Is Assad a evil man?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The question is do you believe Assad to be a evil man? The fact that he is slaughtering innocent people daily without a thought = yes. The media thought that he was going to be a educated moderate...Boy were they wrong.

Probably the most cold hearted son of a bitch to rule a nation of the past 20 years. Kills babies and children without a second thought...
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My problem is...what if he is telling the truth that he did NOT use chemical weapons on his own people? What if he is being set up? And if whom?

Sorry, but I need more proof HE ok'd it. Not just Kerry saying "we know he did it". Once, I trusted our government completely. But I was young and stupid.
I don't dislike him. I just don't trust him. Or any that are currently in this administration, sad to say. I sure wish I could, though.
What's wrong with killing babies? According to liberals its a woman's "right" to kill her own. So what's wrong with Assad getting in on some of the action?
My problem is...what if he is telling the truth that he did NOT use chemical weapons on his own people? What if he is being set up? And if whom?

Sorry, but I need more proof HE ok'd it. Not just Kerry saying "we know he did it". Once, I trusted our government completely. But I was young and stupid.

Actually, if you'd even spent a full enlistment in the U.S. Military (and I've spent 20 years I it, most of which was for CBR (Chemical, Biological and Radiological) warfare) you'd know that it wasn't the rebels who had the ability to deliver those weapons, it was the government of Assad.

If you knew about the delivery systems (as well as the aerosol vectors required), you'd know that the rebels don't have the ability to do that, but the government of Assad does.

I don't support the invasion (or "surgical strikes") that the government does. I think we should stay out of it.

However........................if he uses more chemical weapons? Find out where they originated from, as well as where they were delivered from, and destroy them both.
WE have the capability though, don't we? And what does Syria have that we could dip our hands into?
WE have the capability though, don't we? And what does Syria have that we could dip our hands into?

It looks as if a second Red-line ultimatum was used by Kerry to Assad, today. I find it hard to believe he could do this. How could we back down, now? Is this the administrations' way of committing America to war with Syria, et al.

John Kerry gives Syria week to hand over chemical weapons or face attack

US secretary of state tells London press conference with William Hague that US intelligence blames Assad regime for gas attack

The US secretary of state has said that President Bashar al-Assad has one week to hand over his entire stock of chemical weapons to avoid a military attack. But John Kerry added that he had no expectation that the Syrian leader would comply.

Kerry also said he had no doubt that Assad was responsible for the chemical weapons attack in east Damascus on 21 August, saying that only three people are responsible for the chemical weapons inside Syria – Assad, one of his brothers and a senior general. He said the entire US intelligence community was united in believing Assad was responsible.


John Kerry gives Syria week to hand over chemical weapons or face attack | World news |
My problem is...what if he is telling the truth that he did NOT use chemical weapons on his own people? What if he is being set up? And if whom?

Sorry, but I need more proof HE ok'd it. Not just Kerry saying "we know he did it". Once, I trusted our government completely. But I was young and stupid.

Actually, if you'd even spent a full enlistment in the U.S. Military (and I've spent 20 years I it, most of which was for CBR (Chemical, Biological and Radiological) warfare) you'd know that it wasn't the rebels who had the ability to deliver those weapons, it was the government of Assad.

If you knew about the delivery systems (as well as the aerosol vectors required), you'd know that the rebels don't have the ability to do that, but the government of Assad does.

I don't support the invasion (or "surgical strikes") that the government does. I think we should stay out of it.

However........................if he uses more chemical weapons? Find out where they originated from, as well as where they were delivered from, and destroy them both.

Your wasting your time explaining anything of actual facts in the hater crowd. Us ex military know how chem weapons are delivered to a battlefield and it ain't by mixing it in a 5 gallon bucket and tossing it in the air.
WE have the capability though, don't we? And what does Syria have that we could dip our hands into?

It looks as if a second Red-line ultimatum was used by Kerry to Assad, today. I find it hard to believe he could do this. How could we back down, now? Is this the administrations' way of committing America to war with Syria, et al.

John Kerry gives Syria week to hand over chemical weapons or face attack

US secretary of state tells London press conference with William Hague that US intelligence blames Assad regime for gas attack

The US secretary of state has said that President Bashar al-Assad has one week to hand over his entire stock of chemical weapons to avoid a military attack. But John Kerry added that he had no expectation that the Syrian leader would comply.

Kerry also said he had no doubt that Assad was responsible for the chemical weapons attack in east Damascus on 21 August, saying that only three people are responsible for the chemical weapons inside Syria – Assad, one of his brothers and a senior general. He said the entire US intelligence community was united in believing Assad was responsible.


John Kerry gives Syria week to hand over chemical weapons or face attack | World news |

Putin is saying the same thing. The peace plan is emerging. Assad has to give up control of his chem weapons.
The question is do you believe Assad to be a evil man? The fact that he is slaughtering innocent people daily without a thought = yes. The media thought that he was going to be a educated moderate...Boy were they wrong.

Probably the most cold hearted son of a bitch to rule a nation of the past 20 years. Kills babies and children without a second thought...

He killed 110,875 of his people, I would assume that makes him evil.
My problem is...what if he is telling the truth that he did NOT use chemical weapons on his own people? What if he is being set up? And if whom?

Sorry, but I need more proof HE ok'd it. Not just Kerry saying "we know he did it". Once, I trusted our government completely. But I was young and stupid.

Actually, if you'd even spent a full enlistment in the U.S. Military (and I've spent 20 years I it, most of which was for CBR (Chemical, Biological and Radiological) warfare) you'd know that it wasn't the rebels who had the ability to deliver those weapons, it was the government of Assad.

If you knew about the delivery systems (as well as the aerosol vectors required), you'd know that the rebels don't have the ability to do that, but the government of Assad does.

I don't support the invasion (or "surgical strikes") that the government does. I think we should stay out of it.

However........................if he uses more chemical weapons? Find out where they originated from, as well as where they were delivered from, and destroy them both.

What evidence do you have that these weapons were "delivered" by Assad?

What is missing from public record is "proof ".

Lingering doubts over Syria gas attack evidence
The question is do you believe Assad to be a evil man? The fact that he is slaughtering innocent people daily without a thought = yes. The media thought that he was going to be a educated moderate...Boy were they wrong.

Probably the most cold hearted son of a bitch to rule a nation of the past 20 years. Kills babies and children without a second thought...

Assad is an evil man and never was a nice man. Middle eastern dictators can't afford to be nice. They have to all be evil and cruel as a matter of course. They are ruling a cruel and for the most part, evil people.

That has nothing to do with the civil war. In war, civil or not, innocent people are going to be killed. America has killed thousands if not millions of innocent people in war, even when we were on the right side.

The media never thought Assad was going to be moderate. The media just reported that Hillary Clinton and John Kerry said that Assad was a reformer who would be moderate. No middle eastern ruler can be either a reformer or moderate. They do not have a culture that lends itself to moderation.

That said and established that Assad is an evil man, he was able to use his evil for peaceful purposes. He kept his country stable. He successfully guarded the chemical weapons he got from Saddam Hussein. He kept the worst of the terrorist factions in line. Syria was for the most part a modern country with a functioning economy. obama's allies intend to take the nation back to the 7th century.

If the United States had never meddled and supported the terrorists, Assad would have put the rebellion down in a matter of days and all those people would still be alive. The deaths of those innocents are largely our fault.
Almost all powerful leaders are evil. Even the ones that might get into power that aren't evil become evil very quickly. Most of them have to be evil to come into power.
WE have the capability though, don't we? And what does Syria have that we could dip our hands into?

It looks as if a second Red-line ultimatum was used by Kerry to Assad, today. I find it hard to believe he could do this. How could we back down, now? Is this the administrations' way of committing America to war with Syria, et al.

John Kerry gives Syria week to hand over chemical weapons or face attack

US secretary of state tells London press conference with William Hague that US intelligence blames Assad regime for gas attack

The US secretary of state has said that President Bashar al-Assad has one week to hand over his entire stock of chemical weapons to avoid a military attack. But John Kerry added that he had no expectation that the Syrian leader would comply.

Kerry also said he had no doubt that Assad was responsible for the chemical weapons attack in east Damascus on 21 August, saying that only three people are responsible for the chemical weapons inside Syria – Assad, one of his brothers and a senior general. He said the entire US intelligence community was united in believing Assad was responsible.


John Kerry gives Syria week to hand over chemical weapons or face attack | World news |

@1:55 Kerry says Assad "sends airplanes to Napalm children." WTF

Yea, another red-line and almost certain commitment. Like I said, the whole thing is fixed, and Obama will get what he wants.

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