Is anyone riding the Tesla stock rocket ship?

It appears everyone who ever bought the stock is riding the rocket ship. There appear to be no sellers.
This can't be all short covering, my gosh it's up another 14% today. Not my cup of tea but congrats to anyone who owns TSLA.
/---/ I hadn't followed TSLA. I saw your post and sold 1 PUT at $785 making $1,265 for the week, It expires on Friday. It's beer and poker money. Thanks
LoL I'm watching an interview of Adam Jonas some stock analyst. They are asking him about what is the future holds for Tesla. He is obviously an expert since he rated Tesla a "Sell" when it reached $360 a few months ago. It's around $900 today.
LoL I'm watching an interview of Adam Jonas some stock analyst. They are asking him about what is the future holds for Tesla. He is obviously an expert since he rated Tesla a "Sell" when it reached $360 a few months ago. It's around $900 today.
/—-/ Thats why I don’t listen to “experts”. I missed TSLA because I was unsure of it, but I held Apple even though the “experts” said to dump it last year.
The shorts were asking about gimmicks in the accounting. That brought back bad memories of Global Crossing
This is the cinema equivalent story of enterprise and genius coming together.
Musk for President.
This is the cinema equivalent story of enterprise and genius coming together.
Musk for President.
If there were an award for comeback CEO of the decade he would win it. IMO he is a crazier, more brilliant version of Steve Jobs.
This can't be all short covering, my gosh it's up another 14% today. Not my cup of tea but congrats to anyone who owns TSLA.
I bought in at 150 a few years ago. Sold recently when it hit 500 expecting a drop and was gonna rebuy at 450 but it never dropped. Now I’m kicking myself as it breaks 900!!!
When I started seeing the cars all over California I invested...thought I made a huge blunder at first but stuck with it....
This can't be all short covering, my gosh it's up another 14% today. Not my cup of tea but congrats to anyone who owns TSLA.
I bought in at 150 a few years ago. Sold recently when it hit 500 expecting a drop and was gonna rebuy at 450 but it never dropped. Now I’m kicking myself as it breaks 900!!!
Congrats that's a great ROI!
This can't be all short covering, my gosh it's up another 14% today. Not my cup of tea but congrats to anyone who owns TSLA.

I wouldn't touch that turd with a ten foot pole. Not only are electric cars stupid they're about the most inefficient way anyone could possibly dream up to run cars on fossil fuel, often coal. Once the subsidies go away, the price support for this idiotic stock goes away.
This thing is a sucker's play.
This can't be all short covering, my gosh it's up another 14% today. Not my cup of tea but congrats to anyone who owns TSLA.

I wouldn't touch that turd with a ten foot pole. Not only are electric cars stupid they're about the most inefficient way anyone could possibly dream up to run cars on fossil fuel, often coal. Once the subsidies go away, the price support for this idiotic stock goes away.
This thing is a sucker's play.
That's what I thought. Now there are "credible" analysts with price targets between $4000 and $6000 by 2024. But I'm with you, this isn't the kind of stock I buy I'm just amazed at the momentum.
This can't be all short covering, my gosh it's up another 14% today. Not my cup of tea but congrats to anyone who owns TSLA.

I wouldn't touch that turd with a ten foot pole. Not only are electric cars stupid they're about the most inefficient way anyone could possibly dream up to run cars on fossil fuel, often coal. Once the subsidies go away, the price support for this idiotic stock goes away.
This thing is a sucker's play.
That's what I thought. Now there are "credible" analysts with price targets between $4000 and $6000 by 2024. But I'm with you, this isn't the kind of stock I buy I'm just amazed at the momentum.
Yeah well I've seen this sort of shitshow before. I'm a silicon valley refugee and have been around long enough to watch the dot com boom and bust and several more shenanigans like this. I tried to warn many of my friends about claptrap like this before but would they listen to dumb old Dick, hell no. I was an old foggey. I watched them cash in stock options and piss the money away on toys, then when it came time to pay the tax man, their bubble had popped and they had no money and no way to pay that mean old tax man.
I tried to tell them but fools drunk on this kind of shit will just never listen. They are always big on ridicule and smart ass but woefully short on common sense.
The very same shit went on in the housing market too, but I steered clear of that nonsense too.
Yet somehow I still managed to cobble together a few bucks for myself. It wasn't fast nor was it very easy but it's there just the same.

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