Zone1 Is God a sadist?

Ah, so correct me if I'm wrong but I'm getting the idea that ur ok w/ God killing everything, but that ur disapprove of Him being "pissed" while he does the killing. Like, are u ok w/ him not caring? Horny? Amused? or is it just "pissed" that u take issue w/?
No, I think God was a real Douche Bag for killing everything on earth
No, I think God was a real Douche Bag for killing everything on earth
Ah, so now what I'm getting from u is that you want everything living thing to continue to live forever --you want to outlaw death itself. We're going around in circles here, maybe we could come back to this at a later time.
Right it's beyond our comprehension. I get that. I was talking about something else.


The only way to know by experience and with absolute certainty what life will be like in the kingdom of Heaven after you die is to enter the kingdom of Heaven before you die. So just do it.
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The life promised to mortals for complying with the divine commands is not about biological life since the promise was made to people who were already alive and the death promised for setting aside the instruction of the Law is not about physical mortality since people have always died.

It follows then that the subject of "do not murder" is about not teaching others to set aside the will of God which results in death, a curse, their way of defining insanity, a departure from reality, life.
Interesting thought about not murdering our fellow beings spiritually. In the Bible it teaches of both a spiritual life and an physical life. The spiritual life that we can have with God if we follow Jesus is known as "Eternal Life" in the scriptures. The physical immortal life of the body is also taught and is referred to as "Immortality".
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The only way to know by experience and with absolute certainty what life will be like in the kingdom of Heaven after you die is to enter the kingdom of Heaven before you die. So just do it.
--and what we got is that the only way to know for sure the nature of our hereafter is to die. Of course what ever nature it is it won't be using our brains because that's part of our physical body --returning to dust. We won't be thinking, we won't be seeing, it'll be something else. My conclusion is to simply not worry about it and return to the here & now.
--and what we got is that the only way to know for sure the nature of our hereafter is to die. Of course what ever nature it is it won't be using our brains because that's part of our physical body --returning to dust. We won't be thinking, we won't be seeing, it'll be something else. My conclusion is to simply not worry about it and return to the here & now.
Our spirit has a mind and eyes which will exist beyond the grave.
So what. That people die is a sign of God's mercy. Would you really want to run around this planet forever? Sheesh!

You haven't given this much thought, have you.

Is killing the first born of Egypt because you are pissed at the pharaoh mercy too?
The earth was made for the purposes of righteousness and not for the purposes of evil. God cleansed the earth with the flooding of waters because all had become evil except 8 souls. When Jesus comes again, he will cleanse the earth with fire. He will save the righteous and destroy again the wicked.
The earth was made for the purposes of righteousness and not for the purposes of evil. God cleansed the earth with the flooding of waters because all had become evil except 8 souls. When Jesus comes again, he will cleanse the earth with fire. He will save the righteous and destroy again the wicked.

Flooding the earth and killing all the creatures seems like something Satan would do
Interesting thought about not murdering our fellow beings spiritually. In the Bible it teaches of both a spiritual life and an physical life. The spiritual life that we can have with God if we follow Jesus is known as "Eternal Life" in the scriptures. The physical immortal life of the body is also taught and is referred to as "Immortality".

Why would a benevolent God, who is spirit, be concerned with any other death? It is not His will that people lose their sanity, their soul, and suffer unspeakable torment and suffering on earth.

Hence the instruction in the law, to be holy as God is holy, and maintain sanctity and sanity, to purify and refine the mind, the seat of consciousness, through which everything is perceived.
Flooding the earth and killing all the creatures seems like something Satan would do

Ahem. Nothing would be alive now if every creature on earth was killed in the flood.

You're like the guy in the George Carlin album routine who asked the priest in catholic school if God could make a rock so big that even he couldn't lift it.

Did you get angry with God when you heard the story where the big bad wolf ate grandma?
Ahem. Nothing would be alive now if every creature on earth was killed in the flood.

You're like the guy in the George Carlin album routine who asked the priest in catholic school if God could make a rock so big that even he couldn't lift it.

Did you get angry with God when you heard the story where the big bad wolf ate grandma?

OK….God killed every creature on earth and the firstborn children of Egypt

What did Satan do that was as bad as that?
--and it's a mind and eyes that don't use our brains & eyeballs --they use something else that we don't (can't) know about.

There is nothing unknown that will not be made known, nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

When Jesus healed the blind man, it was a healing of perception not sight.
OK….God killed every creature on earth and the firstborn children of Egypt

What did Satan do that was as bad as that?

When Satan beguiled adam and eve into defying the command of God they were expelled from paradise, lost their sanity for life. In many ways that's a fate far worse than biological death.

And shit. You might as well be asking where God was when the big bad wolf ate grandma.. Damn.

People died in the flood? God must be a real meanie. You are missing the entire point of the story.

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