Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

Who is it on the Right that is supposedly supporting Putin’s actions?
Answer: Obviously, those who refuse to condemn his recent military advance into Ukraine.
Similar question could have easily been asked people "on the Left" as well.
Observation: This being your first post on this thread, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice that you have yet to straightforwardly respond to the OP. So, where do you stand? Are you "on the Right"? If so:

Do you condemn Putin's recent military advance into Ukraine?
Otoh, I'd have asked a different three-part question:

Do you consider yourself part of the 1% or a 1% wannabe/sympathizer?
If so, do you condemn Putin's recent military advance into Ukraine?
If not, why not?
Are you going to condemn Joe and Obama and Clinton for colluding with Russia every day of their lives? Putin is what happens when you shut down our XL pipeline and throw 50,000 Americans out of work, help get Putin's Nordstream2 pipeline going, sell Putin 20% of US Uranium which he then sells to Iran which bought it with the $150 Billion Obama Bucks Obama Bin Lying gave to Iran illegally. They also bought centrifuges, and missile technology, and Nuclear Scientists.

When are you going to condemn The DemNazi party for attacking our Democracy, launching 3 COUPS to remove a duly elected president Trump, spying on Trump, and colluding with Russia and China to rig the 2016 and 2020 elections?

Every Republican I know and have heard warned both Obama, Clinton and Biden not to screw around and take bribes from China and Russia and give them sweetheart deals.

There is only one thing you can count on with the DemNazi Party. They side with Communists, Illegal Aliens and Terrorists every single time, and then only deny it when they get caught.
Have you joined the invasion yet, Comrade?
Been checking out other Nations. SO FAR France Germany Poland FIGHTING The dictator. We are in Poland, & they are preparing to take in as many Ukrainian people as possible. So far the free world is with Ukraine except a large percentage of our country who support the dictator. Will check more, maybe some independent free nations are supporting the dictator?
Answer: Obviously, those who refuse to condemn his recent military advance into Ukraine.
Similar question could have easily been asked people "on the Left" as well.
Observation: This being your first post on this thread, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice that you have yet to straightforwardly respond to the OP. So, where do you stand? Are you "on the Right"? If so:

Do you condemn Putin's recent military advance into Ukraine?
You are obviously not able to comprehend even the simplest questions, but that was obvious when you decided to speak for candycorn, so since she didn’t reply, I will ask you the same question, who are this people on the right that have supported Putin’s aggression?
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
I'll condemn him all day long.

Happy now?
1) Russia and Ukraine are almost the same people. Ukrainians will have Rights and Freedoms as citizens of Ukraine or Russia.

2) Taiwanese people will have Rights and Freedoms as citizens of Taiwan or China.

3) If Conservatives and Independents will make enemies in Russia and China then all Western People will be subjugated under Progressive Totalitarianism.
No citizen of China has any rights, moron.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
you're a shithead, what about the left stooge,you dips are so predictable. what about when you fucks were burning and looting
Perhaps you can explain how a nuclear armed terrorist and a war criminal who a former President defines as “pretty smart,” because (quoting Trump) “He’s taken over a country for $2 worth of sanctions,” . . . “taking over a country — really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people — and just walking right in.” has made a fool of President Biden who is working with the President of the invaded country to punish the terrorist war criminal for his crimes? Do you think Trump would have stopped Putin from ‘walkin’ right in’ or congratulate Putin for smartly invading a much less armed country?
Bottom line. Putin did nothing while Trump was in office because he knew there would be serious consequences. Xiden the pants shitter just sat by and let it happen. All on HIM.
Why would we admit to something that is not true? When are YOU going to admit that Trump conned you?
Trump has nothing to do with this except for your pathetic deflections and excuses for Xiden’s incompetence. The dementia suffering pants shitter was made to look like a total fool. Not hard to do.....
The enabler and hugger of dictators and grabber of pussies and blessed blessed blessed by Mashmont has been legally evicted from the White House

No surprises as Trump says he could recognize Crimea as ’Russian’ & lift sanctions​

Halya Coynash

Trump photo: EPA
Donald Trump did not just call on a hostile state to hack a presidential candidate’s emails on Wednesday. He also said that, if elected US President, he would consider removing the sanctions against that same nation for its aggression against Ukraine and recognize Crimea, which Russia invaded and is occupying, as Russian territory

You don’t have to look very far. On July 31, 2015, Trump called Crimea “Europe’s problem” and said that “the U.S. should only step in on Crimea if European countries ask for help”.
In September 2015 he took a similar line, while rather bizarrely claiming that Russia’s aggressive policy in Ukraine was because "there is no respect for the United States.", with Putin not respect US President Barack Obama.
He refused to promise more US support for Ukraine, saying that this was Europe’s responsibility. Earlier in the summer, he was fulsome in his praise of Putin, telling Fox News host Bill O’Reilly “You can make deals with those people. Obama can’t …. I would be willing to bet I would have a great relationship with Putin. It’s about leadership.”
He was still just as charmed by Putin on Dec 18 last year. In response to an NBC presenter’s comment that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a leader who kills journalists, political opponents and invades countries, Donald Trump stated“well, he’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader … our country does plenty of killing also.” He did not see the need to address the issue of invasion at all.
News flash dimwit: Putin got Crimea from Obozo. Trump had nothing to do with that. But like a good cult member you can’t blame Xiden for his screwups.
The thread is really revealing...none of you "christians" can condemn cold blooded murder?

Really...what in the fuck is wrong with you people?
Hypocrite! Why don't you condemn xiden for the teens and babies dying from myocarditis, blood clots and strokes after he pushed the vaccines on them.

That is what we talk about at the kitchen table. Then we talk about inflation caused by the lockdowns and tyranny breathing down our necks. I am not concerned about putin.
View attachment 606603

The problem with some so-called "Americans" is that they have been raised with the idea that killing "OTHERS" is JUSTIFIED and even NECESSARY (the "golden billion" idea of the "Good Club" scums).

The MASSIVE crime against humanity is at the core of American civilization: we have hanged, burned, and hounded with cannibal dogs HUNDRED MILLION owners of this land.

And we did NOT repent.

Therefore, being damned, our continent will split, the waters of the Gulf of Mexico will join the Great Lakes and if we do not leave this continent sooner, up to FIVE percent of our population will survive... By the most optimistic estimates.
Thats the most stupid post on the internet today. V Congrats, you have a lot of competition. Why do you help the communists and marxists who want to destroy western civilization? And why do you tell lies like you do?
View attachment 606603

The problem with some so-called "Americans" is that they have been raised with the idea that killing "OTHERS" is JUSTIFIED and even NECESSARY (the "golden billion" idea of the "Good Club" scums).

The MASSIVE crime against humanity is at the core of American civilization: we have hanged, burned, and hounded with cannibal dogs HUNDRED MILLION owners of this land.

And we did NOT repent.

Therefore, being damned, our continent will split, the waters of the Gulf of Mexico will join the Great Lakes and if we do not leave this continent sooner, up to FIVE percent of our population will survive... By the most optimistic estimates.

Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...

HUH?????????????????? Do you live on Mars? Conservative Republicans from all over the country have been screaming against Russia's aggression for days and calling on Biden to take action to help Ukraine.

I have dear friends in Ukraine, one of whom is like a daughter to me. I am sickened and outraged that Biden has allowed this invasion to happen and that he is refusing to do anything to help Ukraine resist this brutal invasion. This is Neville Chamberlain all over again, only worse.

Come to find out that U.S. intelligence warned Biden weeks ago that Russia was planning a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Yet, his only response was to promise sanctions "IF" Putin invaded. He should be impeached and removed from office for such astonishing incompetence and failure.

Putin couldn't care less about Biden's sanctions. Even now, Biden is not imposing the harshest sanctions that could be imposed. What the devil is he waiting for? Additionally, if Putin conquers Ukraine, he will control Ukraine's trillions of dollars' worth of natural resources, which will surely lessen the impact of whatever sanctions Biden gathers up the nerve to impose.
Putin got Crimea from Obozo. Trump had nothing to do with that.
NFBW $: wrote: (1) Putin got Crimea from The Ukraine. Obama did not have possession of Crimea. (2) I have never stated that Trump had anything to do with Putin’s annexation of Crimea without bloodshed. It was a vote and that is what the majority of Crimeans wanted. Putin moved the military in to protect the election. 22FEB25-POST#0580
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