Zone1 Is communiusm a US obsession ?

The wonder is that, given the failures of the bandied about ideologies of Marxism, Socialism and Fascism, anyone associates with any of them. The huge problems of democracy are not the same; democracy as a concept has not failed. Populations fail to practice conscientious democratic practices.
The world needs to shed its attachments to archaic ideas and integrate what we have learned into new approaches.

Few americans give a shit about democracy. If they did they would make an effort to participate in it at all levels, instead of just reacting like nutjobs when it affects them. I would bet 90% or more of Americans have never once set foot in a local city council meeting or County govt. meeting.
Few americans give a shit about democracy. If they did they would make an effort to participate in it at all levels, instead of just reacting like nutjobs when it affects them. I would bet 90% or more of Americans have never once set foot in a local city council meeting or County govt. meeting.
Democracy sucks. If I had my druthers we'd limit public voting to electing local reps, and leave it at that.
Stalin murdered more than Hitler, so maybe communism is worse then?

They're both anti-democratic and authoritarian. That's the problem.

Think of them as Klingons and Romulans if it helps. Their methods are different and they absolutely hate each other, but they're still both the bad guys.
Correct, that's because no one of significance advocates for 'communism'; that anyone does is another ridiculous lie contrived by the right.
Correct. There is no significant movement in the United States to nationalize McDonald's, for example.

What we call the 'far left,' much of the rest of the world calls about the center left.
The GOP is not a Conservative organization they just have some or pretend to have some of the value.
I think they used to be, but lately the nationalist wing is getting much, much more play in the party. Those who still adhere to the actual tenets of conservatism (small government, free market, equal opportunity for all, support of social institutions including law and order) are mostly the ones being derided as RINOs.
Correct. There is no significant movement in the United States to nationalize McDonald's, for example.

What we call the 'far left,' much of the rest of the world calls about the center left.

Meh. So what if the government dictates what people can say on social media. A little Fascism never hurt anyone
Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

The questions are Commie AF
The obsession is centered squarely on freedom, equal rights under the law, no exceptions, ability to prosper from the fruits of ones labor, choice, and free open markets that sink or swim based on the consumers freedom to choose from a large unrestricted market place, where one can reach for the stars. Both socialism, organized society based on what a politician views as best for the whole, and communism, a dictated society ruled by fear and oppression that squashes creativity in the promotion of a self anointed oligarchy. Both systems restrict and control the means of production and distribution by different methods yet the end result remains the same.
Socialism is Communism light

Fascism is Left wing, not right wing
Fascism, like Communism, is authoritarian.

There are those who insist that 'left wing' should mean authoritarian, while 'right wing' should mean libertarian, but they are by far in the minority. In common use (whether by laypeople or political scientists), fascism is a product of the right wing.

That's not an opinion, and it's not a big secret. It's a basic tenet of political science that you should have learned in your high school Civics class.
Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

Try comparing results from the following to that 'political compass' ;

The World's Smallest Political Quiz​


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