Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

and what do you think that says about people who take that side to troll? Imagine somebody doing the same thing but making excuses for Hitler or Stalin... All good?
Imagine you not being such a drama queen. When Putin tortures and kills six million Jews lmk.
All Bidens fault. Stop blaming Trump for the pussy you voted for incompetent actions.
The terrorist attack was mostly his responsibility. Trump gets credit for the truce that kept the peace between the Taliban fighters and US Troops till the final flight left. That doesn't absolve him from not enforcing the conditions on the Taliban and letting the Afghan Army get attacked.
Oh put-leeze…talking about credibility while worshipping the Giant Cheeto just isn’t…credible.

Nobody here worships any Giant Cheeto.

This is the sort of think that lying left wrong-wing filth such as yourself say, when you have no actual valid argument, and you know that you have no argument, but you're too damn stupid to just keep your mouth shut and avoid advertising how vacuous your position truly is.

It's particularly ironic that you fell to this, in order to try to cast aspersions at anyone else's credibility, as if making such a stupid statement leaves any room to assume that you have any credibility of your own.
When it comes down to the wire…they support Putin. :dunno:

That is because the US has nothing at all to do with the Ukraine or Russia.
It was Khrushchev who illegally just gave the Crimea and Donetsk to the Ukraine as some sort of bribe, in 1956.
It was wrong then and is still wrong today.
The nationality of any people is to be decided by self determination.
And the people the Crimea and Donetsk are Russians who are tired of being abused by the corrupt Ukraine government.
I wasn’t saying he was the same as Hitler and Stalin. Biden isn’t invading another country with his military. Putin is. But pretend is cool so you can troll Libs. #winner

The Crimean is historically and ethnically NOT part of the Ukraine, and never was until Khrushchev bribed the Ukraine with it in 1956.
But that clearly was not really legal, and it should be returned.
As much as the left wants to condemnt Putin, they emply his methods daily by being totalitarian dictators who impose their will onto the populace, and take out dissenters from being prosperous.
I am not a "right winger" despite the accusations thereof arising from the hive mind idiots here, but sure - I have no problem condemning his invasion of the Ukraine.

I also condemn the Biden family graft involving the obvious influence peddling in the region. This is something we can all be certain that none of the worthless authoritarian leftist fucks here would EVER consider.
I served during Vietnam dingbat
Their side threw rocks and bottles at returning soldiers from Vietnam. One of their guys - John Kerry-accused Troops of torture and terror. But, the, Left mocks Bush for serving in the National Guard and Cheney and Trump for not serving…. Yet they voted for Bill Clinton.
Their side threw rocks and bottles at returning soldiers from Vietnam. One of their guys - John Kerry-accused Troops of torture and terror. But, the, Left mocks Bush for serving in the National Guard and Cheney and Trump for not serving…. Yet they voted for Bill Clinton.
This is not a bitch fest of right wing grievance. This is a real time horror
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
Every single "right wing" person I've ever heard comment on this condemns Putin.

You're trying to create some fantasyland here, or, you're stuck in a bubble of online political chat. I'd get out more if I were you.
The OP question is such a transparent fraud. Everyone condemns the murderous behavior of a dictatorial scumbag.

But the OP tries to pretend that everyone needs to say, in chorus, such obvious things. Why? As others have already noted here: a chorus of “we condemn” doesn’t deter the dictatorial scumbag anymore that Brandon’s pathetic imposition of sanctions deters Putin.
Because LibTards are terrified to disagree on anything with each other.

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