Zone1 Is God a sadist?

Why would a benevolent God, who is spirit, be concerned with any other death? It is not His will that people lose their sanity, their soul, and suffer unspeakable torment and suffering on earth.

Hence the instruction in the law, to be holy as God is holy, and maintain sanctity and sanity, to purify and refine the mind, the seat of consciousness, through which everything is perceived.
Well, if God sends us to this earth and gives us a body, He probably has a reason for it and does not want us killing each other off. Jesus Christ is part of the Godhead and he now has an immortal body of flesh and bones that he will have for all eternity. So to the extent that Jesus is God, God has a body of flesh and bones. I believe that the Father also has a body of flesh and bones. He sent all his children here to get a body of flesh and bones and they will all be resurrected with an immortal body of flesh and bones. The Bible doesn't come out and specifically tell us that the Father has a body of flesh and bones but we do get this from Hebrews:

Hebrews 1:1-3
1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

If Jesus is in the express image of the person of the Father, then wouldn't this mean that the Father also has a body of flesh and bones? In my church, the prophet Joseph Smith received the following revelation:

Doctrine and Covenants 130:22
22 The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.

For these reasons I believe that the body is important and it has significance since we are to be resurrected and have a body of flesh and bones forever and ever. I would think that if Jesus can be God with a body of flesh and bones, why couldn't the Father also have a body of flesh and bones?
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Right, and we won't know until we die.

That's not what I said. According to the story Jesus told the pharisees that sinners and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of Heaven ahead of them yet they all were not yet physically dead.

What does that tell you if not that anyone can know what it's like to be in Heaven before they die if they receive the teaching of Jesus on the only right way to understand the figurative words and hidden subjects of the Law and comply with it's demands in that light which fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life, in the sanctuary of God, while living here and now on earth.

That part in the Bible doesn't seem to ring a bell w/ me. Where did u get it?

Jesus came upon a blind man, wrote something on the ground, made a paste of spit and mud, and smeared it over his eyes. He then put his hand over that and asked him what he saw. The man said he saw trees walking around and after Jesus told him to take another harder look the man said that he saw men.

How could the man see anything with spit and mud and a hand over his eyes? This shows that it was a healing of perception not sight as in scripture men are often compared to trees like in Eden where there were many trees with fruit (of the mind) that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

Jesus taught the man how to use his imagination in a rational way in order to understand the metaphors used in scripture and then the blind man could 'see' perhaps for the first time in his life.

A miracle!
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Doesn’t paint God in a good light
Right, if you take it all literally God seems to be a capricious, cruel, and puerile petty tyrant. If you take the three seconds required to decipher the complicated metaphors like talking snakes and donkeys the image of God is revealed to be that of a dedicated, benevolent, and loving Father.

What you see is what you get.
Right, if you take it all literally God seems to be a capricious and puerile petty tyrant. If you take the three seconds required to decipher the complicated metaphors like talking snakes and donkeys the image of God is revealed to be that of a dedicated, benevolent, and loving Father.

What you see is what you get.
The overall view that the OT God is vengeful and to be feared is persistent

The Bible is a book of Fairy Tales

If I wrote the Bible, I would make God the good guy and Satan the bad guy
The overall view that the OT God is vengeful and to be feared is persistent

The Bible is a book of Fairy Tales

If I wrote the Bible, I would make God the good guy and Satan the bad guy

Fairy tales still convey truth just like all fiction alludes to fact. Am I telling you something that you didn't already know? You are how old? Damn. Since what was intended to be understood by the children of ancient Hebrew shepherds and tent dwelling nomads remains above your grasp I suggest you find another hobby. If reading isn't your strong suit your writing couldn't possibly be.

You are pretty entertaining though. Have you ever considered tap dancing for nickels?
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If there is a personal GOD BEING as Christians claim, that casts people into hell, where they will be kept conscious by this deity forever, experiencing excruciating pain and suffering, because they didn't convert to a particular religion, then yes this deity is a sadist.

If this conscious deity created this world, with all of its current pain and suffering, without planning to compensate every sentient being for their pain and suffering, then yes this deity is indeed a sadist.
If there is a personal GOD BEING as Christians claim, that casts people into hell, where they will be kept conscious by this deity forever, experiencing excruciating pain and suffering, because they didn't convert to a particular religion, then yes this deity is a sadist.

If this conscious deity created this world, with all of its current pain and suffering, without planning to compensate every sentient being for their pain and suffering, then yes this deity is indeed a sadist.

lol.. Watching your attempts at reasoning is like watching a baby taking its first steps. :113:.

Keep at it! One day you might stand up and walk like a man.
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That's not what I said....
--but it's what I was talking about & I was unaware that u changed the subject. Could we agree that we won't know the nature of our afterlife until our bodies are dead?

...Jesus came upon a blind man, wrote something on the ground, made a paste of spit and mud, and smeared it over his eyes. He then put his hand over that and asked him what he saw. The man said he saw trees walking around and after Jesus told him to take another harder look the man said that he saw men.

How could the man see anything with spit and mud and a hand over his eyes? This shows that it was a healing of perception not sight as in scripture men are often compared to trees like in Eden where there were many trees with fruit (of the mind) that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

Jesus taught the man how to use his imagination in a rational way in order to understand the metaphors used in scripture and then the blind man could 'see' perhaps for the first time in his life.

A miracle!
That has import. Please save me a lot of time digging and share w/ me which passage in the Bible that came from.
lol.. Watching your attempts at reasoning is like watching a baby take its first steps. :113:.

Keep at it! One day you might stand up and walk like a man.

How can you believe that your god isn't a sadist if he's going to torture 99.9% of humanity in hell for not converting to Christianity or whichever other religion you might follow?
--but it's what I was talking about & I was unaware that u changed the subject. Could we agree that we won't know the nature of our afterlife until our bodies are dead?

That has import. Please save me a lot of time digging and share w/ me which passage in the Bible that came from.
We don't know if there is an afterlife, that's an open question. Even people who have died physically for a few minutes and had an experience, don't really know if that experience was caused by their brains when they were dead. Just because our current technology doesn't pick up any brain activity, doesn't imply that there isn't any activity at some level not yet detectable. More, we don't know whether these experiences were generated by the brain right before they died or when they were returning to life. Furthermore, it might be possible that brains generate some sort of energy field outside of the body, that can extend consciousness beyond our physical bodies, giving us the false impression that we can exist "outside" of our bodies. When the body, including the brain, dies and breaks down physically, this phenomenon of the brain extending awareness beyond the body, ceases to exist.

So we simply don't have enough information to conclude that there is an afterlife. I do believe in the existence of "invisible entities", so-called spirits because I have had the experience of the paranormal. But the fact that there are these intelligent entities that we can't generally perceive with our five senses, doesn't imply that these entities are who they say they are. They might be extraterrestrials from another planet or dimension and not disincarnate souls of the human dead. They might be an artificial intelligence (ET technology). There's a lot we don't know, hence we shouldn't conclude much from the paranormal or supernatural phenomena. Every religion recognizes the existence of these invisible entities, so-called "ghosts", demons, jinn..etc. So this reality doesn't prove Christian religious dogma or any other religion's theology.

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--but it's what I was talking about & I was unaware that u changed the subject. Could we agree that we won't know the nature of our afterlife until our bodies are dead?

No. I am saying the exact opposite. Anyone can know God and experience life in his kingdom on earth if the purify their minds, become refined, and enter through the narrow gate before the body dies.

That has import. Please save me a lot of time digging and share w/ me which passage in the Bible that came from.

I seemed to have combined two stories. sorry. See Mark 8:22-25. Still, no one can see anything with spit, mud, and a hand over their eyes. It was obviously a healing of perception, not sight.
How can you believe that your god isn't a sadist if he's going to torture 99.9% of humanity in hell for not converting to Christianity or whichever other religion you might follow?

You have confused religious dogma with what is actually written, probably because you never bothered to read it for yourself. If hell exists its on earth but only in the mind of confused or deranged people believing in or complaining about an afterlife place of eternal torment designed by God for very very naughty people (even though it doesn't actually exist). That bastard! lol...

Some of the best times of my life were spent in the depths of hell. God really isn't such a meanie.
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No. I am saying the exact opposite. Anyone can know God and experience life in his kingdom on earth if the purify their minds, become refined, and enter through the narrow gate before the body dies...
Is there a chance what ur talking about is that through communion w/ our Creator we can be led to the certainty of an understanding of an after life? If that's what ur saying then it's something that you and I can share together but I'd have difficulty explaining to many others where knowledge is seen more w/ the 5 senses --people who don't (yet) have a divine rapport.

Just the same, my own study and meditation has not explained just what this "spiritual sight" is like. As far as I can see it cannot be examined jointly w/ others. It's a profoundly personal experience.
...I seemed to have combined two stories. sorry. See Mark 8:22-25. Still, no one can see anything with spit, mud, and a hand over their eyes. It was obviously a healing of perception, not sight.
After looking at the passage I don't see what ur saying. The Bible (to me at least) does not clearly say whether the sight was actual vision or was spiritual perception.
You have confused religious dogma with what is actually written, probably because you never bothered to read it for yourself. If hell exists its on earth but only in the mind of confused or deranged people believing in or complaining about an afterlife place of eternal torment designed by God for very very naughty people (even though it doesn't actually exist). That bastard! lol...

Some of the best times of my life were spent in the depths of hell. God really isn't such a meanie.

How am I confusing Christian or religious dogma with what is actually written? Dogma arises from an interpretation of what is written. Everyone has their interpretation or they turn off their brains and allow others to tell them what the meaning is of what is written. People often just blindly believe whatever their religious leaders tell them.

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