 124 possible Russian Troops on board.

Snipers can defeat an occupation army once the conventional battles are over.,

Putin may not be a genius after all Donald. More like a dumbassed sore loser like you Donald who has decided to be a war criminal and Terrorist., If he goes all out - a genocidsl madman.

Trump has yet to condemn Putin - the kind of STRONG leader DJT wants to be.,
WHY should Trump condemn Putin? Lay out your arguments, just not in one sentence
I am right. I don't know what they really want, but if what they say corresponds to reality: protection from the Bandera terror, then they are saving Ukrainians, especially Western ones. Because Western Ukrainians are ethnic Poles, and Bandera killed Poles (ethnic Ukrainians)
There are a huge number of PSEVOPOLYAKS who are actually Jews - let's look at things in an open-minded way. And there are a lot of "half-breeds" that ethnic Ukrainians do NOT consider "Ukrainians" anymore.

Naturally, you won't like what I write - but that's the TRUTH.

The Ukraine/Russia situation is far more complex than Ukraine being a "current" threat. At the end of the day Putin takes no interest of his country being forced down a path for westerners. He'd be a failure if he did. Same applies to a lot of the Russian people, and Ukrainians too, who are mostly the same if not exactly.

By some measure Putin was provoked by your one-world global leftwhiches. No?

These are the demands that the Kremlin made to Ukraine yesterday:

(a) the recognition of Crimea as Russian, and the LNR and DNR as independent within the borders of the regions,

(b) federalization of future Ukraine with extensive independence of the southeast,

(c) complete demilitarization of future Ukraine and neutral status,

(d) a complete end to derusification with the abolition of all "wild laws",

(e) a ban on the existence of Nazi organizations,

(f) investigation and prosecution of all crimes of the terror era,
(g) after a certain transition period, re-elections at all levels.

As you can see, everything is as minimal as possible, gentle and without the slightest interference in internal affairs. In the case of consent, a guarantee of a cessation of hostilities.

Washington ignored all of this, supporting the mass murder of the Russian-speaking population of Donbass
COVID is as much Trumps fault as the Russia invasion is Bidens fault. Did that point go over your head? I’m not making the claims that either are because of an American president. Do I need to slow down for you to understand what I’m saying or are you caught up now?
Covid is not Trumps fault---it's the chinese and Fauci. Did you not get the memo?
There are a huge number of PSEVOPOLYAKS who are actually Jews - let's look at things in an open-minded way. And there are a lot of "half-breeds" that ethnic Ukrainians do NOT consider "Ukrainians" anymore.

Naturally, you won't like what I write - but that's the TRUTH.
I agree, this has been going on since the time of the Lithuanian conquests during the times of Timur, it was Lithuania that was the birthplace of the Ashkenazim, and it was along this border that the Pale of Settlement passed.

In addition, there were many Serbian colonists there.

Nevertheless, many purebred Poles remained there, there are peoples who are directly Poles, such as the Opolyans.

Does all this somehow cancel the fact that it was the Polish population that Bandera exterminated?
Alexandre Fedorovski
It take long for me to realize what you're getting at. Do you want to attribute "anti-Bolshevism" and "anti-Semitism" to Bandera? This is what leftist propaganda is doing right now. They are trying to attribute to him the organization of the Lvov pogrom, although it is well known that this was the answer of the Ukrainians themselves to the mass executions of political prisoners in the NKVD camps and Bandera had nothing to do with it.

Doesn't it bother you that when the anti-Semitic Nazis came, Bandera was put in the same place where Jews and communists were put, and his "army" was dispersed?

Maybe for the sake of populism he allowed himself anti-Semitic statements, but he killed Poles, not Jews and Bolsheviks.
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Alexandre Fedorovski And as for the mixing of Poles with Jews, I think that there was no significant mixing during Bandera's time, because the Jews lived mainly in the ghetto. There was segregation
You will never get a trump hater to ever tell the truth about anything---all they do is lie their asses off and try to blame someone else.

Take for instance your childish pictures up there.....Biden fucks up and allows Afghan to fall signalling to PUtin that he can now steal countries including Ukraine (he will be stealing more).....and what do the Trump haters do, try to blame Trump who kept PUtin and our enemies in line. It's some seriously crazy shit.... And worse, they have nothing to base these stupid claims on so they draw stupid pictures (see above) that have nothing to with any facts.
WHY should Trump condemn Putin?

NFBW wrote: I was in Russia in 2000 when Putin was on the ballot for the first time. I went with my wife and her father to watch them vote.

Two years later and after 9/11 I supported Bush going into Afghanistan because we were attacked and we had an inherent right to self-defense to retaliate for being attacked from there.

A year after that I marched in protests against Bush’s threat to invade Iraq. He was lying on March 10 that inspections were not working and this was a lie.
“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.
BUSH WAS LYING. He did not have that intelligence.,

I have condemned Bush and his lies and wouid like to see him charged as a war criminal for killing half a million Itaqis in what he called a preemptive war. There was no threat or justification for harming Iraqis. there was no genocide going on that wouid justify an invasion.

In 2008 I watched Russian troops operating in Georgia. My wife and I watched live Russian TV and she translated directly what was gong on the night it started. Russian military were being shelled in a hotel in South Ossetia. So Putin retaliated by destroying Georgia’s military installations and equipment. I leaned toward agreement with Putin on that.

Crinea was a bloodless coup and my viewpoint at that time was because of the coup in KIEV when the Yanakovich regime was removed there was a humanitarian danger to the Russian speakers in Crimea. I Agreed that the coup in Kiev ended Ukraine’s constitutional government so Putin had a right and humanitarian objective to send forces in to protect Crimeans and allow them to vote. I’m still with Putin up to that point.

Donbass was sad. Both sides suck on that dispute.

We have Russian and Ukrainian friends here in the states. My wife is a psychotherapist educated in Russia. The Donbass situation has splintered some of our friendships but my wife has been a Swiss refuge - we have kept it intact with both sides..

Up to 48 hours ago my wife and I were pretty much on the same page on Putin. i cannot accept what he did in Syria. My wife was not bothered by that. I object to his attempts at subverting Democracy here and in Europe, Wife thinks that is Western hyperbole and propaganda - both sides do it.

We both were on edge when Putin moved troops into the Donbas region - I said well if that’s what he wants and it settled it - and peace and security resumes for Russian speakers living there then so be it. it’s another Crimea except this was bloody.and wrong to drag it out all these years.. my wife agreed but she seemed to realize Putin was getting out of touch with reality and not to be trusted for negotiating at gunpoint.

Then the announcement by Putin starting bombing abd invading and heading to Kiev..

I was done. He is Hitler invading Poland. he is killing civilians. There is no excuse or justification for what he has done., He is not a genius. HE is a WAR CRIMINAL and terrorist, Just like liar George Bush and Duck Cheney are war criminals and terrorists causing the deaths of half a million Iraqis. SHOCK and AWE night on tv with massive explosions in Baghdad made me ashamed to be an American.

SHOCK n AWE NIGHT March 2003. That was my thought 2 days ago. I had to tell my wife it’s shameful to be Russian right now. I was not comfortable saying it. Fortunately she saw the video of the Russian Tank hitting a car on the street pushing it out of its way and then drive right over top of another car crushing it to get away from the civilians scattering for their lives. So fucking ugly cowardly and inhumane., My wife in tears cried out I’m so ashamed to be Russian - I hugged her.,

We are uplifted a bit for now by the protests in Russia and the strength and character of the Ukrainians. Here is to supporting them to overcome what a war criminal has done.
Putin has to deal with NATO, not the US by itself.
Russia invades Ukraine after Biden tells them that they can-----it is Biden's fault.
If the CIA is in THE Ukraine right now and anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons are being smuggled in through Poland will you be outraged at Biden for not braggjng about it from a resort like Mara-Lago?

I saw US confirmation that a Russian troop transport plane has been shot down. Up to 124 possible Russian Troops on board.

Snipers can defeat an occupation army once the conventional battles are over.,

Putin may not be a genius after all Donald. More like a dumbassed sore loser like you Donald who has decided to be a war criminal and Terrorist., If he goes all out - a genocidsl madman.

Trump has yet to condemn Putin - the kind of STRONG leader DJT wants to be.,
Honey, you really do need help---
The time for Biden, if he was ever going to send weapons, was months ago before Putin invaded. But atlas Biden didn't--which should be telling you something that Biden doesn't give a damn about PUtin invading.

what Biden did instead was actually tell Putin that it was ok to invade the Ukraine.

so sick of the delusional comments by the Biden leg humpers---desperate, pathetic, and dishonest.

Biden caused and allowed putin to attack Ukraine, just like Biden allowed the terrorists take over in the Middle east. It will not end here--next up to bat, is china and again Biden taking bribes from china and russia looking the other way while they invade and attack others is the root cause of all of this.
Honey, you really do need help---
The time for Biden, if he was ever going to send weapons, was months ago before Putin invaded. But atlas Biden didn't--which should be telling you something that Biden doesn't give a damn about PUtin invading.

what Biden did instead was actually tell Putin that it was ok to invade the Ukraine.

so sick of the delusional comments by the Biden leg humpers---desperate, pathetic, and dishonest.

Biden caused and allowed putin to attack Ukraine, just like Biden allowed the terrorists take over in the Middle east. It will not end here--next up to bat, is china and again Biden taking bribes from china and russia looking the other way while they invade and attack others is the root cause of all of this.
You are seriously deluded. Just stop
You are a liar.
I think they believe it, spend all you time in a far right wing echo chamber and eventually you believe all kinds of weird stuff. In the RWNM everything and I mean everything they think is bad is a mean old Dems fault. Everything good to them is Trump. Listen or read this stuff in a loop and do absolutely no research you become indoctrinated. So perhaps they are not liars.

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