Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

You all seem to be thinking I care what homosexuals think of me? I don't. I am gonna clear this up for you homosexuals and those like RK who is in the closet. My personal beliefs are that marriage is between a man and a woman also that it is a sin in the eyes of God and man. But this is a constitutional issue and the 10th amendment clearly give marriage laws and who they say is legally married to the states. That doesn't mean 6 people in robes gets to circumvent it just because 1% of the population wants artificial approval of their life choices.
What makes you think that homosexuals care about you at all?
The fact that you need to force people to accept homosexual unions
Perversion is a learned response
Is that your excuse for your perverted acts on gays?
I know lots of happy people but I am pretty sure I didn't do perverted things with all of them.
Then you've changed your mind and are now in favor of gays having rights.
Lmao you are under the delusion that gay means homosexual lol

Not a delusion- just being conversant with a dictionary. A delusion would be like you- pretending that gay does not mean homosexual even though you know the dictionary says otherwise.

adjective \ˈgā\
: sexually attracted to someone who is the same sex

: of, relating to, or used by homosexuals

: happy and excited : cheerful and lively
Used by homosexuals does not mean gay means homosexual.
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
Then they used heterosexual means ....a baby will never be produced using homosexual means..... that is a fact. Also is homosexuality was genetic then wouldn't it be impossible for a homosexual to have heterosexual relations?
What makes you think homosexuals are incapable of heterosexual acts? And no, just because some girl prefers girls over men does not mean she is incapable of choosing to have sex with a man to get pregnant. People have sex all the time, being gay does not prevent normal intercourse, nor does it prevent them from walking in a straight line, nor does it prevent them from talking like heteros. ROFL
Perversion is a learned response
How exactly did you learn your perversion?
To the sick of soul a moral life is perverse
Tell us Kaz, what's it like to be on the losing end at all times, to know what you believe is being rejected by the majority? That must really suck eh?

Leftists are with you, non-leftists are with me, I'm losing no more than you are. And the majority thinks marriage is between a man and a woman, nice try. OK, actually it wasn't.

But your desire to claim victory does show your insecurity
Tell us Kaz, what's it like to be on the losing end at all times, to know what you believe is being rejected by the majority? That must really suck eh?

Leftists are with you, non-leftists are with me, I'm losing no more than you are. And the majority thinks marriage is between a man and a woman, nice try. OK, actually it wasn't.

But your desire to claim victory does show your insecurity
I've already won here, and in Ireland, so, what's it like to know that society has rejected both your politics and your faith? That must really suck, which makes you an angry child...
Then we should stop the income tax completely and go to a fair tax so everyone pays including the ghettos and politicians and race baiters
A fair tax isn't...
Only a progressive sees everyone paying taxes as not fair.... You are retarded
No, I'm rational. And nearly all adults already pay taxes, too many of them regressive.

:lmao: You're rational, now that's funny
Tell us Kaz, what's it like to be on the losing end at all times, to know what you believe is being rejected by the majority? That must really suck eh?

Leftists are with you, non-leftists are with me, I'm losing no more than you are. And the majority thinks marriage is between a man and a woman, nice try. OK, actually it wasn't.

But your desire to claim victory does show your insecurity
I've already won here, and in Ireland, so, what's it like to know that society has rejected both your politics and your faith? That must really suck, which makes you an angry child...

What faith is that? And you don't know people evolved with a male and female parent, or you claim you don't, and you call me a child? You are a liar, and a very bad one. Obviously you know we did evolve that way
Then we should stop the income tax completely and go to a fair tax so everyone pays including the ghettos and politicians and race baiters
A fair tax isn't...
Only a progressive sees everyone paying taxes as not fair.... You are retarded
No, I'm rational. And nearly all adults already pay taxes, too many of them regressive.

:lmao: You're rational, now that's funny
Highly rational, which fucks you.
Tell us Kaz, what's it like to be on the losing end at all times, to know what you believe is being rejected by the majority? That must really suck eh?

Leftists are with you, non-leftists are with me, I'm losing no more than you are. And the majority thinks marriage is between a man and a woman, nice try. OK, actually it wasn't.

But your desire to claim victory does show your insecurity
I've already won here, and in Ireland, so, what's it like to know that society has rejected both your politics and your faith? That must really suck, which makes you an angry child...

What faith is that? And you don't know people evolved with a male and female parent, or you claim you don't, and you call me a child? You are a liar, and a very bad one. Obviously you know we did evolve that way
What you believe is simply untrue. Learn human history, it wasn't mom, dad, 2.1 kids, and a dog.
But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?

Wow, you should read the OP post. The thread isn't about test tubes and adoption

The thread is about the fallacy that the tax system rewards people for not having children...

...the truth is exactly the opposite.

No it's not, you idiot. First, you are in the wrong thread. Second, read my OP post. The thread is about the opposite, that the tax code rewards people for having children. What is wrong with you? What grade did you drop out of school?

The tax code rewards people for having children- regardless of whether or not the parents marry.
Regardless of whether or not the children are their biological children.

This thread is just about you wanting your marriage bennies, and having gay couples pay for them, while denying gay couples the same bennies.

gay couples can have the bennies, gay couples can make a legally binding commitment contract to each other, but a gay union is not a marriage, it is a gay union.

What you are trying to do by insisting on using the word "marriage" is to force societal acceptance of your sexual orientation as normal---------------but its not and never will be.

equal treatment under the law has nothing to do with the words used to describe your union.
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?

Wow, you should read the OP post. The thread isn't about test tubes and adoption

The thread is about the fallacy that the tax system rewards people for not having children...

...the truth is exactly the opposite.

No it's not, you idiot. First, you are in the wrong thread. Second, read my OP post. The thread is about the opposite, that the tax code rewards people for having children. What is wrong with you? What grade did you drop out of school?

The tax code rewards people for having children- regardless of whether or not the parents marry.
Regardless of whether or not the children are their biological children.

This thread is just about you wanting your marriage bennies, and having gay couples pay for them, while denying gay couples the same bennies.

gay couples can have the bennies, gay couples can make a legally binding commitment contract to each other, but a gay union is not a marriage, it is a gay union.

What you are trying to do by insisting on using the word "marriage" is to force societal acceptance of your sexual orientation as normal---------------but its not and never will be.

equal treatment under the law has nothing to do with the words used to describe your union.

Marriage is what is on the license. Want it changed, change it for everyone. That wouldn't satisfy Chickenfish though. He needs to feel special and set apart from "those people".
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?

Wow, you should read the OP post. The thread isn't about test tubes and adoption

The thread is about the fallacy that the tax system rewards people for not having children...

...the truth is exactly the opposite.

No it's not, you idiot. First, you are in the wrong thread. Second, read my OP post. The thread is about the opposite, that the tax code rewards people for having children. What is wrong with you? What grade did you drop out of school?

The tax code rewards people for having children- regardless of whether or not the parents marry.
Regardless of whether or not the children are their biological children.

This thread is just about you wanting your marriage bennies, and having gay couples pay for them, while denying gay couples the same bennies.

gay couples can have the bennies, gay couples can make a legally binding commitment contract to each other, but a gay union is not a marriage, it is a gay union.

What you are trying to do by insisting on using the word "marriage" is to force societal acceptance of your sexual orientation as normal---------------but its not and never will be.

equal treatment under the law has nothing to do with the words used to describe your union.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?

Wow, you should read the OP post. The thread isn't about test tubes and adoption

The thread is about the fallacy that the tax system rewards people for not having children...

...the truth is exactly the opposite.

No it's not, you idiot. First, you are in the wrong thread. Second, read my OP post. The thread is about the opposite, that the tax code rewards people for having children. What is wrong with you? What grade did you drop out of school?

The tax code rewards people for having children- regardless of whether or not the parents marry.
Regardless of whether or not the children are their biological children.

This thread is just about you wanting your marriage bennies, and having gay couples pay for them, while denying gay couples the same bennies.

gay couples can have the bennies, gay couples can make a legally binding commitment contract to each other, but a gay union is not a marriage, it is a gay union.

What you are trying to do by insisting on using the word "marriage" is to force societal acceptance of your sexual orientation as normal---------------but its not and never will be.

equal treatment under the law has nothing to do with the words used to describe your union.

Marriage is what is on the license. Want it changed, change it for everyone. That wouldn't satisfy Chickenfish though. He needs to feel special and set apart from "those people".
The one demanding special treatment is you
We now have 88 pages of the OP trying to convince us that gay marriage isn't an important issue to him. lol
It's a deliberate distraction.

yes, the left is using the gay crap to take the attention away from obozo and his failures both dometically and internationally.

creating an obsession over the sexual deviancy of 2% of the population seems to be working for them so don't expect it to stop.

This thread was started to make people aware of what the left is doing with this divisive issue.

Its amazing that it took 264 pages to reach that logical conclusion.
Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

18 trillion in debt
half the country on some form of govt handout
deficit spending every year
no confidence in congress or the president
the mid east burning
radical islam killing thousands because or religion
more americans in poverty than ever before
hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities
racial violence in our cities

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

I think that's not an American problem only - Ireland has just voted for approval of same-sex marriages as well and all Irish are just proud enormously of this victory as if they have taken Nothern Ireland back.

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