Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

NFBW $: wrote: (1) Putin got Crimea from The Ukraine. Obama did not have possession of Crimea. (2) I have never stated that Trump had anything to do
With Putin’s annexation of Crimea without bloodshed. It was a vote and that is what
The majority of Crimeans wanted. 22FEB25-POST#
And there are regions in Ukraine that wanted to remain with Russia. Obozo GAVE Crimea to Putin. Now running from your own claims.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...


The Ukraine/Russia situation is far more complex than Ukraine being a "current" threat. At the end of the day Putin takes no interest of his country being forced down a path for westerners. He'd be a failure if he did. Same applies to a lot of the Russian people, and Ukrainians too, who are mostly the same if not exactly.

By some measure Putin was provoked by your one-world global leftwhiches. No?

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1) Russia and Ukraine are almost the same people. Ukrainians will have Rights and Freedoms as citizens of Ukraine or Russia.

2) Taiwanese people will have Rights and Freedoms as citizens of Taiwan or China.

3) If Conservatives and Independents will make enemies in Russia and China then all Western People will be subjugated under Progressive Totalitarianism.
Russia is a kleptocracy run by a dictator who has effectively made himself ruler for life. Ukraine has a elected president and representative government. I find Uktaine far more acceptable and its people have a real voice in its governance.
China is a depotism run by a communist elite that violates treaties and doesn’t recognize any rights of its population.
So your basic premis is false at best and a deliberate lie at worst.
General John Kelly, Donald Trump's former Chief Staff said he was in "disbelief" that prominent Republicans were praising the murderous Vladimir Putin.

"We’ve heard a lot of prominent Republicans – both in politics and in conservative media – praising Vladimir Putin, even calling him a genius,” CNN's Jake Tapper observed.
“What’s your response when you hear that?” Tapper asked Kelly.

"Disbelief,” Kelly replied. “[Putin] is a tyrant. He’s a murderer. He has attacked an innocent country whose only crime is that they want to be free and democratic and they’re working in that direction and have been working in that direction."

Kelly said Ukraine is a burgeoning democracy who worked along side the US and NATO as good partners.

"I can't imagine why someone would look at what's happening there and see it anything other than a criminal act," Kelly said.
Well for starters you need to prove that Putin is killing innocent people.

It isn’t very “Christian” to just accuse people of serious crimes with zero evidence.
He invaded a neighboring country, he’s shelling and bombing cities full of civilians. That’s all prima facie proof he’s killing innocent people.
HUH?????????????????? Do you live on Mars? Conservative Republicans from all over the country have been screaming against Russia's aggression for days and calling on Biden to take action to help Ukraine.

I have dear friends in Ukraine, one of whom is like a daughter to me. I am sickened and outraged that Biden has allowed this invasion to happen and that he is refusing to do anything to help Ukraine resist this brutal invasion. This is Neville Chamberlain all over again, only worse.

Come to find out that U.S. intelligence warned Biden weeks ago that Russia was planning a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Yet, his only response was to promise sanctions "IF" Putin invaded. He should be impeached and removed from office for such astonishing incompetence and failure.

Putin couldn't care less about Biden's sanctions. Even now, Biden is not imposing the harshest sanctions that could be imposed. What the devil is he waiting for? Additionally, if Putin conquers Ukraine, he will control Ukraine's trillions of dollars' worth of natural resources, which will surely lessen the impact of whatever sanctions Biden gathers up the nerve to impose.
What action are they wanting Biden to take--you (of course) didn't link to any of this "screaming".
Other than Putin

Putin is crashing the stock market

Putin is driving up the price of fuel

Putin is invading a sovereign nation and killing people

And Republicans think it's genius
He is a genius, evil, but a genius all the same. He played the Germans into being defendant of Russian energy, he played Obama into letting him occupy Crimea and invading Georgia to seize Ossetia and played Biden so he could invade Ukraine. Being smart doesn’t grant moral sense.
You’re the one that engaged in the thread. Not one person in the thread can make a practical difference. We are just shooting the shit. I don’t need anything from you but I do get curious about why people resist acknowledging putins deplorable actions. Makes no sense
Because no matter how bad Putin is, democrats are worse.
Once again we see the left twisting words in an attempt to make Trump and others appear to be supporting Putin.
Who did defund the police kill?
I thought violent/serious crime skyrocketed in all blue shitholes that defunded the police?
How about sanctuary cities…another Democrat policy that rapes, maims and kills Americans.
NFBW wrote:
if Putin conquers Ukraine, he will control Ukraine's trillions of dollars' worth of natural resources, which will surely lessen the impact of whatever sanctions Biden gathers up the nerve to impose.

What action are they wanting Biden to take--you (of course) didn't link to any of this "screaming".

NFBW wrote: While we wait for your reply to candycorn ’s question, here’s a few more:

(1) You ask “if Putin conquers Ukraine” and takes control of trilions of dollars' worth of natural resources”. . . . It will lesson the impact of sanctions. - How is that lessened impact possible? Putin is head of a pariah state with a nuclear arsenal but cannot sell minerals to the rest of the world that have lined up against him.

(2) IF DJT had some framework or power to stop Putin from invading The Ukraine there were no restraints on a former President from sharing a way to prevent a humanitarian crisis in The Ukraine.

“He sees the weakness and stupidity of this administration,” Trump said of the Russian president. “As an American, I am angry and saddened. It happened because of a rigged election.”
Trump doesn’t seem all that sad. He couldn’t help but express admiration for Putin in a speech Wednesday at Mar-a-Lago, saying, “I mean, he’s taking over a country for $2 worth of sanctions. I’d say that’s pretty smart.”
Trump also said that “never in a million years” would such an invasion have happened during his presidency. He couldn’t help but boast of Putin, “I know him very well.”

Trump could only serve eight years. IF “never in a million years” were true DJT certainly could have shared why. He chose not to. Are you outraged at DJT as well mikegriffith1 ?

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