Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Interestingly enough, the science says it is homosexual behavior.

Hmmm, no. Ideological cranks say that.

Actually the title of the fucking thing is:

Homosexual behaviour increases male attractiveness to females

Stop lying.
Ever go to a strip club? And two of the dancers are exceptionally close to each other? Skin on skin, lips on skin, tits on skin, ass to ass, Vejay to vejay...maybe even more going on? Yeah, that's a lesbian act being performed for the sake of it's heterosexual male clientele.

No, that's just an attempt to bilk the suckers of their cash.

Of course it is, that's why I used the word "clientele" rather than "mate" or "partner". Are you going to tell me that lesbian acts are not committed on and off stage at a strip club? Pshaw.

Some queer biologist calls fish behavior "homosexual" and you think we're all just supposed to fall down and believe it without question?
The fact is that conservative ideology appeals most to the actual working class. That's why most of them choose it. Poor people vote for welfare or because they're black and they think republicans hate them even though many are conservative. The people who have to deal with the increase in taxes and all the stupid shit the government does vote for the right party... The poor are going to stay poor regardless and the rich will stay rich but the middle is easier to change their lives.

Wow. You really ARE ignorant.

The middle class is dying out. Its being killed by very stupid voters who insist on voting against their own best interests, the best interests of their children and of their country.

Republicans DO hate you. You are nothing more than a beast of burden and your job is to work for the 1%.
You're an ignorant democrat who is going to destroy the country and wants to go butt fuck monkeys.

it's always funny when morons like you call their betters ignorant.

Been hearing a lot of laughter at your expense lately?

no moron.

Yeah, sure you haven't:

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Interestingly enough, the science says it is homosexual behavior.

Hmmm, no. Ideological cranks say that.

Actually the title of the fucking thing is:

Homosexual behaviour increases male attractiveness to females

Stop lying.
Ever go to a strip club? And two of the dancers are exceptionally close to each other? Skin on skin, lips on skin, tits on skin, ass to ass, Vejay to vejay...maybe even more going on? Yeah, that's a lesbian act being performed for the sake of it's heterosexual male clientele.

No, that's just an attempt to bilk the suckers of their cash.

Of course it is, that's why I used the word "clientele" rather than "mate" or "partner". Are you going to tell me that lesbian acts are not committed on and off stage at a strip club? Pshaw.

Some queer biologist calls fish behavior "homosexual" and you think we're all just supposed to fall down and believe it without question?

Oh, I didn't realize you had relations with the biologist.

But what a flagellant disgusting way to throw out a source. A source that at first you claimed to understand, then realized you didn't so of course they must be gay and that somehow give you an out. Idiot.
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It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Interestingly enough, the science says it is homosexual behavior.

Hmmm, no. Ideological cranks say that.

Actually the title of the fucking thing is:

Homosexual behaviour increases male attractiveness to females

Stop lying.
Ever go to a strip club? And two of the dancers are exceptionally close to each other? Skin on skin, lips on skin, tits on skin, ass to ass, Vejay to vejay...maybe even more going on? Yeah, that's a lesbian act being performed for the sake of it's heterosexual male clientele.

No, that's just an attempt to bilk the suckers of their cash.

Of course it is, that's why I used the word "clientele" rather than "mate" or "partner". Are you going to tell me that lesbian acts are not committed on and off stage at a strip club? Pshaw.

Some queer biologist calls fish behavior "homosexual" and you think we're all just supposed to fall down and believe it without question?

Oh, I didn't realize you had relations with the biologist.

But what a flagellant disgusting way to throw out a source. A source that at first you claimed to understand, then realized you didn't so of course they must be gay and that somehow give you an out. Idiot.

Once again, you resort to the classic queer propaganda technique of accusing your critics of being homosexuals.
Interestingly enough, the science says it is homosexual behavior.

Hmmm, no. Ideological cranks say that.

Actually the title of the fucking thing is:

Homosexual behaviour increases male attractiveness to females

Stop lying.
Ever go to a strip club? And two of the dancers are exceptionally close to each other? Skin on skin, lips on skin, tits on skin, ass to ass, Vejay to vejay...maybe even more going on? Yeah, that's a lesbian act being performed for the sake of it's heterosexual male clientele.

No, that's just an attempt to bilk the suckers of their cash.

Of course it is, that's why I used the word "clientele" rather than "mate" or "partner". Are you going to tell me that lesbian acts are not committed on and off stage at a strip club? Pshaw.

Some queer biologist calls fish behavior "homosexual" and you think we're all just supposed to fall down and believe it without question?

Oh, I didn't realize you had relations with the biologist.

But what a flagellant disgusting way to throw out a source. A source that at first you claimed to understand, then realized you didn't so of course they must be gay and that somehow give you an out. Idiot.

Once again, you resort to the classic queer propaganda technique of accusing your critics of being homosexuals.

Actually that's just what you did to the biologist who wrote the paper because you disagreed with him, I'm simply making fun of you doing that. Isn't it obvious?
Hmmm, no. Ideological cranks say that.

Actually the title of the fucking thing is:

Homosexual behaviour increases male attractiveness to females

Stop lying.
No, that's just an attempt to bilk the suckers of their cash.

Of course it is, that's why I used the word "clientele" rather than "mate" or "partner". Are you going to tell me that lesbian acts are not committed on and off stage at a strip club? Pshaw.

Some queer biologist calls fish behavior "homosexual" and you think we're all just supposed to fall down and believe it without question?

Oh, I didn't realize you had relations with the biologist.

But what a flagellant disgusting way to throw out a source. A source that at first you claimed to understand, then realized you didn't so of course they must be gay and that somehow give you an out. Idiot.

Once again, you resort to the classic queer propaganda technique of accusing your critics of being homosexuals.

Actually that's just what you did to the biologist who wrote the paper because you disagreed with him, I'm simply making fun of you doing that. Isn't it obvious?

Nothing is more common the homosexual so-called "scientists" abusing their profession to advance their agenda.
Actually the title of the fucking thing is:

Homosexual behaviour increases male attractiveness to females

Stop lying.
Of course it is, that's why I used the word "clientele" rather than "mate" or "partner". Are you going to tell me that lesbian acts are not committed on and off stage at a strip club? Pshaw.

Some queer biologist calls fish behavior "homosexual" and you think we're all just supposed to fall down and believe it without question?

Oh, I didn't realize you had relations with the biologist.

But what a flagellant disgusting way to throw out a source. A source that at first you claimed to understand, then realized you didn't so of course they must be gay and that somehow give you an out. Idiot.

Once again, you resort to the classic queer propaganda technique of accusing your critics of being homosexuals.

Actually that's just what you did to the biologist who wrote the paper because you disagreed with him, I'm simply making fun of you doing that. Isn't it obvious?

Nothing is more common the homosexual so-called "scientists" abusing their profession to advance their agenda.

Prove it. Take my source, figure out who wrote it and if you can all the organizations they belong to. Then find another reputable source to counter mine with. You will do none of this because we both know you will fail.

I'd hate to have you debate on any topic where we both agree as you are as dishonest as they come and I wouldn't want my opinion to be tainted by you.

Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Humans aren't fish.
How does a fish display homosexual behavior?

Some babies are born with two heads.

Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Humans aren't fish.

True, so why would anyone bring up the mating habits of fish to prove that homosexuality is normal?
No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal. No paradox exists. Until that happens, all the talks is just nonsense.
According to PMH and other members of the GAYstapo, "Marriage has nothing to do with procreation or sex." That's one of the main arguments they use to justify so-called "gay marriage."
None of which has anything to do with incestuous marriage.

Of course it does. If marriage has nothing to do with procreation, then there isn't a reason in the world to make such marriages illegal.

So now marriages should be required to crank out children or be made "illegal"?
Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Humans aren't fish.

True, so why would anyone bring up the mating habits of fish to prove that homosexuality is normal?

It was a joke aimed at "Redfish" you moron.

That being said it's also a demonstration that homosexual behavior is common in nature and not unnatural.
Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Humans aren't fish.

True, so why would anyone bring up the mating habits of fish to prove that homosexuality is normal?

The human animal is not the only animal that includes homosexuality.

But none of this is germane to the basic question of rights.

You rabid RWs are always wanting bigger and bigger government. IMO, the state should not have control or any say over our private lives. RWs disagree. But ...

If you are an adult and you choose to marry another consenting adult, that is and should be ONLY your business.
The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Humans aren't fish.

True, so why would anyone bring up the mating habits of fish to prove that homosexuality is normal?

The human animal is not the only animal that includes homosexuality.

But none of this is germane to the basic question of rights.

You rabid RWs are always wanting bigger and bigger government. IMO, the state should not have control or any say over our private lives. RWs disagree. But ...

If you are an adult and you choose to marry another consenting adult, that is and should be ONLY your business.



Progressive ... INDEED!
No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Interestingly enough, the science says it is homosexual behavior.

Hmmm, no. Ideological cranks say that.

Actually the title of the fucking thing is:

Homosexual behaviour increases male attractiveness to females

Stop lying.
Ever go to a strip club? And two of the dancers are exceptionally close to each other? Skin on skin, lips on skin, tits on skin, ass to ass, Vejay to vejay...maybe even more going on? Yeah, that's a lesbian act being performed for the sake of it's heterosexual male clientele.

No, that's just an attempt to bilk the suckers of their cash.

Of course it is, that's why I used the word "clientele" rather than "mate" or "partner". Are you going to tell me that lesbian acts are not committed on and off stage at a strip club? Pshaw.

Some queer biologist calls fish behavior "homosexual" and you think we're all just supposed to fall down and believe it without question?
No, you're supposed to accept as a fact of law that whether homosexuality manifests as a consequence of birth or choice is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

You must also accept as a fact of law that your unwarranted hatred of gay Americans is not justification to deny them their civil rights.
The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Humans aren't fish.

True, so why would anyone bring up the mating habits of fish to prove that homosexuality is normal?

The human animal is not the only animal that includes homosexuality.

But none of this is germane to the basic question of rights.

You rabid RWs are always wanting bigger and bigger government. IMO, the state should not have control or any say over our private lives. RWs disagree. But ...

If you are an adult and you choose to marry another consenting adult, that is and should be ONLY your business.

Not when you require a governmental issued license. TWO CONSENTING ADULTS takes us to a place where most people don't want government to take us.
No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Humans aren't fish.

True, so why would anyone bring up the mating habits of fish to prove that homosexuality is normal?

The human animal is not the only animal that includes homosexuality.

But none of this is germane to the basic question of rights.

You rabid RWs are always wanting bigger and bigger government. IMO, the state should not have control or any say over our private lives. RWs disagree. But ...

If you are an adult and you choose to marry another consenting adult, that is and should be ONLY your business.

Not when you require a governmental issued license. TWO CONSENTING ADULTS takes us to a place where most people don't want government to take us.

The only people it "takes there" are rabid anti gay bigots clinging to a slippery slope fallacy...or in your case, shifting from slippery slope fallacy to slippery slope fallacy.

You've abandoned your previous procreation spam for incest spam.
Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

18 trillion in debt
half the country on some form of govt handout
deficit spending every year
no confidence in congress or the president
the mid east burning
radical islam killing thousands because or religion
more americans in poverty than ever before
hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities
racial violence in our cities

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

Gay marriage, or even traditional marriage for that matter, shouldn't even come up as a Presidential issue during a debate. Why would anyone choose the issue of "gay marriage" as their TOP priority for who they want to vote for anyways?

Unless they are afraid the next President will follow suit after Obama, and issue executive decisions that totally leaves Congress out of the loop of any established law that forces change through the power of one man and one branch of government, which is unconstitutional to begin with. There is a reason why the Constitution is set up with checks and balances through very defined separate branches of government, each with very specific roles and defined authority.
It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Humans aren't fish.

True, so why would anyone bring up the mating habits of fish to prove that homosexuality is normal?

The human animal is not the only animal that includes homosexuality.

But none of this is germane to the basic question of rights.

You rabid RWs are always wanting bigger and bigger government. IMO, the state should not have control or any say over our private lives. RWs disagree. But ...

If you are an adult and you choose to marry another consenting adult, that is and should be ONLY your business.

Not when you require a governmental issued license. TWO CONSENTING ADULTS takes us to a place where most people don't want government to take us.

The only people it "takes there" are rabid anti gay bigots clinging to a slippery slope fallacy...or in your case, shifting from slippery slope fallacy to slippery slope fallacy.

You've abandoned your previous procreation spam for incest spam.

And yet you again deflect from the issue Luddy brought forward. See post above.

Is there a compelling governmental interest in denying any two CONSENTING ADULTS the benefits of a marriage license?

If so, what is it?

That is a bit different then my question which is:

Is there a compelling govermental interest in denying two same sex siblings the benefits of a marriage license.

If so, what is it?


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