Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Now Redfish is babbling about incestuous marriages.


However, to avoid that, remember those Civil Unions you fuckwits fought so hard?

Get the legislature to change the law, and sisters could form a Civil Union for tax purposes.

Why do that, they can just get married. Unless there is a federal law that reads as follows: gay marriages may only involve two unrelated adults, there wil be marriages of siblings, parents/children, and multiple person marriages.

BTW, the ACLU is already preparing a polygamy marriage case to be brought to the SC.

Our society is going down the tubes and you fools are celebrating.
why do you care if you don't have to do it and you are not a baker?

because I care about the kind of society that we will leave to our children and grand children, because I care about what this country stands for. .

Wow- that is exactly the reason why I support equality for same gender couples.
ACLU does lots of cases that fail, and this one will also.

if gay marriage is sanctioned by the SC, what legal arguments can be brought to deny polygamous marriage?

Redfish asks:
if gay marriage is sanctioned by the SC, what legal arguments can be brought to deny polygamous marriage?

Since 'gay marriage' is as unrelated to polygamous marriage ...

#1: Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

#2: Uh... Oh Wait. #1 Covered it.
ACLU does lots of cases that fail, and this one will also.

if gay marriage is sanctioned by the SC, what legal arguments can be brought to deny polygamous marriage?

Redfish asks:
if gay marriage is sanctioned by the SC, what legal arguments can be brought to deny polygamous marriage?

Since 'gay marriage' is as unrelated to polygamous marriage ...

#1: Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

#2: Uh... Oh Wait. #1 Covered it.

Except marriage is also the joining of one man and one man or one woman and one woman in 37 of 50 States.

Ignoring reality doesn't change reality. And same sex marriage is reality.
ACLU does lots of cases that fail, and this one will also.

if gay marriage is sanctioned by the SC, what legal arguments can be brought to deny polygamous marriage?

Redfish asks:
if gay marriage is sanctioned by the SC, what legal arguments can be brought to deny polygamous marriage?

Since 'gay marriage' is as unrelated to polygamous marriage ...

#1: Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

#2: Uh... Oh Wait. #1 Covered it.
#1: Heterosexual Marriage is the Joining of a man and a woman.
#2: Same Sex Marriage is the Joining of two consenting adults of the same sex.
#3: Asshole - Where_r_my_Keys
Now Redfish is babbling about incestuous marriages.


However, to avoid that, remember those Civil Unions you fuckwits fought so hard?

Get the legislature to change the law, and sisters could form a Civil Union for tax purposes.

Why do that, they can just get married. Unless there is a federal law that reads as follows: gay marriages may only involve two unrelated adults, there wil be marriages of siblings, parents/children, and multiple person marriages. .

Frankly that is just idiotic.

First of all- we don't have Federal laws telling states who can marry who- it is a state issue subject to Constitutional guarantees.

Secondly, the laws regarding marriage of relatives applies regardless of what the Supreme Court rules. Today in California two men can marry under the same conditions as my wife and I married- so just as I could not marry my sister, no man can marry his brother. Nothing changed regarding the law forbidding sibling marriage or polygamous marriage.
Now Redfish is babbling about incestuous marriages.


However, to avoid that, remember those Civil Unions you fuckwits fought so hard?

Get the legislature to change the law, and sisters could form a Civil Union for tax purposes.

Why do that, they can just get married. Unless there is a federal law that reads as follows: gay marriages may only involve two unrelated adults, there wil be marriages of siblings, parents/children, and multiple person marriages.

BTW, the ACLU is already preparing a polygamy marriage case to be brought to the SC.

Our society is going down the tubes and you fools are celebrating.
why do you care if you don't have to do it and you are not a baker?

because I care about the kind of society that we will leave to our children and grand children, because I care about what this country stands for. .

Wow- that is exactly the reason why I support equality for same gender couples.

Same gender couples have the same rights and responsibilities as anyone else.

What you're trying to do is to claim a right, in the absence of a responsibility.
Be advised: Absent correlating responsibility, there is no potential for a right.

The Law of Nature, requires that to claim the right of marriage, that at the minimum one marry a person of distinct gender. We know this by virtue of the design intrinsic to human physiology, wherein nature designed humanity with two distinct but complimenting genders, with each, respectively, designed to join with the other, at which point to bodies join as one. Marriage is the legal extension of that design.

That you simply refuse to accept that very real, inarguable natural fact, does not alter reality, or the truth demonstrated by that reality.

Now... does that help in any way, at all?
Now Redfish is babbling about incestuous marriages.


However, to avoid that, remember those Civil Unions you fuckwits fought so hard?

Get the legislature to change the law, and sisters could form a Civil Union for tax purposes.

Why do that, they can just get married. Unless there is a federal law that reads as follows: gay marriages may only involve two unrelated adults, there wil be marriages of siblings, parents/children, and multiple person marriages. .

Frankly that is just idiotic.

First of all- we don't have Federal laws telling states who can marry who- it is a state issue subject to Constitutional guarantees.

Secondly, the laws regarding marriage of relatives applies regardless of what the Supreme Court rules. Today in California two men can marry under the same conditions as my wife and I married- so just as I could not marry my sister, no man can marry his brother. Nothing changed regarding the law forbidding sibling marriage or polygamous marriage.

We're still on this red herring?
Same gender couples have the same rights and responsibilities as anyone else.

What you're trying to do is to claim a right, in the absence of a responsibility.
Be advised: Absent correlating responsibility, there is no potential for a right.

Gays and lesbians have all the responsibilities of marriage as straights in the 37 of 50 States where their marriages are recognized. Nullifying your argument.

The Law of Nature, requires that to claim the right of marriage, that at the minimum one marry a person of distinct gender.

Nature doesn't have a thing to say about marriage, as there is no marriage in nature. There's fucking in nature. They aren't the same thing. Marriage is our social construct. It means whatever we say it means.

And in 37 of 50 States, it includes one man and one man, or one woman and one woman.

We know this by virtue of the design intrinsic to human physiology, wherein nature designed humanity with two distinct but complimenting genders, with each, respectively, designed to join with the other, at which point to bodies join as one. Marriage is the legal extension of that design.

You are again describing fucking. Not marriage. Marriage doesn't require children nor the ability to have them. Not a single couple is denied marriage because they can not or do not have children. Not in any state.

Making it explicitly irrational to exclude gays based on their failure to meet a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one.

That you simply refuse to accept that very real, inarguable natural fact, does not alter reality, or the truth demonstrated by that reality.

Your subjective opinion is neither 'intrinsic' nor 'inarguable'. Its merely your relativistic beliefs based on whatever assumptions you choose to follow. Back in reality, marriage is what we say it is. And nature has not a thing to say on the topic as nature has no marriage.

Ending your irrational and illogical argument yet again.
Now Redfish is babbling about incestuous marriages.


However, to avoid that, remember those Civil Unions you fuckwits fought so hard?

Get the legislature to change the law, and sisters could form a Civil Union for tax purposes.

Why do that, they can just get married. Unless there is a federal law that reads as follows: gay marriages may only involve two unrelated adults, there wil be marriages of siblings, parents/children, and multiple person marriages. .

Frankly that is just idiotic.

First of all- we don't have Federal laws telling states who can marry who- it is a state issue subject to Constitutional guarantees.

Secondly, the laws regarding marriage of relatives applies regardless of what the Supreme Court rules. Today in California two men can marry under the same conditions as my wife and I married- so just as I could not marry my sister, no man can marry his brother. Nothing changed regarding the law forbidding sibling marriage or polygamous marriage.

OH! So you're saying that the LAW precludes that Incest is ILLEGAL, specifically to avoid the immorality of such, due to the potential for genetic catastrophe, and the burden that such places upon the culture.

Meaning; that where we use your own stated perverse reasoning, that where the APA takes a 'vote' and, through that vote erases the natural certainties of genetic catastrophe inevitable in incest; as the APA did when it 'voted' to erase the mental disorder that presents with sexual deviancy, which was used to legalize sodomy... that you'll have no choice but to fully support Marriage between Blood Relatives.

Which can only mean that when the APA determines that 'some children may actually benefit from a loving sexual relationship with a caring adult', that you'll fully support the pursuit of children for sexual gratification, when the 'vote' of the APA is used to legalize pedophilia, as did the 'vote' of the APA, where it was used to legalize the pursuit of sexual gratification with individuals of the same gender.

OH! Now that's fascinating.
Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

18 trillion in debt
half the country on some form of govt handout
deficit spending every year
no confidence in congress or the president
the mid east burning
radical islam killing thousands because or religion
more americans in poverty than ever before
hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities
racial violence in our cities

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

Penis and anus get the conservative base ginned up.

Sex sells.
Gays and lesbians have all the responsibilities of marriage as straights
Yes... and that responsibility is to comport one's behavior within the design set forth by nature... which defines marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
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Redfish is melting.

SCOTUS, as Redfish well knows, says marriage is a constitutional right. What Redfish believes is for Redfish only.

And there is no COMPELLING state interest in denying gays or for that matter straight same sex couples the rights and benefits of marriage. Actually I've been chatting with a few others on this board and they can't find a compelling state interest in denying those rights to same sex siblings, rather straight or gay, or opposite sex siblings when one or the other can't procreate. Strange. Isn't it?
Nope, because as you have been shown up, your argument fails.
The biggest nonsense of the whole thread is that Keys' talks as an authority, when he is no more than a concrete thinker paraphrasing Silhouette, his puppet master.

The fact is that culture changes. We no longer have Jewish polygamy and or child sacrifice, and we no longer tolerate Christian head and master laws in marriage.

SCOTUS will rule, Marriage Equality will be, and the minimalization of the far right will continue.
Penis and anus get the conservative base ginned up. ...

Oh now THAT is SUCH a WONDERFUL demonstration of the innate shame common to sexual deviancy; wherein the advocate of the normalization of sexual deviancy comes to shame those who stand in contest of that idiocy, by claiming them affiliated with their advocacy, thus draping its opposition in the shame for that which it advises the readers on this board, represents no shame at all.

Understand, that it's the INSTINCT, which drove it to make the above cited comment. Much as is the case in adolescents when the subject of homosexuality comes up, they instinctively recognize such as being WRONG.
Poor, poor Redfish. Your world is changing, for the better, and you are crying about it.

in many cases change is good. this change is not good. Thats my opinion based on many years of life, travel over most of the world, and interface with people of all faiths and cultures.

I am not going to change what I believe because some bozo tells me I have to. I don't give a shit what some beaurocrat deems politically correct.

I society with no morals or ethics is a society that will fail. We are following the pattern of other failed societies. We are not there yet, it can be turned around, but we are on the edge of the cliff.

and snake, I don't care if you agree or not, if you hurl insults at me, I don't care. I am right, you are wrong. The truth will prevail in the end.

Your opinion is not based on facts, information or anything else but blind ignorance.

BUT, that's not important. You don't have to agree and you don't have to like it. If you feel better calling it "gay marriage", fine but its really marriage equality.


The most basic tenet of our society.

No, we're not on the edge of any cliff of destruction. That's just silly.

time will tell who is right about this. see me in 5 years and we will see who had it right.

with that, I declare this thread over, MODS please close it.

Why wait for 5 years from now?

Same gender marriage has been legal in Massachusetts for 11 years.

Where are the sibling marriages in Massachusetts?

Where are the polygamous marriages in Massachusetts?

11 years- and no sign of either.
The same could be said of straight marriage.

Even if that were true, what does it matter? If between consenting adults, its their business.

Link to the poly marriage ACLU is "preparing"?

wrong, straight marriage is one man and one woman. that sets the precedent for nothing else. whereas gay marriage of two people of the same sex sets a valid legal precedent for sibling marriage and multiple person marriage.

as to the ACLU, look it up, I am not your teacher.

Of course straight marriage set a precedent but why hold gays to a higher standard than straights?

Your hysteria is unfounded but I ask again, what if related people want to marry? What if poly groups want to marry? So what?

Consenting adults = none of your business and has no impact on your life.

As for ACLU, why didn't you just say you don't know what you're talking about? If its true, you should be celebrating. Or are you one of those who has no idea why the ACLU exists?

ACLU of Utah to Join Polygamists in Bigamy Fight American Civil Liberties Union

Did you notice the DATE of your big scary case that's you say is being prepared?

But, what do you object to?

just one example, if you want more, google is your friend.

OK, lets say that Tom, Jack, Jim, Mary, June, and Louise marry. They have 8 kids amoung them, however no one knows who fathered which kids, they also have a big house and 6 cars.

Now, Tom and June decide to divorce the others. How many lawyers and how much court time will be tied up to sort this out? and how does society benefit from this lunacy?

Well you have just made the start of the case against polygamous marriage.

And as you so well point out- has nothing to do with 'gay marriage'.
Reader, do you SEE how easy this is?

To defeat a Leftist in debate, one merely need adhere to two fundamental points:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.
And Redfish and Keys gleefully continue air hammering in the sand box.

No, Marriage Equality is not the most important issue in America.

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