CDZ Is anything being done to improve race relations?

Both sides of the isle are an embarrassment when it comes to the problems of minorities.
It appears that we all agree: Virtually nothing is being done to actually improve race relations.

Hey look! We agree on something!

As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?
The race wedge is how democrats win elections. There is no way democrats are going to stop doing that.
I know. It's all their fault.
Why not tell us how not engaging is just as culpable? How is it enabling to not stir things up? Our kids are turning out ok, so how are we enabling? Without your point of view, there is no conversation.
The most I can understand is like how I argue with my lawyer friends, or people who keep up the system of paying more money to judge candidates to run for office, who keep the legal, judicial and govt system going as is, with the more monied interests buying out and imposing their biases by law onto everyone else:

Avoiding the system is not enough.
Poor people are still getting caught up in political and financial disparity that costs them time in courts or jail that Taxpayers still pay for.

So we all need to be proactive in mediating conflicts and seeking Restorative Justice to correct wrongs directly at the source with each other and not keep feeding or fueling the courts and govt to micromanage our problems and screw them up worse and at our expense.

The difference with me, I do not blame race such as white privilege as a physical race issue. I do not blame or want to punish all rich taxpayers as a class, or all Republicans or Trump voters.

I seek to empower ALL people with tools and resources we need to solve problems ourselves, and treat govt officials and citizens as equal human beings with equal responsibility for solving problems.

My main bias as a Democrat is trying to work with fellow Democrats to redress grievances directly instead of playing politics and running to, relyin on and promoting/exploiting overreliance on govt.

You can call that a group bias. But the difference is I identify as that group and trying to work with that as my personal responsibility,not blaming an outside group to project blame externally.

I work on my own ability to resolve conflicts at the same time I ask and encourage others to help do the same.

If some people frame the group conflicts as race, then we need to address that.
If part of the problem is their biased way of framing it by race, we need to address that.

Whatever is causing these issues, avoiding them is not enough.

I believe in embracing our differences and working together to figure out best practices to solve the real problems.
In the process, the language will have to clear up the conflicts so we can work together effectively and stop the blame game and bullying that isn't helping.

I don't blame people for picking and choosing which battles to fight and where to focus, but find it is more effective to start with the priorities people DO have that motivate them most to seek reforms and use those issues to collaborate on reforms and improving relations between people and groups in society.
its the same as it has always been.....lots of talking.....very little doing....its going to take a few more decades to get racism and bigotry out of this society......

Racism is a part of the human psyche.........there is no getting rid of it.

Besides, it's not the majority of peoples that are racist, it's the Dementorats and their brainless sheep legions that believe anything they say, that are doing all this race baiting and propaganda shoveling.
Yes and No Toffeenut Baconsmuggler
And excellent point which nails it both ways:
1. Yes people will always keep our biases similar to our religious or political beliefs that generally will not change.
2. But no, we do not need to institutionalize those biases and exclude, discriminate, disparage or deny equal exercise to people of other beliefs.
3. We can instead agree to resolve issues we can, and agree to SEPARATE jurisdiction where we differ in beliefs, similar to Protestants separating from Catholics and having their own church programs under different rules and admin for funding and following their own policies and terms.

Some policies remain public, either civil or criminal laws.

I suggest we create a separate level of administering to Constitutional violations of due process and equal representation of political beliefs and conflicts in ideology that are more like faith based religious type conflicts.

I propose to let parties organize their precincts and districts to start shifting jurisdiction over social issues and beliefs about education, health care, and other internal personal matters back into the control of individual people and community groups. Either by state/county districts or by party.

And set up mediation to help facilitate conflict resolution and neutral/inclusive documentation of grievances per party.

Some groups or models I would recommend include the Green Party consensus model for including direct representation, and or proportional representation by party, to decentralize authority and democratize the process of decision making.

And the CHR as well as other nonprofits such as ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution etc.

As for healing the roots and wounds of race issues, yes as CHR and similar groups have helped many people to do, even deep rooted wounds of genocide between tribes can be forgiven and healed while corrections and solutions are worked out to prevent oppression, abuse and bullying in the future. The cycle of retribution can be stopped so we don't keep piling on more insult on top of injury.
This is a spiritual process of reconnecting individuals back on a level of mutual trust as a whole community. The Bahai who started CHR call this Oneness of Humanity. The nonprofits like call it the ripple effect and empowerment of kindness in rebuilding stronger community relations to overcome the social divisions that lead to bullying. was started by Quaker peacemakers, asked to come into a prison to address race riots and gangs, and ended up creating a program for inmates that worked so well inside prisons that their nonprofit was asked for help to offer the same training to communities and leaders outside prisons who wanted to learn and teach these same skills.

All these successful methods of healing the root issues work voluntarily by people addressing themselves and their relations first, with faith this impacts and influences others to do the same.

None of the best groups I know succeed by projecting blame externally on others and demanding they change first. The effective leverage to compel change comes from making the leaps and changes FIRST, by choosing to forgive the past and work with others to change the future as a shared responsibility to rebuild relations together.

So the dynamic is positive, based on the abundance mentality of serving and helping others by self empowerment first. Not the fear based scarcity mentality of trying to compete for control or force other people to change, which is backwards and backfires.

The positive effective methods work from the inside out, not outside in.
Most work by Restorative Justice or recovery groups like 12 step that focus on individuals changing themselves first through forgiveness and self help empowerment.
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Raciest is a word like commie, yes of course we have some, but now those words are just used to bash each other for political gain. Discrimination is a better word & covers more ground. And all people discriminate. Picking your friends usually involves mutual interest. All our big messes now seem to be created & not naturally occurring. created for the benefit of the few. Have some groups been treated badly by most ALL of us yes. that is a fact. fighting over when in history each political did a better or worse job is not productive, We are here now & most of us know how we should treat our fellow humans.
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?
The race wedge is how democrats win elections. There is no way democrats are going to stop doing that.
I know. It's all their fault.
Why not tell us how not engaging is just as culpable? How is it enabling to not stir things up? Our kids are turning out ok, so how are we enabling? Without your point of view, there is no conversation.
I make the assumption that posters here have at least a rudimentary knowledge and understanding of the perspectives, experiences and opinions of others. It's not my responsibility to educate you on the fundamentals. That's boring.

If you either don't know what I'm talking about or disagree with what I've said, if you don't see anything wrong on your end of this, if you think the Right is blameless on the race issue, fine. Maybe I'm wrong.
Im not seeing where the right is to be blamed. We accept every single person of color with open arms who wants to join us. Some of our most beloved speakers are black. At no point do we use race as a weapon like the left constantly does.
Raciest is a word like commie, yes of course we have some, but now those words are just used to bash each other for political gain. Discrimination is a better word & covers more ground. And all people discriminate. Picking your friends usually involves mutual interest. All our big messes now seem to be created & not naturally occurring. created for the benefit of the few. Have some groups been treated badly by most ALL of us yes. that is a fact. fighting over when in history each political did a better or worse job is not productive, We are here now & most of us know how we should treat our fellow humans.
I am nearly 50, and I do not judge people based on race, and I have taught my son to behave in the same way. I'm still not sure what I am doing wrong, and why the millions just like me are being summarily condemned. The OP states that I am enabling racism. I certainly hope not.
I think that some of the actions on the Left are based on the fact that their impulse is to see the world through an "Oppressed/Oppressor" paradigm (whereas the Right's paradigm is more "Good vs. Evil").

That's some of it. I do think that the other primary element is far more cynical and an expression of political opportunism.

I don't see any criticism of the Right in your post. Do you have any?

I didn't bring up the right because the left is so much the cause of racial divisiveness in our country that they drown out any fault on the right - but there are things that the right could and should be doing to improve race relations.

Their biggest fault, I think, is in not engaging with minority communities. Don't treat them like they're a voting block that we're trying to take from the Democrats. Treat them like intelligent individuals and groups who are fully capable of understanding the Republican or conservative political and economic strategies and are capable of comparing those views with what they're getting and hearing from the left and then making independent, responsible at the ballot box.

Conservatives need to not work through the left's mouthpieces to the minority groups - Al Sharpton comes to mind; he speaks for the Democrats, not for blacks, in my opinion. The Republicans need to reach out knocking on doors, shaking hands, building their own local community contacts and relationships to enable the access to deliver the messages to larger audiences.

The outcome, hopefully, of my ideas, is that conservatives hear more and learn more from people in the community and not just black or minority politicians and that minority communities learn that Republicans and conservatives are, at least for the most part, human beings with the best interests of other human beings in their hearts - even if we disagree, sometimes strongly, in approach.
Im not seeing where the right is to be blamed. We accept every single person of color with open arms who wants to join us. Some of our most beloved speakers are black. At no point do we use race as a weapon like the left constantly does.

Most of us accept everyone. Racism in the United States has always centered more around the Democrat party so I almost always call racists leftists or Democrats, regardless of their own claims to the contrary, but there are some racists who are what we'd call conservative in most other areas so I'll concede that there are racists on the right.
I am the only person working on a process for alleviating the racial and other stratification problems that we endure. In essence, it is a peace treaty. In detail, it is a government charter system designed to better organize the government services, including the institutions that are supposed to deliberate social issues and promulgate resolutions.

The subsisting system, obviously, cannot handle the diversity that the population has evolved to; although, the non-whites believe it is capable, because they are unwittingly intimidated by white man's ability to organize people to advance their own. Non-whites falsely believe that the solution is more non-whites in more seats of deliberation to decide on resolutions composed by white men.

It begins with a general plan of an improved separation of government entities theory, that should inspire the people most inclined, talented, and skilled, to order its details. The general plan is advanced at multiple local municipal venues, and those venues compete to advance their plans at their state levels.

Three things of immediate importance will happen at these conventions. The conventions will be (1) test runs of the anticipated government legislatures to build a (2) reliable government charter. Also at the convention, there will be a dedicated (3) deliberation of the social stratification issues.
HUH? Let us know how that works out.
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?
The race wedge is how democrats win elections. There is no way democrats are going to stop doing that.
I know. It's all their fault.
Why not tell us how not engaging is just as culpable? How is it enabling to not stir things up? Our kids are turning out ok, so how are we enabling? Without your point of view, there is no conversation.
I make the assumption that posters here have at least a rudimentary knowledge and understanding of the perspectives, experiences and opinions of others. It's not my responsibility to educate you on the fundamentals. That's boring.

If you either don't know what I'm talking about or disagree with what I've said, if you don't see anything wrong on your end of this, if you think the Right is blameless on the race issue, fine. Maybe I'm wrong.
Im not seeing where the right is to be blamed. We accept every single person of color with open arms who wants to join us. Some of our most beloved speakers are black. At no point do we use race as a weapon like the left constantly does.
What is funny, is that both parties would say they do the same.
What I'm seeing is this. Personal culpability is being removed from the individual and the blame being placed on systems or systematic racism. Hard work, good values and ethics, education (including trades and other skilled labor), abstaining from addictions, financial stewardship, are not important anymore. If someone doesn't have a good job, it's the system. If someone isn't getting paid enough, it's the employers fault or the system. If someone isn't wealthy enough, it's the rich who are to blame or some other type of system that is at fault.

Here is a good example. Read an article in regards to the democrats proposing a bill to create a federal credit reporting system. At the crux of the article, is this:

"The committee also heard testimony on how credit scores — which are calculated from the information found in credit reports — may disadvantage certain groups.

“Although credit scores never formally take race into account, they draw on data about personal borrowing and payment history that is shaped by generations of discriminatory public policies and corporate practices that limit access to wealth for Black and Latinx families,” Amy Traub, associate director of policy and research at Demos, testified at the hearing.
In a 2020 survey of 5,000 people by Credit Sesame, 54% of Black Americans and 41% of Hispanic Americans reported having a credit score below 640, while 37% of white Americans and 18% of Asian Americans reported the same.
The committee hearing comes after the Supreme Court ruling last week on a case involving TransUnion and credit reporting errors".

And this is where I have a problem with the majority of current social narratives. First, the article states race NEVER takes into account credit scores, but then two sentences later sates that generations of discriminatory public policies have created limited access. Okay, explain these policies... but the article doesn't go into them. Instead the article paints with a broad brush some systematic racist policy is to blame.

News flash, credit scores are tallied by someones payment history on loans or unsecured debt. Period. If you have bad credit, it has nothing to do with race and is all about your own ability to manage your finances.

Is our credit system perfect, absolutely not and I do believe that there needs to be legislation passed to address the problems that do exist. My wife just checked hers and there is a 60 point swing between the three agencies... That's bull. I could see possibly a 20 point swing, but 60 is excessive. There should be easier methods to dispute discrepancies and have those removed with the scores adjusting accordingly. The rules to how and why credit scores go up and down should be clearly defined. I also feel that catastrophic medical expenses shouldn't have an impact, especially if we are talking about cancer, diseases, and other medical concerns that a person has no control over.
Raciest is a word like commie, yes of course we have some, but now those words are just used to bash each other for political gain. Discrimination is a better word & covers more ground. And all people discriminate. Picking your friends usually involves mutual interest. All our big messes now seem to be created & not naturally occurring. created for the benefit of the few. Have some groups been treated badly by most ALL of us yes. that is a fact. fighting over when in history each political did a better or worse job is not productive, We are here now & most of us know how we should treat our fellow humans.
Thanks sartre play
I tried explaining differences in beliefs in terms of "faith based beliefs" by "religious freedom" but that ran into conflicts in perception over what constitutes "religion".

Then I tried explaining it as differences in political beliefs about the roles and limits on govt, and calling it "discrimination by creed". But people still did not agree what constitutes a creed and what is unlawful discrimination.

After discussing the issue of businesses not believing in certain types of SERVICES, danielpalos argued such religious based businesses should register as PRIVATE religious organizations and not public or they violate public accommodations.

DP is a pretty consistent rep of liberal Democrat thinking, out of CA. So that approach of Public Accommodations and filing as private religious organizations is what I would apply to parties.

Parties can then organize into separate types, for private internal organizations that implement and fund their own beliefs while reserving rights to discriminate by creed.
And separate that from public involvement in lobbying or legislative/election/campaigning and voting for public policies that would be required to respect equal Constitutional rights and protections of people and parties of other beliefs.

Whatever is causing projected biases in beliefs, whether involving race class religious or political viewpoints etc, could be managed both internally and externally by distinguishing the two levels.

If you want to establish, exercise and enforce your views without having to include or answer to objections and grievances by democratic due process and consent of others, then you can do that within your own agreed admin and programs run and funded by members who support the same biases in beliefs.

If you want to shape public policy and standards, the process of governance requires shared responsibility and ethics to defend and include the interests, beliefs, representation and consent of others. So those universal standards would have to be part of the signed agreed rules and regs for organizations to participate in lobbying, legislation, and enforcing public policies affecting everyone.
Raciest is a word like commie, yes of course we have some, but now those words are just used to bash each other for political gain. Discrimination is a better word & covers more ground. And all people discriminate. Picking your friends usually involves mutual interest. All our big messes now seem to be created & not naturally occurring. created for the benefit of the few. Have some groups been treated badly by most ALL of us yes. that is a fact. fighting over when in history each political did a better or worse job is not productive, We are here now & most of us know how we should treat our fellow humans.
I am nearly 50, and I do not judge people based on race, and I have taught my son to behave in the same way. I'm still not sure what I am doing wrong, and why the millions just like me are being summarily condemned. The OP states that I am enabling racism. I certainly hope not.
If you are that means we as humanity in general all share responsibility in doing more or not doing enough collectively as a society to prevent past or present racial issues from becoming oppressive, abusive violations or violence.

I say the same thing about people projecting blame for 9/11 in different ways. One thing we can agree on, none of us did enough to prevent 9/11 from happening. If you are going to blame George Bush for letting that happen, we all let it happen, if you are going to blame Muslims for not doing enough to stop Jihadists, we are all not doing enough to stop Jihadist attacks that keep happening. If you are going to blame the US govt for letting economic and political problems escalate, we are all letting those escalate by not doing enough to solve problems.

As long as we forgive people equally and share responsibility, then we treat each other with equal respect and empowerment to do the best we can starting from where we are and what we are working on to contribute to a better world. My way and my focus and ways of expressing problems and solutions I care about, may not be the same as your way, but if I want you to respect and support my way then I should respect and support you doing things your way and try to help you to be the most effective and successful in achieving positive goals.

When we start blaming one group more than others "outside our control" that is where the projection of biases goes back and forth, excluding and or projecting disproportionate blame on others instead of fixing things equally and seeking good faith working relations to collaborate on common solutions.

If we see groups as them vs us, that is still not treating or including people equally. Everyone has these biases, and has different ways to resolve them. You cannot dictate or judge someone else's process or way of expressing that, but we can just control our own way of solving problems that works for us.

When we can see we are all in different stages of the process of social and or spiritual development and growth, it helps facilitate and support that process instead of obstructing it with disruptive attacks on other people or groups which doesn't help build relations or community.
I am the only person working on a process for alleviating the racial and other stratification problems that we endure. In essence, it is a peace treaty. In detail, it is a government charter system designed to better organize the government services, including the institutions that are supposed to deliberate social issues and promulgate resolutions.

The subsisting system, obviously, cannot handle the diversity that the population has evolved to; although, the non-whites believe it is capable, because they are unwittingly intimidated by white man's ability to organize people to advance their own. Non-whites falsely believe that the solution is more non-whites in more seats of deliberation to decide on resolutions composed by white men.

It begins with a general plan of an improved separation of government entities theory, that should inspire the people most inclined, talented, and skilled, to order its details. The general plan is advanced at multiple local municipal venues, and those venues compete to advance their plans at their state levels.

Three things of immediate importance will happen at these conventions. The conventions will be (1) test runs of the anticipated government legislatures to build a (2) reliable government charter. Also at the convention, there will be a dedicated (3) deliberation of the social stratification issues.
I can suggest which people I know from different political parties and beliefs to fill in and use your outline structure to reorder their own internal admin first while consulting with each other how to structure and use the public process and admin for everyone.

Instead of only appointing the best people overall, each group with separate agenda beliefs and approaches to govt has to decide this for their own following in their own ways that represent them.

By separating the internal priorities and approaches from the general public that will likely focus on external duties of govt, the rest can be worked out without clashing between the two levels.

In the mediation process, the intermediary facilitation would remain inclusive, neutral in the sense of respecting and including all people and groups, but biased in the sense of supporting each person and group in their own goals and approaches which isn't being impartial but equally proactive.

Thanks Prof.Lunaphiles
If you look up NationBuilder, that is the system Greens use to organize their member base. I support all Parties and independent groups in setting up their own Admin and start organizing their contacts and resources to prepare for self governance, and representation to participate in conflict resolution and consulting with other party and govt leaders.
What is funny, is that both parties would say they do the same.
What I'm seeing is this. Personal culpability is being removed from the individual and the blame being placed on systems or systematic racism. Hard work, good values and ethics, education (including trades and other skilled labor), abstaining from addictions, financial stewardship, are not important anymore. If someone doesn't have a good job, it's the system. If someone isn't getting paid enough, it's the employers fault or the system. If someone isn't wealthy enough, it's the rich who are to blame or some other type of system that is at fault.
It doesn't matter how racist I might be, I, alone, can't influence race relations in the United States. I can influence my relationship with people of other races but not the nations.

There is systemic racism; the problem is that the left is lying in saying it is not them and is not their socialist programs that are the leading causes.

They are saying that school choice is racist while sending their children to the school of their choice. School choice is likely the single thing that will change outcomes in minority communities. Eliminating the war on drugs is probably 2nd. Working to end social welfare for able-bodied persons is 3rd. Holding parents accountable for the care and welfare of the children they bring into the world is 4th. There's left and right fault in that list.
I am the only person working on a process for alleviating the racial and other stratification problems that we endure. In essence, it is a peace treaty. In detail, it is a government charter system designed to better organize the government services, including the institutions that are supposed to deliberate social issues and promulgate resolutions.

The subsisting system, obviously, cannot handle the diversity that the population has evolved to; although, the non-whites believe it is capable, because they are unwittingly intimidated by white man's ability to organize people to advance their own. Non-whites falsely believe that the solution is more non-whites in more seats of deliberation to decide on resolutions composed by white men.

It begins with a general plan of an improved separation of government entities theory, that should inspire the people most inclined, talented, and skilled, to order its details. The general plan is advanced at multiple local municipal venues, and those venues compete to advance their plans at their state levels.

Three things of immediate importance will happen at these conventions. The conventions will be (1) test runs of the anticipated government legislatures to build a (2) reliable government charter. Also at the convention, there will be a dedicated (3) deliberation of the social stratification issues.
HUH? Let us know how that works out.
Fuck you. You will either hear about it from commercial news reporting, or not. You obviously, do not have what it takes to participate.
And you obviously do not have what it takes to lead or convince. So I'm 100% certain that I won't be hearing on the news about anything you're doing that doesn't involve handcuffs and the back seat of a police car.
I think that's true in some ways. Our daughters (23 and 26) pretty much don't give two shits about race or sexual orientation, and neither do their friends. They have found themselves in a few social situations, though, where it got ugly. They were pretty shocked to see it, though, which at least tells me that they don't see that much of it.

Our kids have a bit of an advantage, though, being mixed race like my wife and I. All four of us have people tell us "I've always WONDERED what you were!" when they find out our ethnicity. :laugh:

However, there have been SEVERAL times when my wife and I were in situations where the bigots REALLY cut loose because they didn't realize we're half brown. So when these folks here claim it doesn't exist, all I can do at this point is roll my eyes and move on.

We have a ways to go. But yeah, I think the light is at the end of the tunnel. This may just be the final, primal scream of those who can't handle it. Maybe this will just fade with time.
I'm 'white' and used to live in a predominately black area. The folks who lived there were good people however, you did not want to be white and walk downtown at night.
shhh, no one wants anyone to know that blacks hate whites. all of them.
What is funny, is that both parties would say they do the same.
What I'm seeing is this. Personal culpability is being removed from the individual and the blame being placed on systems or systematic racism. Hard work, good values and ethics, education (including trades and other skilled labor), abstaining from addictions, financial stewardship, are not important anymore. If someone doesn't have a good job, it's the system. If someone isn't getting paid enough, it's the employers fault or the system. If someone isn't wealthy enough, it's the rich who are to blame or some other type of system that is at fault.
It doesn't matter how racist I might be, I, alone, can't influence race relations in the United States. I can influence my relationship with people of other races but not the nations.

There is systemic racism; the problem is that the left is lying in saying it is not them and is not their socialist programs that are the leading causes.

They are saying that school choice is racist while sending their children to the school of their choice. School choice is likely the single thing that will change outcomes in minority communities. Eliminating the war on drugs is probably 2nd. Working to end social welfare for able-bodied persons is 3rd. Holding parents accountable for the care and welfare of the children they bring into the world is 4th. There's left and right fault in that list.
no such thing as systemc racism. It's a demonutter phrase. They are the kkk. Can't get anymore obvious who the racists are. Projection is all demmonutters have.
shhh, no one wants anyone to know that blacks hate whites. all of them.
The blacks that own property and work for a living generally don't hate whites. It's the government supported, Democrat voting blacks that hate whites and they are generally found loitering on street corners and mugging people at night.
shhh, no one wants anyone to know that blacks hate whites. all of them.
The blacks that own property and work for a living generally don't hate whites. It's the government supported, Democrat voting blacks that hate whites and they are generally found loitering on street corners and mugging people at night.
correct, the ones who think they own full cities and the streets.
It doesn't matter how racist I might be, I, alone, can't influence race relations in the United States. I can influence my relationship with people of other races but not the nations.

There is systemic racism; the problem is that the left is lying in saying it is not them and is not their socialist programs that are the leading causes.

They are saying that school choice is racist while sending their children to the school of their choice. School choice is likely the single thing that will change outcomes in minority communities. Eliminating the war on drugs is probably 2nd. Working to end social welfare for able-bodied persons is 3rd. Holding parents accountable for the care and welfare of the children they bring into the world is 4th. There's left and right fault in that list.
Democrats don't want 'dem blacks' infiltrating THEIR schools. Even as far back as 1977 Ol' Joe said that forced busing for desegregation of schools would cause HIS children to "grow up in a racial jungle."

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