Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

gay rights are civil rights. One would think that OP would see the importance of civil rights in this great nation's history.

Do you agree then that those "civil rights should extend to same sex sibling marriage?
is that the subject of the OP? :eusa_eh: and how did you come up w/ that?

the OP asks if gay marriage is the most important issue facing our nation today. Some of you apparently think it is. the next question is why do you think that?

The discussion has migrated to the what will happen if gay marriage is federally sanctioned, several have made the logical next step to same sex sibling marriage, which would become legal is SSM became legal.

Sibling marriage could be done to reduce income taxes and inheritence taxes. Sex is not a prerequisite to marriage as many of you on the left have pointed out.

So, legally, SSM will lead to legal sibling marriage, parent/child marriage, and multiple person marriage. Because the legal arguments for those will be EXACTLY the same as the legal arguments being made for SSM/
Incest is still illegal.

Key word "still"
Yep. That's a big first step, much bigger than gay unrelated adults, much.

Fucking your best friend isn't illegal in the country, while fucking your mommy or your little sister is. Best of luck.

Marriage has nothing to do with reproduction. Isn't that what you just said?
That's what I said. Gay sex is legal, so now gay marriage is legal. Since incest sex is illegal, what's the first step to incest marriage? Even you should be able to figure that out.
Then present a single argument, used to legalize same sex marriage that does not work for same sex sibling marriage.

If you can't you are simply agreeing with my argument.

The paradox continues

Marriage establishes a family relationship where one did not exist before. This applies to same-sex couples and different-sex couples. However there is already a family relationship that exists between siblings.

Pretty much the same things with parents and adoption. When a child is born to a couple (same-sex or different-sex) the spouse doesn't have to adopt a child born in wedlock because the law already established (under assumed parentage laws) that the spouse of the woman giving birth is the legal co-parent of the child. No adoption needed. Adoption is only needed to establish a legal parent relationship to a non-related child.


The basis for your argument is the tradition based on procreation and the need to establish a "new" unit so that defective gene pools are not sanctioned by the state.

When same sex marriage is codified that argument is moot with same sex siblings.

and with mother/daughter, father/son, and multiple person "marriages". The libs and gay mafia have no idea what they are opening up
Why does the Right have so little Faith along so little clue and so little Cause? Is Individual Liberty too much of a moral challenge for the Right.
You're a lying POS. There are as many people on the left that piss on gays as there are on the right. The only difference is the left needed the votes in 2008 and some folks on the right are stubborn as hell.

so, what you are saying is that the dem/libs patronized the gays in order to get their votes and they really don't give a shit about gay marriage. Do the gays know that?
Incorrect. Marriage is a right. Life is a right and marriage is a part of life. This is old established law.

What you are talking about is pissing on gays cause, well cause you are in the Majority vote. That's called tyranny of the Majority. We do not live in a country where people are arbitrarily punished by majority vote. We live in a constitutional republic where even minority groups of one are protected from angry authoritarian jerks like you.

remind us, which constitutional amendment makes gay marriage a right, must have missed that one.

yes, we live in a constitutional republic and representative democracy. We elect our representatives by majority vote and they pass laws by majority vote. The majority view does prevail in this country, minority rights are established by majority vote
14th due process clause.

please quote where the words "gay marriage" show up in the 14th.
You're having reading problems again? Why don't you go back to school and have someone explain the 14th Amendment to you.

What you're struggling with Karl, is the inability to show any element of the Constituion which defends a right to marry anything you want.

But in fairness to you, ya have a good reason for it... Given that there is no potential for a right to marry anything ya like. And that's because Marriage is defined by nature, through the human physiological design, as the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Karl? fuck you... I'm the opposite of marxist you piece of shit.

The elements of the constitution that defend the right to life including marriage have most certainly been explained in gory detail. You chose to ignore the evidence. Why? Ignorance?

Marriage defined by nature? ROFL omfg what an idiot. Did your mommy tell you that line of crap?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

marriage is not a right, and yes, my marriage is very important to ME and my Wife. one man, one woman in a loving committed relationship.

again, society should decide what forms of human behavior it considers acceptable, and those decisions should be made by majority vote, not minority dictate.
Incorrect. Marriage is a right. Life is a right and marriage is a part of life. This is old established law.

What you are talking about is pissing on gays cause, well cause you are in the Majority vote. That's called tyranny of the Majority. We do not live in a country where people are arbitrarily punished by majority vote. We live in a constitutional republic where even minority groups of one are protected from angry authoritarian jerks like you.

Listen fool, the rights that you rant about were put in place by MAJORITY vote, our constitution was ratified by majority vote, every law in this land was passed by majority vote.

but what you assholes want is minority rule. why not move to north korea where that is how they do things?
Relax Chickenfish, a majority of the SCOTUS will decide.

Yup, codifying the arguments for same sex sibling marriage.
So, who gives a fuck?
Marriage establishes a family relationship where one did not exist before. This applies to same-sex couples and different-sex couples. However there is already a family relationship that exists between siblings.

Pretty much the same things with parents and adoption. When a child is born to a couple (same-sex or different-sex) the spouse doesn't have to adopt a child born in wedlock because the law already established (under assumed parentage laws) that the spouse of the woman giving birth is the legal co-parent of the child. No adoption needed. Adoption is only needed to establish a legal parent relationship to a non-related child.


The basis for your argument is the tradition based on procreation and the need to establish a "new" unit so that defective gene pools are not sanctioned by the state.

When same sex marriage is codified that argument is moot with same sex siblings.

and with mother/daughter, father/son, and multiple person "marriages". The libs and gay mafia have no idea what they are opening up
Why does the Right have so little Faith along so little clue and so little Cause? Is Individual Liberty too much of a moral challenge for the Right.
You're a lying POS. There are as many people on the left that piss on gays as there are on the right. The only difference is the left needed the votes in 2008 and some folks on the right are stubborn as hell.

so, what you are saying is that the dem/libs patronized the gays in order to get their votes and they really don't give a shit about gay marriage. Do the gays know that?
Yes, they do. They also know that the libertarian conservatives are on their side. And they know that most republicans are also on their side. The only people who are not on their side are authoritarian dinosaurs on the left and right who were told by their parents that gays were the devil.
But make it up you will. I'm not backing sibling anything,

The beauty is you don't get a choice. The arguments either stand on their merits of fail.

You just keep giving us arguments with merit!

Good job, keep it up

Why do you want to ban infertile couples from getting married? That is so big government of you.

Oh, I don't lil fella, see same sex siblings are by nature, infertile.

Try to keep up will ya
Pop thinks gay marriage means incest marriage, only incest is illegal here, not to mention incest marriage.

And 15 years ago same sex marriage was illegal.

Your arguments that changed one, might change both

Still curious why you run from creating such tranforming arguments
There's nothing to run from because why would I give a fuck?

Tell us Pop, if a man and a woman can marry why can't a brother and a sister? There should be tons of them right, if your theory is correct. They are Man and Woman after all. Do explain?
gay rights are civil rights. One would think that OP would see the importance of civil rights in this great nation's history.

Do you agree then that those "civil rights should extend to same sex sibling marriage?
is that the subject of the OP? :eusa_eh: and how did you come up w/ that?
Pop can't argue against gay he keeps trying to slide the discussion to incest.
The basis for your argument is the tradition based on procreation and the need to establish a "new" unit so that defective gene pools are not sanctioned by the state.

When same sex marriage is codified that argument is moot with same sex siblings.

and with mother/daughter, father/son, and multiple person "marriages". The libs and gay mafia have no idea what they are opening up
Why does the Right have so little Faith along so little clue and so little Cause? Is Individual Liberty too much of a moral challenge for the Right.
You're a lying POS. There are as many people on the left that piss on gays as there are on the right. The only difference is the left needed the votes in 2008 and some folks on the right are stubborn as hell.

so, what you are saying is that the dem/libs patronized the gays in order to get their votes and they really don't give a shit about gay marriage. Do the gays know that?
Yes, they do. They also know that the libertarian conservatives are on their side. And they know that most republicans are also on their side. The only people who are not on their side are authoritarian dinosaurs on the left and right who were told by their parents that gays were the devil.

you are simply wrong, but thats OK, its a free country, you can believe whatever you want.
gay rights are civil rights. One would think that OP would see the importance of civil rights in this great nation's history.

Do you agree then that those "civil rights should extend to same sex sibling marriage?
is that the subject of the OP? :eusa_eh: and how did you come up w/ that?
Pop can't argue against gay he keeps trying to slide the discussion to incest.
I assume that you are the nail.
gay rights are civil rights. One would think that OP would see the importance of civil rights in this great nation's history.

Do you agree then that those "civil rights should extend to same sex sibling marriage?
is that the subject of the OP? :eusa_eh: and how did you come up w/ that?

the OP asks if gay marriage is the most important issue facing our nation today. Some of you apparently think it is. the next question is why do you think that?

The discussion has migrated to the what will happen if gay marriage is federally sanctioned, several have made the logical next step to same sex sibling marriage, which would become legal is SSM became legal.

Sibling marriage could be done to reduce income taxes and inheritence taxes. Sex is not a prerequisite to marriage as many of you on the left have pointed out.

So, legally, SSM will lead to legal sibling marriage, parent/child marriage, and multiple person marriage. Because the legal arguments for those will be EXACTLY the same as the legal arguments being made for SSM/
"next logical step"? :eusa_eh: Maybe in an eXtreme rw'ers mind. No, your thread title names the subject. Stop projecting :talktothehand:

rw'ers/socons moving the goal posts when they're losing the debate :( 'twas ever thus. lol
gay rights are civil rights. One would think that OP would see the importance of civil rights in this great nation's history.

Do you agree then that those "civil rights should extend to same sex sibling marriage?
is that the subject of the OP? :eusa_eh: and how did you come up w/ that?

the OP asks if gay marriage is the most important issue facing our nation today. Some of you apparently think it is. the next question is why do you think that?

The discussion has migrated to the what will happen if gay marriage is federally sanctioned, several have made the logical next step to same sex sibling marriage, which would become legal is SSM became legal.

Sibling marriage could be done to reduce income taxes and inheritence taxes. Sex is not a prerequisite to marriage as many of you on the left have pointed out.

So, legally, SSM will lead to legal sibling marriage, parent/child marriage, and multiple person marriage. Because the legal arguments for those will be EXACTLY the same as the legal arguments being made for SSM/
"next logical step"? :eusa_eh: Maybe in an eXtreme rw'ers mind. No, your thread title names the subject. Project much :talktothehand:

If SSM is legally sanctioned, what legal argument will you bring to prohibit same sex sibling marriage?
gay rights are civil rights. One would think that OP would see the importance of civil rights in this great nation's history.

Do you agree then that those "civil rights should extend to same sex sibling marriage?
is that the subject of the OP? :eusa_eh: and how did you come up w/ that?

the OP asks if gay marriage is the most important issue facing our nation today. Some of you apparently think it is. the next question is why do you think that?

The discussion has migrated to the what will happen if gay marriage is federally sanctioned, several have made the logical next step to same sex sibling marriage, which would become legal is SSM became legal.

Sibling marriage could be done to reduce income taxes and inheritence taxes. Sex is not a prerequisite to marriage as many of you on the left have pointed out.

So, legally, SSM will lead to legal sibling marriage, parent/child marriage, and multiple person marriage. Because the legal arguments for those will be EXACTLY the same as the legal arguments being made for SSM/
"next logical step"? :eusa_eh: Maybe in an eXtreme rw'ers mind. No, your thread title names the subject. Project much :talktothehand:

If SSM is legally sanctioned, what legal argument will you bring to prohibit same sex sibling marriage?
If I wanted to, I don't, the same arguments that keep a brother and sister apart. Incest is mostly illegal here.
gay rights are civil rights. One would think that OP would see the importance of civil rights in this great nation's history.

Do you agree then that those "civil rights should extend to same sex sibling marriage?
is that the subject of the OP? :eusa_eh: and how did you come up w/ that?

the OP asks if gay marriage is the most important issue facing our nation today. Some of you apparently think it is. the next question is why do you think that?

The discussion has migrated to the what will happen if gay marriage is federally sanctioned, several have made the logical next step to same sex sibling marriage, which would become legal is SSM became legal.

Sibling marriage could be done to reduce income taxes and inheritence taxes. Sex is not a prerequisite to marriage as many of you on the left have pointed out.

So, legally, SSM will lead to legal sibling marriage, parent/child marriage, and multiple person marriage. Because the legal arguments for those will be EXACTLY the same as the legal arguments being made for SSM/
"next logical step"? :eusa_eh: Maybe in an eXtreme rw'ers mind. No, your thread title names the subject. Project much :talktothehand:

If SSM is legally sanctioned, what legal argument will you bring to prohibit same sex sibling marriage?
why don't you start a thread on that hmmm? The subject of this thread is clear. Moving the goal posts won't help you. lol
gay rights are civil rights. One would think that OP would see the importance of civil rights in this great nation's history.

Do you agree then that those "civil rights should extend to same sex sibling marriage?
is that the subject of the OP? :eusa_eh: and how did you come up w/ that?

the OP asks if gay marriage is the most important issue facing our nation today. Some of you apparently think it is. the next question is why do you think that?

The discussion has migrated to the what will happen if gay marriage is federally sanctioned, several have made the logical next step to same sex sibling marriage, which would become legal is SSM became legal.

Sibling marriage could be done to reduce income taxes and inheritence taxes. Sex is not a prerequisite to marriage as many of you on the left have pointed out.

So, legally, SSM will lead to legal sibling marriage, parent/child marriage, and multiple person marriage. Because the legal arguments for those will be EXACTLY the same as the legal arguments being made for SSM/
"next logical step"? :eusa_eh: Maybe in an eXtreme rw'ers mind. No, your thread title names the subject. Project much :talktothehand:

If SSM is legally sanctioned, what legal argument will you bring to prohibit same sex sibling marriage?

Incest isn't a sexual orientation north of the mason dixon.
Actually allowing SSSM would be far easier than OSSM, since SSSM can't reproduce from the sexual relations they have and the potentially damaged children, and the icky factor, is why we ban incest in the first place. Pop needs to be fighting for OSSM, he likes tradition and fucking your little sister would count.
Do you agree then that those "civil rights should extend to same sex sibling marriage?
is that the subject of the OP? :eusa_eh: and how did you come up w/ that?

the OP asks if gay marriage is the most important issue facing our nation today. Some of you apparently think it is. the next question is why do you think that?

The discussion has migrated to the what will happen if gay marriage is federally sanctioned, several have made the logical next step to same sex sibling marriage, which would become legal is SSM became legal.

Sibling marriage could be done to reduce income taxes and inheritence taxes. Sex is not a prerequisite to marriage as many of you on the left have pointed out.

So, legally, SSM will lead to legal sibling marriage, parent/child marriage, and multiple person marriage. Because the legal arguments for those will be EXACTLY the same as the legal arguments being made for SSM/
"next logical step"? :eusa_eh: Maybe in an eXtreme rw'ers mind. No, your thread title names the subject. Project much :talktothehand:

If SSM is legally sanctioned, what legal argument will you bring to prohibit same sex sibling marriage?

Incest isn't a sexual orientation north of the mason dixon.
Finding your spouse, at a family reunion...
Marriage establishes a family relationship where one did not exist before. This applies to same-sex couples and different-sex couples. However there is already a family relationship that exists between siblings.

Pretty much the same things with parents and adoption. When a child is born to a couple (same-sex or different-sex) the spouse doesn't have to adopt a child born in wedlock because the law already established (under assumed parentage laws) that the spouse of the woman giving birth is the legal co-parent of the child. No adoption needed. Adoption is only needed to establish a legal parent relationship to a non-related child.


The basis for your argument is the tradition based on procreation and the need to establish a "new" unit so that defective gene pools are not sanctioned by the state.

When same sex marriage is codified that argument is moot with same sex siblings.

and with mother/daughter, father/son, and multiple person "marriages". The libs and gay mafia have no idea what they are opening up
Why does the Right have so little Faith along so little clue and so little Cause? Is Individual Liberty too much of a moral challenge for the Right.
You're a lying POS. There are as many people on the left that piss on gays as there are on the right. The only difference is the left needed the votes in 2008 and some folks on the right are stubborn as hell.

so, what you are saying is that the dem/libs patronized the gays in order to get their votes and they really don't give a shit about gay marriage. Do the gays know that?
More posts on a gay thread, Red Minnow? Can't quit the topic?
is that the subject of the OP? :eusa_eh: and how did you come up w/ that?

the OP asks if gay marriage is the most important issue facing our nation today. Some of you apparently think it is. the next question is why do you think that?

The discussion has migrated to the what will happen if gay marriage is federally sanctioned, several have made the logical next step to same sex sibling marriage, which would become legal is SSM became legal.

Sibling marriage could be done to reduce income taxes and inheritence taxes. Sex is not a prerequisite to marriage as many of you on the left have pointed out.

So, legally, SSM will lead to legal sibling marriage, parent/child marriage, and multiple person marriage. Because the legal arguments for those will be EXACTLY the same as the legal arguments being made for SSM/
"next logical step"? :eusa_eh: Maybe in an eXtreme rw'ers mind. No, your thread title names the subject. Project much :talktothehand:

If SSM is legally sanctioned, what legal argument will you bring to prohibit same sex sibling marriage?

Incest isn't a sexual orientation north of the mason dixon.
Finding your spouse, at a family reunion...

That would make someone a redneck.

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