Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

That’s something that nobody on the left wants to discuss. Those “independent” regions in Ukraine WANT to be with Russia. That makes this a civil war. Putin has almost managed to flip the script and make Ukraine the bad guy as they are fighting to not allow those regions to leave, as they wish to.
That the latest talking point from Tucker The Traitor for you rubes to drool over?
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This just gets more and more fucking insane.

^^ triggered.

Poor Mac just can’t understand that most Americans don’t hate the average Russian and we don’t want to nuke each other.

When you lefties have pushed so many disgusting ideas like trannies in girls bathrooms and males on women’s swim teams, along with the rest of the Woke Agenda, you’re surprised normal people would have more in common with normal Russians?

Stop trying to radically transform America into a third world shit hole full of homos, trannies, and African/Muslim trash. Then we might actually start respecting you.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
They will not say a word because they regard the deaths as collateral damage to make Biden fail.
They are supporting the communists on this yet call themselves patriots and love freedom from democracy. Hypocrits.
They will not say a word because they regard the deaths as collateral damage to make Biden fail.
They are supporting the communists on this yet call themselves patriots and love freedom from democracy. Hypocrits.

Sometimes events bring out the best in people.... they bring out the absolute worst in Trump supporters.

I'm truly bewildered.... What would be the downside to saying, "I condemn the killing by Vlad of innocent civilians". Or, "Ukraine was not a threat, he shouldn't be doing what he's doing."

I don't know how Afghanistan got into the mix but it did. I'm sure if I read every post in this thread there would be mentions of Hunter, Obama, Hilary, etc...

No smack talk here.... it is truly saddening to see this.
Still no condemnation of someone who is killing innocents...

Man... you guys suck more than usual.
Why do you think you're owed this condemnation. Just because someone doesn't run here to usmb and post their thoughts and feelings doesn't mean they don't think it.

Besides, what good is condemning it gonna do? If I say the words right here and now, is putin going to stop?
Why do you think you're owed this condemnation. Just because someone doesn't run here to usmb and post their thoughts and feelings doesn't mean they don't think it.

Besides, what good is condemning it gonna do? If I say the words right here and now, is putin going to stop?

What good does blaming Biden do? Biden didn't order a strike on the Ukraine...

I'm not owed anything... Your character should encourage you to condemn cold blooded murder... If you had any.
Sometimes events bring out the best in people.... they bring out the absolute worst in Trump supporters.

I'm truly bewildered.... What would be the downside to saying, "I condemn the killing by Vlad of innocent civilians". Or, "Ukraine was not a threat, he shouldn't be doing what he's doing."

I don't know how Afghanistan got into the mix but it did. I'm sure if I read every post in this thread there would be mentions of Hunter, Obama, Hilary, etc...

No smack talk here.... it is truly saddening to see this.
I agree. It says more about the hypocrisy and stupidity of the right.
They will sell their souls to land a blow on drns.
They are lower than a vegetarians cholesterol.
What good does blaming Biden do? Biden didn't order a strike on the Ukraine...

I'm not owed anything... Your character should encourage you to condemn cold blooded murder... If you had any.
What good does blaming Biden do? Biden didn't order a strike on the Ukraine...

It doesn't do any good, but people aren't coming here demanding people blame Biden.
The idea that a superpower needs to be "emboldened" to act--especially one where you have a dictator as head of state is batshit goofy.

Does anyone really believe that Putin cared one way or another who was in the Oval Office

Only a libtard would think a weak president like obama and now Biden would scare Putin
What good does blaming Biden do? Biden didn't order a strike on the Ukraine...

I'm not owed anything... Your character should encourage you to condemn cold blooded murder... If you had any.
No we blame you assholes for stealing an election, it's always part over country and now the world .

Putin wouldn't of invaded if Trump was President
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...

Not me!

Neo-con Bush and later Obama set the pins and Putin is bowling them down.

This is the closest I will come.

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