Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

What a load of horse shit. Putin will do as he pleases and no one will stop him. Oh and you can lay your nuclear war bull shit to rest.

I couldn't care less what Putin does as long as he doesn't attack America none of us should care.

Let Europe deal with him. Let those other countries fight back. Hell we've been doing everything for Europe for decades. Let them deal with Their Putin.
The problem the Right has is that they cuddled up to Putin even though there was many elements telling them that Putin is not to be trusted...

Now Putin is killing innocent people in an illegal invasion and they are all lost at sea... This is the guy they said they trusted over uS intelligence agencies...

So now they are thinking, maybe the GOP led Senate committee was right when it said Russia did interfere in the election and the Trump Campaign did pass them information...

Things are starting to unravel so all they can do is blame Biden... Biden playing the cards being dealt to him... Putin will not get away with this but it stupid going alone on this... Sanctions build a coalition and if west needs to fight war then we will fight a war but it is Putin that started this (Trump cheered him on), US and EU will have to finish it..
What a load of horse shit. Putin will do as he pleases and no one will stop him. Oh and you can lay your nuclear war bull shit to rest.

I couldn't care less what Putin does as long as he doesn't attack America none of us should care.

Let Europe deal with him. Let those other countries fight back. Hell we've been doing everything for Europe for decades. Let them deal with Their Putin.
Oh, going for the strategy that worked on the NAZIs... Just ignore them until they attack us...

Talk about fucking clueless about history...
If you think Putin would attack America it just shows what a clueless idiot you are. Sounds like you hope he does. Looking for WWIII??'s quite joyous to be honest. Just when you thought Trump supporters have hit rock guys start digging all over again.

You sound like a lunatic.
Trump has nothing to do with this

Its all biden’s problem if not ENTIRELY his fault
Texas was a complete mess when they were a sovereign nation. A disaster.. our friend should study some history.

Texas needed US protection from Mexico

which was a larger nation

and many in the republic wanted to fulfill our manifest destiny

but Texas was not a disaster as you claim
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
Many have.

Now what?

If every right winger condemns it, what then?

Texas needed US protection from Mexico

which was a larger nation

and many in the republic wanted to fulfill our manifest destiny

but Texas was not a disaster as you claim
They begged to rejoin the US.
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Don't mislead people: the so-called "Putin" has sacrificed 14,000 Russian-speaking people in Donbas to Kiev's pro-American puppet regime over 8 years. More than 40,000 were mutilated.

152 children were murdered. As many as 500 -children - some of whom have NO arms or legs - have been wounded...

Putin, of course, is a corrupt scoundrel, as are his invasive entourage. All these years he has been "bargaining" with the "collegiate West", trying to unfreeze funds stolen and hidden in the West.

And as soon as he realized that these funds would not be returned to him and his criminal associates, after 8 years of "persuasion" he attacked Ukraine.

His interests (vendetta against Washington) and Russia's interests coincided situationally: NOT to allow Ukraine to become a NATO military base.

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Judge for yourself: these are the demands that the Kremlin made to Ukraine yesterday:

(a) the recognition of Crimea as Russian, and the LNR and DNR as independent within the borders of the regions,

(b) federalization of future Ukraine with extensive independence of the southeast,

(c) complete demilitarization of future Ukraine and neutral status,

(d) a complete end to derusification with the abolition of all "wild laws",

(e) a ban on the existence of Nazi organizations,

(f) investigation and prosecution of all crimes of the terror era,
(g) after a certain transition period, re-elections at all levels.

As you can see, everything is as minimal as possible, gentle and without the slightest interference in internal affairs. In the case of consent, a guarantee of a cessation of hostilities.

If they refuse, the DNR-LNR-Russia coalition will begin the second phase of the military campaign with the use of aviation and the navy on an unlimited scale.

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I am judicially responsible for every byte of information provided in this commentary

If there is a genocide or human rights crisis going on in Ukraine then the world can come together to put N end to it. Russia isn’t being the lone Vigilante here. If you think they are then you are a fool. This is a power grab by Putin and he is doing so by military force. Don’t make excuses for that
In spite of putin’s territorial ambitions the invasion could have been avoided if western leaders were not a bunch of fools
There are plenty of active conflicts in the world but they don't get the news coverage.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
Who is it on the Right that is supposedly supporting Putin’s actions?

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