Is God Punishing Haiti?

Pat Robertson Blames Earthquake on Pact Haitians Made with Satan - Political Punch

On the Christian Broadcasting Network’s “700 Club” today, after a lengthy interview with a missionary who talked about helping the victims earthquake in Haiti, Rev. Pat Robertson had some interesting thoughts as to why the earthquake struck the impoverished nation:

"And you know, Kristi, something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it.

“They were under the heel of the French, uh, you know Napoleon the 3rd and whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the Devil.

“They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.'

“True story.

“And so the Devil said, 'Okay, it's a deal.’

“And, uh, they kicked the French out, you know, with Haitians revolted and got themselves free.

“But ever since they have been cursed by, by one thing after another, desperately poor.

The devil?

Not so bad. Most conservatives worship Pat Robertson.

That's repugnant.
Unmitigate B.S.
Pat Robertson is the right's James Carville; equally repugnant
And the situation in Haiti is an example of the work of the French.
Pat holds a view of Christianity that is based on "God likes me better than he likes you" He uses this to hold his view of Christian behavior up as an example for all to follow. Those who don't are devils and deserving of whatever ills befall them.
Same guy who said we deserved 9-11 because of immoral behavior

Pat is welcome to believe whatever idiotic nonsense he feels appropriate. Some of us are still waiting for the proof that MOST conservatives agree with him. Of course, proof will not be forthcoming because you cannot prove what is not true.
the funniest thing about this thread and the IRONY of predictable defensiveness....

if pat were a muslim and saying shit like this on a video... that was widely distributed via the internet... you silly bastards would INSIST that he is not only a blanket representative of every muslim on the planet BUT that his batshit crazy take on spirituality DEFINES said faith in general.

Not too long ago I was asked by some nutter asshole at USMB, who was trying real hard to pin the world's muslims against the fucked up opinion of a radical muslim on VIDEO, to show him a christian acting is the same fashion. Indeed, I pulled up a cornucopia of Pat Robertson videos and quotes and then ALL OF A SUDDEN it's apples and oranges. You people have a real problem with consistency. If you are willing to stereotype and generalize muslims because of some radical asshole with more hot air than sense then maybe, MAYBE you silly fuckers should stop acting so butt hurt when ole Pat says dumb shit and you find yourselves distancing yourselves from his goofy fucking statements.

for REAL.
I wonder if anyone on here voted for him?

Uhhh... nope.. was a registered DEM at that time... out of my pure ignorance.. and with that ignorance cast my vote for Dukakis in both the primary and the Presidential general election

The inference being, "If I had known he had this much insight, I would have voted for Pat Robertson". Imagine, a president with a direct line to God.

The inference being what? How on earth did you get that inference from the comment you referred to?

Good grief, rdean, you one dumbass idiot.
Can you be more specific? Exactly what did he say about 911 and Katrina that in your opinion was hateful. You're making the claim now show some direct quotes. I never watch the guy but you seem to, why would you watch someone that you believe spews hatred? That says a lot about you, don't it.

Should not one know his enemy?

Your claiming Pat is your enemy. That doesn't sound hateful, does it? I admire how tolerant the left is. :doubt:

So I hate all those who I classify as enemy?
I do not hate you.
I'd like to see that proof myself. I've been a Christian conservative my entire life and I've never really liked Pat Robertson. Personally I think the guy is a loon but I believe he means well.

Where is the "well" in condemning Haitians?

Point out where he condemned the Haitians. From what I've read he's stating his opinion on why Haiti is in the condition its in. Haiti's pact with the Devil is not something he just made up.

How does he know? Was that old asshole there? I know he is old enough! Isn't he the one who was in business with Mugabe in Africa?
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Should not one know his enemy?

Your claiming Pat is your enemy. That doesn't sound hateful, does it? I admire how tolerant the left is. :doubt:

So I hate all those who I classify as enemy?
I do not hate you.

You have failed to provide direct quotes from Pat that you deem is spewing hatred. Then you go on to say that you hate Pat Roberts as he is your enemy and I can only surmise that you also hate all those that support Pat. Tell me where does your hatred of Pat stem from?

Isn't it ironic that you claim Pat is a spewer of hate while your the only one that admits to hating someone else. Has Pat ever said he hated the Haitians or gays? If so then please provide those quotes.
Where is the "well" in condemning Haitians?

Point out where he condemned the Haitians. From what I've read he's stating his opinion on why Haiti is in the condition its in. Haiti's pact with the Devil is not something he just made up.

How does he know? Was that old asshole there? I know he is old enough? Isn't he the one who was in business with Mugabe in Africa?

How do you know? Were you there?
Your claiming Pat is your enemy. That doesn't sound hateful, does it? I admire how tolerant the left is. :doubt:

So I hate all those who I classify as enemy?
I do not hate you.

You have failed to provide direct quotes from Pat that you deem is spewing hatred. Then you go on to say that you hate Pat Roberts as he is your enemy and I can only surmise that you also hate all those that support Pat. Tell me where does your hatred of Pat stem from?

Isn't it ironic that you claim Pat is a spewer of hate while your the only one that admits to hating someone else. Has Pat ever said he hated the Haitians or gays? If so then please provide those quotes.

Claiming gays are respoonsible for 911 and Katrina is not expressing hatred?
Saying they will burn in hell for all eternity is not expressing hatred?
There is no such thing as god. How pathetic.

What if tyhere is a god. How would you explain the disaster facing Haiti, hmmm

A rare disaster? A typical Earthquake ? A natural Phenomenon?

Those answers are what nonbelivers use to quiet the begging quetions in their souls to the one and only God!! Praise the lord, rdean. Or you will descend to H.E.L.L.!!

(I guess I better stop playing the delusional believer before I actually start angering some folks:tongue:)

Do not anger Poe's Law for he is a vengeful master.
The devil?

Not so bad. Most conservatives worship Pat Robertson.

That's repugnant.
Where do you get these rediculous ideas?

Prove to me that MOST conservatives worship Pat robinson.

Show proof of that ludicrous statement.
Just open your eyes. Hatred is one of the defining attributes of Conservatism and Pat Robertson is a High Priest of Hatred.

That is one of the dumbest assessments I have ever seen, what you smokin? :lol::lol:
BRB, gotta get more popcorn.:popcorn:
the funniest thing about this thread and the IRONY of predictable defensiveness....

if pat were a muslim and saying shit like this on a video... that was widely distributed via the internet... you silly bastards would INSIST that he is not only a blanket representative of every muslim on the planet BUT that his batshit crazy take on spirituality DEFINES said faith in general.

Not too long ago I was asked by some nutter asshole at USMB, who was trying real hard to pin the world's muslims against the fucked up opinion of a radical muslim on VIDEO, to show him a christian acting is the same fashion. Indeed, I pulled up a cornucopia of Pat Robertson videos and quotes and then ALL OF A SUDDEN it's apples and oranges. You people have a real problem with consistency. If you are willing to stereotype and generalize muslims because of some radical asshole with more hot air than sense then maybe, MAYBE you silly fuckers should stop acting so butt hurt when ole Pat says dumb shit and you find yourselves distancing yourselves from his goofy fucking statements.

for REAL.

Hypocrisy a traditional right wing value.
Pat Robertson was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President and his Regent University Law School (a tier 4th in ranking of law schools - that means the bottom) put 150 of it's graduates in the Bush II Administration (see: Scandal puts spotlight on Christian law school - The Boston Globe).
Pat Roberson is an example of the right wing fringe of American politics, and it's most infamous graduate - to date - Monica Goodling was charged with vetting the Justice Department in the Bush Administration for the necessary social conservative purity.
Many public figures make gaffes; Roebertson is not one of them. He means what he says, and his meaning is unmistakeable - the end justifies the means.
I watched Pat say his goals were to take over America. This was many years ago. The lawyers the university would graduate were his stated tools in the conguering of America.

He said it, I remember it.

He was also VERY pro Bush.
the funniest thing about this thread and the IRONY of predictable defensiveness....

if pat were a muslim and saying shit like this on a video... that was widely distributed via the internet... you silly bastards would INSIST that he is not only a blanket representative of every muslim on the planet BUT that his batshit crazy take on spirituality DEFINES said faith in general.

Not too long ago I was asked by some nutter asshole at USMB, who was trying real hard to pin the world's muslims against the fucked up opinion of a radical muslim on VIDEO, to show him a christian acting is the same fashion. Indeed, I pulled up a cornucopia of Pat Robertson videos and quotes and then ALL OF A SUDDEN it's apples and oranges. You people have a real problem with consistency. If you are willing to stereotype and generalize muslims because of some radical asshole with more hot air than sense then maybe, MAYBE you silly fuckers should stop acting so butt hurt when ole Pat says dumb shit and you find yourselves distancing yourselves from his goofy fucking statements.

for REAL.

Hypocrisy a traditional right wing value.
Pat Robertson was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President and his Regent University Law School (a tier 4th in ranking of law schools - that means the bottom) put 150 of it's graduates in the Bush II Administration (see: Scandal puts spotlight on Christian law school - The Boston Globe).
Pat Roberson is an example of the right wing fringe of American politics, and it's most infamous graduate - to date - Monica Goodling was charged with vetting the Justice Department in the Bush Administration for the necessary social conservative purity.
Many public figures make gaffes; Roebertson is not one of them. He means what he says, and his meaning is unmistakeable - the end justifies the means.

I don't know that i'd call hypocrisy a "traditional right wing value"... but certainly a lot of traditional right wingers are hypocritical. We lefties have our hypocrites too.
Pat holds a view of Christianity that is based on "God likes me better than he likes you" He uses this to hold his view of Christian behavior up as an example for all to follow. Those who don't are devils and deserving of whatever ills befall them.
Same guy who said we deserved 9-11 because of immoral behavior

Pat is welcome to believe whatever idiotic nonsense he feels appropriate. Some of us are still waiting for the proof that MOST conservatives agree with him. Of course, proof will not be forthcoming because you cannot prove what is not true.

I have to agree with you here, CA Girl.

That being said....there ARE enough people supporting and believing what Robertson says for him to start and run a successful TV show. There are enough people supporting and believing Robertson for him to have a successful TV Network. There are enough people supporting and believing Robertson for him to have made a run for President. That is WAY too many, IMO.
So I hate all those who I classify as enemy?
I do not hate you.

You have failed to provide direct quotes from Pat that you deem is spewing hatred. Then you go on to say that you hate Pat Roberts as he is your enemy and I can only surmise that you also hate all those that support Pat. Tell me where does your hatred of Pat stem from?

Isn't it ironic that you claim Pat is a spewer of hate while your the only one that admits to hating someone else. Has Pat ever said he hated the Haitians or gays? If so then please provide those quotes.

Claiming gays are respoonsible for 911 and Katrina is not expressing hatred?
Saying they will burn in hell for all eternity is not expressing hatred?

Not if you are floating on that river in Egypt it's not.
That's your opinion. Oblige me with some examples of him spewing hatred.

Blaming 911 and Katrina on Gays and such?

Just watch the guy a bit you will learn.
Good to watch him at a party and every time he says liberals have a shot.
A pretty fast drunk.

Can you be more specific? Exactly what did he say about 911 and Katrina that in your opinion was hateful. You're making the claim now show some direct quotes. I never watch the guy but you seem to, why would you watch someone that you believe spews hatred? That says a lot about you, don't it.


He and Falwell got together on this one, on the 9/11/2001 attack,

Pat Robertson's Comments Preceding the Falwell Interview:

PAT ROBERTSON: And we have thought that we're invulnerable. And we have been so concerned about money. We have been so concerned about material things. The interests of people are on their health and their finances, and on their pleasures and on their sexuality, and while this is going on while we're self-absorbed and the churches as well as in the population, we have allowed rampant pornography on the internet. We have allowed rampant secularism and occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in our society. We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said we're going to legislate you out of the schools. We're going to take your commandments from off the courthouse steps in various states. We're not going to let little children read the commandments of God. We're not going to let the Bible be read, no prayer in our schools. We have insulted God at the highest levels of our government. And, then we say 'why does this happen?'


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]A group of fundamentalist leaders issued a joint statement about the Sept 11 attacks:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]"Our choices have consequences. Our rebellion has results. In many ways, the results of the recent days are a reflection of the crumbling foundation of America. [It is] now easier in many schools to bring a weapon than a Bible. Commandments are out and condoms are in....Our rebellion is bringing us destruction and allowing our enemies to triumph over us. We need to pray that God will restore the walls of his protection around our nation." [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Signers include: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson (Christian Coalition); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]D. James Kennedy (Coral Ridge Ministries); [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Charles W. Colson (Prison Fellowship);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Dobson (Focus on the Family);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]James Merritt (Southern Baptist Convention);[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Lloyd Ogilvie (U.S. Senate chaplain)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]And on Katrina[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, some religious conservatives have speculated that the storm was sent by God as an omen or as a punishment for America's alleged sins. Media Matters for America has documented such statements from three religious conservative media figures: Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsey, and Charles Colson. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Pat Robertson: Katrina linked to legalized abortion[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 12 broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, host Rev. Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former Republican presidential candidate, linked Hurricane Katrina and terrorist attacks to legalized abortion:
ROBERTSON: You know, it's just amazing, though, that people say the litmus test for [Supreme Court nominee John G.] Roberts [Jr.] is whether or not he supports the wholesale slaughter of unborn children. We have killed over 40 million unborn babies in America. I was reading, yesterday, a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood. And he used the term that those who do this, "the land will vomit you out." That -- you look at your -- you look at the book of Leviticus and see what it says there. And this author of this said, "well 'vomit out' means you are not able to defend yourself." But have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected in some way? And he goes down the list of the things that God says will cause a nation to lose its possession, and to be vomited out. And the amazing thing is, a judge has now got to say, "I will support the wholesale slaughter of innocent children" in order to get confirmed to the bench. And I am sure Judge Roberts is not going to say any such thing. But nevertheless, that's the litmus test that's being put on, the very thing that could endanger our nation. And it's very interesting. Read the bible, read Leviticus, see what it says there.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]On the September 1 broadcast of The 700 Club, Robertson also claimed that, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Roberts can "be thankful that a tragedy has brought him some good," inasmuch as Democratic senators may be less likely to question him aggressively.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif]Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States | Media Matters for America[/FONT]
~Yes Israel is murdering and warring , but ISRAEL isnt invoking DEMONS, and the ANCIENT Gods of HELL.~

America is NOT exempt though ,

In THIS country we have Brutal Satanists , who Abduct Children and

Adults to , RAPE , TORTURE , and Brutalize thier bodies to The Ancient

Gods of Hell. Sabbatean - Frankists Like : Abortionist Doctor Philip Kitner

of Asheville North Carolina, Abortionist Doctor Warren Hern of Boulder Co,

Norma Fitzwater of Ohio, Michael and Lilth Aquino of St. Louis Mo.

These Yezidiya ( Aramic Satan -Set -Hell Worshippers) REALLY do Torture

humans, Eat them and Drink thier blood. The saw children's faces off with

bandsaws, in satanic rituals .throw people into vats of battery acid ; ,

skin theme alive and eat them .

....all while filming this with cameras to sell blackmarket and make extra monies.

These ceremonies take place in the Caverens on the border of Murphy North Carolina and Tennessee.

Our Country is JUST AS EVIL as Haiti..

Go here to see actual drawing from an EX victim of the Aquinos.

(had to disable , please add '"wx3 " & periods between the spaces please )

revolutionzone co za/art php

... my point is THE USA is NOT exempt.


You are insane!

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