Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

It's both interesting and telling that the issue of same-sex couples accessing marriage law became an issue as a consequence of the ignorance and hate of the right,...


DELUSION . . . P E R S O N I F I E D !

(See the deceit Reader? It's embedded in them... there is no way that they can stop themselves, because they're incapable of honesty. Such is the nature of Relativism; therefore such is the nature of Evil.)
Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?

Poor Pop.

Still trying to figure out some argument that suddenly makes sibling marriage become magically legal if same gender couples have the same right to marry as opposite gender couple.
Poor idiot progressive who thinks he is the one fighting for freedom. Tell me what does it feel like to be a fascists bitch?
Given your posting history – including this post – you're in no position to call anyone else an 'idiot.'

Really? I'm currently arguing with another poster that apparently thinks same gender sex can produce children.


That a heterosexual older brother bullying his same sex younger brother INTO NOT HAVING SEX TOGETHER MUST BE A BAD THING.
Pops next argument...


Nope, I've actually chided others for trying that. I think it's disgusting to even imply that.

But that is a cute lil hamster.......

Nah, not going their, but damn, it would be sooooooooo easy.
Why are you starting in with the effing LIES AGAIN? Why do you feel like you need to make shit up? I already said I'm against incest. Try to keep up.

Change you can believe in? REALLY you're gonna make out like one change is the same as another change? You think cause we let gays get married MURDERERS ARE GONNA DEMAND THAT WE CHANGE MURDER LAWS TOO? Your argument is ludicrous. You and Scalia are two peas in a pod this week.

Are you against defending people from harm? Yes or no?

Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?

Poor Pop.

Still trying to figure out some argument that suddenly makes sibling marriage become magically legal if same gender couples have the same right to marry as opposite gender couple.

I'm still trying to figure out what the problem is with the idea that one same sex heterosexual sibling would somehow bully it's other heterosexual same sex sibling into not having sex?

You know, sometimes I take for granted that people know things that should be common knowledge, but maybe I assume to much. So just to be clear, heterosexuals don't have sex with the same gender.

Hope that helps cuz, you folks are a bit slow.

Poor Pop.

Still trying to figure out some argument that suddenly makes sibling marriage become magically legal if same gender couples have the same right to marry as opposite gender couple.
Pops next argument...


Reader, you should recognize that 'Homosexuality' doesn't lead to bestiality, or pedophilia, or serial murder.

The Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy leads to all of those mental deviancies... Which is not to say that every homosexual will molest a child, a goat... or stack human livers in their freezer. It IS to say that sexual deviancy is a good sign that such is more likely than not, as the sexual deviant has already demonstrated their lack of concern for sexual discipline and the societal mores, rules and laws... and they sure as HELL have no concern for their immoral behavior or the consequences it brings for others. Such is the nature of the sociopath and and sociopathy is the nature of those who sue innocent people for simply refusing to celebrate their perversion.

What you see in the would-be reasoning of the above cited meme, is deflection. The same distraction that you see the same would-be 'contributors' doing all over this site and ever site like it, across the world wide interwebz.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the unholy trinity of Relativism.

See how that works?
Yes, I want nothing more than civil rights for those that there are no compelling rights to deny these fine folks from the cash bonanza that every American deserves!

Yes, I know I'm sounding like a Patriot!

Fine, color me guilty!

Freedom for heterosexual sibling couples!
So you are good with incest, got it. You don't give a shit about the harm caused to younger siblings by older siblings who use their influence over their younger siblings to force them to have sex with them, even force them to marry them using said family bond influence. Got it. WOW I think we should send some reporters over your house to let you to make these claims on National TV. After-all you've got some incest to promote. Do you have a book coming out too explaining how to force your little brother to marry you?

Marriage = Sex. Ok got it

What kind of sex must be performed during marriage? Once you quit having sex must you get a divorce?

Exactly how does one prove they are having sex? Daily trips to the clerk of courts? Is there like a marriage court witness? On busy days do they get combat pay?

No wonder there's so many Viagra commercials, it's the continuous requirement for sex to keep your license current?

Poor Pop.

Still trying to figure out some argument that suddenly makes sibling marriage become magically legal if same gender couples have the same right to marry as opposite gender couple.

I'm still trying to figure out what the problem is with the idea that one same sex heterosexual sibling would somehow bully it's other heterosexual same sex sibling into not having sex?

You know, sometimes I take for granted that people know things that should be common knowledge, but maybe I assume to much. So just to be clear, heterosexuals don't have sex with the same gender.

Hope that helps cuz, you folks are a bit slow.

Poor Pop.

Still trying to figure out some argument that suddenly makes sibling marriage become magically legal if same gender couples have the same right to marry as opposite gender couple.

"Pat that is a slippery slope fallacy and you should know better. It is outrageous of you to claim; here on national television, that homosexuals will suddenly demand to get married just because we drop the laws that prevent them from having sex with each other. They're just regular people who want to be treated like regular people, who understand that marriage is between a man and a woman. Shame on you Pat. You should be ashamed..." Bill Press CNN Crossfire 1996.

How CRAZY WAS BUCHANAN to even suggest that dropping the sodomy laws could POSSIBLY lead homosexuals demanding to be married?

LOL! Turns out, it literally is, a very slippery slope.

Go figure, right?
Keys keeps asserting the Fallacy of Authority, when, in fact, he is saying he is the authority.

Oh, well, soldier on, Trooper Keys.
Keys keeps asserting the Fallacy of Authority...


Reader, it doesn't get any more pitiful than THAT!

(Jake, there's no such thing as "the Fallacy of Authority", ya poor, pathetic moonbat.)

There is the 'Appeal to Authority' fallacy. And you use it obsessively. Insisting that you speak for everything from Nature to Objective Morality, to Creation, to God, to the English Language, to constitutionality.

When its just you citing you. For example, marriage doesn't even exist in nature. Yet you bizarrely insist that there's a 'natural law of marriage'. Which is a physical impossibility given the stark lack of marriage in nature.

Yet you still insist that marriage must be about procreation and only procreation in accordance with a non-existent 'law of nature' you made up.

No, it doesn't. No such 'natural law of marriage' exists. No such mandate exists. That's just a plain old appeal to authority fallacy. Where you offer us your subjective opinion as objective 'natural law'. And its still your plain old subjective opinion.
Yup, Keys believes he's the Mouthpiece for All Truth Ever.

When really, he is a hamster.
Pops next argument...


Reader, you should recognize that 'Homosexuality' doesn't lead to bestiality, or pedophilia, or serial murder.

The Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy leads to all of those mental deviancies... Which is not to say that every homosexual will molest a child, a goat... or stack human livers in their freezer. It IS to say that sexual deviancy is a good sign that such is more likely than not, as the sexual deviant has already demonstrated their lack of concern for sexual discipline and the societal mores, rules and laws.

Social mores, rules and laws are all our constructs. We invented each of them. They are not inherent, they are not absolute, they are not immutable. As demonstrated elegantly by the decriminaliztion of sodomy in Lawerence v. Texas. Society has largely abandoned the bigotry that you're burdened with. The laws you're referring to no longer exist. And the rules you insist have been violated don't exist.

You're once again offering us your subjective personal opinion and insisting its something objective. Its not. Subjective is not objective. Your personal opinion binds no one to do anything. Nor do we base societal mores, rules, nor laws on your subjective opinion. Nor does you pretending you speak for 'nature' or 'god' or 'the Great Spagetti monster' magically change your subjective opinion into something that isn't subjective.

Its still you citing you. And you're nobody.

Back in reality, the worst thing you can say about homosexuality is that its unproductive. Just as masturbation, old people fucking, oral sex, birth control, or celibacy is unproductive.

That's it. Your personal animosity toward homosexuals doesn't translate into our mandate to do anything. As you truly are irrelevant to this entire process.
Pops next argument...


Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance..

And that describes every single one of your posts.

And with that... your concession is once again, duly noted and summarily accepted.

And here's where the bizarre 'summary declarations of victory' start. Followed immediately by your rout.

Its your tell, Keyes. Your acknowledgement that you know your argument is done. And you're merely looking for an excuse to run.

You don't need an excuse. Just run.
Pops next argument...


This seemed an appropriate post to reply to with this sentiment:

Pops next argument is:

To wish you all a Hardy Welcome to the club.

In a few days, whether I like it or not, you become part of the "Marriage Club"

By you I obviously mean Same Sex couples.

It's like welcoming a stranger into the family, one you have no idea about, but your parents (the USSC in this case) assures you will be a good fit.

Take care of the one you love, take care of the children that you have been blessed with. Love each other long and hard. Fight FOR them with the same passion YOU fought for this and things will be great b

My acceptance of you into this community is far less important than the care you take of this community.

Earn this right everyday by making it stronger. It is something to be proud of. Do not take it for granted and it will treat you well.

And be assured........

The most important issue is that the United States has become anti-Christian and arrogant against proper respect of God. In fact, the Federal government presently expects much more respect for itself.
The most important issue is that the United States has become anti-Christian and arrogant against proper respect of God. In fact, the Federal government presently expects much more respect for itself.

God according to who?
Pops next argument...


This seemed an appropriate post to reply to with this sentiment:

Pops next argument is:

To wish you all a Hardy Welcome to the club.

In a few days, whether I like it or not, you become part of the "Marriage Club"

By you I obviously mean Same Sex couples.

It's like welcoming a stranger into the family, one you have no idea about, but your parents (the USSC in this case) assures you will be a good fit.

Take care of the one you love, take care of the children that you have been blessed with. Love each other long and hard. Fight FOR them with the same passion YOU fought for this and things will be great b

My acceptance of you into this community is far less important than the care you take of this community.

Earn this right everyday by making it stronger. It is something to be proud of. Do not take it for granted and it will treat you well.

And be assured........


Bump Ravi

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