Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Now you are trolling, Pop. :lol:

Here, and I thought we were both fighting for civil rights?
You will have to fight for incestous marriage, and we will oppose you.

That's how it works.

So, is two heterosexual siblings marrying for financial reasons, incest?

Your obsession with heterosexual siblings not having sex is worrisome.

Do you find them not having sex, kinky, icky or both?

No, I think it's a great idea. When are you filing your case? Good luck.

Again, married.

Edited to add:

So far we have Seawytch, Ravi and PaintMyHouse on board now?

Tagging you three cuz I do not want to misrepresent your positions

So same sex heterosexual sibling marriage is approved by you guys, with RKM expressing a nagging reluctance to the pre SSM codification.
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Now you are trolling, Pop. :lol:

Here, and I thought we were both fighting for civil rights?
You will have to fight for incestous marriage, and we will oppose you.

That's how it works.

So, is two heterosexual siblings marrying for financial reasons, incest?

Your obsession with heterosexual siblings not having sex is worrisome.

Do you find them not having sex, kinky, icky or both?

No, I think it's a great idea. When are you filing your case? Good luck.

Again, married.

Anyone can claim anything. Not very convicted to your pet cause. Probably because it's just a bigoted anti gay slippery slope fallacy.
it may be, and our society will have to live with that decision and accept the consequences of it.

Same sex sibling marriage will also become the norm. reducing the tax burden is a valid reason to get married.

you libs have made your case that marriage does not have to involve sex, so there ya go.

Same sex sibling marriage has nothing to do with with same sex marriage. As sibling marriage is illegal regardless of the court's ruling, being pristinely irrelevant to it.

If your argument against same sex marriage had merit you wouldn't have had to abandon discussion of same sex marriage and cling to your red herring.

Remember that.

why would you make same sex sibling marriage illegal?

Why would you claim he would.

Sibling marriage is illegal.

Why would you make it legal?

What compelling state interest is there in denying a same sex heterosexual couple the rights and benefits of marriage.

Watch her run in 3...,.2......1.........

If they are non familial, they can civilly marry. If they are related by blood, they already have the familial protections gays seek through civil marriage.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Perhaps you're referring to Civil Incorporation, wherein any number of individuals can join together as one legal entity, for any legal purpose. Which can and IS many things, none of which is 'marriage'.

If that if is to what you're referring, I happily join you.
No. Incest is not the same as gay marriage.

What's incest? Two people not having sex?

What are you, 106?
You don't know what incest is?


Incest: sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry. (Websters)

Here's the "legal" definition:
Laws vary by state, but generally, a person commits incest if he marries or engages in sexual intercourse with a person he knows to be, either legitimately or illegitimately: His ancestor or descendant by blood or adoption; or His brother or sister of the whole or half-blood or by adoption; or His stepchild or stepparent, while the marriage creating the relationship exists; or His aunt, uncle, nephew or niece of the whole or half-blood. In some states incest also includes copulation or cohabitation between first cousins, but the majority of jurisdictions permit marriage between such cousins. Incest is a crime in all states, even if consensual by both parties. However, it is often related to sexual abuse since usually the younger person is a victim of the predatory sexual activities of an older relative. Statutes generally do not require the perpetrator to be a certain number of years older than the victim. Victims of incest and sexual abuse are strongly encouraged to talk to an adult they trust to protect themselves and others from further abuse and take advantage of the many resources available to help them heal. (Incest Law Legal Definition

So, your OK with same sex heterosexual sibling marrying.

Got it

And I might add, if you want me to, I can dig up a definition of Marriage that banned same sex couples from marrying. So I guess, using your argument, we should leave marriage as it was????

I'm also a bit concerned with your obsession with other people's relationships.
Why are you starting in with the effing LIES AGAIN? Why do you feel like you need to make shit up? I already said I'm against incest. Try to keep up.

Change you can believe in? REALLY you're gonna make out like one change is the same as another change? You think cause we let gays get married MURDERERS ARE GONNA DEMAND THAT WE CHANGE MURDER LAWS TOO? Your argument is ludicrous. You and Scalia are two peas in a pod this week.

Are you against defending people from harm? Yes or no?

Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?
What's incest? Two people not having sex?

What are you, 106?
You don't know what incest is?


Incest: sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry. (Websters)

Here's the "legal" definition:
Laws vary by state, but generally, a person commits incest if he marries or engages in sexual intercourse with a person he knows to be, either legitimately or illegitimately: His ancestor or descendant by blood or adoption; or His brother or sister of the whole or half-blood or by adoption; or His stepchild or stepparent, while the marriage creating the relationship exists; or His aunt, uncle, nephew or niece of the whole or half-blood. In some states incest also includes copulation or cohabitation between first cousins, but the majority of jurisdictions permit marriage between such cousins. Incest is a crime in all states, even if consensual by both parties. However, it is often related to sexual abuse since usually the younger person is a victim of the predatory sexual activities of an older relative. Statutes generally do not require the perpetrator to be a certain number of years older than the victim. Victims of incest and sexual abuse are strongly encouraged to talk to an adult they trust to protect themselves and others from further abuse and take advantage of the many resources available to help them heal. (Incest Law Legal Definition

So, your OK with same sex heterosexual sibling marrying.

Got it

And I might add, if you want me to, I can dig up a definition of Marriage that banned same sex couples from marrying. So I guess, using your argument, we should leave marriage as it was????

I'm also a bit concerned with your obsession with other people's relationships.
Why are you starting in with the effing LIES AGAIN? Why do you feel like you need to make shit up? I already said I'm against incest. Try to keep up.

Change you can believe in? REALLY you're gonna make out like one change is the same as another change? You think cause we let gays get married MURDERERS ARE GONNA DEMAND THAT WE CHANGE MURDER LAWS TOO? Your argument is ludicrous. You and Scalia are two peas in a pod this week.

Are you against defending people from harm? Yes or no?

Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?
You don't know what incest is?


Incest: sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry. (Websters)

Here's the "legal" definition:
Laws vary by state, but generally, a person commits incest if he marries or engages in sexual intercourse with a person he knows to be, either legitimately or illegitimately: His ancestor or descendant by blood or adoption; or His brother or sister of the whole or half-blood or by adoption; or His stepchild or stepparent, while the marriage creating the relationship exists; or His aunt, uncle, nephew or niece of the whole or half-blood. In some states incest also includes copulation or cohabitation between first cousins, but the majority of jurisdictions permit marriage between such cousins. Incest is a crime in all states, even if consensual by both parties. However, it is often related to sexual abuse since usually the younger person is a victim of the predatory sexual activities of an older relative. Statutes generally do not require the perpetrator to be a certain number of years older than the victim. Victims of incest and sexual abuse are strongly encouraged to talk to an adult they trust to protect themselves and others from further abuse and take advantage of the many resources available to help them heal. (Incest Law Legal Definition

So, your OK with same sex heterosexual sibling marrying.

Got it

And I might add, if you want me to, I can dig up a definition of Marriage that banned same sex couples from marrying. So I guess, using your argument, we should leave marriage as it was????

I'm also a bit concerned with your obsession with other people's relationships.
Why are you starting in with the effing LIES AGAIN? Why do you feel like you need to make shit up? I already said I'm against incest. Try to keep up.

Change you can believe in? REALLY you're gonna make out like one change is the same as another change? You think cause we let gays get married MURDERERS ARE GONNA DEMAND THAT WE CHANGE MURDER LAWS TOO? Your argument is ludicrous. You and Scalia are two peas in a pod this week.

Are you against defending people from harm? Yes or no?

Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?
No Marriage does not equal sex. Why you have to keep making shit up? Were you born a liar or does it come with practice?
Sex happens outside of marriage, Pop.

Marriage is what the secular law in the USA says it is, Keys.

Your opinions are noted and dismissed.
You don't know what incest is?


Incest: sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry. (Websters)

Here's the "legal" definition:
Laws vary by state, but generally, a person commits incest if he marries or engages in sexual intercourse with a person he knows to be, either legitimately or illegitimately: His ancestor or descendant by blood or adoption; or His brother or sister of the whole or half-blood or by adoption; or His stepchild or stepparent, while the marriage creating the relationship exists; or His aunt, uncle, nephew or niece of the whole or half-blood. In some states incest also includes copulation or cohabitation between first cousins, but the majority of jurisdictions permit marriage between such cousins. Incest is a crime in all states, even if consensual by both parties. However, it is often related to sexual abuse since usually the younger person is a victim of the predatory sexual activities of an older relative. Statutes generally do not require the perpetrator to be a certain number of years older than the victim. Victims of incest and sexual abuse are strongly encouraged to talk to an adult they trust to protect themselves and others from further abuse and take advantage of the many resources available to help them heal. (Incest Law Legal Definition

So, your OK with same sex heterosexual sibling marrying.

Got it

And I might add, if you want me to, I can dig up a definition of Marriage that banned same sex couples from marrying. So I guess, using your argument, we should leave marriage as it was????

I'm also a bit concerned with your obsession with other people's relationships.
Why are you starting in with the effing LIES AGAIN? Why do you feel like you need to make shit up? I already said I'm against incest. Try to keep up.

Change you can believe in? REALLY you're gonna make out like one change is the same as another change? You think cause we let gays get married MURDERERS ARE GONNA DEMAND THAT WE CHANGE MURDER LAWS TOO? Your argument is ludicrous. You and Scalia are two peas in a pod this week.

Are you against defending people from harm? Yes or no?

Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?

Poor Pop.

Still trying to figure out some argument that suddenly makes sibling marriage become magically legal if same gender couples have the same right to marry as opposite gender couple.
So, your OK with same sex heterosexual sibling marrying.

Got it

And I might add, if you want me to, I can dig up a definition of Marriage that banned same sex couples from marrying. So I guess, using your argument, we should leave marriage as it was????

I'm also a bit concerned with your obsession with other people's relationships.
Why are you starting in with the effing LIES AGAIN? Why do you feel like you need to make shit up? I already said I'm against incest. Try to keep up.

Change you can believe in? REALLY you're gonna make out like one change is the same as another change? You think cause we let gays get married MURDERERS ARE GONNA DEMAND THAT WE CHANGE MURDER LAWS TOO? Your argument is ludicrous. You and Scalia are two peas in a pod this week.

Are you against defending people from harm? Yes or no?

Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?

Poor Pop.

Still trying to figure out some argument that suddenly makes sibling marriage become magically legal if same gender couples have the same right to marry as opposite gender couple.
Poor idiot progressive who thinks he is the one fighting for freedom. Tell me what does it feel like to be a fascists bitch?
It's both interesting and telling that the issue of same-sex couples accessing marriage law became an issue as a consequence of the ignorance and hate of the right, the very people who whine about it being an issue now.

Indeed, had the states simply obeyed the 14th Amendment from the outset, and allowed same-sex couples to access marriage law they eligible to participate in, this wouldn't be an 'issue' at all.

The OP and others on the social right have only themselves to blame.
Why are you starting in with the effing LIES AGAIN? Why do you feel like you need to make shit up? I already said I'm against incest. Try to keep up.

Change you can believe in? REALLY you're gonna make out like one change is the same as another change? You think cause we let gays get married MURDERERS ARE GONNA DEMAND THAT WE CHANGE MURDER LAWS TOO? Your argument is ludicrous. You and Scalia are two peas in a pod this week.

Are you against defending people from harm? Yes or no?

Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?

Poor Pop.

Still trying to figure out some argument that suddenly makes sibling marriage become magically legal if same gender couples have the same right to marry as opposite gender couple.
Poor idiot progressive who thinks he is the one fighting for freedom. Tell me what does it feel like to be a fascists bitch?
Given your posting history – including this post – you're in no position to call anyone else an 'idiot.'
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Not anymore it isn't, ...

Marriage has always has been the Joining of One Man and One Woman and Marriage always will be the Joining of One man and One Woman.

And that is without regard to what twisted cult did what in the pretense of such, throughout the history of twisted, dying cultures.
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Why are you starting in with the effing LIES AGAIN? Why do you feel like you need to make shit up? I already said I'm against incest. Try to keep up.

Change you can believe in? REALLY you're gonna make out like one change is the same as another change? You think cause we let gays get married MURDERERS ARE GONNA DEMAND THAT WE CHANGE MURDER LAWS TOO? Your argument is ludicrous. You and Scalia are two peas in a pod this week.

Are you against defending people from harm? Yes or no?

Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?

Poor Pop.

Still trying to figure out some argument that suddenly makes sibling marriage become magically legal if same gender couples have the same right to marry as opposite gender couple.
Tell me what does it feel like to be a fascists bitch?

I really can't speak for your experiences.

What does it feel like to be a fascists bitch?
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them,...

ROFLMNAO! This from a professed advocate of the normalization of sexual abnormality; which is not only harmful to the individual deluded by the mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy, but to the people who buy the nonsense that such is normal and that it is merely a personal choice.

I mean think about, in the span of a decade, we have gone from laws which overtly forbid sexual deviancy, to the fraudulent perception that such is endorsed by a majority of citizens.

Proving that the entire thing IS A LIE, being advanced as TRUTH. And advancing deceit as truth is always harmful... to the person doing it and the person fraudulently influenced by such.
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So, your OK with same sex heterosexual sibling marrying.

Got it

And I might add, if you want me to, I can dig up a definition of Marriage that banned same sex couples from marrying. So I guess, using your argument, we should leave marriage as it was????

I'm also a bit concerned with your obsession with other people's relationships.
Why are you starting in with the effing LIES AGAIN? Why do you feel like you need to make shit up? I already said I'm against incest. Try to keep up.

Change you can believe in? REALLY you're gonna make out like one change is the same as another change? You think cause we let gays get married MURDERERS ARE GONNA DEMAND THAT WE CHANGE MURDER LAWS TOO? Your argument is ludicrous. You and Scalia are two peas in a pod this week.

Are you against defending people from harm? Yes or no?

Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?
No Marriage does not equal sex. Why you have to keep making shit up? Were you born a liar or does it come with practice?

Your the one that assumes that two heterosexual siblings would have sex when they got married, not me.

You even supplied the classic definition of incest to back up your warped view of this brave new world of ours once same sex marriage is codified.

So, according to that definition, our Society MUST be protected from same sex HETEROSEXUAL sibling marriage because:

A. Same sex Heterosexual siblings cannot have defective children, since they don't have children.


B. We must protect a submissive younger heterosexual sibling from being bullied into NOT having sex with their older domanant same sex, HETEROSEXUAL sibling.

Yep, that's nutz
So, your OK with same sex heterosexual sibling marrying.

Got it

And I might add, if you want me to, I can dig up a definition of Marriage that banned same sex couples from marrying. So I guess, using your argument, we should leave marriage as it was????

I'm also a bit concerned with your obsession with other people's relationships.
Why are you starting in with the effing LIES AGAIN? Why do you feel like you need to make shit up? I already said I'm against incest. Try to keep up.

Change you can believe in? REALLY you're gonna make out like one change is the same as another change? You think cause we let gays get married MURDERERS ARE GONNA DEMAND THAT WE CHANGE MURDER LAWS TOO? Your argument is ludicrous. You and Scalia are two peas in a pod this week.

Are you against defending people from harm? Yes or no?

Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?

Poor Pop.

Still trying to figure out some argument that suddenly makes sibling marriage become magically legal if same gender couples have the same right to marry as opposite gender couple.

I'm still trying to figure out what the problem is with the idea that one same sex heterosexual sibling would somehow bully it's other heterosexual same sex sibling into not having sex?

You know, sometimes I take for granted that people know things that should be common knowledge, but maybe I assume to much. So just to be clear, heterosexuals don't have sex with the same gender.

Hope that helps cuz, you folks are a bit slow.
Pops next argument...


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