Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

So you think this won't hold up in court?

It's not meant to hold up in court. It is meant as a desperate shot at again trying to drag Trump through the mud as food for a corrupt media for them to then plaster the nation with "scandalous" reports 24/7 about Trump ad neaseum right up to the election that in combination with lying, cheating and stealing will keep them in power.
Yet more hallucinations from mentally retarded Dumbfuck.

Helluva way to talk about Biden.

The No one is above the law has with it that you actually had to break a law
This witch hunt does not address that
Sure it does. It alleges Trump illegally falsified business records.
And that allegation stems from being accused of overvaluing his properties to defraud banks when IN FACT the banks do Not Use his estimations but rather the valuations defined by their staff appraisers.
As always you know not whereof you speak.
They are going to be asking why Cohen went to jail and why Trump shouldn't go to jail.
Yes, they are. It will be obvious to jurors that Trump was knee deep in the illegal scheme to hide hush money payments and the illegal election contributions Cohen made. Trump did not go to jail simply because he became president. The FBI certainly had evidence that Trump was in it with Cohen, but the DOJ decided not to further the investigation past Cohen.
The part that implies Trump was illegally “buying silence”
Also the part that has a states attorney trying to run federal charges through his state.
Part of your fakery is the excessive indexing you use. That fools zero thinkers.

There are no federal charges being run through the state. Trump is charged only with State crimes.

Anyone that tells you different has reading problems.

There are no federal charges being run through the state. Trump is charged only with State crimes.

Anyone that tells you different has reading problems.

State of NY referencing federal issues and trying to commingle into state statutes

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