Is Ferguson A False Flag Operation To Generate Riots And Racism?

Why is the News Media Fanning Racial Paranoia in Ferguson?

  • To Increase Democrats Hold on Black Vote

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • To Bring About Riots so Martial Law is Declared

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Those Promoting the Racial Paranoia are Sincerely Paranoid of Whites

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Its Good for Ratings

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Not Sure/Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


May 4, 2014
If we review how Ferguson has been handled by the news media and government, it indicates either a purposeful attempt to generate racial paranoia, violence and riots, or a case of incompetence and foolishness by those same two parties that is hard to fathom.

(complete source story Is Ferguson A False Flag Operation To Generate Riots And Racism - AUN-TV

This news article is being written before the Grand Jury goes public with the decision whether or not to charge the police officer, Darren Wilson, in the shooting of Michael Brown which took place August 9th, 2014, more than 3 months ago. It is widely expected that unless an indictment is made deadly riots will break out. This generates great pressure on the Grand Jury to succumb to Mob Rule instead of searching for truth and justice. There have already been devastating riots in Ferguson because of the way the news media, government, race baiters like Al Sharpton, and politicians have fanned the existing racial paranoia and racism of the rioters and looters.

Since the shooting the public has been kept in the dark as to how many shots were fired even though it was known within one hour. Why? Does it make the public more or less paranoid that a cover-up is going on? AUN-TV wrote an article just about that issue one week after the shooting: Even the name of the officer was withheld for almost a week.

The title of this article uses the term False Flag.
If the reader is not familiar with that term, it means creating an incident to flame public outrage against an innocent party. Wikipedia’s definition: False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. It does not have to be the military, committing a crime to frame someone else with is a false flag.

False Flag example: Russo-Swedish War
In 1788, the head tailor at the Royal Swedish Opera received an order to sew a number of Russian military uniforms. These were then used by the Swedes to stage an attack on Puumala, a Swedish outpost on the Russo-Swedish border, on 27 June 1788. This caused an outrage in Stockholm and impressed the Riksdag of the Estates, the Swedish national assembly, who until then had refused to agree to an offensive war against Russia. The Puumala incident allowed King Gustav III of Sweden, who lacked the constitutional authority to initiate unprovoked hostilities without the Estates’ consent, to launch the Russo-Swedish War (1788–1790).

In the Brown/Wilson case news companies such as MSNBC have done just everything they can to fan racial paranoia and mob rule. They did the same thing in the George Zimmerman trial. The only reason the Zimmerman trial verdict did not result in massive riots and deaths is that after the trial started the truth started coming out which totally refuted the lies told by the news media to fan racism. Here is a video that covers how the news media tried to create a lynch mob mentality to convict Zimmerman. Be warned this video shows the history of Democrats using the news media to generate racism and mob rule. The purpose is not to offend Democrats. The history of the Democrat Party is its history.
When watching the news media lynching of Zimmerman, do you notice a pattern in relation to the Ferguson coverage?
Outside of the lies, MSNBC used classical mind control and propaganda techniques. Two people repeating “No one believes Zimmerman” in about 10 seconds twice is an example of that. Did you notice any similarity to Ferguson Coverage?
First what is the premise of the Ferguson protests, rioting and looting for the last 3 months?

It is that Black people are being killed all the time by White people, that they are in great danger from White people, especially police. And that whites can get away with killing blacks. In the past this was actually true. As the video you just watched
showed. We wish to note we dislike using race terms, someone can be 50% Black and White, or like Tiger Woods have over five racial roots. We would rather not talk about race, but this story is about racism and the media encouraging racial paranoia as you just watched, so it is unavoidable.

Back to the real dangers Black people face. Both the Ku Klux Klan and its mother organization the Democratic Party terrorized black people for 90 years after slavery was ended. There were over 6,000 lynchings by the Klan, roughly twice as many as died on 911. The KKK is the most deadly terrorist organization in American history. But that all ended 40 years ago when the majority of White people in KKK areas stopped being Democrats and re-registered as Republicans. When they stopped being Democrats they stopped being or supporting the KKK. That change brought about one of the greatest civil rights victories in American history.

Since then a great danger to Blacks has appeared. It is the number one cause of death for young black people that live in 90% or higher Democrat districts, it is being murdered. Who is murdering them? Almost exclusively it is Black Democrats. White on Black violent crime is so rare that the federal government rounds it off to zero. Seriously. So what MSNBC and others are doing to generate racism and racial paranoia, to get Black people to fear White people, is getting them to fear a nonexistent danger. At the same time those lies cause riots, hatred, and real deaths. Unfortunately there may be many more deaths if the Grand Jury does not do what the modern day lynch mob wants it to do. The news media and politicians like Obama, Holder and Sharpton, by getting Black people to fear non-existent dangers, prevents the real dangers from being addressed.

Bill Whittle has a video that proves that MSNBC is lying about the danger: -Continued

There are two imbedded videos in this excerpt but in past they seem to be stripped out, the complete story with multiple videos is at: Is Ferguson A False Flag Operation To Generate Riots And Racism - AUN-TV
I checked out the Russo-Swedish War and darn its true. Sounded too far out, but indeed that is what happened.

Both videos have a lot of stuff you will not hear on CNN or Fox
I checked out the Russo-Swedish War and darn its true. Sounded too far out, but indeed that is what happened.

Both videos have a lot of stuff you will not hear on CNN or Fox
If you want more info that is being hidden, check out the links in the full story about the Mother Jones Deception. Things even more censored than this story.
I don't see it in terms of a false flag operation at all, since that would suggest the people involved actually colluded in such a way by intent. Instead, I see the news reporting in terms of narrative, and that narrative has been gradually entrenching itself into the psyche of society, itself.

What is that narrative? That narrative has to do with identity politics where the color of one's skin rather than the content of their character determines the response to their actions. In this case, you had a man mountain of a thug being referred to as a "teenager" in order to elicit sympathy and that sympathy is based upon nothing but his skin color. In any altercation between a black thug and a white cop, the white cop is assumed guilty, and the reason for this is that as a nation, we have become so hyper sensitive to any suggestion we are racist as to completely inverse the process.

Just look at how far down the rabbit hole the U.K. has gone where they willingly sacrifice their children to Pakistani sexual predators rather than face challenges that they are racist? We are't that far gone yet, but until we start treating each person as an individual instead of a representative of some inviolate group, it will continue to get worse.
I don't see it in terms of a false flag operation at all, since that would suggest the people involved actually colluded in such a way by intent. Instead, I see the news reporting in terms of narrative, and that narrative has been gradually entrenching itself into the psyche of society, itself.

What is that narrative? That narrative has to do with identity politics where the color of one's skin rather than the content of their character determines the response to their actions. In this case, you had a man mountain of a thug being referred to as a "teenager" in order to elicit sympathy and that sympathy is based upon nothing but his skin color. In any altercation between a black thug and a white cop, the white cop is assumed guilty, and the reason for this is that as a nation, we have become so hyper sensitive to any suggestion we are racist as to completely inverse the process.

Just look at how far down the rabbit hole the U.K. has gone where they willingly sacrifice their children to Pakistani sexual predators rather than face challenges that they are racist? We are't that far gone yet, but until we start treating each person as an individual instead of a representative of some inviolate group, it will continue to get worse.

Hi Dogma, indeed it may not be a false flag. And a false flag could be done without purposely shooting someone. It could be lets have a plan in place and the next time a black teenager is shot by a white guy we use it as a ploy.

The weird thing is that from Zimmerman to Ferguson they have picked weak cases. What will happen in a real case of racist murder?
The Mainstream Media's reporting on the Ferguson shooting represents a convergence of two lines of thought. The first is the preconceived notion of the U.S. as an unalterably racist country. The second is the practical acknowledgement that the Democratic Party is utterly dependent on a unified Black vote to win national elections.

The specific tactics of the Obama administration are a bit trickier. With no more elections to worry about, the Black vote doesn't matter. Instead, the calculation of whether to encourage or suppress civil disobedience in Ferguson depends on which offers greater net political advantage to Obama himself. Rioting will certainly take away from news coverage about immigration amnesty, but will also cement his reputation as a race baiter. His future ambitions will be the key determinate: Domestically, this would hurt his prospects. Internationally, it would improve them.
The Mainstream Media's reporting on the Ferguson shooting represents a convergence of two lines of thought. The first is the preconceived notion of the U.S. as an unalterably racist country. The second is the practical acknowledgement that the Democratic Party is utterly dependent on a unified Black vote to win national elections.

The specific tactics of the Obama administration are a bit trickier. With no more elections to worry about, the Black vote doesn't matter. Instead, the calculation of whether to encourage or suppress civil disobedience in Ferguson depends on which offers greater net political advantage to Obama himself. Rioting will certainly take away from news coverage about immigration amnesty, but will also cement his reputation as a race baiter. His future ambitions will be the key determinate: Domestically, this would hurt his prospects. Internationally, it would improve them.

Think even saw a story about that, rumor Sharpton had done deal with Obama. That Obama waited till the Ferguson rioting was qued up to do amnesty and just as you say, the rioting would bury the dictatorial amnesty order in news coverage. Sharpton has been to White House dozens of times, maybe. If true incredibly evil.
TV News exists to sell commercials. Any programming of value it might occasionally contain is purely coincidental.
I think it is the Obama Administration not letting a crisis go to waste. Instead of calming things down, Holder, Sharpton and Obama seem to be throwing matches on the gasoline.
I'm sticking to my prediction that the Grand Jury will chicken out and send the case to a court.

But, as to this thread, I'll bet money that they will riot in Ferguson no matter what the result is.

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