Zone1 Is communiusm a US obsession ?

The obsession is centered squarely on freedom, equal rights under the law, no exceptions, ability to prosper from the fruits of ones labor, choice, and free open markets that sink or swim based on the consumers freedom to choose from a large unrestricted market place, where one can reach for the stars.
Is that supposed to be the US?
Fascism, like Communism, is authoritarian.

There are those who insist that 'left wing' should mean authoritarian, while 'right wing' should mean libertarian, but they are by far in the minority. In common use (whether by laypeople or political scientists), fascism is a product of the right wing.

That's not an opinion, and it's not a big secret. It's a basic tenet of political science that you should have learned in your high school Civics class.
Stalin made up the notion that Fascism was “right wing” and rather that think and question, you accept and parrot
Stalin made up the notion that Fascism was “right wing” and rather that think and question, you accept and parrot
You do a great disservice to Twm and his thouands of comrades.
They knew what they were fighting against.

Again its only in America that some folk think that fascism is left wing.
I think that its a form of embarressment on the part of the right. Hitler went too far so lets call him a commie.
You do a great disservice to Twm and his thouands of comrades.
They knew what they were fighting against.

Again its only in America that some folk think that fascism is left wing.
I think that its a form of embarressment on the part of the right. Hitler went too far so lets call him a commie.

That's the difference, we think

Fascism, like Communism and Socialism is Government Uber Alles
That's the difference, we think

Fascism, like Communism and Socialism is Government Uber Alles
There seems to be a whole school of political illiteracy at play on the American right.
This gibberish is a part of it.

The other one is the "dems were slavers" narrative. Technically it may be correct but it ignores the nuances of the situation.

Ignores it in a bonehead way. Saying that fascism and communism are the same insults our Russian comrades who helped us defeat fascism.

Why you mention socialism in the same breath is baffling.
Again its only in America that some folk think that fascism is left wing.
I think that its a form of embarressment on the part of the right. Hitler went too far so lets call him a commie.
Trying to explain this whole ugly phenomenon to someone outside of the country can be very, very difficult. Believe me, I've tried.

The short version: The roots of this come from conservative talk radio (Rush Limbaugh was essentially the Father of the Alternate Universe), then Fox News, and now the internet. They appeal to the tribal, conspiratorial, angry, paranoid group that they have been nurturing for a long time.

Within those venues, these people are not just conditioned to spit out the standard talking points, such as "fascism is left wing". That's the least of it. The far worse part is that they are also conditioned on how to think. So now, with rote thought processes firmly in hand, they can individually create (and spread!) any insane "facts" that please them, and off they go.

This is deep in our culture now. They contribute to the cause, they sleep on the right pillows, they wear the right slippers, they paint their trucks with stuff and plant flags on them, they watch only their approved media, they attend the rallies, they fill their yards with the signs, they shop at the right stores, they eat at the right restaurants, they repeat the slogans, they practice their own version of cancel culture. On and on.

This will take years. And meanwhile, our valued international allies know they can no longer count on us. Who leads the free world now? Germany? How ironic.
Nope. But maybe I misunderstood your intent. Do you agree with the OP, specifically the assertion that socialism and communism are unrelated?
No. My point is that those who scream COMMUNISM at everything that moves aren't very good at explaining what communism actually IS. So their words are weak and empty.

Very similar to those on the Left who scream RACISM at everything that moves.
No. My point is that those who scream COMMUNISM at everything that moves aren't very good at explaining what communism actually IS. So their words are weak and empty.

Very similar to those on the Left who scream RACISM at everything that moves.
Agreed. But the post you responded to was merely challenging the claim that socialism and communism are unrelated. A point you now seem to agree with.

Yet you responded with the tried and true definition diversion, where we attempt to dismiss criticism of "X" by pretending that "X" doesn't really exist, or that the critic doesn't have a clue what "X" really is. I find that kind of evasion tiresome.
Agreed. But the post you responded to was merely challenging the claim that socialism and communism are unrelated. A point you now seem to agree with.

Yet you responded with the tried and true definition diversion, where we attempt to dismiss criticism of "X" by pretending that "X" doesn't really exist, or that the critic doesn't have a clue what "X" really is. I find that kind of evasion tiresome.
There is a spectrum of political thought.
But unless we can agree on the different levels on that spectrum any discussion is moot.
No. My point is that those who scream COMMUNISM at everything that moves aren't very good at explaining what communism actually IS. So their words are weak and empty.

Very similar to those on the Left who scream RACISM at everything that moves.
I always thought it was a hangover from the McCarthy era hearings. It left a bad legacy.
Well, they are both egalitarian. Which means control over the masses, over their actions and words, the economy, etc.
The terms probably get used too loosely, I agree. Most terms do, these days. Like liberal, conservative, woman etc.

I do not get why you wrote that "egalitarian ... means control over the masses".
It does not mean that at all.
What "egalitarian" means is equal opportunity.
It means public health care, free tuition, etc.
It does not mean any attempt at wealth redistribution at all.

  1. relating to or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities:


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