Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

I appreciate your desire to introduce terms like "Objectivism", "Objectivity" and "Subjectivity".

I doubt it, but I'll take your word for it, you seem like an honest gal.

On another note... I can't help but see a certain irony when the Right uses the term Objectivism.

Oh, how sad... for you I mean.

It turns out that you're not honest. And subsequently, ya have no credibility. Therefore, the balance of your screed is disqualified from consideration.
Here is an excellent self description by Keys.

Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.
No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal. No paradox exists. Until that happens, all the talks is just nonsense.
According to PMH and other members of the GAYstapo, "Marriage has nothing to do with procreation or sex." That's one of the main arguments they use to justify so-called "gay marriage."
None of which has anything to do with incestuous marriage.

Of course it does. If marriage has nothing to do with procreation, then there isn't a reason in the world to make such marriages illegal.
I did not say marriage had nothing to do with procreation, I said procreation had to do with Nature's dictate. You need to repeat what others say honestly. Seventy year olds who marry are not doing for procreation, son.
PMH said marriage has nothing to do with procreation, and so did Skylar, for that matter. You didn't dispute it when I pointed it out.
Then how do you tell 70 year olds they can't marry because they can't have babies. Think.
I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
What difference does someone fucking their sister make to me, or you? Oh right, none. You should learn to be rational and objective.

It's good to see you coming out in favor of incest.
Why is it that you have to: a) try to piggy back onto the gay marriage argument for your incest, and b) have to misrepresent what others say in order to make your "argument" at all?

I have no idea what "Piggy back" is supposed to mean. Any fool can see the two issues are closely related. As many have said countless times, all the arguments queers use to justify gay marriage can also be used to justify incestuous marriage. I know queers don't want anyone pointing that out. Nevertheless, it's simply a fact.

I also haven't misrepresented a thing. You just said incest shouldn't be a concern for anyone.

IF those two issues are closely related, so in heterosexual marriage related to any and all other forms of marriage.

Why are gays being held responsible for every configuration throughout the history of human kind? Why is it all on them when it has been straights who were actually doing the doing?

Simple. Gays claim that marriage is purely an arbitrary social institution, that it has nothing to do with procreation. If that's the case, then they have no argument against any voluntary arrangement anyone cares to make.

You can't go around saying "make this one exception for us." The rest of humanity doesn't matter.
According to PMH and other members of the GAYstapo, "Marriage has nothing to do with procreation or sex." That's one of the main arguments they use to justify so-called "gay marriage."
None of which has anything to do with incestuous marriage.

Of course it does. If marriage has nothing to do with procreation, then there isn't a reason in the world to make such marriages illegal.
I did not say marriage had nothing to do with procreation, I said procreation had to do with Nature's dictate. You need to repeat what others say honestly. Seventy year olds who marry are not doing for procreation, son.
PMH said marriage has nothing to do with procreation, and so did Skylar, for that matter. You didn't dispute it when I pointed it out.
Then how do you tell 70 year olds they can't marry because they can't have babies. Think.

Do we take a person's driver's license away if they don't own a car?

Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Interestingly enough, the science says it is homosexual behavior.

Ever go to a strip club? And two of the dancers are exceptionally close to each other? Skin on skin, lips on skin, tits on skin, ass to ass, Vejay to vejay...maybe even more going on? Yeah, that's a lesbian act being performed for the sake of it's heterosexual male clientele.
None of which has anything to do with incestuous marriage.

Of course it does. If marriage has nothing to do with procreation, then there isn't a reason in the world to make such marriages illegal.
I did not say marriage had nothing to do with procreation, I said procreation had to do with Nature's dictate. You need to repeat what others say honestly. Seventy year olds who marry are not doing for procreation, son.
PMH said marriage has nothing to do with procreation, and so did Skylar, for that matter. You didn't dispute it when I pointed it out.
Then how do you tell 70 year olds they can't marry because they can't have babies. Think.

Do we take a person's driver's license away if they don't own a car?
You just lowered the bar for a meaningless comparison.
"Gays claim that marriage is purely an arbitrary social institution, that it has nothing to do with procreation." What marriage equality proponents says is not being able to procreate is not a bar to marriage.

Keys has trouble repeating his opponents' comments honestly.
How does a fish display homosexual behavior?

Some babies are born with two heads.

Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Interestingly enough, the science says it is homosexual behavior.

Hmmm, no. Ideological cranks say that.

Ever go to a strip club? And two of the dancers are exceptionally close to each other? Skin on skin, lips on skin, tits on skin, ass to ass, Vejay to vejay...maybe even more going on? Yeah, that's a lesbian act being performed for the sake of it's heterosexual male clientele.

No, that's just an attempt to bilk the suckers of their cash.
Did you not see the statistics that most poor people vote democrat? Also most poor people are uneducated so that completely derails the ignorant theory saying that educated people vote democrat. The truth is that educated people which pursue pointless careers are the ones who vote democrat. Not functioning members of society.

The GOP doesn't need all the poor & working class voters that were once a part of the New Deal Coalition - they just need to capture enough of those voters in key regions, mainly in the South and Heartland. As I said, they use conservatism to convince certain voters in places like Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia and Kentucky that Republican nominees care about religion, tradition and patriotism (rather than the narrow interests of the corporations and donors who fund their candidates and draft policy through lobbying pressure).

But obviously, to win the presidency you need more than outreach programs to rural conservatives, which is why Republicans have different communication patterns for wealthy libertarians (who are more concerned with tax, trade & regulatory policy than with the construction of a Big Moral Government which puts a priest at every bedside to save the souls of consenting adults who refuse to love each other in government sanctioned ways).

Please pay attention this time.

party's market themselves to their rich & poor constituencies
, but the GOP's strategic use of conservatism (which went into overdrive w/Reagan's partnership w/the Moral Majority) allowed them to attract enough poor & working voters in the South and Heartland to tip the scales. Many of the poor and working class voters who defected from FDRs original New Deal Coalition were and are functioning members of society. Do you remember the Reagan Democrats, many of whom were northern catholic union workers in the rust belt? These were hard working people who were "turned off" by the Left's 60s anti-war, bra-burning, secularist, collectivist hippiedom.

Your point about the Left's support amongst welfare recipients is well taken (if tired and over-hyped), but you need to credit the Reagan Revolution's brilliance in using conservatism to peel off a huge number of disaffected working class democrats. These are not just "Red State Takers" who want government's hands off their medicare, but include a broader coalition of white lower income religious voters who supported the Left prior to its sixties transformation.
The fact is that conservative ideology appeals most to the actual working class. That's why most of them choose it. Poor people vote for welfare or because they're black and they think republicans hate them even though many are conservative. The people who have to deal with the increase in taxes and all the stupid shit the government does vote for the right party... The poor are going to stay poor regardless and the rich will stay rich but the middle is easier to change their lives.

Wow. You really ARE ignorant.

The middle class is dying out. Its being killed by very stupid voters who insist on voting against their own best interests, the best interests of their children and of their country.

Republicans DO hate you. You are nothing more than a beast of burden and your job is to work for the 1%.
You're an ignorant democrat who is going to destroy the country and wants to go butt fuck monkeys.

it's always funny when morons like you call their betters ignorant.
No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal. No paradox exists. Until that happens, all the talks is just nonsense.
According to PMH and other members of the GAYstapo, "Marriage has nothing to do with procreation or sex." That's one of the main arguments they use to justify so-called "gay marriage."
None of which has anything to do with incestuous marriage.

Of course it does. If marriage has nothing to do with procreation, then there isn't a reason in the world to make such marriages illegal.

Well said
Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Interestingly enough, the science says it is homosexual behavior.

Hmmm, no. Ideological cranks say that.

Ever go to a strip club? And two of the dancers are exceptionally close to each other? Skin on skin, lips on skin, tits on skin, ass to ass, Vejay to vejay...maybe even more going on? Yeah, that's a lesbian act being performed for the sake of it's heterosexual male clientele.

No, that's just an attempt to bilk the suckers of their cash.

quiet, loony toon
No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal. No paradox exists.

Until that happens, all the talks is just nonsense.

According to PMH and other members of the GAYstapo, "Marriage has nothing to do with procreation or sex." That's one of the main arguments they use to justify so-called "gay marriage."
Again, marriage is not about children or the ability of either party to have them. Never has been.
ROLF! Aside from ignoring 10,000 years of human history, that pretty much shoots down any argument against incestuous marriages.


How many times does the proof have to be posted?

Marriage has changed many times and will continue to change.

In this country it's always been between males and females b
"Gays claim that marriage is purely an arbitrary social institution, that it has nothing to do with procreation." What marriage equality proponents says is not being able to procreate is not a bar to marriage.

Keys has trouble repeating his opponents' comments honestly.

Of course they say that. How could they defend their moronic claims otherwise?
Did you not see the statistics that most poor people vote democrat? Also most poor people are uneducated so that completely derails the ignorant theory saying that educated people vote democrat. The truth is that educated people which pursue pointless careers are the ones who vote democrat. Not functioning members of society.

The GOP doesn't need all the poor & working class voters that were once a part of the New Deal Coalition - they just need to capture enough of those voters in key regions, mainly in the South and Heartland. As I said, they use conservatism to convince certain voters in places like Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia and Kentucky that Republican nominees care about religion, tradition and patriotism (rather than the narrow interests of the corporations and donors who fund their candidates and draft policy through lobbying pressure).

But obviously, to win the presidency you need more than outreach programs to rural conservatives, which is why Republicans have different communication patterns for wealthy libertarians (who are more concerned with tax, trade & regulatory policy than with the construction of a Big Moral Government which puts a priest at every bedside to save the souls of consenting adults who refuse to love each other in government sanctioned ways).

Please pay attention this time.

party's market themselves to their rich & poor constituencies
, but the GOP's strategic use of conservatism (which went into overdrive w/Reagan's partnership w/the Moral Majority) allowed them to attract enough poor & working voters in the South and Heartland to tip the scales. Many of the poor and working class voters who defected from FDRs original New Deal Coalition were and are functioning members of society. Do you remember the Reagan Democrats, many of whom were northern catholic union workers in the rust belt? These were hard working people who were "turned off" by the Left's 60s anti-war, bra-burning, secularist, collectivist hippiedom.

Your point about the Left's support amongst welfare recipients is well taken (if tired and over-hyped), but you need to credit the Reagan Revolution's brilliance in using conservatism to peel off a huge number of disaffected working class democrats. These are not just "Red State Takers" who want government's hands off their medicare, but include a broader coalition of white lower income religious voters who supported the Left prior to its sixties transformation.
The fact is that conservative ideology appeals most to the actual working class. That's why most of them choose it. Poor people vote for welfare or because they're black and they think republicans hate them even though many are conservative. The people who have to deal with the increase in taxes and all the stupid shit the government does vote for the right party... The poor are going to stay poor regardless and the rich will stay rich but the middle is easier to change their lives.

Wow. You really ARE ignorant.

The middle class is dying out. Its being killed by very stupid voters who insist on voting against their own best interests, the best interests of their children and of their country.

Republicans DO hate you. You are nothing more than a beast of burden and your job is to work for the 1%.
You're an ignorant democrat who is going to destroy the country and wants to go butt fuck monkeys.

it's always funny when morons like you call their betters ignorant.

Been hearing a lot of laughter at your expense lately?
Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.

No, the fish are going down on their own sex. The purpose may be that it helps those male fish to become more popular with the ladies, it's still a gay act. Technically it's sodomy.

It's just part of their heterosexual mating behavior. No male fish ever fertilized the "eggs" of another male fish.

Interestingly enough, the science says it is homosexual behavior.

Hmmm, no. Ideological cranks say that.

Actually the title of the fucking thing is:

Homosexual behaviour increases male attractiveness to females

Stop lying.
Ever go to a strip club? And two of the dancers are exceptionally close to each other? Skin on skin, lips on skin, tits on skin, ass to ass, Vejay to vejay...maybe even more going on? Yeah, that's a lesbian act being performed for the sake of it's heterosexual male clientele.

No, that's just an attempt to bilk the suckers of their cash.

Of course it is, that's why I used the word "clientele" rather than "mate" or "partner". Are you going to tell me that lesbian acts are not committed on and off stage at a strip club? Pshaw.
The GOP doesn't need all the poor & working class voters that were once a part of the New Deal Coalition - they just need to capture enough of those voters in key regions, mainly in the South and Heartland. As I said, they use conservatism to convince certain voters in places like Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia and Kentucky that Republican nominees care about religion, tradition and patriotism (rather than the narrow interests of the corporations and donors who fund their candidates and draft policy through lobbying pressure).

But obviously, to win the presidency you need more than outreach programs to rural conservatives, which is why Republicans have different communication patterns for wealthy libertarians (who are more concerned with tax, trade & regulatory policy than with the construction of a Big Moral Government which puts a priest at every bedside to save the souls of consenting adults who refuse to love each other in government sanctioned ways).

Please pay attention this time.

party's market themselves to their rich & poor constituencies
, but the GOP's strategic use of conservatism (which went into overdrive w/Reagan's partnership w/the Moral Majority) allowed them to attract enough poor & working voters in the South and Heartland to tip the scales. Many of the poor and working class voters who defected from FDRs original New Deal Coalition were and are functioning members of society. Do you remember the Reagan Democrats, many of whom were northern catholic union workers in the rust belt? These were hard working people who were "turned off" by the Left's 60s anti-war, bra-burning, secularist, collectivist hippiedom.

Your point about the Left's support amongst welfare recipients is well taken (if tired and over-hyped), but you need to credit the Reagan Revolution's brilliance in using conservatism to peel off a huge number of disaffected working class democrats. These are not just "Red State Takers" who want government's hands off their medicare, but include a broader coalition of white lower income religious voters who supported the Left prior to its sixties transformation.
The fact is that conservative ideology appeals most to the actual working class. That's why most of them choose it. Poor people vote for welfare or because they're black and they think republicans hate them even though many are conservative. The people who have to deal with the increase in taxes and all the stupid shit the government does vote for the right party... The poor are going to stay poor regardless and the rich will stay rich but the middle is easier to change their lives.

Wow. You really ARE ignorant.

The middle class is dying out. Its being killed by very stupid voters who insist on voting against their own best interests, the best interests of their children and of their country.

Republicans DO hate you. You are nothing more than a beast of burden and your job is to work for the 1%.
You're an ignorant democrat who is going to destroy the country and wants to go butt fuck monkeys.

it's always funny when morons like you call their betters ignorant.

Been hearing a lot of laughter at your expense lately?

no moron.

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