Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

The judiciary is in place in part to protect minority rights. However we are lucky in this sense that a majority of Americans have no problem with legalized gay marriage. I don't think you have any realistic argument here.

Another argument backing same sex sibling marriage.

You can't make this shit up folks!

But make it up you will. I'm not backing sibling anything,

The beauty is you don't get a choice. The arguments either stand on their merits of fail.

You just keep giving us arguments with merit!

Good job, keep it up

Why do you want to ban infertile couples from getting married? That is so big government of you.

Oh, I don't lil fella, see same sex siblings are by nature, infertile.

Try to keep up will ya
Pop thinks gay marriage means incest marriage, only incest is illegal here, not to mention incest marriage.
The judiciary is in place in part to protect minority rights. However we are lucky in this sense that a majority of Americans have no problem with legalized gay marriage. I don't think you have any realistic argument here.

Another argument backing same sex sibling marriage.

You can't make this shit up folks!

But make it up you will. I'm not backing sibling anything,

The beauty is you don't get a choice. The arguments either stand on their merits of fail.

You just keep giving us arguments with merit!

Good job, keep it up

Why do you want to ban infertile couples from getting married? That is so big government of you.

Oh, I don't lil fella, see same sex siblings are by nature, infertile.

Try to keep up will ya

Oh, Ok. So you don't have any problem with not defining marriage by fertility.
Yep. That's a big first step, much bigger than gay unrelated adults, much.

Fucking your best friend isn't illegal in the country, while fucking your mommy or your little sister is. Best of luck.

Mommies and lil sisters would neither be my same sex sibling.

I'm a dude

And what's with the incest fascination?

You realize that two heterosexual same sex partners will be able to marry purely for financial benefits. You knew that? Right?
Any two adults, can't say it clearly enough, but that will be a while yet, if ever.

So you agree

I agree you can use the argument, but it won't go anywhere. Incest is still a crime here, mostly.
Pops gets a lunatic idea and glams on it like a pit bull. His previous bone was procreation. You'll notice he's completely abandoned that one.
Pops gets a lunatic idea and glams on it like a pit bull. His previous bone was procreation. You'll notice he's completely abandoned that one.
He seems to be a well, one idiot in 100,000 might fall off this bridge, so let's not build it.

A dog that won't hunt, with a bone.
You're talking nonsense. Irregardless of the fact that people have been getting married for CENTURIES, incest is against the law. Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.

SSM is also against the law in many places, but you want those laws abolished. What makes your cause more just?
Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

marriage is not a right, and yes, my marriage is very important to ME and my Wife. one man, one woman in a loving committed relationship.

again, society should decide what forms of human behavior it considers acceptable, and those decisions should be made by majority vote, not minority dictate.
Incorrect. Marriage is a right. Life is a right and marriage is a part of life. This is old established law.

What you are talking about is pissing on gays cause, well cause you are in the Majority vote. That's called tyranny of the Majority. We do not live in a country where people are arbitrarily punished by majority vote. We live in a constitutional republic where even minority groups of one are protected from angry authoritarian jerks like you.
SSM is also against the law in many places, but you want those laws abolished. What makes your cause more just?
Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

Then why do you want to exclude millions?

its funny to watch the gay mafia get tangled up in their own rhetoric.
You are both idiots.
Another argument backing same sex sibling marriage.

You can't make this shit up folks!

But make it up you will. I'm not backing sibling anything,

The beauty is you don't get a choice. The arguments either stand on their merits of fail.

You just keep giving us arguments with merit!

Good job, keep it up

Why do you want to ban infertile couples from getting married? That is so big government of you.

Oh, I don't lil fella, see same sex siblings are by nature, infertile.

Try to keep up will ya
Pop thinks gay marriage means incest marriage, only incest is illegal here, not to mention incest marriage.

And 15 years ago same sex marriage was illegal.

Your arguments that changed one, might change both

Still curious why you run from creating such tranforming arguments
No, please, be my guest, show me the physical or mental harm done by siblings marrying.

Let's start with same sex heterosexual males marrying so they can have a reduced tax load, multi car insurance reductions and, since one has very low cost health insurance with spousal benefits HOW THIS COUPLE IS BEING HARMED, physically or emotionally.

We will proceed with the rest as this discussion progresses.

Don't you love the irony?

Yeah... it turns out that promoting unprincipled behavior... promotes unprincipled behavior. The upsides to which are Listed Here: ___.

There's nothing 'unprincipled' about gay marriage. Try again.

LOL! Skylar, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And in 37 of 50 States, one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Get used to the idea.

That's a principle nature established, setting such in stone, when it created two distinct, but complimenting genders, who join by virtue of that design, of which marriage is a natural extension and serves as the nucleus of a little thing called: CIVILIZATION.

Nature doesn't have marriage. Nature has fucking. We invented marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. No one is excluded from marriage because they can't procreate. Why then would we exclude gays from marriage because they fail to meet a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

Obviously we wouldn't. As there's no rational reason to do so.

yes, WE invented marriage and WE should decide what it means and who can participate in it.

WE, not some minority group, not 9 old farts in robes, WE, THE PEOPLE.
No, you did not invent marriage.
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.

According to the queers, marriage isn't about sex or reproduction, so those arguments are irrelevant.
no you lying POS. They said marriage isn't ONLY about sex AND reproduction, ya dumb ass piece of shit lying asshole.
Wrong, moron, they said reproduction has nothing to do with marriage. They said it dozens of times.

Yes, they certainly did.
SSM is also against the law in many places, but you want those laws abolished. What makes your cause more just?
Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

marriage is not a right, and yes, my marriage is very important to ME and my Wife. one man, one woman in a loving committed relationship.

again, society should decide what forms of human behavior it considers acceptable, and those decisions should be made by majority vote, not minority dictate.
Incorrect. Marriage is a right. Life is a right and marriage is a part of life. This is old established law.

What you are talking about is pissing on gays cause, well cause you are in the Majority vote. That's called tyranny of the Majority. We do not live in a country where people are arbitrarily punished by majority vote. We live in a constitutional republic where even minority groups of one are protected from angry authoritarian jerks like you.

Listen fool, the rights that you rant about were put in place by MAJORITY vote, our constitution was ratified by majority vote, every law in this land was passed by majority vote.

but what you assholes want is minority rule. why not move to north korea where that is how they do things?
Yeah... it turns out that promoting unprincipled behavior... promotes unprincipled behavior. The upsides to which are Listed Here: ___.

There's nothing 'unprincipled' about gay marriage. Try again.

LOL! Skylar, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And in 37 of 50 States, one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Get used to the idea.

That's a principle nature established, setting such in stone, when it created two distinct, but complimenting genders, who join by virtue of that design, of which marriage is a natural extension and serves as the nucleus of a little thing called: CIVILIZATION.

Nature doesn't have marriage. Nature has fucking. We invented marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. No one is excluded from marriage because they can't procreate. Why then would we exclude gays from marriage because they fail to meet a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

Obviously we wouldn't. As there's no rational reason to do so.

yes, WE invented marriage and WE should decide what it means and who can participate in it.

WE, not some minority group, not 9 old farts in robes, WE, THE PEOPLE.
No, you did not invent marriage.

We, meaning human beings, you fricken idiot.

OK, then tell us what legal arguments you will bring that will deny sibling marriage if SSM marriage is sancioned by SCOTUS?

If SSM is made legal because of equality, rights, discrimination, and the inability to marry who you choose, then exactly what legal arguments will you make to prohibit siblings who are of legal age and love each other from marrying?

Tell us or STFU.
Yeah cause if heterosexuals are allowed to get married then why can't brothers and sisters right? I MEAN WHAT THE HELL? WHY CAN OTHER PEOPLE GET MARRIED IF BROTHERS AND SISTERS CAN'T? ROLLS EYES... Oh wait... that didn't work before did it? Wow I wonder why if heteros have been getting married for centuries, why is it that brothers and sisters can't? ROLLS EYES...

yes, marriage for centuries has consisted or one man and one woman. that is the norm for humanity. On that there is nothing for the SC to rule on.

what you are either too ignorant or too brainwashed to understand is the legal precedent that would be set by a SSM ruling.

I have asked you several times what legal arguments you would make to prevent sibling, parent/child, and multiple person marriages, but you seem unable to find an answer.

Why would you support discrimination and withholding or rights from people who only want to marry who they love and want to commit to? Why do you hate polygamists? Why do you consider them to be second class citizens?

and before you say it, I do not support polygamy or any other form of deviant marriage, I am speaking from a legal standpoint only when I ask you these questions
I have no intention of making a case against incest. It's already illegal. Nor do I have a desire to make a case "for" incest. But thank you for asking.

According to the queers it should be legal.
Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

marriage is not a right, and yes, my marriage is very important to ME and my Wife. one man, one woman in a loving committed relationship.

again, society should decide what forms of human behavior it considers acceptable, and those decisions should be made by majority vote, not minority dictate.
Incorrect. Marriage is a right. Life is a right and marriage is a part of life. This is old established law.

What you are talking about is pissing on gays cause, well cause you are in the Majority vote. That's called tyranny of the Majority. We do not live in a country where people are arbitrarily punished by majority vote. We live in a constitutional republic where even minority groups of one are protected from angry authoritarian jerks like you.

Listen fool, the rights that you rant about were put in place by MAJORITY vote, our constitution was ratified by majority vote, every law in this land was passed by majority vote.

but what you assholes want is minority rule. why not move to north korea where that is how they do things?
Liar. No one is asking for minority rule, WTF kind of drugs are you on?
SSM is also against the law in many places, but you want those laws abolished. What makes your cause more just?
Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

marriage is not a right, and yes, my marriage is very important to ME and my Wife. one man, one woman in a loving committed relationship.

again, society should decide what forms of human behavior it considers acceptable, and those decisions should be made by majority vote, not minority dictate.
Incorrect. Marriage is a right. Life is a right and marriage is a part of life. This is old established law.

What you are talking about is pissing on gays cause, well cause you are in the Majority vote. That's called tyranny of the Majority. We do not live in a country where people are arbitrarily punished by majority vote. We live in a constitutional republic where even minority groups of one are protected from angry authoritarian jerks like you.

remind us, which constitutional amendment makes gay marriage a right, must have missed that one.

yes, we live in a constitutional republic and representative democracy. We elect our representatives by majority vote and they pass laws by majority vote. The majority view does prevail in this country, minority rights are established by majority vote

“Is sister/sister a SSM or not?”


Marriage law can accommodate only persons not related to each other.

Indeed, there is no such thing as 'same-sex marriage,' there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states, marriage law that can accommodate two consenting, adult partners not related to each other in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex.

Yet the arguments for inclusion of same sex marriage ALL seem to be what a same sex sibling couple would argue.

A paradox indeed
Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

marriage is not a right, and yes, my marriage is very important to ME and my Wife. one man, one woman in a loving committed relationship.

again, society should decide what forms of human behavior it considers acceptable, and those decisions should be made by majority vote, not minority dictate.
Incorrect. Marriage is a right. Life is a right and marriage is a part of life. This is old established law.

What you are talking about is pissing on gays cause, well cause you are in the Majority vote. That's called tyranny of the Majority. We do not live in a country where people are arbitrarily punished by majority vote. We live in a constitutional republic where even minority groups of one are protected from angry authoritarian jerks like you.

remind us, which constitutional amendment makes gay marriage a right, must have missed that one.

yes, we live in a constitutional republic and representative democracy. We elect our representatives by majority vote and they pass laws by majority vote. The majority view does prevail in this country, minority rights are established by majority vote
14th due process clause.

No, you lying piece of shit. Minority rights are not established by vote.
Fucking your best friend isn't illegal in the country, while fucking your mommy or your little sister is. Best of luck.

Mommies and lil sisters would neither be my same sex sibling.

I'm a dude

And what's with the incest fascination?

You realize that two heterosexual same sex partners will be able to marry purely for financial benefits. You knew that? Right?
Any two adults, can't say it clearly enough, but that will be a while yet, if ever.

So you agree

I agree you can use the argument, but it won't go anywhere. Incest is still a crime here, mostly.

Not a single argument showing that once same sex marriage is legal that would deny same sex siblings from marriage.
Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

marriage is not a right, and yes, my marriage is very important to ME and my Wife. one man, one woman in a loving committed relationship.

again, society should decide what forms of human behavior it considers acceptable, and those decisions should be made by majority vote, not minority dictate.
Incorrect. Marriage is a right. Life is a right and marriage is a part of life. This is old established law.

What you are talking about is pissing on gays cause, well cause you are in the Majority vote. That's called tyranny of the Majority. We do not live in a country where people are arbitrarily punished by majority vote. We live in a constitutional republic where even minority groups of one are protected from angry authoritarian jerks like you.

Listen fool, the rights that you rant about were put in place by MAJORITY vote, our constitution was ratified by majority vote, every law in this land was passed by majority vote.

but what you assholes want is minority rule. why not move to north korea where that is how they do things?
Liar. No one is asking for minority rule, WTF kind of drugs are you on?

That is exactly what you are asking for. The blue state of Cal voted down gay marriage twice, but the will of the people was overturned by one judge, if that isn't minority rule, what is it?

“Is sister/sister a SSM or not?”


Marriage law can accommodate only persons not related to each other.

Indeed, there is no such thing as 'same-sex marriage,' there is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states, marriage law that can accommodate two consenting, adult partners not related to each other in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex.

Yet the arguments for inclusion of same sex marriage ALL seem to be what a same sex sibling couple would argue.

A paradox indeed

Point them out instead of your constant running.

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