Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.
I disagree. The Republican Party is going to focus on the economy and government overreach, and the leftist media is going to focus on homosexuals and abortion and bring it up in each and every interview and press conference with a GOP candidate, and then pretend that their campaigns are all about those issues.
Ok; then, the left may focus on ending our Drug War and "blame the Right" for not taking the lead and initiative in ending that form of government overreach and being just "big chickens".

Yes, because the Democrats have always been such big champions for the cause of smaller, less-intrusive government. :eusa_liar: Oh, and the illegalization of drugs has always been solely the Republicans. :rolleyes-41:

Christ, can you be any more childishly simplistic in your thinking?
Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.

Keyes still denies that the public supports gay marriage. Or that there has been any significant change in public attitudes toward gay marriage since 2010.

You can't fix stupid.
Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.

Keyes still denies that the public supports gay marriage. Or that there has been any significant change in public attitudes toward gay marriage since 2010.

You can't fix stupid.

I still don't understand their fascination with the subject.

If they were simply upset with having to bake gay cakes and left it at that, I could understand the feeling. I wouldn't agree with them but at least it involves a third party.
No. But both parties are going to focus on it, and the GOP more so. Till either Rand Paul or Jeb Bush takes back the Republican party from Ted Cruz.

I disagree. The Republican Party is going to focus on the economy and government overreach, and the leftist media is going to focus on homosexuals and abortion and bring it up in each and every interview and press conference with a GOP candidate, and then pretend that their campaigns are all about those issues.
I disagree. The Republican Party is going to focus on the economy and government overreach, and the leftist media is going to focus on homosexuals and abortion and bring it up in each and every interview and press conference with a GOP candidate, and then pretend that their campaigns are all about those issues.
Ok; then, the left may focus on ending our Drug War and "blame the Right" for not taking the lead and initiative in ending that form of government overreach and being just "big chickens".

Yes, because the Democrats have always been such big champions for the cause of smaller, less-intrusive government. :eusa_liar: Oh, and the illegalization of drugs has always been solely the Republicans. :rolleyes-41:

Christ, can you be any more childishly simplistic in your thinking?
No; it needs to be that simple for the Right, even though they still get it wrong anyway. In any case, it is about smaller and less intrusive government.

Ok; then, the left may focus on ending our Drug War and "blame the Right" for not taking the lead and initiative in ending that form of government overreach and being just "big chickens".
Your obsession with incest has nothing to do with gay marriage. You've abandoned the topic of same sex marriage again. While running from all your rhetorical babble about 'procreation' and 'the kind of sex that makes babies'.

If I'd been saddled with such useless nonsense in opposition to gay marriage, I'd probably try and change the topic too.

Thankfully, I picked a much more rational and defensible argument: the support of gay marriage.

Is a marriage of two sisters incest?

Your obsession with incest has nothing to do with gay marriage. You've abandoned the topic of same sex marriage again. While running from all your rhetorical babble about 'procreation' and 'the kind of sex that makes babies'.

If I'd been saddled with such useless nonsense in opposition to gay marriage, I'd probably try and change the topic too.

Thankfully, I picked a much more rational and defensible argument: the support of gay marriage.

Is a marriage of two sisters incest?

Yes, let's move on.

Seriously. If 'is a marriage of two sisters incest' is the best they can do, we've reached mercy rules territory.

I don't know if this is a political debate or a them for a letter sent to Penthouse.

Seriously.....this obsession with incest is getting a little creepy.

A little? Pops left creepy in the dust eons ago.
Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.

Keyes still denies that the public supports gay marriage. Or that there has been any significant change in public attitudes toward gay marriage since 2010.

You can't fix stupid.

I still don't understand their fascination with the subject.

If they were simply upset with having to bake gay cakes and left it at that, I could understand the feeling. I wouldn't agree with them but at least it involves a third party.

Most of it is rooted in a general rejection of their religious tenets as having any objective value. A couple of generations ago judges could literally cite God's will as the reason and justification of their ruling. Look at judge Leon Bazille's ruling in his conviction of Richard and Mildred Loving:

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.

Leon Bazille

This was perfectly legit back in the day. A judge spewing this blatantly subjective jiggery pokery in a ruling today would likely be disbarred. Society today is far more critical of generic 'Appeal to Authority' fallacies. "God said so'' just doesn't cut it. Not because folks don't believe in God. But because they don't believe the guy who is claiming to speak for Him.

The net result is a dramatic reduction of religious authority. Even as a mode of thinking, religion has lost ground and science has gained it. We laugh as the Kansas school boards try to fit creationism into science text books. We look back at the Scopes monkey trial and shake our heads in beweliderment that anyone could be that fucking stupid. Yet in their day, religious reasoning and appeals to authority were accepted as perfectly valid.

With this, we see a synergy of deep seeded homophobia fueling a general animosity toward gays. And reactionary belligerence to not having their religious tenets taken seriously as the basis of law or common sense any more. It comes together to create an almost obsessive focus on gay marriage. Many have invested in this emotionally. And those emotions are fueled by a low, ugly animus toward gays.

Not in every case. I've met the occasional constitutionalist who has a genuine federal v state beef. And I have met some religious folks who frame the issue more with their relationship with god. But I'd say most do.

I can show you some really choice posts from Keyes when he talks about how if gays don't sit down and shut the fuck up they're going to be subject to violence that will make 'a hate crime look like christmas dinner'. Or talking about how gays will be slaughtered if they don't back down.

The hate is real. The desire to hurt people is real. Thankfully, the chickenshit is stronger. As they don't want to bleed.
Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.

Keyes still denies that the public supports gay marriage. Or that there has been any significant change in public attitudes toward gay marriage since 2010.

You can't fix stupid.

I still don't understand their fascination with the subject.

If they were simply upset with having to bake gay cakes and left it at that, I could understand the feeling. I wouldn't agree with them but at least it involves a third party.

Most of it is rooted in a general rejection of their religious tenets as having any objective value. A couple of generations ago judges could literally cite God's will as the reason and justification of their ruling. Look at judge Leon Bazille's ruling in his conviction of Richard and Mildred Loving:

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.

Leon Bazille

This was perfectly legit back in the day. A judge spewing this blatantly subjective jiggery pokery in a ruling today would likely be disbarred. Society today is far more critical of generic 'Appeal to Authority' fallacies. "God said so'' just doesn't cut it. Not because folks don't believe in God. But because they don't believe the guy who is claiming to speak for Him.

The net result is a dramatic reduction of religious authority. Even as a mode of thinking, religion has lost ground and science has gained it. We laugh as the Kansas school boards try to fit creationism into science text books. We look back at the Scopes monkey trial and shake our heads in beweliderment that anyone could be that fucking stupid. Yet in their day, religious reasoning and appeals to authority were accepted as perfectly valid.

With this, we see a synergy of deep seeded homophobia fueling a general animosity toward gays. And reactionary belligerence to not having their religious tenets taken seriously as the basis of law or common sense any more. It comes together to create an almost obsessive focus on gay marriage. Many have invested in this emotionally. And those emotions are fueled by a low, ugly animus toward gays.

Not in every case. I've met the occasional constitutionalist who has a genuine federal v state beef. And I have met some religious folks who frame the issue more with their relationship with god. But I'd say most do.

I can show you some really choice posts from Keyes when he talks about how if gays don't sit down and shut the fuck up they're going to be subject to violence that will make 'a hate crime look like christmas dinner'. Or talking about how gays will be slaughtered if they don't back down.

The hate is real. The desire to hurt people is real. Thankfully, the chickenshit is stronger. As they don't want to bleed.

Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.
Yes! I agree people should suspend all reason and accept that the consistent landslide election victories in local, state and federal representation of those who recognize the natural standards of marriage, clearly shows that the popularity of the normalization of sexual deviancy is growing like crazy.

I mean come ON MAN! That's why the left needs the Federal Judiciary to overturn state laws which defend the natural standard; which is the same reason that when that is pointed out the Left runs to the lie that Two deviants playing house is legal in 37 of 50 states... When such is not true. Because the normalization of sexual deviancy is SO popular.

LOL! you people are helpless
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Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.
Yes! I agree people should suspend all reason and accept that the consistent landslide election victories in local, state and federal representation of those who recognize the natural standards of marriage, clearly shows that the popularity of the normalization of sexual deviancy is growing like crazy.

I mean come ON MAN! That's why the left needs the Federal Judiciary to overturn state laws which defend the natural standard; which is the same reason that when that is pointed out the Left runs to the lie that Two deviants playing house is legal in 37 of 50 states... When such is not true. Because the normalization of sexual deviancy is SO popular.

LOL! you people are helpless

The judiciary is in place in part to protect minority rights. However we are lucky in this sense that a majority of Americans have no problem with legalized gay marriage. I don't think you have any realistic argument here.
Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.
Yes! I agree people should suspend all reason and accept that the consistent landslide election victories in local, state and federal representation of those who recognize that natural standards of marriage, clearly shows that the popularity of the normalization of sexual deviancy is growing like crazy.

There are no 'natural standard' of marriage. Nature doesn't have marriage. Nature has fucking. You keep getting the two confused.

Second, the public overwhelmingly supports gay marriage. With support leading opposition by 12 to 19 points.


With 2010 being the last year where gay marriage opposition had strong support. The numbers today are almost a perfect mirror of them.

I mean come ON MAN! That's why the left needs the Federal Judiciary to overturn state laws which defend the natural standard; which is the same reason that when that is pointed out the Left runs to the lie that Two deviants playing house is legal in 37 of 50 states... When such is not true. Because the normalization of sexual deviancy is SO popular.

You do realize that the last 3 times that gay marriage was voted was passed, right?

Meh, I'm sure you've got some conspiracy for that too. I can't use evidence to dilute batshit. There's always more batshit.
Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.
Yes! I agree people should suspend all reason and accept that the consistent landslide election victories in local, state and federal representation of those who recognize the natural standards of marriage, clearly shows that the popularity of the normalization of sexual deviancy is growing like crazy.

I mean come ON MAN! That's why the left needs the Federal Judiciary to overturn state laws which defend the natural standard; which is the same reason that when that is pointed out the Left runs to the lie that Two deviants playing house is legal in 37 of 50 states... When such is not true. Because the normalization of sexual deviancy is SO popular.

LOL! you people are helpless

The judiciary is in place in part to protect minority rights. However we are lucky in this sense that a majority of Americans have no problem with legalized gay marriage. I don't think you have any realistic argument here.

They don't. Which is why they're doubling down on 'incest' of all things. Its the last brown stain left as their argument circles the bowl.
Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.
Yes! I agree people should suspend all reason and accept that the consistent landslide election victories in local, state and federal representation of those who recognize the natural standards of marriage, clearly shows that the popularity of the normalization of sexual deviancy is growing like crazy.

I mean come ON MAN! That's why the left needs the Federal Judiciary to overturn state laws which defend the natural standard; which is the same reason that when that is pointed out the Left runs to the lie that Two deviants playing house is legal in 37 of 50 states... When such is not true. Because the normalization of sexual deviancy is SO popular.

LOL! you people are helpless

The judiciary is in place in part to protect minority rights. However we are lucky in this sense that a majority of Americans have no problem with legalized gay marriage. I don't think you have any realistic argument here.

They don't. Which is why they're doubling down on 'incest' of all things. Its the last brown stain left as their argument circles the bowl.

Have they completely explored bestiality yet? I mean in debate.
Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.
Yes! I agree people should suspend all reason and accept that the consistent landslide election victories in local, state and federal representation of those who recognize the natural standards of marriage, clearly shows that the popularity of the normalization of sexual deviancy is growing like crazy.

I mean come ON MAN! That's why the left needs the Federal Judiciary to overturn state laws which defend the natural standard; which is the same reason that when that is pointed out the Left runs to the lie that Two deviants playing house is legal in 37 of 50 states... When such is not true. Because the normalization of sexual deviancy is SO popular.

LOL! you people are helpless

The judiciary is in place in part to protect minority rights. However we are lucky in this sense that a majority of Americans have no problem with legalized gay marriage. I don't think you have any realistic argument here.

They don't. Which is why they're doubling down on 'incest' of all things. Its the last brown stain left as their argument circles the bowl.

Have they completely explored bestiality yet? I mean in debate.

Its on the menu. Its third string, JV shit now. They've got nothing else.
Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.
Yes! I agree people should suspend all reason and accept that the consistent landslide election victories in local, state and federal representation of those who recognize the natural standards of marriage, clearly shows that the popularity of the normalization of sexual deviancy is growing like crazy.

I mean come ON MAN! That's why the left needs the Federal Judiciary to overturn state laws which defend the natural standard; which is the same reason that when that is pointed out the Left runs to the lie that Two deviants playing house is legal in 37 of 50 states... When such is not true. Because the normalization of sexual deviancy is SO popular.

LOL! you people are helpless

The judiciary is in place in part to protect minority rights. However we are lucky in this sense that a majority of Americans have no problem with legalized gay marriage. I don't think you have any realistic argument here.

LOL! Wow... So in two consequitive sentences... The sexual deviants need the judiciary to give them rights, immediately shifting to claim the majority opinion.

Lmao... Now THAT is brilliant!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.
Yes! I agree people should suspend all reason and accept that the consistent landslide election victories in local, state and federal representation of those who recognize the natural standards of marriage, clearly shows that the popularity of the normalization of sexual deviancy is growing like crazy.

I mean come ON MAN! That's why the left needs the Federal Judiciary to overturn state laws which defend the natural standard; which is the same reason that when that is pointed out the Left runs to the lie that Two deviants playing house is legal in 37 of 50 states... When such is not true. Because the normalization of sexual deviancy is SO popular.

LOL! you people are helpless

The judiciary is in place in part to protect minority rights. However we are lucky in this sense that a majority of Americans have no problem with legalized gay marriage. I don't think you have any realistic argument here.

LOL! Wow... So in two consequitive sentences... The sexual deviants need the judiciary to give them rights, immediately shifting to claim the majority opinion.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And that, Keyes looking to run from the debate. Its his tell. Whenever his argument is folding around him, he starts summarily declaring victory.

Just before he tucks his tail between his legs and runs.

Oh, and Keyes....the majority doesn't have the authority to strip the minority of rights. Oh, I know you want to. But that's why we have a constitution. To protect the rights of the individual from folks like yourself who wish to abrogate them.

The 9th amendment trumps the 10th.....much to the chagrin of many a conservative.
Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.
Yes! I agree people should suspend all reason and accept that the consistent landslide election victories in local, state and federal representation of those who recognize the natural standards of marriage, clearly shows that the popularity of the normalization of sexual deviancy is growing like crazy.

I mean come ON MAN! That's why the left needs the Federal Judiciary to overturn state laws which defend the natural standard; which is the same reason that when that is pointed out the Left runs to the lie that Two deviants playing house is legal in 37 of 50 states... When such is not true. Because the normalization of sexual deviancy is SO popular.

LOL! you people are helpless
You sound just like some people I knew in the the courts shot down segregation law after segregation law.
They are not, just the arguments for marital benefits are.

Incest laws were created when males married only females. The state would not want to sponsor law that created defective children as that burdens society, but today we understand that same sex marriages cannot create defective children, so it is a moot point. The Government must have compelling reasons to exclude its citizens from marriage (or so I'm told).

What possible compelling reasoning can there be to exclude same sex siblings from marriage?

ANSWER: NONE IF THE USSC rules that same sex marriage is legal

Why exclude opposite sex siblings from marriage if, as the queers claim, marriage has nothing to do with reproduction?

Interesting isn't it. It is their argument. Let's see if they answr

Your obsession with incest has nothing to do with my arguments. I'm discussing gay marriage. You know, the topic where your ass was paddled so badly that you now refuse to even discuss it?

Keep running, Mr. Red Herring.
Our argument is that every argument you use for gay marriage opens up so many fucked up things that fall under the same umbrella. If you can't see that then you are a moron. Basically to put it simply, gay marriage is a disgusting thing.
Gay marriage is about to be the law of the land, get over it.

And will lead to same sex sibling marriage v
Why exclude opposite sex siblings from marriage if, as the queers claim, marriage has nothing to do with reproduction?

Interesting isn't it. It is their argument. Let's see if they answr

Your obsession with incest has nothing to do with my arguments. I'm discussing gay marriage. You know, the topic where your ass was paddled so badly that you now refuse to even discuss it?

Keep running, Mr. Red Herring.
Our argument is that every argument you use for gay marriage opens up so many fucked up things that fall under the same umbrella. If you can't see that then you are a moron. Basically to put it simply, gay marriage is a disgusting thing.
Gay marriage is about to be the law of the land, get over it.

And will lead to same sex sibling marriage v
Not in our lifetimes, if ever.
Marriage... is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Sorry, sweetheart, this isn't 2010 anymore.

Yeah, that's true, The Homosexual Lobby had SIGNIFICANTLY MORE REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT IN 2010.

That's bullshit. Republican in the house and senate have improved their numbers and yet gay marriage has increased in approval. But, if it makes you feel good to say's still wrong.

Yeah, wait until the masses realize it opens the door to SSSM. That should be fun

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