Is D.C. using its ‘preemptive war’ doctrine against the states?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Is D.C. using its ‘preemptive war’ doctrine against the states?
Is D.C. using its ‘preemptive war’ doctrine against the states? - American Thinker
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” — Kierkegaard​
Democrats know so much that isn’t so:
Has there ever been a more disastrous beginning to an American presidency? I think not.

Democrat enclaves throughout the country are still using the pretext of the China virus to keep businesses, schools, and churches closed. There’s a humanitarian and national security crisis at the southern border created by Democrats’ malevolent wink-wink-nod-nod policy of promising citizenship in exchange for votes. The Silicon Valley enforcement arm of the federal government continues to actively censor and financially punish Americans for their points of view. The real economy — not the imaginary one constructed by fraudulent central bank currency manipulation and investment bank derivative speculation — is hanging by a thread.
Which leads to a painful possibility:
I find myself asking the same questions millions of Americans now ask themselves: given this campaign of outright hostility toward the American people and general dereliction of duty to protect and defend the states, is the American government intentionally trying to provoke civil conflict? Are all these horrendous policies leading to armed confrontation against red state holdouts? Has D.C. transformed the Iraq War’s “Preemptive War” Doctrine into a plan of action against its own citizens?
If these questions don’t haunt the men and women now holding the reins of government in D.C., then they are monumental fools on at least two levels: (1) they have deceived themselves into believing that some chimerical international government will provide global peace and security in the years to come; and (2) they have forgotten so much of American history that they actually believe American patriots can be subdued and brought to heel without causing much of a stir.
The first failure reflects profound ignorance; the second failure reflects profound hubris.
And taken together, these Democrat delusions will deliver a profound American tragedy.

"Never let a crisis go to waste..."
If fate isn't accommodating enough to provide you with a crisis, manufacture one of your own with a false flag operation, either real or perceived.
We do have one, but at this point that doesn’t matter.
The opposition party to the Cabal has been infiltrated by the PM/DSA Commies to be able to oppose.
There is only one option remaining...
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Is D.C. using its ‘preemptive war’ doctrine against the states?
Is D.C. using its ‘preemptive war’ doctrine against the states? - American Thinker
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” — Kierkegaard
Democrats know so much that isn’t so:

Has there ever been a more disastrous beginning to an American presidency? I think not.

Democrat enclaves throughout the country are still using the pretext of the China virus to keep businesses, schools, and churches closed. There’s a humanitarian and national security crisis at the southern border created by Democrats’ malevolent wink-wink-nod-nod policy of promising citizenship in exchange for votes. The Silicon Valley enforcement arm of the federal government continues to actively censor and financially punish Americans for their points of view. The real economy — not the imaginary one constructed by fraudulent central bank currency manipulation and investment bank derivative speculation — is hanging by a thread.
Where are you getting this garbage?
228087_5_.png deep do you have to dive for this crap? If I spent this much time in the depths of the alt-right ocean, I'd have the bends.
This entire article is one long list of right wing and alt-right (white) grievances. We're barely two months into Biden's presidency
and as I predicted, the hacks are back declaring what's happened so far a "disaster"...all while ignoring or cheering on the absolute
incompetence and corruption of the last four years. Sheesh. You people need lives.
The federal
Is D.C. using its ‘preemptive war’ doctrine against the states?
Is D.C. using its ‘preemptive war’ doctrine against the states? - American Thinker
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By J.B. Shurk

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” — Kierkegaard​
Democrats know so much that isn’t so:
Has there ever been a more disastrous beginning to an American presidency? I think not.

Democrat enclaves throughout the country are still using the pretext of the China virus to keep businesses, schools, and churches closed. There’s a humanitarian and national security crisis at the southern border created by Democrats’ malevolent wink-wink-nod-nod policy of promising citizenship in exchange for votes. The Silicon Valley enforcement arm of the federal government continues to actively censor and financially punish Americans for their points of view. The real economy — not the imaginary one constructed by fraudulent central bank currency manipulation and investment bank derivative speculation — is hanging by a thread.
Which leads to a painful possibility:
I find myself asking the same questions millions of Americans now ask themselves: given this campaign of outright hostility toward the American people and general dereliction of duty to protect and defend the states, is the American government intentionally trying to provoke civil conflict? Are all these horrendous policies leading to armed confrontation against red state holdouts? Has D.C. transformed the Iraq War’s “Preemptive War” Doctrine into a plan of action against its own citizens?
If these questions don’t haunt the men and women now holding the reins of government in D.C., then they are monumental fools on at least two levels: (1) they have deceived themselves into believing that some chimerical international government will provide global peace and security in the years to come; and (2) they have forgotten so much of American history that they actually believe American patriots can be subdued and brought to heel without causing much of a stir.
The first failure reflects profound ignorance; the second failure reflects profound hubris.
And taken together, these Democrat delusions will deliver a profound American tragedy.

"Never let a crisis go to waste..."
If fate isn't accommodating enough to provide you with a crisis, manufacture one of your own with a false flag operation, either real or perceived.
We do have one, but at this point that doesn’t matter.
The opposition party to the Cabal has been infiltrated by the PM/DSA Commies to be able to oppose.
There is only one option remaining...

The Federal government issues guidelines thru the CDC. It's up to the individual States to follow, not follow or partially follow these guidelines.

So your argument that D.C. is acting as some sort of totalitarian is total BULLSHIT!

Get a life loser!
Pre-emptive wars are a part of what has led us down this path- think the current ME fiasco, where a Republican (John McSame) allowed as how we'll probably be there for 100 years, pre-emptively of course- brought to us by, yet another Republican, Bush jr, with his pre 9/11 prepared Patriot Act, which BOTH sides subscribe to-

wars are a racket- where have we heard that before?

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