Is Ariel Castro a Murderer?

I could guess but there is no way I could possibly know. If it was not a fact that people commit suicide everyday the answer would be a little easier. Does that make sense?

I think the mothers body remaining the same is what the mother wants. Yes she gets to choose and yes thats all that matters.

You equate abortion, the ending of someone's life by someone else, with suicide, someone who chooses for themselves to end their own life? And you can't possibly hazard a guess as to which choice the unborn would prefer, to be allowed to live or to be intentionally destroyed?? :cuckoo:

"Yes she gets to choose and yes that's all that matters". Well, you're only the second pro-choice person I've talked to that admits that the unborn human doesn't matter. Not one. little. bit. Your lack of compassion and consideration for the smallest and weakest of the human race is duly noted.

You are asking me to guess in a hypothetical scenario what a fetus would want. It seems that you only want me to consider that the fetus would want to live. What are you basing that on? People kill themselves all the time because to them the world is too messed up to bear. Why would a fetus in this hypothetical situation be any different? You cant have it both ways. If the fetus can form a coherent thought and have a reason to want to live why would it not have a reason to want to die?

Maybe the fetus was depressed and had suicidal thoughts and wanted to die!

This really isn't very difficult. The fact that you're pretending to have problems figuring it out means you're either lying or very stupid.
Of course the fetus wants to live. We pretty much all do. We dont allow murder based on permission from third parties.
You equate abortion, the ending of someone's life by someone else, with suicide, someone who chooses for themselves to end their own life? And you can't possibly hazard a guess as to which choice the unborn would prefer, to be allowed to live or to be intentionally destroyed?? :cuckoo:

"Yes she gets to choose and yes that's all that matters". Well, you're only the second pro-choice person I've talked to that admits that the unborn human doesn't matter. Not one. little. bit. Your lack of compassion and consideration for the smallest and weakest of the human race is duly noted.

You are asking me to guess in a hypothetical scenario what a fetus would want. It seems that you only want me to consider that the fetus would want to live. What are you basing that on? People kill themselves all the time because to them the world is too messed up to bear. Why would a fetus in this hypothetical situation be any different? You cant have it both ways. If the fetus can form a coherent thought and have a reason to want to live why would it not have a reason to want to die?

Maybe the fetus was depressed and had suicidal thoughts and wanted to die!

This really isn't very difficult. The fact that you're pretending to have problems figuring it out means you're either lying or very stupid.
Of course the fetus wants to live. We pretty much all do. We dont allow murder based on permission from third parties.

Why do people resort to name calling when they get frustrated because they cant provide an answer to the question? Its going to be ok. I promise. It isn't very difficult to see that there are 2 choices available here. Can you give me 1 reason in this hypothetical situation why you know for sure that the fetus would want to live? If so what are you basing this on?
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You are asking me to guess in a hypothetical scenario what a fetus would want. It seems that you only want me to consider that the fetus would want to live. What are you basing that on? People kill themselves all the time because to them the world is too messed up to bear. Why would a fetus in this hypothetical situation be any different? You cant have it both ways. If the fetus can form a coherent thought and have a reason to want to live why would it not have a reason to want to die?

Maybe the fetus was depressed and had suicidal thoughts and wanted to die!

This really isn't very difficult. The fact that you're pretending to have problems figuring it out means you're either lying or very stupid.
Of course the fetus wants to live. We pretty much all do. We dont allow murder based on permission from third parties.

Why do people resort to name calling when they get frustrated because they cant provide an answer to the question? Its going to be ok. I promise. It isn't very difficult to see that there are 2 choices available here. Can you give me 1 reason in this hypothetical situation why you know for sure that the fetus would want to live? If so what are you basing this on?

The prime directive of every living being is to survive and procreate.
Honestly, if you have questions about this just go kill yourself and save everyone here a lot of time on your worthless posts.
Maybe the fetus was depressed and had suicidal thoughts and wanted to die!

This really isn't very difficult. The fact that you're pretending to have problems figuring it out means you're either lying or very stupid.
Of course the fetus wants to live. We pretty much all do. We dont allow murder based on permission from third parties.

Why do people resort to name calling when they get frustrated because they cant provide an answer to the question? Its going to be ok. I promise. It isn't very difficult to see that there are 2 choices available here. Can you give me 1 reason in this hypothetical situation why you know for sure that the fetus would want to live? If so what are you basing this on?

The prime directive of every living being is to survive and procreate.
Honestly, if you have questions about this just go kill yourself and save everyone here a lot of time on your worthless posts.

If that is true why do people and other animals kill themselves? Lets stay civil and not get frustrated. When you get emotional you cant give a coherent answer.
Why do people resort to name calling when they get frustrated because they cant provide an answer to the question? Its going to be ok. I promise. It isn't very difficult to see that there are 2 choices available here. Can you give me 1 reason in this hypothetical situation why you know for sure that the fetus would want to live? If so what are you basing this on?

The prime directive of every living being is to survive and procreate.
Honestly, if you have questions about this just go kill yourself and save everyone here a lot of time on your worthless posts.

If that is true why do people and other animals kill themselves? Lets stay civil and not get frustrated. When you get emotional you cant give a coherent answer.
BEcause they become sick. Normal healthy beings do not wish death on themselves.
I will use small words so I don't tax your abilities here.
The prime directive of every living being is to survive and procreate.
Honestly, if you have questions about this just go kill yourself and save everyone here a lot of time on your worthless posts.

If that is true why do people and other animals kill themselves? Lets stay civil and not get frustrated. When you get emotional you cant give a coherent answer.
BEcause they become sick. Normal healthy beings do not wish death on themselves.
I will use small words so I don't tax your abilities here.

Is that your opinion or is that a fact? How do you presume to know that you have to be sick in order to commit suicide? Perfectly rationale people make that decision all the time. Its a choice. You dont have to use small words unless you think by saying that I will get emotional and start insulting like you seem to be doing. Stay with me here. Dont get frustrated.
If that is true why do people and other animals kill themselves? Lets stay civil and not get frustrated. When you get emotional you cant give a coherent answer.
BEcause they become sick. Normal healthy beings do not wish death on themselves.
I will use small words so I don't tax your abilities here.

Is that your opinion or is that a fact? How do you presume to know that you have to be sick in order to commit suicide? Perfectly rationale people make that decision all the time. Its a choice. You dont have to use small words unless you think by saying that I will get emotional and start insulting like you seem to be doing. Stay with me here. Dont get frustrated.

No, it's a fact that most people don't commit suicide. It is a fact that suicide is connected to mental illness. Really, you have the internet at your fingertips. You dont need to take my word for it.
BEcause they become sick. Normal healthy beings do not wish death on themselves.
I will use small words so I don't tax your abilities here.

Is that your opinion or is that a fact? How do you presume to know that you have to be sick in order to commit suicide? Perfectly rationale people make that decision all the time. Its a choice. You dont have to use small words unless you think by saying that I will get emotional and start insulting like you seem to be doing. Stay with me here. Dont get frustrated.

No, it's a fact that most people don't commit suicide. It is a fact that suicide is connected to mental illness. Really, you have the internet at your fingertips. You dont need to take my word for it.

Where did you get the idea that i said most people commit suicide? I said some people do. I also said some perfectly rational people commit suicide so no its not a fact that suicides are connected to mental illness. Lets not make up facts to validate your argument OK? Its ok if you disagree with me. I just was hoping for a reason for your stance other than an emotional one.
Is that your opinion or is that a fact? How do you presume to know that you have to be sick in order to commit suicide? Perfectly rationale people make that decision all the time. Its a choice. You dont have to use small words unless you think by saying that I will get emotional and start insulting like you seem to be doing. Stay with me here. Dont get frustrated.

No, it's a fact that most people don't commit suicide. It is a fact that suicide is connected to mental illness. Really, you have the internet at your fingertips. You dont need to take my word for it.

Where did you get the idea that i said most people commit suicide? I said some people do. I also said some perfectly rational people commit suicide so no its not a fact that suicides are connected to mental illness. Lets not make up facts to validate your argument OK? Its ok if you disagree with me. I just was hoping for a reason for your stance other than an emotional one.

Yeah, you're right. Healthy happy people just make a rational decision to end their lives all the time. Silly me.
Now why don't you go stick your head in an oven and save us all lots of time.
I could guess but there is no way I could possibly know. If it was not a fact that people commit suicide everyday the answer would be a little easier. Does that make sense?

I think the mothers body remaining the same is what the mother wants. Yes she gets to choose and yes thats all that matters.

You equate abortion, the ending of someone's life by someone else, with suicide, someone who chooses for themselves to end their own life? And you can't possibly hazard a guess as to which choice the unborn would prefer, to be allowed to live or to be intentionally destroyed?? :cuckoo:

"Yes she gets to choose and yes that's all that matters". Well, you're only the second pro-choice person I've talked to that admits that the unborn human doesn't matter. Not one. little. bit. Your lack of compassion and consideration for the smallest and weakest of the human race is duly noted.

You are asking me to guess in a hypothetical scenario what a fetus would want. It seems that you only want me to consider that the fetus would want to live. What are you basing that on? People kill themselves all the time because to them the world is too messed up to bear. Why would a fetus in this hypothetical situation be any different? You cant have it both ways. If the fetus can form a coherent thought and have a reason to want to live why would it not have a reason to want to die?

Because the fetus hasn't lived in the 'too messed up world' to make their own decision about whether they want to stay in it or not. They weren't given the chance ... because the woman ripped them out and killed them. For someone who is so adamant about choice, you have no problem taking the fetus's choice away.

I'm done arguing this with you. You only see the woman's choice as pertinent and view the unborn human as nothing but an inconvenience. That is quite sad.

You prove your increasing senility with every post.
I'd hardly consider Life+1,000 years a sweetheart deal.

But the fact is he was charged with murder. Whom did he murder?

Um, no, guy, 1000 years in prison is better than the death penalty.

Three hots and a cot and he doesn't have to live in fucking Cleveland anymore.

A hypothetical 1000 years is better than a very real execution...

Nice to watch the anti-Choice whacks try to take their crazy agenda where they can, but it's a bit tiresome, don't you think.

You prove your increasing senility with every post.
I'd hardly consider Life+1,000 years a sweetheart deal.

But the fact is he was charged with murder. Whom did he murder?

Um, no, guy, 1000 years in prison is better than the death penalty.

Three hots and a cot and he doesn't have to live in fucking Cleveland anymore.

A hypothetical 1000 years is better than a very real execution...

Nice to watch the anti-Choice whacks try to take their crazy agenda where they can, but it's a bit tiresome, don't you think.

Geez, you're just a waste of bandwidth, Joe.
Geez, your an idiot, Rabbid.

A sentence you'll never serve vs. an execution?


This was a case of authorities abusing the process. The last thing they wanted was a real trial, because then they'd have to explain how they gave this guy a pass for 10 years.
Geez, your an idiot, Rabbid.

A sentence you'll never serve vs. an execution?


This was a case of authorities abusing the process. The last thing they wanted was a real trial, because then they'd have to explain how they gave this guy a pass for 10 years.

You think life without parole is a sweetheart deal and I'm the idiot?
Geez, your an idiot, Rabbid.

A sentence you'll never serve vs. an execution?


This was a case of authorities abusing the process. The last thing they wanted was a real trial, because then they'd have to explain how they gave this guy a pass for 10 years.

You think life without parole is a sweetheart deal and I'm the idiot?

Compared to the death penalty, yeah.

Guy, you don't cut deals with people who are obviously guilty. You have a nice show trial.

Unless a show trial makes you look worse.
Geez, your an idiot, Rabbid.

A sentence you'll never serve vs. an execution?


This was a case of authorities abusing the process. The last thing they wanted was a real trial, because then they'd have to explain how they gave this guy a pass for 10 years.

You think life without parole is a sweetheart deal and I'm the idiot?

Compared to the death penalty, yeah.

Guy, you don't cut deals with people who are obviously guilty. You have a nice show trial.

Unless a show trial makes you look worse.

Sez the high school dropout.
Stick to talking about what you know about: college football and Blatz beer.
You equate abortion, the ending of someone's life by someone else, with suicide, someone who chooses for themselves to end their own life? And you can't possibly hazard a guess as to which choice the unborn would prefer, to be allowed to live or to be intentionally destroyed?? :cuckoo:

"Yes she gets to choose and yes that's all that matters". Well, you're only the second pro-choice person I've talked to that admits that the unborn human doesn't matter. Not one. little. bit. Your lack of compassion and consideration for the smallest and weakest of the human race is duly noted.

You are asking me to guess in a hypothetical scenario what a fetus would want. It seems that you only want me to consider that the fetus would want to live. What are you basing that on? People kill themselves all the time because to them the world is too messed up to bear. Why would a fetus in this hypothetical situation be any different? You cant have it both ways. If the fetus can form a coherent thought and have a reason to want to live why would it not have a reason to want to die?

Because the fetus hasn't lived in the 'too messed up world' to make their own decision about whether they want to stay in it or not. They weren't given the chance ... because the woman ripped them out and killed them. For someone who is so adamant about choice, you have no problem taking the fetus's choice away.

I'm done arguing this with you. You only see the woman's choice as pertinent and view the unborn human as nothing but an inconvenience. That is quite sad.

And thats exactly why the mother is the final authority on the issue and not what you wish to happen. The fetus is in her body not yours. I don't happen to agree that people put their children in military academies to be raised by the staff. However, its the parents choice not mine.
You are asking me to guess in a hypothetical scenario what a fetus would want. It seems that you only want me to consider that the fetus would want to live. What are you basing that on? People kill themselves all the time because to them the world is too messed up to bear. Why would a fetus in this hypothetical situation be any different? You cant have it both ways. If the fetus can form a coherent thought and have a reason to want to live why would it not have a reason to want to die?

Because the fetus hasn't lived in the 'too messed up world' to make their own decision about whether they want to stay in it or not. They weren't given the chance ... because the woman ripped them out and killed them. For someone who is so adamant about choice, you have no problem taking the fetus's choice away.

I'm done arguing this with you. You only see the woman's choice as pertinent and view the unborn human as nothing but an inconvenience. That is quite sad.

And thats exactly why the mother is the final authority on the issue and not what you wish to happen. The fetus is in her body not yours. I don't happen to agree that people put their children in military academies to be raised by the staff. However, its the parents choice not mine.

Why are you still here? Why haven't you committed suicide, like millions of rational people every day do?
You are asking me to guess in a hypothetical scenario what a fetus would want. It seems that you only want me to consider that the fetus would want to live. What are you basing that on? People kill themselves all the time because to them the world is too messed up to bear. Why would a fetus in this hypothetical situation be any different? You cant have it both ways. If the fetus can form a coherent thought and have a reason to want to live why would it not have a reason to want to die?

Because the fetus hasn't lived in the 'too messed up world' to make their own decision about whether they want to stay in it or not. They weren't given the chance ... because the woman ripped them out and killed them. For someone who is so adamant about choice, you have no problem taking the fetus's choice away.

I'm done arguing this with you. You only see the woman's choice as pertinent and view the unborn human as nothing but an inconvenience. That is quite sad.

And thats exactly why the mother is the final authority on the issue and not what you wish to happen. The fetus is in her body not yours. I don't happen to agree that people put their children in military academies to be raised by the staff. However, its the parents choice not mine.

I notice you completely ignored:

For someone who is so adamant about choice, you have no problem taking the fetus's choice away.


You only see the woman's choice as pertinent and view the unborn human as nothing but an inconvenience.

The mindset of the pro-choice crowd is selfish personified.
Because the fetus hasn't lived in the 'too messed up world' to make their own decision about whether they want to stay in it or not. They weren't given the chance ... because the woman ripped them out and killed them. For someone who is so adamant about choice, you have no problem taking the fetus's choice away.

I'm done arguing this with you. You only see the woman's choice as pertinent and view the unborn human as nothing but an inconvenience. That is quite sad.

And thats exactly why the mother is the final authority on the issue and not what you wish to happen. The fetus is in her body not yours. I don't happen to agree that people put their children in military academies to be raised by the staff. However, its the parents choice not mine.

Why are you still here? Why haven't you committed suicide, like millions of rational people every day do?

As a rational person with the ability to form a coherent thought i think life is worth sticking around for. Some people dont. Are you disputing that rational people dont decide to commit suicide?

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