Is calling somebody a terrorist okay when calling somebody a pederast is not okay?

I see. You have experience with this?
I actually read the rules. Why didn't you?

  • No accusations of other members relating to bestiality, grooming, or pedophilia. If you suspect a forum member is involved with grooming and/or pedophilia, DM the mods with your suspicions and evidence.
I actually read the rules. Why didn't you?

  • No accusations of other members relating to bestiality, grooming, or pedophilia. If you suspect a forum member is involved with grooming and/or pedophilia, DM the mods with your suspicions and evidence.
Oh, I have. But I wondering if have you ever been warned about it.
Oh, I have. But I wondering if have you ever been warned about it.
I don't know. I've been posting here since 2010 and got many warnings over the years. So it's certainly possible. I've even got banned for a while when I doxxed an anti-white racist member. They don't post here anymore.
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I had to look that word up. I learned something, when I wasn't even trying to.

I believe that the recent rules are designed to cut down on those types of accusations.
I could mention that it's because freedom of speech is dead here, but I won't.
I had to look that word up. I learned something, when I wasn't even trying to.

I believe that the recent rules are designed to cut down on those types of accusations.
I could mention that it's because freedom of speech is dead here, but I won't.
I think calling people pedophiles because they don´t agree to their political opinions unrelated to sexuality is not covered by free speech. There is some kind of red line. They even closed my website ( because I called everyone a pedophile there for no reason at all. But now I know better. I only call people pedophiles between 8 AM and 3 PM now.
I think calling people pedophiles because they don´t agree to their political opinions unrelated to sexuality is not covered by free speech. There is some kind of red line. They even closed my website ( because I called everyone a pedophile there for no reason at all. But now I know better. I only call people pedophiles between 8 AM and 3 PM now.
When somebody says it is perfectly fine for an adult man to make unwanted sexual advances on prepubescent children, it SHOULD be allowed to say that they are supporting pedophilia, because that is what they have just done.

Truth should not be censored.
When somebody says it is perfectly fine for an adult man to make unwanted sexual advances on prepubescent children, it SHOULD be allowed to say that they are supporting pedophilia, because that is what they have just done.

Truth should not be censored.
No need for this. Such a post won´t last for long and the replies will also disappear. But such a post is the evidence the administration calls for. All you need to do is report this post and post and poster will disappear. Such a poster is also not someone I would like to debate with. It is a dangerous creature and the only reply should be the clicking of the bracelets.
No need for this. Such a post won´t last for long and the replies will also disappear. But such a post is the evidence the administration calls for. All you need to do is report this post and post and poster will disappear. Such a poster is also not someone I would like to debate with. It is a dangerous creature and the only reply should be the clicking of the bracelets.
You are basing your response on what you imagine.

I base mine on what I experience.

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