Zone1 Is communiusm a US obsession ?

he's a leftwing elitist wannabe that believes he is more intelligent than the majority of his fellow citizens whom he believes are smelly wallmart shoppers that need to guided by people like him .
I dont get that vibe at all.
Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

Communism, fascism, socialism, all just different flavors of the same ice cream.

It's all about centralized control and terror.
Marxism is not the encyclopedic term for "communism". Marxism is European intellectualism building a bridge out over a chasm, but not across it.
Communal systems have consistently succeeded in history in certain settings and conditions. Marxism never has. Religious groups throughout time and in many places have done quite well. The classic family structure is communal. The early Christian groups were communal. Forcing communal conditions on people doesn't result in much more than suffering.

Strictly speaking, Marx defined Communism, so Marxism and Communism are synonymous.

It can be argued that true Communism has never existed, and probably never will. Marx defined how he thought a Communist society would work, and how to get there; but every time an attempt has been made to implement Communism, according to Marx's recipe for how to do so, it has quickly devolved into a dystopian tyranny very much other than what Marx envisioned. It seems to me that Marx made some serious errors in his assumptions about human nature, and how humans would respond to efforts to turn society in the direction that he wanted.

From the point of view of any true American, who adheres to the principles on which this nation was founded, Marxism/Communism is generally seen as the most possible opposite of these principles; and an ideological enemy of Americanism.

As with many words that refer to specific systems of political ideology, “Communist” tends to get thrown around as a slur against deviations from the ideology to which the one using the word holds, somewhat divorced from any true awareness of what the word actually means.
Ive [sic] lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im [sic] not a communist and never have been. Im [sic] probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im [sic] terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

It should be no surprise that you are confused.

You're a relic of the same degenerate tyranny against which my ancestors rebelled in order to establish our independence and sovereignty as a nation; and a subject of a nation that still has not achieved the level of civilization and respect for basic human rights that we did two and a half centuries ago. You're not literally a Communist, but you are closer to it than any mainstream American is.

For all your continual arrogant pontificating to us Americans about how you think we should run our country, one thing has become very clear, and that is that you are, at your most basic level, completely incapable of understanding an appreciating the principles on which this nation is founded. In the end, all that you ever accomplish by expressing any opinions about America is to remind us Americans why we kicked you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and to demonstrate to us that our reasons for having done so remain at least as valid to this day, if not more so.
It should be no surprise that you are confused.

You're a relic of the same degenerate tyranny against which my ancestors rebelled in order to establish our independence and sovereignty as a nation; and a subject of a nation that still has not achieved the level of civilization and respect for basic human rights that we did two and a half centuries ago. You're not literally a Communist, but you are closer to it than any mainstream American is.

For all your continual arrogant pontificating to us Americans about how you think we should run our country, one thing has become very clear, and that is that you are, at your most basic level, completely incapable of understanding an appreciating the principles on which this nation is founded. In the end, all that you ever accomplish by expressing any opinions about America is to remind us Americans why we kicked you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and to demonstrate to us that our reasons for having done so remain at least as valid to this day, if not more so.
Sshhh. grown ups are talking in Zone 1.
The wonder is that, given the failures of the bandied about ideologies of Marxism, Socialism and Fascism, anyone associates with any of them. The huge problems of democracy are not the same; democracy as a concept has not failed. Populations fail to practice conscientious democratic practices.
The world needs to shed its attachments to archaic ideas and integrate what we have learned into new approaches.

I suppose a similar argument could be made about Communism/socialism, that where it fails is where people fail to behave in accordance with it.

But ultimately, it fails because it depends on people to behave in a manner that is contrary to human nature; it assumes that the drive to contribute to society can be divorced from the incentive of hoping to be rewarded with a higher standard of living in exchange for one's contributions. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” is a slogan of noble intent, but ignorant of the human nature against which it works. The practical effect of trying to base a society on it is that you get large portions of the population who perceive their “needs” as greater than their “ability” to contribute.

It should be pointed out that America is not based on democracy. The great men who founded this nation wisely recognized that democracy itself, as a concept, is badly flawed, and so set up a republican system where the people's voices are heard, but where the rights of minorities are protected from the tyranny of the majority.
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Ive lost count of the times that I have been called a commie on this forum.

Im not a communist and never have been. Im probably a socialist but that bears no relation to communism.

I also see dems described as " Commies" but struggle to make the connection\ Im terms of political views the Dem party is hardly even left leaning. In Uk terms it is far to the right of our Labour party and probably closer to the cameron tories, before the brexit nutters took it over.

The GOP is far more to the right than our tory party today. They havee extreme positions on capital punishment,, womens health and guns taht would not fly over here. In fact they would be the kiss of death in the UK.

But the Dems drink at the same trough as the GOP and are definitely not commies. In fact it is difficult to see any credible left wing entity in the US.

Is it a throwback to the Macarthy era ? Reds under the beds and all that ? Or is it just a catch all insult made by people who are not politically literate ?

Its a word I never hear in this country.
Where are you on the political compass ?

It's a conservative obsession, among their favorite lies.
I dont [sic] see that in the US.

Of course you don't.

You're not an American, you don't live here, and you do not know solid digestive waste about this country. Most of what you think you know about America is just plain wrong, viewed through the lens of the same tyranny against which we rebelled in order to found this nation.
The better than average effect. When you have the biggest two players in the field facing off then backing down is not an option especially when people with gigantic egos are facing off.

That is why a mediator is needed. One who has the experience to mediate. Guaranteed Nobel peace prize for the one who can do it.

Yeah losing face is bad but both sides will spin it for propaganda purposes.

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