Zone1 Is God a sadist?

Eternal beings cannot be killed so the commandment, "thou shalt not kill" is a commandment that is specific to mortals on mortal worlds. Mortal existence is temporary. It is not a permanent state. God does bring resurrection upon all mankind and they will live forever and ever in an immortal body. This life is a place where we can experience good and evil and it is God's hope that we will choose good over evil. However, it is important that we learn good and evil to become more like God Himself.

Genesis 3:22
22 ¶ And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

It might surprise some of us that we voluntarily chose to come to this earth knowing that we would learn good from evil and that some of us would choose evil over good. This was a path of progression, to become more like God and come to know good and evil. To truly become a good being, one must learn to choose good over evil in and of oneself. Nobody tells God what to do but He chooses good in and of himself. Free will is an eternal principle and for a being to truly become a good being he must learn to choose the good over the evil through experiencing good and evil. But free will has its consequences. Some will choose evil over good. This life is a test but it is a voluntary test that we all signed up for. For mankind to truly make the decision to choose of his own free will and not be influenced by God, God removed our memory of a premortal existence that we all shared with God in Heaven. We are left to choose good or evil and to prove what type of being we truly are in and of ourselves. Those who learn to choose good over evil and are capable of living a higher law of goodness will be allowed back into the kingdom of heaven. We all make mistakes in this life and it is a life of ups and downs but God has provided a means for us to receive forgiveness for the evil we choose if we will simply repent and forsake our sins. He then will grant his mercy upon us. Eventually we all will have the memory of our premortal existence returned unto us and if we have loved evil more than good we will understand that we failed our mortal life. This of itself is hell.

God, who is eternal and lives in eternity is the grand overseer of our mortal experience. In order to ensure that evil does not triumph over good in this life, He at times has to remove some of us from this temporary life. But that is his right to do so and it is not to torture or be sadistic but ensure that life retains hope for those who choose good. But even though we must suffer death, God will give us life again and all mankind will be resurrected and live eternally in an immortal body. For there to be free will in this life, God cannot control or force everyone to be good. By doing so it would defeat the purpose in having all of us learning good and evil and choosing of our own free will to be good beings.
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Had God just put his thumb on the scale just a little so that evil is not so rewarding or that only bad people get cancer there would be no problem. In a world where justice is scarce and there is scant benefit to being virtuous it is difficult for grown up adults to believe God is good.
Then you'd have no CHOICE to make if you are rewarded for doing good in this life. You actually are, but it's not so apparent if you're spiritually out of touch
Then you'd have no CHOICE to make if you are rewarded for doing good in this life. You actually are, but it's not so apparent if you're spiritually out of touch
What does spiritually out of touch even mean? Are you "in touch"? You seem as angry and bitter as any disgruntled atheist I've ever talked to. You just picked different things to be deeply unhappy about.
What a nasty and indifferent view of God

Who would want to worship a God who behaves like that?
Please explain to me what ur saying. Are u complaining about the fact that everything that lives has to die? Are u saying that u'd prefer that everything that lives should be able to live FOR EVER?
physiology dissolves into the atmosphere when no longer functional, what happens to its unique spiritual content would be something different.
-- what happens to the "unique spiritual content" after physical death? My take is that it's really hard to get clear data either way on that question.
Please explain to me what ur saying. Are u complaining about the fact that everything that lives has to die? Are u saying that u'd prefer that everything that lives should be able to live FOR EVER?
Of course everything dies

Doesnt justify God killing everything because he is pissed
When people make bad decisions, they should pay a price. If the bad decisions result in criminal acts, the price can be jail. Any crime I may commit against anyone else has here and now consequences. It's not pleasant to think there's no "ultimate justice" out there. It sucks to realize that a dead Hitler is beyond suffering for his cruelties. But it's the truth. And we need the truth to function properly.
"Dead and gone" is the 'truth' we need most. We can't warehouse, or worse, release, criminals that should be executed.
Or maybe an abolitionist?

God has a wicked sense of humor so maybe that's where their confusion comes from.
You might want to consider the fact that nobody believes in the God that you don't believe in, and that some may see you as simply attacking by ridicule the beliefs of others. At the same time what you're saying makes perfect sense, and ur (quite rightly) moving to an obvious question namely, why does God allow human suffering?

There are a lot of good answers to that but an important question that has to come first is whether you care about any possible understandings of reality beyond what you already espouse. For now my guess is that here and now u do in fact care about this stuff. This is good.

What my thinking has gotten to is that we're dealing w/ a paradox, and we'd most probably be better off just saying we're dealing w/ Reality and we shouldn't worry about God. The reason I us a capital "R" is that my thinking is of a reality that goes beyond the bounds of the cosmos, a reality that's good.

Please share ur thoughts or tell me if what I posted makes any sense to u.
i tend to think that the Scripture verse (a parable of Christ's) Luke 1619 explains something quite profound about God and how He operates

In that psg a rich man spend his money on himself and the things of this world, totally ignoring the needs of his poor, beggar neighbor.

Both he and the beggar died. The beggar goes to Heaven, the rich man to Hell.

Did he go to hell for being rich? No, he went to Hell bc he refused to help what he undoubtedly saw as a worthless human being, the beggar. He thought he was better bc he had $$

happens all the time in this world..
God tortured Job for the fun of it
you have a poor attitude about God's character

not surprisingly

But that said, I think all Christians have at one time or another thought the same thing (that God must like to torture people).

I don't know.. Maybe God wants them to think such for a time bc... well, I'm sure there are many reasons.. But here's one part of the perplexing equation:

Humans just do not know God well.. So who can say why He does (whatever)..?
Of course everything dies

Doesnt justify God killing everything because he is pissed
Ah, so correct me if I'm wrong but I'm getting the idea that ur ok w/ God killing everything, but that ur disapprove of Him being "pissed" while he does the killing. Like, are u ok w/ him not caring? Horny? Amused? or is it just "pissed" that u take issue w/?
Eternal beings cannot be killed so the commandment, "thou shalt not kill" is a commandment that is specific to mortals on mortal worlds.

The life promised to mortals for complying with the divine commands is not about biological life since the promise was made to people who were already alive and the death promised for setting aside the instruction of the Law is not about physical mortality since people have always died.

It follows then that the subject of "do not murder" is about not teaching others to set aside the will of God which results in death, a curse, their way of defining insanity, a departure from reality, life.
Ecclesiastes 12:7
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
Right, guidance from the Sacred Text. What I was talking about was observable/empirical evidence -that's what fails us w/ the question of an afterlife. Something else is our problem w/ understanding the nature of "the spirit shall return unto God". Like, will it be like what we got now but forever? Will it be something better? That part (to me) is somewhat unclear.
i tend to think that the Scripture verse (a parable of Christ's) Luke 1619 explains something quite profound about God and how He operates

In that psg a rich man spend his money on himself and the things of this world, totally ignoring the needs of his poor, beggar neighbor.

Both he and the beggar died. The beggar goes to Heaven, the rich man to Hell.

Did he go to hell for being rich? No, he went to Hell bc he refused to help what he undoubtedly saw as a worthless human being, the beggar. He thought he was better bc he had $$

happens all the time in this world..
What ur saying is absolutely correct, especially because it's in the Sacred Texts.

My thinking in the post had more to do w/ finding out from someone who's not trying to put God in a little box, in fact that person simply refuses to talk about God altogether. There's a wealth of truth in the world around us that way & that's what I was asking about.
Right, guidance from the Sacred Text. What I was talking about was observable/empirical evidence -that's what fails us w/ the question of an afterlife. Something else is our problem w/ understanding the nature of "the spirit shall return unto God". Like, will it be like what we got now but forever? Will it be something better? That part (to me) is somewhat unclear.

Can a caterpillar know what it will be like to fly before the metamorphosis?

You were a human baby once. Are you not still human even after becoming an adult?

If someone told you what it is like to be an adult when you were an infant could you understand?

Sacred texts? Is reading about someone else being kicked by a horse anything at all like being kicked by a horse? Even if you read everything ever written about it you will still not know.

What did you have to do to be born into this world? Nothing? So why worry? Embrace life. You already have a taste. If you want to be worthy of a place in the world to come the best way to do that is to stand guard over the purity of your own mind. To be aware is to be alive. Comply with divine law and you will become a new creature. Only then can you know now what it will be like.
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