Is Cruz a fascist in the image of Stalin and Mussolini?

tinydancer, I have heard the LDS have changed the rule so non-members can take communion, their sacrament.

But I do not know that for a fact.
Oh absolutely. Cruz is a fascist, Trump is Hitler, Kasich is Mao, Clinton is Stalin and Sanders is Castro.

And they all want everyone in the opposing party to suffer and die, and they all want to destroy America.

Duh, obviously.

If it weren't for silly hyperbole, political discourse would be cut by 90% nowadays.
Oh absolutely. Cruz is a fascist, Trump is Hitler, Kasich is Mao, Clinton is Stalin and Sanders is Castro.

And they all want everyone in the opposing party to suffer and die, and they all want to destroy America.

Duh, obviously.

If it weren't for silly hyperbole, political discourse would be cut by 90% nowadays.
But it makes debating so easy! You don't have to think, which is very damn hard
No. However he is owned by the same folks who own Hillary Clinton. Just follow the money. Wherever the most Corporate Bank cash is flowing, is where you'll likely find the next U.S. President. Both Clinton and Cruz are mere emloyees of the Globalist Elite Banking Cartel.

Yes. Cruz is in fact a hard line authoritarian. And a darling of the tea party which makes him a bible thumper too.

With the possible exception of Trump, they're all Authoritarians. They work for the NWO Global Elite. Absolute Government/Corporate domination of Citizens' lives is the goal. Cruz plays a 'Pro-Constitution' role. It's just an act. In the end, he works for the same folks Hillary Clinton does.
No. However he is owned by the same folks who own Hillary Clinton. Just follow the money. Wherever the most Corporate Bank cash is flowing, is where you'll likely find the next U.S. President. Both Clinton and Cruz are mere emloyees of the Globalist Elite Banking Cartel.

Yes. Cruz is in fact a hard line authoritarian. And a darling of the tea party which makes him a bible thumper too.

With the possible exception of Trump, they're all Authoritarians. They work for the NWO Global Elite. Absolute Government/Corporate domination of Citizens' lives is the goal. Cruz plays a 'Pro-Constitution' role. It's just an act. In the end, he works for the same folks Hillary Clinton does.

You're gone plum off your rocker dude. So far trump is the only candidate willing to throw women in jail for abortions. You can't get anymore authoritarian than that.
No. However he is owned by the same folks who own Hillary Clinton. Just follow the money. Wherever the most Corporate Bank cash is flowing, is where you'll likely find the next U.S. President. Both Clinton and Cruz are mere emloyees of the Globalist Elite Banking Cartel.

Yes. Cruz is in fact a hard line authoritarian. And a darling of the tea party which makes him a bible thumper too.

With the possible exception of Trump, they're all Authoritarians. They work for the NWO Global Elite. Absolute Government/Corporate domination of Citizens' lives is the goal. Cruz plays a 'Pro-Constitution' role. It's just an act. In the end, he works for the same folks Hillary Clinton does.

You're gone plum off your rocker dude. So far trump is the only candidate willing to throw women in jail for abortions. You can't get anymore authoritarian than that.
he says torture is cool too. Not just water boarding.
No. However he is owned by the same folks who own Hillary Clinton. Just follow the money. Wherever the most Corporate Bank cash is flowing, is where you'll likely find the next U.S. President. Both Clinton and Cruz are mere emloyees of the Globalist Elite Banking Cartel.

Yes. Cruz is in fact a hard line authoritarian. And a darling of the tea party which makes him a bible thumper too.

With the possible exception of Trump, they're all Authoritarians. They work for the NWO Global Elite. Absolute Government/Corporate domination of Citizens' lives is the goal. Cruz plays a 'Pro-Constitution' role. It's just an act. In the end, he works for the same folks Hillary Clinton does.

You're gone plum off your rocker dude. So far trump is the only candidate willing to throw women in jail for abortions. You can't get anymore authoritarian than that.

Actually, Trump's been Pro-Choice for years. And the NWO Global Elites aren't supporting him. Their money's pouring into the Cruz/Clinton campaigns. They're employees of the Banking Cartel.

Trump makes the NWO folks very nervous. He won't be beholden to them. He's funding his own campaign. He's not accepting lobbyist money. He even tells his supporters to not give him their money. That makes him a dangerous independent threat. Goldman Sachs can't own him.
No. However he is owned by the same folks who own Hillary Clinton. Just follow the money. Wherever the most Corporate Bank cash is flowing, is where you'll likely find the next U.S. President. Both Clinton and Cruz are mere emloyees of the Globalist Elite Banking Cartel.

Yes. Cruz is in fact a hard line authoritarian. And a darling of the tea party which makes him a bible thumper too.

With the possible exception of Trump, they're all Authoritarians. They work for the NWO Global Elite. Absolute Government/Corporate domination of Citizens' lives is the goal. Cruz plays a 'Pro-Constitution' role. It's just an act. In the end, he works for the same folks Hillary Clinton does.

You're gone plum off your rocker dude. So far trump is the only candidate willing to throw women in jail for abortions. You can't get anymore authoritarian than that.
he says torture is cool too. Not just water boarding.

Silly manufactured non-issue. Not even in the top 100 important concerns of American Citizens. Kinda like the 'Global Warming' scam.
Mormon priesthood revelation and personal revelation works on the principle of dominion. The Church president receives revelation for the Church, the stake president for stake, the husband for the wife and children, and so forth and so on.

Avatar, I understand fully how priesthood revelation and authority works. That is how priesthood dominion dominated the Utah Legislature of decades and still does at times even today.
tinydancer, here is a quote that most LDS members ignore to their own damage.

S̷u̷n̷d̷a̷y̷ ̷S̷c̷h̷o̷o̷l̷
Monday School

"Do not, brethren, put your trust in man though he be a bishop, an apostle, or a president: if you do, they will fail you at some time or place; they will do wrong or seem to, and your support be gone; but if we lean on God, He will never fail us. When men and women depend on God alone, and trust in Him alone, their faith will not be shaken if the highest in the Church should step aside. They could still see that He is just and true, that truth is lovely in His sight, and the pure in heart are dear to Him.

Perhaps it is His own design that faults and weaknesses should appear in high places in order that His saints may learn to trust in Him, and not in any man or men."

- George Q. Cannon, 1891 [1st Counselor to President Wilford Woodruff]
Mormon priesthood revelation and personal revelation works on the principle of dominion. The Church president receives revelation for the Church, the stake president for stake, the husband for the wife and children, and so forth and so on.

Avatar, I understand fully how priesthood revelation and authority works. That is how priesthood dominion dominated the Utah Legislature of decades and still does at times even today.
tinydancer, here is a quote that most LDS members ignore to their own damage.

S̷u̷n̷d̷a̷y̷ ̷S̷c̷h̷o̷o̷l̷
Monday School

"Do not, brethren, put your trust in man though he be a bishop, an apostle, or a president: if you do, they will fail you at some time or place; they will do wrong or seem to, and your support be gone; but if we lean on God, He will never fail us. When men and women depend on God alone, and trust in Him alone, their faith will not be shaken if the highest in the Church should step aside. They could still see that He is just and true, that truth is lovely in His sight, and the pure in heart are dear to Him.

Perhaps it is His own design that faults and weaknesses should appear in high places in order that His saints may learn to trust in Him, and not in any man or men."

- George Q. Cannon, 1891 [1st Counselor to President Wilford Woodruff]

I'm having a "stuff I learned on the internet today" moment. I


I've just come across Glenn Beck's Ted Cruz is "anointed for this time" and the "White Horse Prophecy".
No. However he is owned by the same folks who own Hillary Clinton. Just follow the money. Wherever the most Corporate Bank cash is flowing, is where you'll likely find the next U.S. President. Both Clinton and Cruz are mere emloyees of the Globalist Elite Banking Cartel.

Yes. Cruz is in fact a hard line authoritarian. And a darling of the tea party which makes him a bible thumper too.

With the possible exception of Trump, they're all Authoritarians. They work for the NWO Global Elite. Absolute Government/Corporate domination of Citizens' lives is the goal. Cruz plays a 'Pro-Constitution' role. It's just an act. In the end, he works for the same folks Hillary Clinton does.

You're gone plum off your rocker dude. So far trump is the only candidate willing to throw women in jail for abortions. You can't get anymore authoritarian than that.

If abortions were made illegal. It was a trick question by Matthews at that town hall.
tinydancer, you are researching matters LDS would rather have left alone.
He's an extremely radical candidate that supports total war with mexico, iran, china, and eastern europe.

He thinks that if we plant more trees we can stop climate change.... this guy is a real life nut case!
This message brought to you by the Herr Drumpf for President campaign.


"I'm The Donald, and I approve this message."
Mussolini invented the term 'fascism'. Stalin was an absolutist, an authoritarian, not a fascist.
tinydancer, you are researching matters LDS would rather have left alone.

No guff! It was a real pity that it turned out to be a heavy duty religion.

Man and I thought the Catholic Church was controlling. And please I am not knocking peoples' faiths, just the organizational aspects aka religion. I have bets going with a number of my friends of different faiths that we'll know when we cross the finish line who was right after all our spiritual discussions.
Mussolini invented the term 'fascism'. Stalin was an absolutist, an authoritarian, not a fascist.
we can be clear here. They both killed lots of people. Stalin killed more, lots more. 19 million more.

what you called them is immaterial. they are neither of them left or right. they are killing machines.

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