Is Elon musk setting himself up for a presidential run?

The only person whose image and name gets mentioned more times per day on a daily basis than Donald Trump is Elon Musk.

Slowly but surely his name is on the lips of younger and younger people who know exactly who this guy is and what he does.

I can't think of a more solid run up to a potential presidential bid then interacting with millions of Americans everyday on numerous and sundry subjects.
You are an idiot, or you would know he is not eligible to run as he was born in South Africa,
Neither are "Natural Born Citizens"

From Snopes
Although his mother was herself a natural-born U.S. citizen, his father was a Kenyan national, and his parents may or may not have been legally married in the eyes of U.S. law. Moreover, his parents split up when he was but a toddler, and his mother soon afterwards married another foreign national and moved with Barack to Indonesia.
He was born in Hawaii and that is all that matters. Kamala's parents were not US citizens, but she was born in Oakland. That is all it takes.
You are an idiot, or you would know he is not eligible to run as he was born in South Africa,

Hmmm....yes I did forget about his birthright...having said that I'm not so sure that rule will stand forever. If illegals are now voting we're already on the slippery slope.

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