Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

The building asked you to wear a mask? Most interesting. Vaccines may save lives. Mandates do not. The exit was botched. Impossible to defend.
Yep there was a little bitty sign.... Most all states mandate many vaccines to get into schools. They have saved many lives. Benedict Donald screwed the pooch in a fit of spite and out of revenge over the election, he made it hard on our Military and the next Administration. He even bragged about what he did to hamstring us,

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldnā€™t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Donā€™t we think? 21 years. They couldnā€™t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other thingsā€¦yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Itā€™s a shame......"
Putin only started the war after the Fucktard got into office, and he made a complete fool of your Idiot-in-Chief....
Perhaps you can explain how a nuclear armed terrorist and a war criminal who a former President defines as ā€œpretty smart,ā€ because (quoting Trump) ā€œHeā€™s taken over a country for $2 worth of sanctions,ā€ . . . ā€œtaking over a country ā€” really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people ā€” and just walking right in.ā€ has made a fool of President Biden who is working with the President of the invaded country to punish the terrorist war criminal for his crimes? Do you think Trump would have stopped Putin from ā€˜walkinā€™ right inā€™ or congratulate Putin for smartly invading a much less armed country?
Yep there was a little bitty sign.... Most all states mandate many vaccines to get into schools. They have saved many lives. Benedict Donald screwed the pooch in a fit of spite and out of revenge over the election, he made it hard on our Military and the next Administration. He even bragged about what he did to hamstring us,

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldnā€™t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Donā€™t we think? 21 years. They couldnā€™t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other thingsā€¦yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Itā€™s a shame......"
COVID mask mandates and lockdowns caused more deaths than they saved. That data will come out over the next few years. Johnā€™s Hopkins study was just the beginning. But you do you, leftist zombie.
Still waiting for you moonbats to apologize for committing a COUP of the DEMOCRATICALLY elected leader in Ukraine, then installing an incompetent stand-up comic puppet oligarch, in 2014.


Putin's Puppet????? You must be deranged.

I never figured you for a Russian lover.
1) Russia and Ukraine are almost the same people. Ukrainians will have Rights and Freedoms as citizens of Ukraine or Russia.

2) Taiwanese people will have Rights and Freedoms as citizens of Taiwan or China.

3) If Conservatives and Independents will make enemies in Russia and China then all Western People will be subjugated under Progressive Totalitarianism.
congrats, you wrote the most stupid and dishonest thing on the internet in 2022. You must work for Xi.
The Crimean is historically and ethnically NOT part of the Ukraine, and never was until Khrushchev bribed the Ukraine with it in 1956.
But that clearly was not really legal, and it should be returned.
Haha. No. The Ukraine is recognized by our government and the rest of the world as an independent country. Thatā€™s why Putin is invading and not just taking a town car to his country home
Biden is just forcing mask and vaccine mandates while killing our own troops in Afghanistan while leaving billions of dollars worth of weapons and allowing our allies to get murdered and rapeā€¦smh
The entire world has mask and vaccine mandates. Biden didnā€™t kill anybody in Afghanistan, the Taliban did. He also didnā€™t allow anybody to be raped. Why you lyin Willis?!
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...

A Donetsk Russian-speaking girl in her address to Ukrainians from a bomb shelter:

"Putin can point guns at you. Putin is power, strength - he protects us, loves us. And you are just heartless - you don't feel sorry for us. Go away, please!"

View attachment 605987

It's a new service just ask the generals and admirals in charge.




Well, THIS creature will definitely protect America. The enemy, as soon as he sees IT, will rush back into the ocean.

I'd rather be eaten by sharks than face THIS on the battlefield!
Putin is killing innocent people....

And you can't say a bad word about him.

Tells us all we need to know about your bullshit religious beliefs.
Biden ( who is supposed to be the most powerful man in the world ) is ALLOWING Putin to kill innocent people...

And you can't say a bad word about him.

For the record: Putin is scum and so is his enabler Joe Biden.
I condemn you supporting Joe words while you protested the War in Iraq.

Funny all of a sudden you love war and believe we as a society should sacrifice our men and women to defend a country that has no treaty with NATO nor has the U.N. offered to send Peace Keepers in!

So when you condemn Biden words and actions is when I will admit Putin is a moronic piece of shit like Trump and Biden but of course you agree with Biden, so you will never condemn Biden!


The problem with some so-called "Americans" is that they have been raised with the idea that killing "OTHERS" is JUSTIFIED and even NECESSARY (the "golden billion" idea of the "Good Club" scums).

The MASSIVE crime against humanity is at the core of American civilization: we have hanged, burned, and hounded with cannibal dogs HUNDRED MILLION owners of this land.

And we did NOT repent.

Therefore, being damned, our continent will split, the waters of the Gulf of Mexico will join the Great Lakes and if we do not leave this continent sooner, up to FIVE percent of our population will survive... By the most optimistic estimates.
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Perhaps you can explain how a nuclear armed terrorist and a war criminal who a former President defines as ā€œpretty smart,ā€ because (quoting Trump) ā€œHeā€™s taken over a country for $2 worth of sanctions,ā€ . . . ā€œtaking over a country ā€” really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people ā€” and just walking right in.ā€ has made a fool of President Biden who is working with the President of the invaded country to punish the terrorist war criminal for his crimes? Do you think Trump would have stopped Putin from ā€˜walkinā€™ right inā€™ or congratulate Putin for smartly invading a much less armed country?
Do you think Trump would have stopped Putin from ā€˜walkinā€™ right inā€™ ?

You idiot . Of course. Notice that scumbag Putin didnā€™t walk right in until President Trump was out of Office and brainless Brandon was in.
The problem with some so-called "Americans" is that they have been raised with the idea that killing "OTHERS" is JUSTIFIED and even NECESSARY (the "golden billion" idea of the "Good Club" scums).

The MASSIVE crime against humanity is at the core of American civilization: we have hanged, burned, and hounded with cannibal dogs HUNDRED MILLION owners of this land.

And we did NOT repent.

Therefore, being damned, our continent will split, the waters of the Gulf of Mexico will join the Great Lakes and if we do not leave this continent sooner, up to FIVE percent of our population will survive... By the most optimistic estimates.
Haha. No. The Ukraine is recognized by our government and the rest of the world as an independent country. Thatā€™s why Putin is invading and not just taking a town car to his country home



Don't mislead people: the so-called "Putin" has sacrificed 14,000 Russian-speaking people in Donbas to Kiev's pro-American puppet regime over 8 years. More than 40,000 were mutilated.

152 children were murdered. As many as 500 -children - some of whom have NO arms or legs - have been wounded...

Putin, of course, is a corrupt scoundrel, as are his invasive entourage. All these years he has been "bargaining" with the "collegiate West", trying to unfreeze funds stolen and hidden in the West.

And as soon as he realized that these funds would not be returned to him and his criminal associates, after 8 years of "persuasion" he attacked Ukraine.

His interests (vendetta against Washington) and Russia's interests coincided situationally: NOT to allow Ukraine to become a NATO military base.


Judge for yourself: these are the demands that the Kremlin made to Ukraine yesterday:

(a) the recognition of Crimea as Russian, and the LNR and DNR as independent within the borders of the regions,

(b) federalization of future Ukraine with extensive independence of the southeast,

(c) complete demilitarization of future Ukraine and neutral status,

(d) a complete end to derusification with the abolition of all "wild laws",

(e) a ban on the existence of Nazi organizations,

(f) investigation and prosecution of all crimes of the terror era,
(g) after a certain transition period, re-elections at all levels.

As you can see, everything is as minimal as possible, gentle and without the slightest interference in internal affairs. In the case of consent, a guarantee of a cessation of hostilities.

If they refuse, the DNR-LNR-Russia coalition will begin the second phase of the military campaign with the use of aviation and the navy on an unlimited scale.






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Biden ( who is supposed to be the most powerful man in the world ) is ALLOWING Putin to kill innocent people...

And you can't say a bad word about him.

For the record: Putin is scum and so is his enabler Joe Biden.

Again, tell us in plain language how you expect Biden to stop Putin from killing innocent people.
Do you think Trump would have stopped Putin from ā€˜walkinā€™ right inā€™ or congratulate Putin for smartly invading a much less armed country?
Of course.
How was the mere fact that DJT occupied space for his fat ass in the White House preventing Putin from planning to invade Ukraine and executing that plan as we speak?

If Trump has a plan to stop Putin why canā€™t he share it with the current administration?

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