Zone1 Is God a sadist?

--but it's what I was talking about & I was unaware that u changed the subject. Could we agree that we won't know the nature of our afterlife until our bodies are dead?

That has import. Please save me a lot of time digging and share w/ me which passage in the Bible that came from.
I used to live in Costa Rica and Panama as an ex-pat. It was fun but I came back to the US.
After looking at the passage I don't see what ur saying. The Bible (to me at least) does not clearly say whether the sight was actual vision or was spiritual perception.

Jesus put mud and spit and a hand over the man's eyes and asked him what he saw. It doesn't say what type of healing it was. That's why intelligence is required. No one can see anything with mud in their eyes. Mud also has deeper implications. Obviously Jesus was healing perception not sight.

It doesn't clearly say that Jesus appeared to his disciples in dreams after he was crucified but that's the only realm where dead people can speak, eat, and pop in and out of locked rooms. Again the importance of ruminating, thinking deeply. Many people injure themselves by failing to do so.
Jesus put mud and spit and a hand over the man's eyes and asked him what he saw. It doesn't say what type of healing it was. That's why intelligence is required. No one can see anything with mud in their eyes. Mud also has deeper implications. Obviously Jesus was healing perception not sight...
Interesting, when I look at the passage I don't see anything about "mud". Is that from a differnt passage or is that something u remember from someplace somehow?
...It doesn't clearly say that Jesus appeared to his disciples in dreams after he was crucified but that's the only realm where dead people can speak, eat, and pop in and out of locked rooms. Again the importance of ruminating, thinking deeply. Many people injure themselves by failing to do so.
--and the exact nature of the Resurrection brings up yet another controversy, but one thing at a time.
Interesting, when I look at the passage I don't see anything about "mud". Is that from a differnt passage or is that something u remember from someplace somehow?

The same passage with a different translation, NIV, at the same site says Jesus spit on his eyes. John 9:1-12 says spit and mud. What difference does it make? If I spit in your eyes would you see better?

--and the exact nature of the Resurrection brings up yet another controversy, but one thing at a time.

There are two resurrections and there are two deaths.. The first resurrection is from the tomb of false religion or the grave of worldly pursuits, the second resurrection is from death of the body.

Those who take part in the first resurrection cannot be harmed by the second death, the death of the body, according to scripture that is....
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Jesus put mud and spit and a hand over the man's eyes and asked him what he saw. It doesn't say what type of healing it was. That's why intelligence is required. No one can see anything with mud in their eyes. Mud also has deeper implications. Obviously Jesus was healing perception not sight.

It doesn't clearly say that Jesus appeared to his disciples in dreams after he was crucified but that's the only realm where dead people can speak, eat, and pop in and out of locked rooms. Again the importance of ruminating, thinking deeply. Many people injure themselves by failing to do so.

That's your personal mystical interpretation and speculation. Your esoteric ideas are just that, yours. Subjective. It doesn't prove anything in reality much less obligate anyone to accept it.
That's your personal mystical interpretation and speculation. Your esoteric ideas are just that, yours. Subjective. It doesn't prove anything in reality much less obligate anyone to accept it.

There is nothing personal, mystical, or speculative about anything that I said. In fact it is the only way to understand the story that conforms to and is confirmed by reality by kindergarten teachers worldwide who open the eyes of their students in their classes who were blind to the knowledge of metaphors, analogies, homonyms, hyperbole, similis, parables, etc., used in every fairy tale, myth, or fable written by intelligent people who want to convey hard learned lessons of the past or a practical teaching about harsh realities and knowledge of good and evil they will experience in life.

BTW, I really couldn't give two shits if you can accept that simple truth or not
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-- what happens to the "unique spiritual content" after physical death? My take is that it's really hard to get clear data either way on that question.

could be partially an evolutionary answer, the spiritual content detaching itself from their physiology to live - as a ghost - and maybe to return to replenish itself till fully viable.

what that might entail for reproduction and other things is a little hard to put together ... unless replenishment is accomplished somehow in the everlasting for a freed spirit under present circumstances, being "good" and all. before the evolutionary change is accomplished.

- a ghost having a kid. no more global warming driving a car.
could be partially an evolutionary answer, the spiritual content detaching itself from their physiology to live - as a ghost - and maybe to return to replenish itself till fully viable.

what that might entail for reproduction and other things is a little hard to put together ... unless replenishment is accomplished somehow in the everlasting for a freed spirit under present circumstances, being "good" and all. before the evolutionary change is accomplished.

- a ghost having a kid. no more global warming driving a car.
That's the best part, lots of "coulds" and "mights". Like, maybe we could have an elephant snout that spews money and orgasms. After that---

Then again, if I pick at the metaphor too much it'll never heal.
The same passage with a different translation, NIV, at the same site says Jesus spit on his eyes. John 9:1-12 says spit and mud. What difference does it make? If I spit in your eyes would you see better?...
Thanks, but in John what I get is that he got mud and Jesus said to wash it off and AFTER he washed it off he could see. There's no mention of perception, just seeing.
...There are two resurrections and there are two deaths.. The first resurrection is from the tomb of false religion or the grave of worldly pursuits, the second resurrection is from death of the body.

Those who take part in the first resurrection cannot be harmed by the second death, the death of the body, according to scripture that is....
Once again we seem to be getting into a lot of stuff that's not in any standard Bible translation.
Or maybe an abolitionist?

Just ask him, you never no
There is nothing personal, mystical, or speculative about anything that I said. In fact it is the only way to understand the story that conforms to and is confirmed by reality by kindergarten teachers worldwide who open the eyes of their students in their classes who were blind to the knowledge of metaphors, analogies, homonyms, hyperbole, similis, parables, etc., used in every fairy tale, myth, or fable written by intelligent people who want to convey hard learned lessons of the past or a practical teaching about harsh realities and knowledge of good and evil they will experience in life.

BTW, I really couldn't give two shits if you can accept that simple truth or not

You're assuming that such metaphoric meaning applies to the stories about Jesus as in the case you mentioned with Jesus healing the blind man. There is nothing in that text that would suggest, much less demand a metaphorical interpretation.
The earth was made for the purposes of righteousness and not for the purposes of evil. God cleansed the earth with the flooding of waters because all had become evil except 8 souls. When Jesus comes again, he will cleanse the earth with fire. He will save the righteous and destroy again the wicked.

you are wrong, they will only come back after the die is cast - all will perish or none.
You're assuming that such metaphoric meaning applies to the stories about Jesus as in the case you mentioned with Jesus healing the blind man. There is nothing in that text that would suggest, much less demand a metaphorical interpretation.

Whenever reading fairy tales myths or fantastical stories,whether about healing the blind, raising the dead, or a big bad wolf, one must always include reality in their speculations in order to 'see', comprehend, the moral teaching and hard learned lessons of the past as it applies to real life.

When a baby cries you give it milk that nourishes and satisfies, not urine. When a child asks about the greater world outside the home you give fairytales, to teach and prepare. Not a crock of shit.

The only exception may be communists, fed propaganda, bullshit, since birth.....
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Thanks, but in John what I get is that he got mud and Jesus said to wash it off and AFTER he washed it off he could see. There's no mention of perception, just seeing.
Hello? Is anyone home? This is the earth. Duh. Do you really believe that it was a healing of sight and not perception just because it isn't specified? If so, you understand neither scripture nor the power of God and have descended into the realm of the dead where confusion and darkness reign

"Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped" Isaiah 35:5

“I am the Lord; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness."

The subject of opening the eyes of the blind cannot be about anything else but perception. How is it that you do not know this even after singing amazing grace? Did you not hear the words of your own voice?? You have eyes, yet do you not perceive , you have ears, yet you do not understand.

What's your problem? Are you drunk on Jesus juice? Did you ever eat a matzo for spiritual life?

Once again we seem to be getting into a lot of stuff that's not in any standard Bible translation.
We? How many of you are there?

Not in any translation? lol. right. If whoever 'we' is says so. However 'we' might want to take a harder and closer look before "we" goes running for a touchdown. Do "we"selves a favor. Never play poker unless "we" doesn't care about losing everything, including what "we" thinks "we" have.
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Whenever reading fairy tales myths or fantastical stories,whether about healing the blind, raising the dead, or a big bad wolf, one must always include reality in their speculations in order to 'see', comprehend, the moral teaching and hard learned lessons of the past as it applies to real life.

When a baby cries you give it milk that nourishes and satisfies, not urine. When a child asks about the greater world outside the home you give fairytales, to teach and prepare. Not a crock of shit.

The only exception may be communists, fed propaganda, bullshit, since birth.....
R (3).gif


Is that really the best you could come up with, mr. self proclaimed communist fanatic? Damn.

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that communist crap has done to your brain.

I hate to break the news to you comrade, but if you were trying to promote your delusional communist ideology that is contradicted by actual reality you have failed miserably. Your wealthy superiors will not be pleased with your pathetic performance. There will be consequences. Enjoy!
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Is that really the best you could come up with, mr. self proclaimed communist fanatic? Damn.

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that communist crap has done to your brain.

I hate to break the news to you comrade, but if you were trying to promote your delusional communist ideology that is contradicted by actual reality you have failed miserably. Your wealthy superiors will not be pleased with your pathetic performance. There will be consequences. Enjoy!

What does this thread have to do with politics or socialism? Do you want to debate socialism and capitalism? Open another thread and send me the link and I'll meet you there. You're apparently very ignorant about socialism. If you want to debate the subject, open a thread on that topic.

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