Is Donald Trump awesome or what?

I enjoyed a nap during the circus...

Good for you.

I was watching this weeks episode of Beauty and the Beast.

No intention of watching any debates til October 20016
..even the Queen of England is not expected to live that long and she has the advantage with overwhelming support over you since the English say and sing "Long Live The Queen."

typo 2016
I know :beer:
The biggest thing going for Trump, is the fact that he's NOT a professional politician. Also, he says what most people want to hear. He's NOT afraid to speak his mind. He can't be bought. And, for damn sure, he can't be any worse that what's sat in the oval office since JFK. All things considered, he's the best choice as of now. In my opinion, the ONLY choice right now.
The biggest thing going for Trump, is the fact that he's NOT a professional politician. Also, he says what most people want to hear. He's NOT afraid to speak his mind. He can't be bought. And, for damn sure, he can't be any worse that what's sat in the oval office since JFK. All things considered, he's the best choice as of now. In my opinion, the ONLY choice right now.
People want to hear that Megan Kelly is a bimbo?
What I wrote elsewhere -

It was pretty much what we expected - a spectacle.

Drumpf was and is an embarrassment. The worse he behaves, the less presidential and respectful of the office, the country, the people he is, the more the RWs love him. I can't remember even one thing he said that actually referred to issues in any specific way. He's an entertainer. He could not possibly be less qualified. Indeed, the only thing that would make him less qualified for the office of president of the United States is if he had been dead for three days.

He had an opportunity this morning to be a man and a presidential candidate and stand up straight and tall and take responsibility but he chose to continue to make excuses and whine about how mean Kelly was to him. Shameful. Pootin is rubbing hands together because he knows he can and will make mince meat of him.

OTOH, Fox was reprehensible. They were unprofessional and were very obviously out to get Drumpf. But they're Fox. What else did anyone expect? He could have risen above that but he just doesn't have the substance to do that.

What we're seeing in Drumpf is exactly how he would behave on the world stage. He would bluster and bully and then deny, whine and blame others for his own actions.

What's with calling Fiorina by her first name? Can anyone imagine any of the men being called by their first name?
The biggest thing going for Trump, is the fact that he's NOT a professional politician. Also, he says what most people want to hear. He's NOT afraid to speak his mind. He can't be bought. And, for damn sure, he can't be any worse that what's sat in the oval office since JFK. All things considered, he's the best choice as of now. In my opinion, the ONLY choice right now.
People want to hear that Megan Kelly is a bimbo?

Or that nothing is his responsibility or fault?

Funny that people think that because he's rich. he's not beholden to anyone. Oh, and why did he lie about how rich he is? And, as always, why are RWs so anxious to vote for someone who will make them more poor and himself richer?
Well if you want the U.S. to lose any semblance of international respect vote for Trump. If you vote republican, please, vote for someone who will give America the respect it deserves.
The biggest thing going for Trump, is the fact that he's NOT a professional politician. Also, he says what most people want to hear. He's NOT afraid to speak his mind. He can't be bought. And, for damn sure, he can't be any worse that what's sat in the oval office since JFK. All things considered, he's the best choice as of now. In my opinion, the ONLY choice right now.

No afraid to speak his mind, even when his mind is just plain wrong.

He's insulted Mexicans, Soldiers and Women so far.... when will it end. He HAS to insult someone every time he stands up or else no one listens to him.
Looked at objectively, I just think it would be wonderfully entertaining if it all devolved to Trump vs Sanders, and Sanders won.
I DVRed it and moved through the boring stuff, as we get closer the weak ones will move on and Trump will go middle ground which is what we need to bring our parties together and kick ass .
Well if you want the U.S. to lose any semblance of international respect vote for Trump. If you vote republican, please, vote for someone who will give America the respect it deserves.

Trump is seen as a joke abroad, trust me. International respect is not going to be afforded a reality TV star as president.
Public libraries stayed open late last night so indigent Democrat Party adherents could follow the debate online and blog incessantly (tying up two computers each?). Said libraries dismayed this morning to find urine puddles all over the computer areas. I wonder why!

I mean, why dismayed, have they NO foresight?
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The biggest thing going for Trump, is the fact that he's NOT a professional politician. Also, he says what most people want to hear. He's NOT afraid to speak his mind. He can't be bought. And, for damn sure, he can't be any worse that what's sat in the oval office since JFK. All things considered, he's the best choice as of now. In my opinion, the ONLY choice right now.
People want to hear that Megan Kelly is a bimbo?
Honestly...with some of the comments I heard about her physical looks yesterday...many already think of her as a bimbo.
The biggest thing going for Trump, is the fact that he's NOT a professional politician. Also, he says what most people want to hear. He's NOT afraid to speak his mind. He can't be bought. And, for damn sure, he can't be any worse that what's sat in the oval office since JFK. All things considered, he's the best choice as of now. In my opinion, the ONLY choice right now.
People want to hear that Megan Kelly is a bimbo?
I have no idea as to whether people do or don't want to hear it. It really makes no difference. This is campaign season. This is mud slinging season. This is political war. This is a battle for the oval office. This is politics as usual. We hear things during campaigns that we don't normally hear any other time. We'll hear things, negative things, said by all candidates before all is said and done, as we usually do during campaigns. Look passed the fringe rhetoric and pay more attention to what the intentions are if elected. All the mud slinging is just a side show meant to distract voters from the meat of the campaign.

Besides, no one should really put too much into campaigns until the last 3 or 4 months. Everything going on now is nothing more than jockeying for position, mud slinging, rhetoric meant to gain an advantage with voters, and seeing where one stands. The real meat doesn't usual come until the last 3 or 4 months. That's when voters need to pay attention and start thinking about what's best for this country and her citizens.
Well if you want the U.S. to lose any semblance of international respect vote for Trump. If you vote republican, please, vote for someone who will give America the respect it deserves.
This argument is being presented to the nation that had 'W' twice for president?
The biggest thing going for Trump, is the fact that he's NOT a professional politician. Also, he says what most people want to hear. He's NOT afraid to speak his mind. He can't be bought. And, for damn sure, he can't be any worse that what's sat in the oval office since JFK. All things considered, he's the best choice as of now. In my opinion, the ONLY choice right now.
People want to hear that Megan Kelly is a bimbo?
I have no idea as to whether people do or don't want to hear it. It really makes no difference. This is campaign season. This is mud slinging season. This is political war. This is a battle for the oval office. This is politics as usual. We hear things during campaigns that we don't normally hear any other time. We'll hear things, negative things, said by all candidates before all is said and done, as we usually do during campaigns. Look passed the fringe rhetoric and pay more attention to what the intentions are if elected. All the mud slinging is just a side show meant to distract voters from the meat of the campaign.

Besides, no one should really put too much into campaigns until the last 3 or 4 months. Everything going on now is nothing more than jockeying for position, mud slinging, rhetoric meant to gain an advantage with voters, and seeing where one stands. The real meat doesn't usual come until the last 3 or 4 months. That's when voters need to pay attention and start thinking about what's best for this country and her citizens.
You said, "Also, he says what most people want to hear."

Then you say you have no idea if people want to hear it.

That's crazy talk,
obama was a one-term senator with no record of bringing postive "change" to anybody, anywhere, ever.

its laughable to see an idiot worrying about how trump is seen abroad
Well if you want the U.S. to lose any semblance of international respect vote for Trump. If you vote republican, please, vote for someone who will give America the respect it deserves.
This argument is being presented to the nation that had 'W' twice for president?

this argument is being presented by somebody that may have voted for "change" for somebody who never changed anything, for anybody, anywhere, ever?
The biggest thing going for Trump, is the fact that he's NOT a professional politician. Also, he says what most people want to hear. He's NOT afraid to speak his mind. He can't be bought. And, for damn sure, he can't be any worse that what's sat in the oval office since JFK. All things considered, he's the best choice as of now. In my opinion, the ONLY choice right now.
He should be more afraid to speak his mind because he talks like a fucking idiot. Bombastic bullshit combined with superficial generalities, that's about as much as Trump will ever have to offer. Can't be bought? Why is that? Because he already has some money? I don't think he thinks he has enough. Donald Trump could be bought, sold, rented, or leased......he doesn't stand for anything.
Thing is, these are softball questions, Get the real democrat operatives asking the questions like next week.... they better get used to this kind if thing.

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