Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

Putin, of course, is a corrupt scoundrel,

As of yesterday Putin is a war criminal and a terrorist CZAR of a Nuclear armed rogue nation worse than Korea and Iran and apparently still chummy with long time friend Donald J TRUMP who wanted to lift sanctions and would let Putin take any country he wanted.
since 2014 when your pals obama and xiden started their “more flexible” with putin policies and allowed him to invade
Obama and Biden were never more flexible than Bullshitvec Trump

No surprises as Trump says he could recognize Crimea as ’Russian’ & lift sanctions​

Halya Coynash

Trump photo: EPA
Donald Trump did not just call on a hostile state to hack a presidential candidate’s emails on Wednesday. He also said that, if elected US President, he would consider removing the sanctions against that same nation for its aggression against Ukraine and recognize Crimea, which Russia invaded and is occupying, as Russian territory

You don’t have to look very far. On July 31, 2015, Trump called Crimea “Europe’s problem” and said that “the U.S. should only step in on Crimea if European countries ask for help”.
In September 2015 he took a similar line, while rather bizarrely claiming that Russia’s aggressive policy in Ukraine was because "there is no respect for the United States.", with Putin not respect US President Barack Obama.
He refused to promise more US support for Ukraine, saying that this was Europe’s responsibility. Earlier in the summer, he was fulsome in his praise of Putin, telling Fox News host Bill O’Reilly “You can make deals with those people. Obama can’t …. I would be willing to bet I would have a great relationship with Putin. It’s about leadership.”
He was still just as charmed by Putin on Dec 18 last year. In response to an NBC presenter’s comment that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a leader who kills journalists, political opponents and invades countries, Donald Trump stated“well, he’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader … our country does plenty of killing also.” He did not see the need to address the issue of invasion at all.
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For the record: Putin is scum and so is his enabler Joe Biden.

Of course. Notice that scumbag Putin didn’t walk right in until President Trump was out of Office

The enabler and hugger of dictators and grabber of pussies and blessed blessed blessed by Mashmont has been legally evicted from the White House

No surprises as Trump says he could recognize Crimea as ’Russian’ & lift sanctions​

Halya Coynash

Trump photo: EPA
Donald Trump did not just call on a hostile state to hack a presidential candidate’s emails on Wednesday. He also said that, if elected US President, he would consider removing the sanctions against that same nation for its aggression against Ukraine and recognize Crimea, which Russia invaded and is occupying, as Russian territory

You don’t have to look very far. On July 31, 2015, Trump called Crimea “Europe’s problem” and said that “the U.S. should only step in on Crimea if European countries ask for help”.
In September 2015 he took a similar line, while rather bizarrely claiming that Russia’s aggressive policy in Ukraine was because "there is no respect for the United States.", with Putin not respect US President Barack Obama.
He refused to promise more US support for Ukraine, saying that this was Europe’s responsibility. Earlier in the summer, he was fulsome in his praise of Putin, telling Fox News host Bill O’Reilly “You can make deals with those people. Obama can’t …. I would be willing to bet I would have a great relationship with Putin. It’s about leadership.”
He was still just as charmed by Putin on Dec 18 last year. In response to an NBC presenter’s comment that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a leader who kills journalists, political opponents and invades countries, Donald Trump stated“well, he’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader … our country does plenty of killing also.” He did not see the need to address the issue of invasion at all.
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Obama and Biden were never more flexible than Bullshitvec Trump

No surprises as Trump says he could recognize Crimea as ’Russian’ & lift sanctions​

Halya Coynash

Trump photo: EPA
Donald Trump did not just call on a hostile state to hack a presidential candidate’s emails on Wednesday. He also said that, if elected US President, he would consider removing the sanctions against that same nation for its aggression against Ukraine and recognize Crimea, which Russia invaded and is occupying, as Russian territory

You don’t have to look very far. On July 31, 2015, Trump called Crimea “Europe’s problem” and said that “the U.S. should only step in on Crimea if European countries ask for help”.
In September 2015 he took a similar line, while rather bizarrely claiming that Russia’s aggressive policy in Ukraine was because "there is no respect for the United States.", with Putin not respect US President Barack Obama.
He refused to promise more US support for Ukraine, saying that this was Europe’s responsibility. Earlier in the summer, he was fulsome in his praise of Putin, telling Fox News host Bill O’Reilly “You can make deals with those people. Obama can’t …. I would be willing to bet I would have a great relationship with Putin. It’s about leadership.”
He was still just as charmed by Putin on Dec 18 last year. In response to an NBC presenter’s comment that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a leader who kills journalists, political opponents and invades countries, Donald Trump stated“well, he’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader … our country does plenty of killing also.” He did not see the need to address the issue of invasion at all.
haha. what was he suppose to do at that point? your pals the Moscow twins had done let Putin invade ans take it…he had it for over two years at that point
Yawn. More idiotic examples of nothing. So the Trump company wants trademarks recognized, or to buy / build property so they can rent it out.
"Merica first?
That is called making money legitimately. He isn’t taking bribes by corrupt foreigners to sell the country out.
If Trump dropped sanctions against the Chinese electronics company out in the open, what do you think he is doing behind the scenes?

He’s in fucking real estate, if he can make money off them then that’s fine. He isn’t shipping manufacturing jobs there.
Who do you think is going to build/make Trump's trinkets in China?
I'm truly bewildered.... What would be the downside to saying, "I condemn the killing by Vlad of innocent civilians". Or, "Ukraine was not a threat, he shouldn't be doing what he's doing."
The downside would be it would undermine the right’s admiration of, and support for, Putin.

To conservatives, Putin is perceived as being ‘bold,’ ‘strong,’ and ‘fearless’ – he acts without concern for the consequences, he does what he thinks is best for Russia and doesn’t care about being condemned by the international community.

Putin knows he can start a war with impunity – conservatives are attracted to that sort of ruthlessness, to take advantage of a situation even to the detriment of others, including the loss of life.
The downside would be it would undermine the right’s admiration of, and support for, Putin.

To conservatives, Putin is perceived as being ‘bold,’ ‘strong,’ and ‘fearless’ – he acts without concern for the consequences, he does what he thinks is best for Russia and doesn’t care about being condemned by the international community.

Putin knows he can start a war with impunity – conservatives are attracted to that sort of ruthlessness, to take advantage of a situation even to the detriment of others, including the loss of life.
There is a lot of truth to that. Some of it I disagree with but've got em pegged.
Biden is just forcing mask and vaccine mandates while killing our own troops in Afghanistan while leaving billions of dollars worth of weapons and allowing our allies to get murdered and rape…smh
Is that why members of the Trump/Putin party are praising their hero Putin?

This weekend look for the members of the above party to be at CPAC attacking the POTUS as they praise the new co leader of their party- Vladamir Putin.

Look for slime like Rafael Cruz to suck on Trump's ass even though he praised a murderous international thug who at this very minute is killing innocent civilians in Ukraine.
Is that why members of the Trump/Putin party are praising their hero Putin?

This weekend look for the members of the above party to be at CPAC attacking the POTUS as they praise the new co leader of their party- Vladamir Putin.

Look for slime like Rafael Cruz to suck on Trump's ass even though he praised a murderous international thug who at this very minute is killing innocent civilians in Ukraine.
The Crimean is historically and ethnically NOT part of the Ukraine, and never was until Khrushchev bribed the Ukraine with it in 1956.
But that clearly was not really legal, and it should be returned.
Neither was Texas. Your logic is stupid.
Ukraine is a sovereign nation. Putin has no legal claim over the territory of a sovereign nation.
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Don't mislead people: the so-called "Putin" has sacrificed 14,000 Russian-speaking people in Donbas to Kiev's pro-American puppet regime over 8 years. More than 40,000 were mutilated.

152 children were murdered. As many as 500 -children - some of whom have NO arms or legs - have been wounded...

Putin, of course, is a corrupt scoundrel, as are his invasive entourage. All these years he has been "bargaining" with the "collegiate West", trying to unfreeze funds stolen and hidden in the West.

And as soon as he realized that these funds would not be returned to him and his criminal associates, after 8 years of "persuasion" he attacked Ukraine.

His interests (vendetta against Washington) and Russia's interests coincided situationally: NOT to allow Ukraine to become a NATO military base.

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Judge for yourself: these are the demands that the Kremlin made to Ukraine yesterday:

(a) the recognition of Crimea as Russian, and the LNR and DNR as independent within the borders of the regions,

(b) federalization of future Ukraine with extensive independence of the southeast,

(c) complete demilitarization of future Ukraine and neutral status,

(d) a complete end to derusification with the abolition of all "wild laws",

(e) a ban on the existence of Nazi organizations,

(f) investigation and prosecution of all crimes of the terror era,
(g) after a certain transition period, re-elections at all levels.

As you can see, everything is as minimal as possible, gentle and without the slightest interference in internal affairs. In the case of consent, a guarantee of a cessation of hostilities.

If they refuse, the DNR-LNR-Russia coalition will begin the second phase of the military campaign with the use of aviation and the navy on an unlimited scale.

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I am judicially responsible for every byte of information provided in this commentary

Maybe it’s time for the Russian people to have a new revolution to end their subjugation and to join the rest of the world in partnership rather than being derelict outcasts.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
You will be still waiting...

Russia invades Ukraine, their first thoughts is how are they going to blame Biden...

They are too far down the rabbit hole... Trump is calling Putin a genius...

It is a war and they are cheering on the Russians... These are guys that used to cheer on the NAZIs when they invaded Poland...

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